Magnolia Index Volumes I to XXXVI.3 (1983 to October 2024). This index is updated when a new issue is completed.

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Abbeville, SC

Mysteries of a Mid-19th-Century Garden in, 2014;XXVII.3:1

Trinity Episcopal Church landscape in, 1989;VI.2:7

Abbot, John

Porcelain and Decorative Arts Museum and, 2021;XXXIV.1:7

Abbott, Anne H.

correction, in the news, 2004;XIX.1:10

New Orleans annual meeting (2004) speaker, 2003;XVIII.4:8, 2004;XIX.2:12

in the news, 2000;XV.3:16

Abbott, Carlton S.

Biltmore annual meeting speaker, 1998;XIV.2:1

Blue Ridge Parkway and, 2013;XXVI.2:1

Abbott, Stanley W.

as Blue Ridge Parkway visionary planner, 2013;XXVI.2:1

Lynchburg annual meeting on, 2013;XXVI.2:5

Abbuehl, Edward

Blue Ridge Parkway and, 2013;XXVI.2:1

Abby Aldrich Rockefeller Folk Art Center

annual meeting tours, 1994;X.2:8

Abe, Naoko

The Sakura Obsession: The Incredible Story of the Plant Hunter Who Saved Japan’s Cherry Blossoms (review), 2019;XXXII.4:7

Abercrombie, John

Farmer Washington at Mount Vernon, 1759-1799, 2000;XV.3:1

Ables, Robert L.

Charter Member, 2002;XVII.4:16

Abramsons' garden, Alexandria, VA

Mount Vernon annual meeting tours, 2022;XXXIV.4:1

Abt, Jeff

The Bluebonnet and the Fair Ladies of Texas, 2016;XXIX.1:11

“Documents: The Gardening Sentiments of an Early Texas Pioneer” (in print), 1991;VII.3:11

East Texas lumber town landscapes, circa 1900, 1993;IX.4:12

The gardening sentiments of an early Texas pioneer, 1989;VI.1:4

in the news, 2017;XXX.4:11

Texas State Ambassador’s Present “300 Years of Plants on the Move,” 2018;XXXI.4:11

Abt, Leabeth

“Documents: The Gardening Sentiments of an Early Texas Pioneer” (in print), 1991;VII.3:11

The gardening sentiments of an early Texas pioneer, 1989;VI.1:4

An Abundance of Flowers: More Great Flower Breeders of the Past (Taylor)

in print, 2018;XXXI.4:15

ACE Basin, near Charleston, SC

Charleston annual meeting tours, 2015;XXVIII.4:12, 2016;XXIX.2:1

Adam, John P.

as Auckland Garden History Society chair, 1992;IX.1:15

Adams, Bud, garden, Alexandria, VA

Mount Vernon annual meeting tours, 2022;XXXIV.4:1

Adams, Cathy

State Ambassadors Program and, 2017;XXX.3:10

Adams, Cathy and Tom, garden

Birmingham annual meeting tours, 2019;XXXII.2:6

Adams, Denise Wiles

American Home Landscapes: A Design Guide to Creating Period Styles (with Burchfield, in print), 2014;XXVII.2:7

on horticulture in Jefferson’s Day, 2004;XIX.2:10

in the news, 2001;XVI.3:13, 2012;XXV.1:6

Restoring American Gardens: An Encyclopedia of Heirloom Ornamental Plants, 1640-1940 (in print), 2003;XVIII.4:15

Restoring American Gardens: An Encyclopedia of Heirloom Ornamental Plants, 1640-1940 (review), 2004;XIX.1:15

Unearthing the Past, RSGL conference, 2005;XX.1:10, 2005;XX.2:10

Adams, John

Landscape Restoration at Thomas Jefferson’s Poplar Forest, 2012;XXV.4:1

Adams, Robert Parker

Eudora Welty House Garden Opens to Public, 2004;XIX.1:10

Adams, Thomas

as Burnside, Hillsborough, NC gardener, 1995;XI.3:1

Adams, William Howard

Keeping Eden: A History of Gardening in America (in print) and, 1992;IX.1:13

Nature Perfected: Gardens through History (in print), 1992;IX.1:13

Adatto, Dr. and Mrs. Kenneth, garden

New Orleans annual meeting tour, 2004;XIX.2:12

Addison, Joseph

Drayton Hall and the Michaux Connection, 2003;XVIII.2:1

Adkins, Barbara

Alabama SGHS State Ambassadors meeting and, 2024;XXXVI.3:9

Charleston annual meeting tours, 2016;XXIX.2:1

nominated to SGHS Board, 2021;XXXIV.1:2

Adkins, Barbara and Sonny, garden

Birmingham annual meeting tours, 2019;XXXII.2:6

Adler, Georgia

Eastern Shore, MD annual meeting and, 1996;XII.3:7

Aesculus parviflora

as Bartram botanical discovery, 2024;XXXVI.2:1

Aesculus sylvatica (painted buckeye)

as Bartram botanical discovery, 2024;XXXVI.2:1

Affleck, Thomas

apple varieties offered (1850-1851) by, 2024;XXXVI.3:1

A Brief Landscape History of Baton Rouge, 2011;XXIV.3:1

on hedging, 1991;VII.4:11

as innovative nurseryman and garden writer in Texas, 1991;VIII.1:5

on lack of variety of trees and shrubs in Natchez, 1996;XII.4:1

Mrs. Balfour: An Antebellum Vicksburg Gardener, 2002;XVII.3:1

“The Old Texas Rose” newsletter on roses of, 1984;I.1:6

Perennial Garden Color for Texas and the South (Welch) on, 1989;V.4:5

Plants grown by Jacob Smith, 1844–1859 in Arkansas and, 1990;VI.4:3

roses of, 1991;VIII.1:7

roses of Natchez and, 1993;X.1:13

African-American Gardens and Yards in the Rural South (Westmacott)

Magnolia evolution and, 2002;XVII.4:5

in print, 1993;IX.3:14

African Americans. See also slavery and enslaved people

Anne Spencer’s garden, 2005;XX.1:7

Anne Spencer’s Garden Restoration Continues, 2018;XXXI.3:6

Cherokee Garden Library collections representing, 2021;XXXIV.2:1

Clermont Lee, (1914-2006) and, 2014;XXVII.2:1

colonial Williamsburg landscape and, 1994;X.4:1

contemporary, historical roots and traditions of gardens in southern piedmont of, 1988;IV.3:12

Daffodils in Cemeteries and, 2003;XVIII.2:7

Daffodils in Georgia’s Landscape, 2008;XXI.4:1

David Williston: First Negro Landscape Architect, 2017;XXX.3:5

Feeding the American South, RSGL conference, 2013;XXVI.1:11

gardens and yards in the rural South of, 1992;VIII.4:1

gardens in the ante-bellum and reconstruction eras in Georgia, research on, 1988;IV.3:12

Hidden Town Project, Old Salem, 2019;XXXII.3:1, 2021;XXXIII.3:16

Landscape, Race, and Culture, RSGL conference, 2019;XXXII.2:12

landscape symposium at North Carolina A&T University, 1995;XI.4:5

Learning from the Past, RSGL conference, 2015;XXVIII.2:7

as Melrose estate caretakers, Natchez, 1994;X.2:7

Oakland Cemetery’s Early Landscapes and, 2018;XXXI.1:6

Old City Cemetery, Lynchburg, VA and, 2013;XXVI.2:5

Places for the Spirit (Sills, in print), 2011;XXIV.3:10

Porcher and Charleston hospital for (1855), 2004;XIX.1:7

The Promised Land site near Centerville, Georgia and, 2021;XXXIV.2:1

Roots House, Falmouth, VA and, 2015;XXVIII.1:7

rural Southern, Westmacott’s study of traditional yards and gardens of, 1991;VIII.2:7

School Gardening in Virginia, 1898-1948, Preliminary Research results, 2006;XX.3:10

Second Anne Spencer Garden Restoration, 2010;XXIII.1:11

The Southern Vernacular Landscape, RSGL conference on, 1991;VII.4:7

as Thompson Lumber Co. employees, Willard, TX, circa 1900, 1993;IX.4:12

women, as gardeners, RSGL conference on, 1995;XII.1:1

African House

at Melrose Plantation, LA, 2023;XXXV.3:1

African legacy in American landscape

Learning from the Past, RSGL conference, 2015;XXVIII.2:7

Afton Villa, LA

Baton Rouge annual meeting tours, 2011;XXIV.3:7

remembering Genevieve Trimble and, 2023;XXXV.4:11

Southern Garden Symposium in, 1991;VIII.1:2

St. Francisville, LA annual meeting tours, 1990;VII.2:8, 1991;VII.4:1

Agecroft Hall, Richmond, VA

annual meeting tours, 1994;X.2:8

Agnes Scott College

as Draper landscape architecture client, 1986;III.1:6

The Agricultural History Newsletter

subscription information, 1991;VIII.1:11

Agricultural Resources of Georgia

on early tea cultivation in America, 1993;IX.2:10

Aguar, Charles E.

Earle S. Draper documentary and, 1986;III.1:6

Ahles, H. E.

Manual of the Vascular Flora of the Carolinas (with Radford and Bell), 1994;X.3:5

Ailanthus altissima

The “Awful Ailanthus” A Love-to-Hate Story, 2017;XXX.1:1

Ainsley Hall House, Columbia, SC

Historic Columbia’s management of, 2022;XXXIV.3:1

Airlee Gardens, Wilmington, NC

Wilmington, NC garden, 2023;XXXV.4:12

Wilmington annual meeting and, 2024;XXXVI.2:6

Aiton, William

Bartram’s botanical discoveries and, 2024;XXXVI.2:1

Aivaliotis, Basil

on Adina de Zavala’s roses, 2004;XIX.3:1

Alabama. See also Birmingham, AL

Battle-Friedman house garden update, 1988;IV.3:8

“Decorative Plants Around Historic Alabama Homes” (Orr), 1985;II.1:5, 1985;II.2:1, 1988;IV.4:3

garden history exhibit, 1986;II.3:4

The gardens and yards of African-Americans in the rural South, 1992;VIII.4:1

The landscapes of southern Alabama’s gulf coast, 1995;XI.4:1

news from state Magnolia editor, 1987;III.3:5

nineteenth century nursery catalogues from, 1988;IV.3:8

Olmsted in the Antebellum South, 2006;XX.4:1

“Ornamental Plantings in Eufaula” (Orr), 1985;II.1:5, 1985;II.2:1

roses in, still in cultivation (Stritikus list), 1988;IV.4:3

SGHS State Ambassadors Meeting, 2024;XXXVI.3:9

state Magnolia editor for, 1987;IV.1:14, 1987;IV.2:11, 1989;V.4:7, 1990;VII.2:15

Alabama Cooperative Extension Service. See also Stritikus, George R.

Magnolia evolution and, 2002;XVII.4:5

Alabama Heritage

publication by University of Alabama announced, 1987;III.3:5

“Stepping into the Past: The Story of the Battle-Friedman Garden” (Stritikus), 1987;IV.1:3

“Alabama Landscapes” (Stritikus list)

in print, 1986;III.2:4

The Alabama Review

“Decorative Plants Around Historic Alabama Homes” (Orr), 1985;II.2:1

“Ornamental Plantings in Eufaula” (Orr), 1985;II.2:1

Albemarle Garden Club, VA

Monticello Landscape restoration, 1923-1955 and, 2010;XXIII.1:1

Albemarle Pippin (apple)

Pharsalia: Former Virginia Plantation, 2013;XXVI.1:1

Aldridge, Edgar Gaines “Eddie”

Snowflake’ Hydrangea and Aldridge Gardens, 2018;XXXI.4:7

Aldridge, Loren

Aldridge Gardens and, 2018;XXXI.4:7

A Legacy in Bloom: Celebrating a Century of Gardens at the Cummer (Tankard)

review, 2009;XXII.4:11

Alexander, Robert

Lexington annual meeting tours, 2017;XXX.2:6

Alexander, William E. “Bill”

Biltmore annual meeting and, 1997;XIII.1:12, 1997;XIII.2:12, 1998;XIII.4:5, 1998;XIV.2:1

Biltmore Nursery: A Botanical Legacy (in print), 2007;XXI.1:15

Fall Board meeting, 1998;XIII.4:5

The gardens at Biltmore Estate–restoration of the historic landscape, 1998;XIV.2:4

Olmsted in the South (RSGL conference speaker), 2003;XVIII.3:1, 2003;XVIII.4:10

Alexandria, VA

The Garden Club of Virginia’s Research Fellowship Program, 2015;XXVIII.2:10

Alford, Catherine

Miss Ella’s place: restoring the common landscape of Texas and, 1988;V.1:9

Alfred, Darrin

The Garden Club of Virginia’s Research Fellowship Program, 2015;XXVIII.2:10

Alfrey, Nicholas

Art of the Garden: The Garden in British Art, 1800 to the Present Day (with Daniels and Postle, eds. review), 2004;XIX.4:12

Alger, Russell

Ellen Shipman Garden and, 2021;XXXIV.2:11

Alice Boyle Garden Center, Sumter, SC

Julia Lester Dillon and, 2001;XVI.3:1

Allaback, Sarah

Warren H. Manning: Landscape Architect and Environmental Planner (with Karson and Brown, eds., review), 2017;XXX.4:9

Allan, Mrs. Ivan, Jr.

Charter Member, 2002;XVII.4:16

Allen, Arthur, I

Archaeological excavation of the garden at Bacon’s Castle, Surry County, VA, 1988;V.2:1

Allen, C. E.

Daffodils in Georgia’s Landscape, 2008;XXI.4:1

Allen, Charles M.

Baton Rouge annual meeting speaker, 2011;XXIV.3:5

Allen, C. L.

Daffodils in Georgia’s Landscape, 2008;XXI.4:1

Allen, Doug

Atlanta annual meeting speaker, 2003;XVIII.3:4

Allen, Kathy

Moonlight Garden at Edison & Ford Winter Estates, 2006;XX.4:13

Allen, Louise Richardson

Atlanta annual meeting, 1983;HTI.1:1

Cherokee Garden Library, Atlanta and, 2021;XXXIV.2:1

Landscape and Gardening Tradition in Georgia (1733–1983) and, 1983;HTI.2:1

in the news, 1996;XII.3:12

Allen Lacy’s Homeground (newsletter)

subscription information, 1993;IX.3:15, 1993;IX.4:15

Alliance for Historic Landscape Preservation

Call for Papers for annual meeting 2007, 2006;XX.4:19

Historic Texas Landscapes survey and, 1998;XIV.2:5

Middleton Place, Charleston, SC conference, 1994;X.4:9

Allison, Samuel Perkins

Olmsted in the Antebellum South, 2006;XX.4:1

All the Presidents’ Gardens: Madison’s Cabbages to Kennedy’s Roses | How the White House Grounds Have Grown with America (McDowell)

in print, 2016;XXIX.3:13

Alma Plantation, Louisiana

Baton Rouge annual meeting tours, 2011;XXIV.3:5

Als, Hilton

Places for the Spirit (Sills, in print), 2011;XXIV.3:10

Alves, Mary

Annapolis annual meeting, 2007;XXI.2:8


Louis LeConte’s Bulb Garden, 1813-1838, 2014;XXVII.1:1

Amedee, Wayne

Preservation Project Status to New Orleans’ Longue Vue House & Gardens, 2007;XXI.1:10

American Architectural Foundation

Biltmore Estate and, 1994;XI.2:8

American Association of Botanical Gardens and Arboreta (AABGA)

NetGuide update, 2004;XIX.2:11

Networking Guide to Historic Landscape Resources, 2003;XVIII.4:9

American Botanical Paintings: Native Plants of the Mid Atlantic (Driggers, ed.)

in print, 2014;XXVII.2:7

American Camellia Society

Arthur Solomon – Camellia Pioneer, 2013;XXVI.3:4

A Personal Plea for Camellia Preservation, 2015;XXVIII.3:7

American Cemetery

in Natchitoches, LA, 2023;XXXV.2:8

Natchitoches annual meeting tours, 2022;XXXV.1:2, 2023;XXXV.3:1

American chestnut

Biltmore annual meeting on, 1998;XIV.2:1

return of, 2008;XXII.2:8

update on return of, 2022;XXXV.1:14

American Cottage Gardens

Vol. 46, SGHS member articles in, 1990;VII.2:15

American Cotton Planter

on azaleas in the antebellum landscape., 1992;IX.1:12

American Council for Plant Preservation

formation of, 1992;VIII.3:11

American Daffodil Society

The Arcadian Gardener, 2015;XXVIII.2:6

on Daffodils in Cemeteries, 2003;XVIII.2:7

The American Eagle

Nehrling’s weekly column in, 1999;XIV.4:1

American Eden: David Hosack, Botany, and Medicine in the Garden of the Early Republic (Johnson)

in print, 2018;XXXI.3:14

The American Flower Garden Directory (Buist, 1832)

New Orleans Town Gardeners garden library and, 1987;IV.1:9

American Frontier Culture Museum, Staunton, VA

landscape possibilities at, 1994;X.2:1

American Gardener’s Calendar (McMahon)

1804, in Gov. Stone’s library, Hope Plantation, NC and, 1988;V.2:4

1806, facsimile in print, 1990;VII.1:15

1828, 7th ed., New Orleans Town Gardeners garden library and, 1987;IV.1:9

1828, The painted ladies: flower gardening at Monticello, 1987;IV.2:3

American Gardening Magazine

A Personal Plea for Camellia Preservation, 2015;XXVIII.3:7

American Gardens, 1890–1930 (Watters, ed.)

review, 2007;XXI.1:11

American ginseng (Panax quinquefolius)

sculpture, Porcelain and Decorative Arts Museum and, 2021;XXXIV.1:7

The American Herbal (Stearns, 1801)

in Woodburn collection at Cherokee Garden Library, 1990;VI.3:3, 1991;VII.3:8

American Home Landscapes: A Design Guide to Creating Period Styles (Adams and Burchfield)

in print, 2014;XXVII.2:7

American Horticultural Society (AHS)

annual meeting fall 1985, 1985;II.1:5

award to Norton, 2006;XX.3:11

award to Symmes, 1989;V.4:5

National Garden Communication Award to Welch, 2009;XXII.4:16

American Household Botany: A History of Useful Plants 1620-1900 (Sumner)

in print, 2004;XIX.4:15

American Iris Society Bulletin

Stan Gray at Coastal Georgia Botanical Garden and, 2022;XXXIV.3:7

American Landscape Architecture: Designers and Places (Tishler, ed.)

in print, 1989;V.4:2

American landscape history. See also garden history canon

English garden history compared with, 1997;XIII.3:5

introductory, Howett on need for, 1986;II.4:1

American Livestock Breeds Conservancy (ALBC)

Feeding the American South, RSGL conference, 2013;XXVI.2:10

American Lumberman

Thompson Lumber Co., East Texas photographs for, 1993;IX.4:12

American Philosophical Society

Bartram 300 symposium and, 1998;XIV.2:7

American Pomological Society

tracking Pomaria fruit trees distribution by, 1993;X.1:1

American Roots

exhibition at Painshill Park, England, 2010;XXIII.4:1

American Society of Landscape Architects

Arkansas chapter meeting, Little Rock, 1986;II.3:5

Award of Merit in S. Carolina to Dargans, 1989;V.3:4

Clermont Lee, (1914-2006) and, 2014;XXVII.2:1

HALS progress and, 2004;XIX.3:15

Olmsted in the South, RSGL conference, 2003;XVIII.3:1

preserving Charleston’s landscape legacy, 2004;XIX.4:9

Amos, Wayne

annual business meeting, 2006;XX.3:4, 2007;XXI.2:14, 2009;XXII.4:8

Fall Board meeting, 2006;XX.4:15

Fredericksburg annual meeting planning, 2003;XVIII.4:2

Mount Vernon annual meeting, 2022;XXXIV.4:1

Mount Vernon annual meeting coordinator, 2010;XXIII.3:6

on Norton upon his retirement, 2024;XXXVI.3:15

Spring Board meeting, 2007;XXI.2:14

Andersen, Phyllis

Wave Hill landscape preservation symposium and, 1998;XIV.3:10

Anderson, George W.

bulbs at Mountain Shoals, SC and, 1838 to the present, 2011;XXIV.1:1

Anderson, Jody

International Heritage Rose Conference, Charleston, 2001;XVII.2:8

Anderson, Landon and Connie

Wilmington annual meeting and, 2024;XXXVI.2:6

Anderson, Mike

Lynn R. Lowrey, Plantsman, 1999;XV.1:1

Anderson, Mrs. Bailey

Weeping March Flowers for Bynum from, 1995;XI.3:12

Anderson, Nancy Narcissa Nesbitt

bulbs at Mountain Shoals, SC and, 1838 to the present, 2011;XXIV.1:1

Anderson, Patsy

Lynn R. Lowrey, Plantsman, 1999;XV.1:1

Anderson, Robert

Oktober Gartenfest in Winedale, Texas, 2000;XVI.2:8

Anderson, Taimi T.

Ellen Biddle Shipman symposium and, 1998;XIV.1:12

Anderson, Walter

zinnia on ceiling of cottage in Ocean Springs, Mississippi of, 2023;XXXV.4:10

Anderson, William D., Jr.

Natural History Investigations in South Carolina from Colonial Times to the Present (with Sanders, in print), 2000;XV.3:15

Anderson House, Washington, DC

Mount Vernon annual meeting, 1989;VI.2:1

Andonian, Raffi E.

student scholarship, 2011;XXIV.3:11

Andre Michaux in North America: Journals & Letters, 1785-1797 (Williams, Norman and Taylor, eds.,)

review, 2020;XXXIII.2:10

and resurrection lily

A Sultry Southern Heirloom, Japanese Macabre and, 2022;XXXV.1:1

Andrews, Mabel Y.

Musk Rose in America and, 2001;XVII.2:1

Angell, Ellen Shipman

Ellen Shipman Garden Photography Collection and, 2021;XXXIV.2:11

“The Anglo-Dutch Garden in the Age of William and Mary” (Hunt and de Jong, 1988)

The Sage & Rosemary Tree, 2000;XVI.1:10

Ankjaer-Jensen, Beate

Annapolis annual meeting, 2007;XXI.2:8

annual meeting 2000 and, 2021;XXXIII.3:1

appointed Head Gardener of Belmont, 2000;XVI.1:11

Belmont, the Gari Melchers Estate and Memorial Gallery, 2000;XVI.1:12

Creating a Wildlife Oasis at Belmont, 2010;XXIII.3:1

Dinosaurs in the Garden at Belmont, 2016;XXIX.1:9

Fredericksburg, VA annual meeting, 2005;XX.1:12

Fredericksburg annual meeting, 2002;XVIII.1:14, 2003;XVIII.4:2, 2004;XIX.3:10

Fredericksburg’s Free-Lance Star on Belmont’s woodland trail and, 2010;XXIII.2:14

Fredericksburg’s The Free Lance-Star on Belmont’s meadow and, 2008;XXII.1:15

Higgins’ Washington Post article on pruning and, 2004;XIX.1:12

Historic Fredericksburg Foundation on Belmont preservation and, 2003;XVIII.3:13

Jacksonville, FL annual meeting tours, 2018;XXXI.1:1

Landscape Restoration at Thomas Jefferson’s Poplar Forest, 2012;XXV.4:1

Learning from the Past, RSGL conference, 2015;XXVIII.2:7, 2015;XXVIII.4:5

on Monticello’s Caracalla Bean, 2018;XXXI.3:11

New Bern, NC annual meeting, 2001;XVI.4:14

Piedmont Virginian article by, 2017;XXX.1:11

retirement, 2019;XXXII.3:14

Roots House: Historic Workers’ Cottage and Landscape Saved in Falmouth, VA, 2015;XXVIII.1:7

Turf Magazine article on work of, 2011;XXIV.2:11

“Virginia Home Grown” (PBS series) on, 2011;XXIV.4:11

Annapolis, MD

annual meeting (1985), 1984;I.1:4, 1985;I.2:1, 1985;I.3:2, 1985;II.2:4, 2002;XVII.4:3

annual meeting (2007), 2006;XX.3:4, 2006;XX.4:15, 2007;XXI.1:1, 2007;XXI.2:8

Charles Carroll House gardens, 1993;IX.2:1

The Diary of William Faris: The Daily Life of an Annapolis Silversmith (Letzer and Russo, eds., in print), 2004;XIX.1:13

Farewell to Last Liberty Tree, 1999;XV.2:11

Garden of William Faris, 2006;XX.4:12

historic preservation in, 1986;II.4:6

Preserving 20th-century gardens, annual meeting, 2007;XXI.2:1

A Southern Plant List, 1999;XV.1:15

annual business meetings

1986 (Spring), 1986;II.4:1, 1986;II.4:9

1987 (Summer), 1986;III.2:2

1998 (Spring), 1998;XIV.2:6

2003 (Spring), 2003;XVIII.3:15

2007 (Spring), 2007;XXI.2:14

2008 (Spring), 2008;XXI.4:14

2009 (Summer), 2009;XXII.4:8

2011 (Spring), 2011;XXIV.3:5

2012 (Summer), 2012;XXV.3:8

2018 (Spring), 2018;XXXI.1:5

annual meetings

Annapolis, MD (1985), 1984;I.1:4, 1985;I.2:1, 1985;I.3:2, 1985;II.2:4, 2002;XVII.4:3

Annapolis, MD (2007), 2006;XX.3:4, 2006;XX.4:15, 2007;XXI.1:1, 2007;XXI.2:8

Athens, GA (2008), 2002;XVIII.1:12, 2006;XX.4:16, 2007;XXI.1:3, 2007;XXI.2:14, 2007;XXI.3:5

Atlanta, GA (1983), 1983;HTI.1:1, 1983;HTI.2:1

Atlanta, GA (2003), 2001;XVII.2:7, 2003;XVIII.3:4, 2021;XXXIV.2:1

Baton Rouge, LA (2011), 2008;XXI.4:15, 2010;XXIII.2:8, 2010;XXIII.4:8, 2011;XXIV.3:5

Biltmore Estate, Asheville, NC (1998), 1994;XI.2:8, 1996;XII.3:6, 1997;XIII.2:12, 1998;XIII.4:5, 1998;XIV.2:1, 2008;XXII.2:8

Birmingham, AL, 2019;XXXII.2:6

bylaws on, 1986;III.2:2, 1987;III.3:2, 1993;IX.3:9

Camden, SC (2009), 2006;XX.3:4, 2006;XX.4:15, 2006;XX.4:16, 2007;XXI.1:3, 2007;XXI.2:14, 2008;XXI.4:15, 2009;XXII.3:1

Charleston, SC (1992), 1990;VII.2:8, 1991;VIII.1:9, 1991;VIII.2:1, 1992;VIII.3:1, 1992;VIII.4:12

Charleston, SC (2016), 2015;XXVIII.4:12, 2016;XXIX.2:1

Eastern Shore, MD (1996), 1994;X.2:10, 1994;X.4:6, 1994;XI.2:9, 1996;XII.2:12, 1996;XII.3:6, 1996;XII.3:7

Fitzpatrick and Brown with Jansma’s research on J. M. J. Smith and, 1990;VI.4:1

Fort Myers, FL (2012), 2011;XXIV.1:10, 2011;XXIV.2:8

Fort Worth, TX (2006), 2004;XIX.3:11, 2005;XX.1:15, 2005;XX.2:9, 2006;XX.3:7

Fredericksburg, VA (2005), 2004;XIX.3:10, 2004;XIX.3:11, 2004;XIX.4:1, 2005;XX.1:12

Houston, TX (1999), 1997;XIII.1:12, 1997;XIII.2:12, 1998;XIII.4:5, 1998;XIV.2:6, 1998;XIV.3:1, 1998;XIV.3:8, 1999;XIV.4:6, 1999;XV.1:12

Jacksonville, FL (2018), 2017;XXX.2:6, 2017;XXX.4:7

Knoxville possibility, 2008;XXI.4:15

Lexington, KY (2017), 2016;XXIX.3:7, 2017;XXX.2:6

Lynchburg, VA (2013), 2011;XXIV.2:8, 2012;XXV.4:6, 2013;XXVI.1:7

Mobile, AL (1995), 1992;VIII.4:2, 1994;X.2:10, 1994;X.4:6, 1994;XI.2:8, 1994;XI.2:9, 1995;XI.4:1

Mobile, AL (2025), 2024;XXXVI.2:14, 2024;XXXVI.3:11

Montgomery, AL (1986), 1985;II.1:1, 1985;II.1:2, 1985;II.2:1, 1986;II.3:4, 1986;II.4:9

Monticello, Charlottesville, VA (1987), 1986;II.4:5, 1986;III.2:3, 1987;III.3:3, 1987;IV.1:1, 1987;IV.2:1

Mount Vernon, VA (1990), 1989;VI.1:11, 1989;VI.2:1, 1990;VI.3:1, 1990;VII.1:4, 2000;XV.4:10

Mount Vernon, VA (2000), 1998;XIII.4:5, 1998;XIV.2:6, 1998;XIV.3:10, 1999;XV.1:14, 1999;XV.2:11, 2000;XV.4:10

Mount Vernon, VA (2010), 2007;XXI.1:3, 2008;XXI.4:15, 2010;XXIII.1:10

Mount Vernon, VA (2021), 2020;XXXIII.2:2, 2021;XXXIII.3:1

Mount Vernon, VA (2022), 2021;XXXIV.1:2, 2022;XXXIV.4:1

Nashville, TN (1988), 1987;IV.1:2, 1987;IV.2:2, 1988;IV.3:1

Nashville, TN(2015), 2015;XXVIII.2:1

Natchez, MS (1984), 1983;HTI.2:2, 1983;HTI.3:1, 1984;I.1:6

Natchez, MS (2002), 1998;XIV.3:10, 1999;XV.1:14, 2001;XVII.1:1

Natchitoches, LA (2023), 2022;XXXV.1:2, 2023;XXXV.2:8, 2023;XXXV.3:1

New Orleans, LA (2004), 2003;XVIII.3:15, 2003;XVIII.4:8, 2004;XIX.2:12

procedures manual for, 1991;VII.4:5

Richmond, VA (2012), 2012;XXV.1:8, 2012;XXV.2:6, 2012;XXV.3:8

Savannah, GA (1989), 1988;V.2:3, 1989;V.3:1, 1989;VI.1:1

Savannah, GA (2014), 2011;XXIV.2:8, 2013;XXVI.2:11, 2014;XXVII.1:9

site suggestions welcome for, 1987;IV.2:2

St. Francisville, LA (1991), 1990;VII.1:16, 1990;VII.2:8, 1991;VII.4:1

summary of locations, events, and organizers, 2002;XVII.4:8

Tallahassee, FL (1997), 1994;XI.2:9, 1996;XII.4:6, 1997;XIII.2:5

tenth anniversary retrospective exhibit of, 1992;VIII.3:1

Tryon Palace, New Bern, NC (2001), 1998;XIV.2:6, 1998;XIV.3:10, 2000;XVI.2:7, 2001;XVI.4:14

Washington/Fayette Counties, TX (1993), 1991;VIII.2:2, 1992;VIII.4:2, 1993;IX.2:14, 1993;IX.4:9

Williamsburg, VA (1994), 1992;VIII.4:2, 1994;X.2:8, 1994;X.4:1

Williamsburg, VA (2026), 2024;XXXVI.2:14

Wilmington, NC (2024), 2023;XXXV.4:12, 2024;XXXVI.2:2, 2024;XXXVI.2:6


The LeConte Botanic Garden, GA, 2016;XXIX.3:1

Antique Flowers, a Guide to Using Old Fashioned Species in Contemporary Gardens (Whiteside)

in print, 1988;V.2:3

Antique Plant Newsletter (Tucker)

Gardening for Pleasure in the South, 1989;VI.2:2

in print, 1989;VI.1:2

Antique Rose Emporium

annual meeting tours, 1993;IX.2:14, 1998;XIV.3:8

business expansion into Georgia, 1994;X.3:12

Catalogue for 1986–87, 1987;IV.1:3

Proceedings of the 9th International Heritage Rose Conference (in print), 2002;XVIII.1:15

retail and garden center opening, 1986;II.3:3

SGHS photos (1982–2002), 2002;XVII.4:9

Antique Roses for the South (Welch)

in print, 2007;XXI.2:18

review, 2004;XIX.4:15

Apperson, Bill

on Gloucester hickory, 2003;XVIII.2:12

Apple, Mary Audrey

Returning to Our Roots (RSGL conference speaker), 2009;XXII.4:1, 2010;XXIII.1:9


Affleck’s writing on, 1991;VIII.1:5

“The Benton County Horticultural Society: Its Cultural Role” (Jansma), 1986;III.1:7

The Civil War Diary of Catherine Ann Devereux Edmondston, 2013;XXVI.4:1

Granny Neighbors, Mary Reid, Captain Davis, and Dickie’s Favorite, 2024;XXXVI.3:1

Jarvis Van Buren: Georgia Horticulturist, Writer, Nurseryman, and Builder, 2000;XVI.1:1

Learning from the Past, RSGL conference, 2015;XXVIII.4:5

Pharsalia: Former Virginia Plantation, 2013;XXVI.1:1

Southern, a history of, 1992;IX.1:1

Southern Heirloom Apple Tree Project, 2015;XXVIII.2:7

“Taking Root:” The Summer Brothers and the History of Pomaria Nursery (exhibition), 2014;XXVII.2:8

The Taliaferro Cider Apple, 2018;XXXI.1:10

Wild, Tamed, Lost, Revived: The Surprising Story of Apples in the South (Flynt, in print), 2024;XXXVI.1:7

Apples: Collecting Old Southern Varieties (Neighbors)

self-published book, 2024;XXXVI.3:1

Apples of North America: Exceptional Varieties for Gardeners, Growers, and Cooks (Burford)

in print, 2013;XXVI.3:10

review, 2013;XXVI.4:8

Tom Burford Memorial Dedication, 2022;XXXV.1:19

Appling, Dell

in swept yard of, 1992;VIII.4:1

Arai, Saburo

Country Place era in Houston and, 1993;IX.4:1

Arboretum et Fruticetum Britannicum; or The Trees and Shrubs of Britain (Loudon)

Mrs. Balfour: An Antebellum Vicksburg Gardener, 2002;XVII.3:1


“The Challenge of Managing Historic Landscapes and Gardens” (Loth), trees, 2012;XXV.3:9

Arbustrum Americanum (Marshall, 1735)

in Woodburn collection at Cherokee Garden Library, 1990;VI.3:3, 1991;VII.3:8

The Arcadian Gardener

Grant on lilies, 2016;XXIX.2:6

Grant on Narcissus, 2015;XXVIII.2:6

Grant on writing of, 2014;XXVII.4:11


in Annapolis, annual meeting on, 2007;XXI.2:1, 2007;XXI.2:8

in Annapolis, the eighteenth-century gardens of, 2007;XXI.1:1

in Annapolis, William Paca’s way of gardening and, 1988;IV.4:3

Bacon’s Castle garden excavation, Surry County, VA, 1988;V.2:1

at Bethabara, NC, 1989;VI.2:2

of Blennerhassetts’ gardens, WV, 1996;XII.4:10

of buried gardens and landscapes, Yentsch newsletter on, 1992;VIII.4:14

Carnton Plantation, TN, 2015;XXVIII.1:1

in Carroll garden, Annapolis, 1993;IX.2:1

The DeRosset Garden of Wilmington, NC, 1990;VI.3:5

dig at Bethabara site of 1759 vegetable garden, 1988;V.1:2

at Drayton Hall, SC, 1992;VIII.4:12

George Washington’s Upper Garden and, 2010;XXIII.2:1

at John Custis’ Williamsburg property, 2022;XXXIV.4:1

Landscape Restoration at Thomas Jefferson’s Poplar Forest, 2012;XXV.4:1

at LeConte-Woodmanston garden, 1986;III.1:3

Lynchburg annual meeting tour of Poplar Forest, 2013;XXVI.2:5

Magnolia Plantation, SC and, 2015;XXVIII.3:1

Monticello Landscape restoration, 1923-1955 and, 2010;XXIII.1:1

Mount Vernon annual meeting on, 2010;XXIII.1:10, 2010;XXIII.3:6

Native American women gardeners and, RSGL conference on, 1995;XII.1:1

Old Salem’s Hidden Town Project and, 2019;XXXII.3:1

at Rosemont Plantation, 1993;IX.3:1

RSGL conferences on importance of, 2023;XXXV.2:1

The Southern Vernacular Landscape, RSGL conference on African Americans and, 1991;VII.4:7

St. George Tucker’s buried landscape, rediscovered, 1996;XII.2:1

at Stratford Hall, 2014;XXVII.3:11

Stratford Hall garden, early restoration revisited, 2020;XXXIII.1:1

Stratford Hall grounds and garden restoration and, 2004;XIX.4:1

Stratford Hall Plantation gardens, 1989;VI.2:5

Tryon Palace gardens plan and, 1998;XIV.1:1

Unearthing the Past, RSGL conference, 2005;XX.2:10

Williamsburg’s eighteenth century appearance and, 1994;X.4:3

Archer, Phil

Gardening in a Golden Age, RSGL conference chair, 2017;XXX.2:1

A New World, RSGL conference co-chair, 2011;XXIV.4:6

Returning to Our Roots, RSGL conference, 2010;XXIII.1:9

The Architecture of Country Houses (Downing)

Jarvis Van Buren: Georgia Horticulturist, Writer, Nurseryman, and Builder, 2000;XVI.1:1

The Architecture of Rowan County (Hood)

publication (1983), 1994;XI.2:11

The Architecture of Trees (Leonardi and Stagi)

in print, 2020;XXXIII.2:15

The Architecture of Warren County, North Carolina, 1770s to 1860s (McFarland, 2003)

McFarland Receives AASLH Award and, 2003;XVIII.3:14

archives, SGHS

call for, Tenth Anniversary Display of SGHS Meeting Records (exhibition), 1990;VII.2:16, 1991;VIII.2:12

photographic, development of, 1991;VII.4:5

Retrospective Exhibit at Charleston annual meeting of, 1992;VIII.3:1

Archives of American Gardens, Smithsonian’s

Hulinsky’s summer virtual internship at, 2022;XXXV.1:17

Mystery Gardens in, 2010;XXIII.1:15

Ardsley Park, Savannah, GA

Clermont Lee, (1914-2006) Pioneering Landscape Architect, 2014;XXVII.2:1

A Reunion of Trees (Spongberg)

in print, 1991;VII.4:11


Biological Thought in Eighteenth-Century Agriculture, 2000;XVI.2:1


concrete sculptures by Dionicio Rodriguez in, listed with National Significance, 1987;III.3:6

Daffodils in Cemeteries in, 2003;XVIII.2:7

news from state Magnolia editor, 1987;III.3:6

Plants grown by Jacob Smith, 1844–1859 in, 1990;VI.4:5

Pomaria Nurseries customers from, 1993;X.1:1

search for lost rose of, 1986;II.3:2

state Magnolia editor for, 1987;IV.1:14, 1987;IV.2:11, 1989;V.4:7, 1990;VII.2:15

Trapnall Hall landscape restoration funding, 1988;IV.3:7

Arkansas Historical Quarterly

“The Benton County Horticultural Society: Its Cultural Role” (Jansma), 1986;III.1:7

Arkansas Territorial Restoration, Little Rock

questions regarding keeping boxwood at, 1986;II.4:8

Arkansas Times Magazine

“The Uncommon Bodark” by C. A. Brown in, 1986;III.1:7

Armand (Jacques), British bulb dealer

Narcissus moschatus available from, 1995;XI.4:10

Armes, Ethel

Stratford Hall grounds and gardens restoration and, 2004;XIX.1:1, 2004;XIX.4:1

Armistead, Dora

Williamsburg rose garden of, 1994;X.4:7

Armistead, R. H.

Evolution of the Lawn, 2005;XX.2:5

Armistead, Robert T.

Williamsburg rose garden of, 1994;X.4:7

Armstrong, Tom

Garden Conservancy benefit and, 1998;XIV.3:9

Arnold, Cora Ballard

on Ballard house and garden, near Palmetto, GA and, 1995;XI.4:6

Arnold, Richard

Olmsted in the Antebellum South, 2006;XX.4:1

Arnold, Sara C.

The Life and Art of Alfred Hutty: Woodstock to Charleston (with Hoffius, eds.), 2012;XXV.2:9

Arnold Arboretum

The John Bartram Heritage Plant Collection and, 2006;XX.3:6


“A Sourcebook of Cultivar Names” (Tucker, Kunst, Vrugtman, and L. Hatch), 1995;XI.3:13

Arrowsmith, Dr. and Mrs. William Lamb

Goodwood Plantation, Tallahassee and, 1996;XII.4:6

Arthur A. Shurcliff – Design, Preservation, and the Creation of the Colonial Williamsburg Landscape (Cushing)

in print, 2014;XXVII.3:7

review, 2015;XXVIII.1:9

articles in print. See also In Print; journal article reviews

“Bartram’s Garden Catalogue of North American Plants, 1783” (John Dixon Hunt), 1996;XII.3:11

“The Benton County Horticultural Society: Its Cultural Role” (Jansma), 1986;III.1:7

“Documents: The Gardening Sentiments of an Early Texas Pioneer” (Abt and Abt), 1991;VII.3:11

“Eighteenth-Century Gardens of the Chesapeake” (Sarudy), 1990;VII.2:12, 1992;VIII.3:4

“Elizabeth Lawrence’s Garden” (Lanier), 1986;III.2:3

“Eudora Welty: Rose Garden Realist, Storyteller of the South” (Mitchell), 2014;XXVII.4:5

“Faithful to the Text” (Turner on Hermann-Grima House, New Orleans), 1988;IV.3:10

“The Mathematics of an Eighteenth-Century Wilderness Garden” (Paca Steele), 1987;IV.1:3

“New Perspectives on Southern Gardens” (Brown, ed.), 1996;XII.3:11, 1997;XIII.1:10

“Old Salem, North Carolina” (Mashburn), 1988;IV.4:2

“Old Salem’s Medicinal Garden” (Berckman), 1988;IV.4:2

“Old Traditions Spring To Life In Cottage Gardens” (Welch and Puryear), 1986;III.2:4

“In Search of Boxwood in Central Virginia” (Frackelton), 1988;IV.4:2

“Stepping into the Past: The Story of the Battle-Friedman Garden” (Stritikus), 1987;IV.1:3

“Thomas Jefferson’s Poplar Forest: the mathematics of an ideal villa” (Welch, reprint), 1991;VII.3:11

“On The Trail with Texas Rose Rustlers” (Christopher), 1987;IV.1:3

“The Uncommon Bodark” by C. A. Brown, 1986;III.1:7

Art in the Garden exhibition

Learning from the Past, RSGL conference, 2015;XXVIII.2:7

The Artist’s Garden: American Impressionism and the Garden Movement (Marley, ed.)

in print, 2014;XXVII.4:6

The Art of Garden Design study course

schedule for, 1993;IX.2:16

The Art of Gardening: Maryland Landscapes and the American Garden Aesthetic, 1730–1930

Museum of the Historical Society of Talbot County exhibition, Easton, MD, 1985;II.1:4

Art of the Garden, Manchester, England (exhibition), 2004;XIX.4:15

Art of the Garden: The Garden in British Art, 1800 to the Present Day (Alfrey, Daniels, and Postle, eds.)

review, 2004;XIX.4:12

Arts and Crafts Gardens (Hitchmough), 2004;XIX.4:15

Arts and Crafts movement

garden fever (1890s–late 1930s) and, 1994;XI.1:1

Asbury, Samuel E.

on Adina de Zavala’s roses, 2004;XIX.3:1

Ashburton, Lord (Alexander Baring)

Battle-Friedman house garden research and, 1988;IV.3:8

Ashburton Treaty (1842)

Battle-Friedman house garden research and, 1988;IV.3:8

Ashe, Thomas

Charleston visit by, 1991;VIII.2:1

Ashe, William Willard

herbarium of, 2021;XXXIV.1:11

Asheville, NC. See also Biltmore Estate, NC

annual meeting, 1994;XI.2:8, 1996;XII.3:6, 1997;XIII.2:12, 1998;XIV.2:1, 2008;XXII.2:8

Biltmore annual meeting tours, 1998;XIV.2:1

Ashland Park, Lexington, KY

Lexington annual meeting tour (2017), 2016;XXIX.3:7, 2017;XXX.2:6

“The Ashley River and Its Gardens” (Duncan)

in National Geographic, 1994;XI.1:1

Ashwood, near Cape Fear, NC

The Southern Bartram connection, 1987;IV.1:7

Askey, Linda C.

on Bill Hunt, 1996;XII.4:5

elected to SGHS board of directors, 2009;XXII.4:8

on Marion Drummond, 1930-2013, 2013;XXVI.3:11

in the news, 1994;X.3:11, 1994;X.4:12, 1996;XII.3:12, 1997;XIII.2:11

William Lanier Hunt and, 2002;XVII.4:13

Association for Living History Farms and Agricultural Museums (ALHFAM)

annual conference (1988) report, 1988;V.2:7

annual conference (1990) report, 1990;VII.1:12

annual meeting and member benefits, 1985;I.3:3

Source list for historic seeds and plants, 1989;V.4:1, 1989;V.4:9, 1990;VII.1:12, 1992;VIII.3:11, 1993;IX.4:15

Association for Preservation Technology

special APT Bulletin issues on landscape history and preservation, 1989;VI.2:11

aster, Tartarian

The plant reporter: what is this flower? 1990;VI.3:8

Athens, Georgia

annual meeting (2008), 2006;XX.3:4, 2006;XX.4:15, 2006;XX.4:16, 2007;XXI.1:3, 2007;XXI.2:14, 2007;XXI.3:5, 2008;XXII.1:8

Atkins, Barbara

State Ambassadors Program and, 2017;XXX.3:10

Atlanta. See also Cherokee Garden Library, Atlanta; Oakland Cemetery, Atlanta

annual meeting (2003), 2001;XVI.4:13, 2002;XVIII.1:12, 2002;XVIII.1:14, 2003;XVIII.3:4

annual meeting organizing SGHS (1983), 1983;HTI.1:1, 1983;HTI.2:1

Oakland rebirth after tornado, 2010;XXIII.4:7

Olmsted in the South, RSGL conference, 2003;XVIII.4:10

Atlanta Botanical Garden

Alston Lecture Series, 1995;XI.3:15

in the news, 1993;IX.3:15

Atlanta Botanical Gardens

Atlanta annual meeting tours, 1983;HTI.1:1, 2003;XVIII.3:4

The Atlanta Constitution

Daffodils in Georgia’s Landscape, 2008;XXI.4:1

Atlanta Historical Society

Land of Our Own exhibit, 1983;HTI.1:1, 1983;HTI.2:1

Atlanta History Center. See also Cherokee Garden Library, Atlanta

annual meeting, 1983;HTI.2:1

annual meeting (2003), 2001;XVI.4:13

Center for the Study of Southern Garden History, 2003;XVIII.3:6

Georgia Chapter Launched, 2000;XV.3:16

Kenan Research Center, 2021;XXXIV.2:1

Atlanta History Society

Refining the Garden: The Trowels and Pleasures of Gardening symposium and, 1991;VIII.1:2

Atlanta Hospital Hospitality House (AHHH)

historic rock garden renovation in Atlanta and, 2014;XXVII.3:8

Atlanta Ladies Memorial Association (ALMA)

Daffodils in Georgia’s Landscape, 2008;XXI.4:1

Atlanta Nurseries, Atlanta, GA

A history of southern apples, 1992;IX.1:1

Atlas of the Virginia Flora

on Gloucester hickory, 2003;XVIII.2:12

The Attention of a Traveller: Essays on William Bartram’s Travels and Legacy (Braund, ed.)

in print, 2024;XXXVI.1:6

Attlee, Helena

The Gardens of Portugal (review), 2008;XXI.4:10

Audubon, John James. See also Oakley Plantation, LA

on Feliciana, 1991;VII.3:1

Florida in 18th century and, 2017;XXX.4:7

Pomaria Nurseries, SC visit by, 1993;X.1:1

Porcelain and Decorative Arts Museum and, 2021;XXXIV.1:7

“Taking Root:” The Summer Brothers and the History of Pomaria Nursery (exhibition), 2014;XXVII.2:8

Augusta, GA

Julia Lester Dillon in, 2001;XVI.3:1

Augusta National Golf Club, GA

History Fruitland Nurseries and, 2002;XVIII.1:1


in William Paca’s garden (Annapolis), 1988;IV.4:3

Austin, David

passing of, 2019;XXXII.1:10

Austin, Glenn

Antique Rose Emporium business expansion and, 1994;X.3:12

Austin, John C.

RSGL conference speaker, 1989;VI.1:12, 1989;VI.2:2

Austin, Theresa

School Gardening in Virginia, 1898-1948, Preliminary Research results, 2006;XX.3:10

Austin, William M.

Blue Ridge Parkway and, 2013;XXVI.2:1

Australian Garden History

publication frequency, 2000;XV.4:14

Australian Garden History Society

tours offered, 2000;XV.4:14, 2001;XVI.3:9

Avalon Theater, Easton, MD

Eastern Shore, MD annual meeting tours, 1996;XII.3:7

Avent, Tony

Mount Vernon annual meeting speaker, 2019;XXXII.3:12

Avery, Kevin J.

Hudson River School Visions: The Landscapes of Sanford R. Gifford (with Kelly, eds.), 2003;XVIII.4:14

Avery, Mr. and Mrs. Nathan

Houston annual meeting, 1999;XV.1:13

Award of Merit, SGHS. See Certificate of Merit, SGHS

Ayr Mount, Hillsborough, NC

restoration of grounds, 1987;III.3:8, 1988;IV.4:9

Ayscough, Christopher

as professional gardener in Virginia, 1997;XIII.3:1

Azalea Garden Tour

Wilmington annual meeting and, 2024;XXXVI.2:6


in the antebellum landscape., 1992;IX.1:12

antebellum varieties in southern gardens, 1998;XIV.1:7

Azalea indica (Chinese Honeysuckle), 1992;IX.1:12

Biltmore Estate landscape and, 1998;XIV.2:1

Country Place era in Houston and, 1993;IX.4:1

George Lindley Taber and the Orchid Azalea, 2017;XXX.4:1

How the ‘George L. Taber’ Azalea Came to Bayou Bend, 2018;XXXI.4:9

Magnolia Plantation, SC and, 2015;XXVIII.3:1

Sherwood Red, at Mountain Shoals, SC, 1838 to the present, 2011;XXIV.1:1

TOP | A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z


Bachman, John

Charleston Historical Society and, 2004;XIX.4:8

Dinosaurs in the Garden at Belmont, 2016;XXIX.1:9

Pomaria Nurseries, SC and, 1993;X.1:1

“Taking Root:” The Summer Brothers and the History of Pomaria Nursery (exhibition), 2014;XXVII.2:8

Bacon, Francis

Evolution of the Lawn, 2005;XX.2:5

Virginia Hand Callaway Collection at Cherokee Garden Library and, 2021;XXXIV.2:1

Bacon, Louis Moore

Orton plantation, NC and, 2024;XXXVI.2:6

Bacon, Nathaniel, Sr.

Musk Rose in America and, 2001;XVII.2:1

Bacon’s Castle, VA

annual meeting tours, 1994;X.2:8

Archaeological excavation of the garden at Bacon’s Castle, Surry County, 1988;V.2:1

discovery reported, as earliest North American garden, 1986;II.4:7

Favretti’s garden research at, RSGL conference speech on, 1988;IV.3:15

Bacot, H. Parrott “Pat” and Barbara SoRelle

Baton Rouge annual meeting tours, 2011;XXIV.3:5

Baer & Sons

Tom Burford Memorial Dedication, 2022;XXXV.1:19

Bailey, Liberty Hyde

David Williston: First Negro Landscape Architect, 2017;XXX.3:5

on loofahs, 2021;XXXIV.1:17

For the Love of the Snail (Flower): Monticello’s Caracalla Bean, 2018;XXXI.3:11

on ‘Musk Rose’ disappearance, 1994;X.3:1

Oakland Cemetery’s Early Landscapes, 2018;XXXI.1:6

School Gardening in Virginia, 1898-1948, Preliminary Research results, 2006;XX.3:10

Baker, Anne and John, garden

Jacksonville annual meeting tours, 2018;XXXI.1:1

Baker, H.

Oatlands Greenhouse rebirth and, 2001;XVI.3:11

Baker, James Beauland

Baker Brothers Nursery, Fort Worth and, 1997;XIII.1:1

Baker, William

Baker Brothers Nursery, Fort Worth and, 1997;XIII.1:1

Baldwin, Anne

Beatrix Farrand Landscape restoration at Green Spring Gardens, 2015;XXVIII.4:15

Baldwin, William

The LeConte Botanic Garden, GA, 2016;XXIX.3:1

Baldwin, W. O.

Jarvis Van Buren: Georgia Horticulturist, Writer, Nurseryman, and Builder, 2000;XVI.1:1

Balfour, Emma Harrison Warren

An Antebellum Vicksburg Gardener, 2002;XVII.3:1

Natchez annual meeting (20th Anniversary), 2002;XVII.4:5

Balfour, William T.

Mrs. Balfour: An Antebellum Vicksburg Gardener, 2002;XVII.3:1

Ballard (Levi) house and garden, near Palmetto, GA

Civil War Reconstruction Era and, 1995;XI.4:6

Ballard, Sarah Harrison

Ballard house and garden, near Palmetto, GA and, 1995;XI.4:6


The “Awful Ailanthus” A Love-to-Hate Story, 2017;XXX.1:1

Hampton and Mount Clare, orangeries at, 1996;XII.3:1

Mondawmin, as lost country estate, 1991;VIII.1:1

Olmsted in the South, RSGL conference, 2003;XVIII.4:10

painted furniture with urban and rural landscapes of, 1989;VI.2:2

A Southern Plant List, 1999;XV.1:15

Baltimore, Lord

on apples, 1992;IX.1:1

bamboo. See Coastal Georgia Botanical Gardens and Historic Bamboo Farm (CGBG)

Bancroft, George

Adina de Zavala and, 2004;XIX.3:1

Bandy, Mr. and Mrs. Leon

Fort Worth annual meeting tours, 2006;XX.3:7

Banister, John

plant collecting in colonial Virginia by, 1994;XI.2:1

Virginia bluebell and, 2007;XXI.1:4

Bankhead Wilderness Study Team

Weesie Smith: Alabama Gardener and Champion of its Flora, 2018;XXXI.3:1

Banks, Joseph

Bartram’s botanical discoveries and, 2024;XXXVI.2:1

Kew, the Royal Botanic Gardens and, 1997;XIII.1:1

Mount Vernon annual meeting on, 2010;XXIII.3:6

Banks, William, Jr. house and garden

Atlanta annual meeting tours, 2003;XVIII.3:4

Banks, William, Sr. garden

Atlanta annual meeting, 2003;XVIII.3:4

Bankshaven garden in Newnan, GA

Atlanta annual meeting tours, 2003;XVIII.3:4

Barber, Gene

George Lindley Taber and the Orchid Azalea, 2017;XXX.4:1

Barbour Lathrop Plant Introduction Garden, GA

Coastal Georgia Botanical Gardens and Historic Bamboo Farm and, 2021;XXXIII.4:1

Barboursville, VA

Fredericksburg annual meeting tours, 2005;XX.1:12

Barclay, Robert

Bartram’s botanical discoveries and, 2024;XXXVI.2:1

Bardwell, KY

My mother’s garden (Evans essay), 1988;V.1:3

Bare, David

Flora Ann Bynum remembrance by, 2008;XXII.2:18

Plans and Plants of the Southern Landscape, RSGL conference, 2000;XV.3:9

Barefoot, A. C., Jr.

dendochronology of Somerset Place, NC trees and, 1993;IX.4:14

Barfield, Jim

Athens annual meeting speaker, 2007;XXI.3:5, 2008;XXII.1:8

Barganier, James I.

elected to SGHS board of directors, 1998;XIV.2:6

Fall Board meeting, 1998;XIII.4:5, 2001;XVII.2:7, 2002;XVIII.1:14

Mobile annual meeting speaker, 1995;XI.4:1

SGHS: An Informal History, 2002;XVII.4:3

SGHS Board and, 1995;XI.4:12, 1996;XII.3:9

SGHS photos (1982–2002), 2002;XVII.4:9

Spring Board meeting, 2001;XVI.4:13

Baring, Alexander (Lord Ashburton)

Battle-Friedman house garden research and, 1988;IV.3:8

Baring, Anne Louisa Bingham

Battle-Friedman house garden research and, 1988;IV.3:8

Barker, Bill

Lynchburg annual meeting, 2012;XXV.4:6

Barnes, Bob and Bettina

in the news, 2009;XXII.4:17

Barnes, John

advertises gardening services in Charleston, 1991;VIII.2:1

Barnes, Mrs. W. B., Jr.

Charter Member, 2002;XVII.4:16

Barnett, Elizabeth Hale

Cherokee Garden Library, Atlanta and, 2021;XXXIV.2:1

Barnsley Gardens, Adairsville, GA

board members’ visit to, 1990;VII.2:8

History of Fruitland Nurseries and Berckmans Family and, 2002;XVIII.1:1

in the news, 2001;XVII.2:15

violent thunderstorm damage at, 1994;XI.1:15

Barnsley House

Rosemary Verey’s Cotswolds Garden and, 2003;XVIII.3:15

Barnwell, Cleo

Charter Member, 2002;XVII.4:16

The Founding and Early Beginnings Of the SGHS: An Informal History, 2002;XVII.4:3

on Roman hyacinths, 1993;X.1:14

on Weeping March flowers, 1995;XI.3:12

Barraud, Philip

Evolution of the Lawn, 2005;XX.2:5

Barren Ground (Glasgow, 1925)

Biological Thought in Eighteenth-Century Agriculture, 2000;XVI.2:1

Barrett, Mrs. James C.

Charter Member, 2002;XVII.4:16

Barrett, Tom

History of Fruitland Nurseries and Berckmans Family and, 2002;XVIII.1:1

Barrick, William E. “Bill”

Virginia Hand Callaway Collection at Cherokee Garden Library and, 2021;XXXIV.2:1

Barrow, Bennet H.

hedging by, 1991;VII.4:11

Barrow, Bill and Patrician

Wiley-Williams Cottage, Wilmington, NC and, 2024;XXXVI.2:7

Barrow, Craig, III

named Preservation Hero by Library of American Landscape History, 2014;XXVII.2:10

Barrow, Diana

Craig Barrow III named Preservation Hero and, 2014;XXVII.2:10

Barrow, Robert H.

St. Francisville, LA annual meeting speaker, 1991;VII.4:1

Bartenstein, Isabel Anderson

death of, 1999;XIV.4:6

Barthellos' garden, Alexandria, VA

Mount Vernon annual meeting tours, 2022;XXXIV.4:1

Barton, Barbara J.

Gardening by Mail (in print), 1994;X.3:9

Barton, F. A.

Olmsted in the Antebellum South, 2006;XX.4:1

Barton, John Otis

George Lindley Taber and the Orchid Azalea, 2017;XXX.4:1

Bartram, John

Bartram 300 symposium and Franklinia census, 1998;XIV.2:7

Bartram’s Garden Catalogue of North American Plants, 1783 (J. D. Hunt, ed.), 1997;XIII.1:10

Biological Thought in Eighteenth-Century Agriculture, 2000;XVI.2:1

botanical discoveries, 2024;XXXVI.2:1

Charleston visit by, 1991;VIII.2:1

Farmer Washington at Mount Vernon, 1759-1799, 2000;XV.3:1

Florida’s plantation period and, 2017;XXX.4:7, 2018;XXXI.1:1

horticulture in Jefferson’s Day and, 2004;XIX.2:10

The John Bartram Heritage Plant Collection, 2006;XX.3:6

John Bartram’s Garden Association, 1987;III.3:12

Logan’s correspondence with, 1992;VIII.3:6

Louis LeConte’s Bulb Garden, 1813-1838, 2014;XXVII.1:1

on Magnolia grandiflora, 1984;I.1:1

Mount Vernon annual meeting on, 2010;XXIII.3:6

as plant collector in Virginia, 1994;XI.2:1

The Southern Bartram connection, 1987;IV.1:7

Bartram, T. E.

The Southern Bartram connection, 1987;IV.1:7

Bartram, William

The Attention of a Traveller: Essays on William Bartram’s Travels and Legacy (in print), 2024;XXXVI.1:6

Bartram’s Travels 250th Anniversary, 2024;XXXVI.1:2

Bartram Trail Conference announcement, 1991;VIII.2:11

Bartram Trail Dedication in Louisiana, 2015;XXVIII.2:10

botanical discoveries, 2024;XXXVI.2:1

Charleston visit by, 1991;VIII.2:1

Florida’s plantation period and, 2017;XXX.4:7, 2018;XXXI.1:1

Jefferson’s visit to Painshill (1786) and, 2010;XXIII.4:1

The LeConte Botanic Garden, GA and, 2016;XXIX.3:1

LeConte-Woodmanston garden, GA and, 1986;III.1:5

on Magnolia grandiflora, 1984;I.1:1

Natchez gardens and, 2001;XVII.1:1

Porcelain and Decorative Arts Museum and, 2021;XXXIV.1:7

The Southern Bartram connection, 1987;IV.1:7

Travels through North and South Carolina, Georgia, East and West Florida (1792), 1987;IV.1:9, 1990;VI.3:3, 2021;XXXIII.3:8

Virginia Hand Callaway Collection at Cherokee Garden Library and, 2021;XXXIV.2:1

William Bartram, The Search for Nature’s Design (Hallock and Hoffmann, eds., in print), 2011;XXIV.2:7

Bartram Arboretum at Fort Toulouse, AL

Montgomery annual meeting tours (1986), 1985;II.2:1

Bartram’s Garden, Philadelphia

Franklinias propagated at, 2024;XXXVI.2:1

as oldest North American botanical garden, 2024;XXXVI.1:2

Bartram’s Garden Catalogue of North American Plants, 1783 (J. D. Hunt, ed.)

review, 1997;XIII.1:10

Bartram’s Travels

250th Anniversary, 2024;XXXVI.1:2

Bartram Trail Conference

announcement of, 1991;VIII.2:11

Cultivating the Wild: The enduring legacy of William Bartram, America’s first environmentalist (documentary), 2024;XXXVI.1:2

web address for, 2021;XXXIII.3:8

Barwick municipal cemetery, Ga.

Daffodils in Georgia’s Landscape, 2008;XXI.4:1

Basham, Bill

Lynn R. Lowrey, Plantsman, 1999;XV.1:1

Basilica of Saint Mary, Wilmington, NC

annual meeting tours, 2024;XXXVI.2:7

Bass (Anne H.) garden

Fort Worth annual meeting tours, 2006;XX.3:7

Baton Rouge

annual meeting, 2008;XXI.4:15, 2010;XXIII.2:8, 2010;XXIII.4:8, 2011;XXIV.3:5

A Brief Landscape History of, 2011;XXIV.3:1

Baton Rouge Camellia Society

A Personal Plea for Camellia Preservation, 2015;XXVIII.3:7

Battle, Millicent Bradley Beall

Battle-Friedman house garden and, 1988;IV.3:8

Battle, William Augustus

Battle-Friedman house garden research and, 1988;IV.3:8

battlefield preservation

Fredericksburg annual meeting on, 2004;XIX.3:10

Rainey at RSGL conference on, 2023;XXXV.2:1

Battle-Friedman House, Tuscaloosa, AL

Alabama Heritage article on, 1987;III.3:5

Stritikus’ extensive update on, 1988;IV.3:8

Battles, Alfred

Battle-Friedman house garden and, 1988;IV.3:8

Baty, Patrick

Nature’s Palette: A Color Reference from the Natural World (review), 2021;XXXIV.2:14

Bauer, Carl Siegismund

Bethlehem Lutheran Church, Roundtop, TX and, 1993;IX.3:6

Baumgardner, Charles, Sr.

Rodriguez work with Alamo Cement Company and, 1987;III.3:6

Baumgardner, Talmadge

Clermont Lee and, 2014;XXVII.2:1

Bayer, Johann Christoph

Royal Copenhagen, 2021;XXXIV.1:7

Baylor University faculty

Historic Texas Landscapes survey and, 1998;XIV.2:5

Bayly, Alexander Hamilton

Cambridge, MD garden of, 1992;VIII.3:4

Bayly Art Museum, University of Virginia

John Douglas Woodward landscapes exhibit at, 1997;XIII.2:7

Bayou Bend Collection and Gardens. See also Houston, TX

annual meeting, 1998;XIV.3:8

Country Place era and, 1993;IX.4:1

historic landscape preservation at, 1998;XIV.3:1

Historic Texas Landscapes survey and, 1998;XIV.2:5

how the ‘George L. Taber’ azalea came to, 2018;XXXI.4:9

Maintaining a Garden’s Integrity, 2003;XVIII.4:9

Beach, Howard, garden

Charleston annual meeting tours, 2015;XXVIII.4:12

Beach, John H.

Cherokee Garden Library, Atlanta and, 2021;XXXIV.2:1

Beach, Virginia Groves

Cherokee Garden Library, Atlanta and, 2021;XXXIV.2:1

Beadle, Chancey Delos

Biltmore Estate landscape and, 1998;XIV.2:1, 1998;XIV.2:4

Beagan, Christopher M.

John Lee Pratt’s Chatham Manor, 2017;XXX.3:8

Beale, George W.

Stratford Hall grounds and garden restoration and, 2004;XIX.1:1

Beall, Kreis and Sandy

in the news, 2009;XXII.4:17

Beaman Garden (1940s)

Nashville annual meeting tour, 2015;XXVIII.2:1

Beard, Rick

foreward to Residential Work of the Olmsted Firm in Georgia by, 1993;IX.3:16

Beath, Thomas P.

George Lindley Taber and the Orchid Azalea, 2017;XXX.4:1

Beatrix Farrand: Private Gardens, Public Landscapes (Tankard)

review, 2010;XXIII.2:12

Beatrix Farrand’s Plant Book for Dumbarton Oaks

Dumbarton Oaks Garden and Park: A Celebration, 2020;XXXIII.2:2

Beatrix Potter’s Gardening Life: The Plants and Places That Inspired the Classic Children’s Tales (McDowell)

in print, 2014;XXVII.2:7

Beatrix: The Gardening Life of Beatrix Jones Farrand, 1872-1959 (Brown)

review, 1995;XI.3:14

Beaufort, NC

Frances Parker and gardens in, 2023;XXXV.4:15

house and garden tour, 1987;III.3:8

Beaumont, TX

The Peggy Martin Rose Awards, 2011;XXIV.1:7

Beautify Beaumont, Inc.

The Peggy Martin Rose Awards, 2011;XXIV.1:7

Beauty of the Wild: A Life Designing Landscapes Inspired by Nature (Morrison)

in print, 2022;XXXIV.3:18

Beauvoit (Jefferson Davis home), MS

The Peggy Martin Rose Awards, 2011;XXIV.1:7

Beck, Antony and Angela

Gainesway farm, KY, 2017;XXX.2:6

Becker, Robert

ALHFAM annual conference and, 1988;V.2:7

Field and Garden Vegetables of America (Burr) and, 1989;V.4:4

Becker, Sarah

Mount Vernon annual meeting, 2000;XV.4:10, 2021;XXXIII.3:1

Becoming Elizabeth Lawrence: Discovered Letters of a Southern Gardener (Wilson, ed.)

in print, 2010;XXIII.2:14

review, 2010;XXIII.3:8

beekeeping and beeswax

eighteenth century, in North Carolina, 1990;VII.2:4

Begg, Virginia Lopez

Charleston gardens: a turn of the century view, 1994;XI.1:1

Everything for the Garden (with Tankard, Nylander, and Emmet, in print 2020), 2019;XXXII.4:13

Journal of the New England Garden History Society and, 2002;XVII.4:19

as landscape historian, 1994;XI.2:12

Old Time Gardens (Earle, review), 2004;XIX.4:12

Behind Those Garden Walls in Historic Savannah (Wood)

Savannah annual meeting tour and, 1994;XI.2:8

Beiswanger, Bill

Historic Landscape Institute speaker, 1998;XIV.2:14

Monticello annual meeting speaker, 1987;III.3:3

Belair, Prince George’s Co., MD

orangery at, 1996;XII.3:1

Belcher, Anthony W.

Ellen Shipman Garden Photography Collection and, 2021;XXXIV.2:11

Belcher, Ella Moore, garden

Camden annual meeting tours, 2009;XXII.3:1, 2009;XXII.4:8

Belcher, Taylor

Ellen Shipman Garden Photography Collection and, 2021;XXXIV.2:11

Belcher, Taylor, III “Mike”

Ellen Shipman Garden Photography Collection and, 2021;XXXIV.2:11

Belk Foundation

Lawrence house purchase by, 2007;XXI.2:14

Wing Haven to purchase Elizabeth Lawrence House and Garden and, 2007;XXI.3:15

Bell, C. R.

Manual of the Vascular Flora of the Carolinas (with Radford and Ahles), 1994;X.3:5

Bell, Deborah

Mount Vernon annual meeting speaker, 2010;XXIII.1:10, 2010;XXIII.3:6, 2021;XXXIII.3:1

Bell, Jacob

Fort Worth botanist, 2006;XX.3:7

Bell, Laura Palmer

Clermont Lee and, 2014;XXVII.2:1

Bell, Leonie

International Heritage Rose Conference, Charleston, 2001;XVII.2:8

Musk Rose in America and, 2001;XVII.2:1

Noisette rose garden at Monticello and, 1999;XIV.4:8, 2001;XVII.2:1

Bell, Louis

Noisette rose garden at Monticello and, 1999;XIV.4:8, 2001;XVII.2:1

Bell, Malcolm, Jr.

Bartram Trail Conference and, 1991;VIII.2:11

Bell, Melinda

on The Gardener’s Kalendar reprint, 1998;XIV.3:11

Bellamy, Eliza McIlhenny Harriss

herbarium of, 2024;XXXVI.1:9

Bellamy, Ellen Douglas

Bellamy Mansion, NC gardens and, 2024;XXXVI.1:9

Bellamy Mansion, Wilmington, NC

annual meeting, 2023;XXXV.4:12, 2024;XXXVI.2:7

formal gardens of, 2024;XXXVI.1:9

landscape restoration, 1998;XIV.3:9

Bellefield Design Lectures, Hyde Park, NY

Griffin as speaker, 2007;XXI.1:8

Belle Meade Plantation, TN

Nashville annual meeting tour, 1987;IV.2:2

organizing meeting tours, 1983;HTI.1:1

Bellett, Peter

as professional gardener in Williamsburg, 1997;XIII.3:1

bell heather

Tillman on, 1984;I.1:6

Bellingrath, Walter

annual meeting tours and, 2024;XXXVI.3:11

Bellingrath Gardens and Home, Mobile, AL

annual meeting tours, 1994;XI.2:8, 1995;XI.4:1, 2024;XXXVI.3:11

hurricanes hit, 2004;XIX.3:12

Belman-Korando Garden, Atlanta

annual meeting tours, 2003;XVIII.3:4

Belmont, the Gari Melchers Estate and Memorial Gallery

creating a wildlife oasis at, 2010;XXIII.3:1

Dinosaurs in the Garden, 2016;XXIX.1:9

Fredericksburg annual meeting, 2004;XIX.3:10, 2005;XX.1:12

history and description, 2000;XVI.1:12

Learning from the Past, RSGL conference, 2015;XXVIII.2:7, 2015;XXVIII.4:5

in the news, 2011;XXIV.2:11

Roots House, Falmouth, VA and, 2015;XXVIII.1:7

Belmont Hall, Kent Co., DE

Tucker on, 1992;VIII.3:4

Belmont Mansion, TN

Nashville annual meeting tour, 1987;IV.2:2

Belvidere Plantation, SC

Between North and South: The Letters of Emily Wharton Sinkler, 1842-1865, 2002;XVII.3:12

Bemiss, Margaret Page

An Appreciation, 2019;XXXII.1:6

Certificate of Merit, 2010;XXIII.4:10

Historic Virginia Gardens: Preservation Work of the Garden Club of Virginia, 1975-2007 (in print), 2009;XXII.3:8

Historic Virginia Gardens: Preservation Work of the Garden Club of Virginia, 1975-2007 (review), 2010;XXIII.2:9

Returning to Our Roots, RSGL conference, 2009;XXII.4:1, 2010;XXIII.1:9

Bender, Steve

Passalong Plants (with Rushing), 1994;X.2:12, 1994;X.3:5

Benech, Louis

St. Louis Cathedral Garden To Be Restored, 2008;XXI.4:15

“Beneficial Effects of Flower Culture”

Wm. Summer essay, 1993;X.1:1

Benjamin Johnston, Frances

Chatham Manor, VA photographs (1927), 2017;XXX.3:8

Gardening in a Golden Age, RSGL conference, 2017;XXX.2:1

Gardens for a Beautiful America, 1895-1935: Photographs by Frances Benjamin Johnston (review), 2013;XXVI.1:8

Bennehan (Richard) House

Osage oranges at, 2024;XXXVI.2:11

Bennett, Thomas Peter

Florida Explored: The Philadelphia Connection in Bartram’s Tracks (in print), 2020;XXXIII.1:15

Benson, Betty L.

Natures Melody: A Guide to Georgia Wildflowers (available), 1995;XI.3:13

“The Benton County Horticultural Society: Its Cultural Role” (Jansma)

in the Arkansas Historical Quarterly, 1986;III.1:7

Beranger, Jeannette

Feeding the American South, RSGL conference, 2013;XXVI.1:11, 2013;XXVI.2:10

Berckman, Julianne

“An 18th-Century Kitchen Garden” in Early American Life publication, 1988;IV.4:2

disaster strikes Old Salem–recovery, research, and replanting, 1989;VI.1:10

Old Salem garden tour, RSGL conference, 1987;III.3:4, 1988;IV.4:9

“Old Salem’s Medicinal Garden” in Early American Life by, 1988;IV.4:2

on replanting Old Salem after tornado, 1989;VI.2:2

RSGL conference “how-to” sessions and, 1988;IV.4:9

RSGL conference planning by, 2023;XXXV.2:1

Berckmans, Caroline Horne

History of Fruitland Nurseries and Berckmans Family and, 2002;XVIII.1:1

Berckmans, Elizabeth Charlotte Arnoldine Rubens

History of Fruitland Nurseries and, 2002;XVIII.1:1

Berckmans, Emil

History of Fruitland Nurseries and, 2002;XVIII.1:1

Berckmans, Louis Alphonse

History of Fruitland Nurseries and Berckmans Family and, 2002;XVIII.1:1

Berckmans, Louis Mathieu Edouard

Athens annual meeting on influence of, 2008;XXII.1:8

History of Fruitland Nurseries and, 2002;XVIII.1:1

Julia Lester Dillon and, 2001;XVI.3:1

Berckmans, Mary Alice

History of Fruitland Nurseries and Berckmans Family and, 2002;XVIII.1:1

Berckmans, Mary Craig

History of Fruitland Nurseries and Berckmans Family and, 2002;XVIII.1:1

Berckmans, Prosper Jules Alphonse

antebellum azalea and camellia varieties in Southern gardens and, 1998;XIV.1:7

Arthur Solomon’s camellias and, 2013;XXVI.3:5

Athens annual meeting on influence of, 2008;XXII.1:8

daffodils in Georgia’s landscape and, 2008;XXI.4:1

History of Fruitland Nurseries and, 2002;XVIII.1:1

Jarvis Van Buren and, 2000;XVI.1:1

Julia Lester Dillon and, 2001;XVI.3:1

Berckmans, Prosper Jules Alphonse, Jr.

History of Fruitland Nurseries and Berckmans Family and, 2002;XVIII.1:1

Berckmans, Robert Craig

History of Fruitland Nurseries and Berckmans Family and, 2002;XVIII.1:1

Berckmans, Sally Bettle

History of Fruitland Nurseries and Berckmans Family and, 2002;XVIII.1:1

Bergen, Polly

as Azalea Garden Tour Queen, 2024;XXXVI.2:6

Bergey, Kay

Magnolia bound copies available, 2000;XV.4:14

Olmsted in the South, RSGL conference, 2002;XVIII.1:12

Plans and Plants of the Southern Landscape, RSGL conference, 1999;XV.1:10

Returning to Our Roots, RSGL conference, 2010;XXIII.1:9

as SGHS publications secretary, 2003;XVIII.3:14

Bergholz, W. R.

antebellum azalea and camellia varieties in Southern gardens and, 1998;XIV.1:7

Bergholz, Summer, and the Gardens of Antebellum Columbia, SC, 2000;XV.3:11

on horticulture in Columbia, SC, 2022;XXXIV.3:1

Pomaria Nurseries, SC and, 1993;X.1:8

Berkeley nurseries, Aldie, VA

The Restored Eudora Welty Garden Ten Years On and, 2014;XXVII.4:1

Berlandier, Jean Louis

Fort Worth botanist, 2006;XX.3:7

Berlins, Mrs. Peter

Mount Vernon annual meeting tours, 1990;VII.1:4

Bernard, John

on Blennerhassetts’ gardens, 1996;XII.4:10

Berrall, Julia S.

Queen Henrietta Maria’s Festival of Roses and Mayflowers, 1987;III.3:7

Berreth, David

Roots House, Falmouth, VA and, 2015;XXVIII.1:7

Berridge, Vanessa

Borde Hill Garden: A Plant Hunter’s Paradise (review), 2022;XXXV.1:9

Berry, Martha McChesney

Robert Cridland and the Gardens at Oak Hill and, 2017;XXX.3:1

Berry College, GA

Martha Berry, Robert Cridland, and the Gardens at Oak Hill, 2017;XXX.3:1

Berry Hill, Halifax County, VA

The “Awful Ailanthus” A Love-to-Hate Story, 2017;XXX.1:1

The Best Apples to Buy and Grow (Hanson, ed.)

in print, 2006;XX.3:14

best management practices

on boxwood blight, 2023;XXXV.3:9

Beta Verde

Feeding the American South, RSGL conference, 2013;XXVI.2:10

Learning from the Past, RSGL conference, 2015;XXVIII.2:7

Bethabara, Winston Salem, NC

archaeological dig at 1759 vegetable garden site of, 1988;V.1:2, 2023;XXXV.2:1

Hortus Medicus (1761) at, 2023;XXXV.2:1

Plans and Plants of the Southern Landscape, RSGL conference, 2000;XV.3:9

A Southern Plant List, 1999;XV.1:15

tea cultivation in vegetable garden of, 1993;IX.2:10

Beth Chatto: A Life With Plants (Horwood)

review, 2019;XXXII.4:11

Bethlehem Lutheran Church, Roundtop, TX

annual meeting tours, 1993;IX.3:6

Betts, Anna Whelan

illustrator for Duncan’s Charleston gardens articles, 1994;XI.1:1

Betts, Edwin Morris

Monticello Landscape restoration, 1923-1955 and, 2010;XXIII.1:1

Thomas Jefferson’s Garden Book and, 1988;IV.4:10

Between North and South: The Letters of Emily Wharton Sinkler, 1842-1865

in print, 2002;XVII.3:12

Between the Nanticoke and the Choptank: an Architectural History of Dorchester County, Maryland (Weeks)

in print, 1984;I.1:5

Beveridge, Charles E.

Frederick Law Olmsted: Plans and Views of Public Parks (with Meier and Mills, eds., in print), 2015;XXVIII.2:8

on Olmsted at RSGL conference, 1987;III.3:4, 1988;IV.3:15, 2002;XVIII.1:12, 2003;XVIII.3:1, 2003;XVIII.4:10, 2023;XXXV.2:1

Beyond the Garden Wall

Annapolis annual meeting, 2006;XX.3:4, 2007;XXI.2:8

Biddle, Mary Duke

Sarah P. Duke garden at Duke University and, 1993;IX.2:7

Bierman, Nancy

in the news, 2016;XXIX.2:5

Bierstadt, Albert

Porcelain and Decorative Arts Museum and, 2021;XXXIV.1:7

Biggs, Mrs. James A.

Charter Member, 2002;XVII.4:16

Bigham, Jennifer Rae

Atlanta annual meeting, 2002;XVIII.1:12

Bignonia bracteate

as Bartram botanical discovery, 2024;XXXVI.2:1

Billings, Elizabeth

The Woodland Garden at Tregaron, 2010;XXIII.2:6

Biltmore Estate, NC

annual meeting, 1994;XI.2:8, 1996;XII.3:6, 1997;XIII.2:12, 1998;XIII.4:5, 1998;XIV.2:1, 2008;XXII.2:8

Approach Road research, 1988;IV.3:12

Biltmore Portrait Graces New Olmsted Stamp, 1999;XV.1:11

boxwood blight surveyed at, 2023;XXXV.3:9

events planning at, 1987;IV.1:5

historic landscape restoration at, 1998;XIV.2:4

Hood’s note reviewing Olmsted papers on, 2016;XXIX.3:12

Olmsted in the South, RSGL conference, 2003;XVIII.3:1, 2003;XVIII.4:10

Biltmore Nursery: A Botanical Legacy (Alexander)

in print, 2007;XXI.1:15

Bingham, William

Battle-Friedman house garden research and, 1988;IV.3:8

“Biological Thought and Agricultural Practices of the 18th Century” (Sharrer)

Mount Vernon annual meeting, 2000;XV.4:10

Biophilic Cities

University of Virginia’s School of Architecture on, 2021;XXXIII.3:16

Birch, William

falling garden at Hampton, Baltimore Co. and, 1996;XII.3:1

Bird, Leslie

Mount Vernon annual meeting and, 2022;XXXIV.4:1

Bird, William, Jr.

Rosemont Plantation family and, 1993;IX.3:1

Birk, Sherry

Hunt (R. M.) drawings of Biltmore Estate and, 1994;XI.2:8

Birkenhead Park, near Liverpool, England

Olmsted and Vaux in Central Park, New York and, 2021;XXXIII.3:7

Birmingham, AL

annual meeting, 2019;XXXII.2:6

Jemison Park, Mountain Brook, Alabama: Sketches of a Streamside Preserve, 2021;XXXIII.3:18

SGHS State Ambassadors Meeting, 2024;XXXVI.3:9

Snowflake’ Hydrangea and Aldridge Gardens, 2018;XXXI.4:7

Student Annual Meeting Scholarship Recipients, 2019;XXXII.2:14

Weesie Smith: Alabama Gardener and Champion of its Flora, 2018;XXXI.3:1

Wrinkle’s Woodland Oasis in, 2019;XXXII.1:8

Birmingham Botanical Gardens

Birmingham annual meeting tours, 2019;XXXII.2:6

schedule for speakers, 1997;XIII.1:8

Weesie Smith: Alabama Gardener and Champion of its Flora, 2018;XXXI.3:1

Birnbaum, Charles A.

Design with Culture: Claiming America’s Landscape Heritage (with Hughes, in print), 2005;XX.2:9

Unearthing the Past, RSGL conference, 2005;XX.1:10, 2005;XX.2:10

Wave Hill landscape preservation symposium and, 1998;XIV.3:10

Bisgrove, Richard

William Robinson: the Wild Gardener (review), 2008;XXII.1:13

Bishir, Catherine

Mary Riggs Collins and the Somerset Place Gardens, 2001;XVI.4:1

New Bern, NC annual meeting, 2001;XVI.4:14

Tryon Palace gardens plan and, 1998;XIV.1:1

Bissell, Julia Andrews

in the news, 1992;VIII.4:14

Bisset, David

Coastal Georgia Botanical Gardens and Historic Bamboo Farm and, 2021;XXXIII.4:1

Bisset, Peter

Coastal Georgia Botanical Gardens and Historic Bamboo Farm and, 2021;XXXIII.4:1

Bisset’s Bamboo (Phyllostachys bissetii)

at Coastal Georgia Botanical Gardens and Historic Bamboo Farm, 2021;XXXIII.4:1

Bixler, Absalom

cobalt-decorated redware flowerpot (ca. 1850) sold, 2023;XXXV.2:2

Bizier, Karen

Carlyle House landscape restoration, 1988;IV.3:6

Black, Bill

Hills & Dales Estate in LaGrange, GA, 2004;XIX.4:11

Black, Claude Aubrey

LeConte-Woodmanston garden restoration, GA, 1986;III.1:3

Blackadder, Jill Slee

“Butter and Eggs” Daffodil is Likely ‘Derwydd’ not ‘Van Sion’, 2003;XVIII.2:10

Black Ben Davis apples

in Clay County, Alabama, 2024;XXXVI.3:1

Blackburn, Sadie Gwin

on the Country Place Era in Houston, 1993;IX.4:1

Historic Texas Landscapes survey and, 1998;XIV.2:5

Blackland Prairie, TX

Texas White House setting and, 2002;XVII.3:10

Black Landscapes Matter (Hood and Tada)

review, 2021;XXXIII.3:10

Black Water Swamp, GA

LeConte-Woodmanston garden and, 1986;III.1:5

Blackwell, Elizabeth

illustrations for A Curious Herbal by, 1995;XII.1:1

Blair, John

Musk Rose in America and, 2001;XVII.2:1

Blankenship, Kate Millington

Evolution of the Lawn, 2005;XX.2:5

Blasdale, Walter C.

on Oxalis rubra, 1994;X.3:5

Blaxton, Reverend

Boston apple orchard of, 2024;XXXVI.3:1

Bleckley, Haralson

The Woven Landscapes of LaGrange, Georgia, 2008;XXII.1:1

Blenheim, Charles Co., MD

orangery at, 1996;XII.3:1

Blennerhassett, Harman

gardens of Blennerhassett Island and, 1996;XII.4:10

Blennerhassett, Margaret

gardens of Blennerhassett Island and, 1996;XII.4:10

Blennerhassett Island, WV

recent discovery sheds light on the gardens of, 1996;XII.4:10

Bleser, Carol

The Hammonds of Redcliffe (review), 1998;XIII.4:7

Secret and Sacred: The Diaries of James Henry Hammond, a Southern Slaveholder (review), 1998;XIII.4:7

Bliss (B. K.) & Sons

bulbs at Mountain Shoals, SC and, 1838 to the present, 2011;XXIV.1:1

Bliss, Mildred Barnes

Dumbarton Oaks Garden and Park: A Celebration, 2020;XXXIII.2:1

Jane Welles Loudon: “First Professional Lady Gardener,” 2020;XXXIII.2:8

Bliss, Robert Woods

Dumbarton Oaks Garden and Park: A Celebration, 2020;XXXIII.2:1

Blitch, Riley M.

Tallahassee annual meeting speaker, 1997;XIII.2:5

Vernacular gardens of rural Florida, 1997;XIII.2:1

Blitchton, near Ocala, FL

as vernacular garden, 1997;XIII.2:1

Block, Margaret

Cherokee Garden Library, Atlanta and, 2021;XXXIV.2:1

Blomfield, Reginald

on formal gardens, 1993;IX.4:1

Bloom, Inc.

AABGA NetGuide update, 2004;XIX.2:11

AABGA Networking Guide to Historic Landscape Resources, 2003;XVIII.4:9

Blossman, Robert

Texas White House setting and, 2002;XVII.3:10

The Blossom Circle of the Year in Southern Gardens (Dillon, 1922)

Preserving 20th-century gardens and, 2007;XXI.2:1

publication of, 2001;XVI.3:1

Blount Mansion: An Urban Oasis in Knoxville, 2019;XXXII.4:1

Blow, George Preston

Preserving 20th-century gardens of, 2007;XXI.2:1

bluebonnet (Lupinus sp.)

The Fair Ladies of Texas and, 2016;XXIX.1:11

Bluegrass Region, KY

hemp and flax production history, 2016;XXIX.4:1

Blue Ridge Parkway

Folk Art Center, Biltmore annual meeting and, 1998;XIV.2:1

Stanley W. Abbott: Visionary Planner, 2013;XXVI.2:1, 2013;XXVI.2:5

Blunt, Ozell

on color in African-American gardens, 1992;VIII.4:1

Blythwood, Clarkesville, GA

Jarvis Van Buren: Georgia Horticulturist, Writer, Nurseryman, and Builder, 2000;XVI.1:1

Board meetings

1982 (Fall), 2002;XVII.4:3

1982 (Spring), 2002;XVII.4:3

1983 (Fall), 1983;HTI.3:1, 2002;XVII.4:3

1983 (Spring), 1983;HTI.2:1

1984 (Spring), 2002;XVII.4:3

1985 (Fall), 1985;II.1:4, 1985;II.2:3

1986 (Fall), 1986;III.2:1, 1986;III.2:3

1988 (Fall), 1988;V.2:3

1990 (Fall), 1990;VII.2:8

1991 (Spring), 1991;VII.4:5, 1991;VIII.1:9

1992 (Spring), 1992;VIII.4:15

1993 (Fall), 1993;IX.2:15, 1994;X.2:10

1994 (Fall), 1994;XI.2:9

1994 (Spring), 1994;X.4:6

1996 (Fall), 1996;XII.3:6, 1997;XIII.1:12

1996 (Spring), 1996;XII.3:6

1997 (Spring), 1997;XIII.2:12

1998 (Fall), 1998;XIII.4:5, 1998;XIV.3:10

1998 (Spring), 1998;XIV.2:6

1999 (Fall), 1999;XV.2:14

1999 (Spring), 1999;XV.1:14

2000 (Fall), 2000;XVI.2:12

2000 (Spring), 2000;XV.4:9

2001 (Fall), 2001;XVII.2:7

2001 (Spring), 2001;XVI.4:13

2002 (Fall), 2002;XVIII.1:14

2003 (Fall), 2003;XVIII.4:2

2003 (Spring), 2003;XVIII.3:15

2004 (Fall), 2004;XIX.3:11

2005 (Spring), 2005;XX.1:15

2006 (Fall), 2006;XX.4:15

2006 (Spring), 2006;XX.3:4

2007 (Fall), 2007;XXI.3:14

2007 (Spring), 2007;XXI.2:14

2008 (Spring), 2008;XXI.4:15

2009 (Fall), 2010;XXIII.1:14

2010 (Spring), 2010;XXIII.3:5

2011 (Spring), 2011;XXIV.3:11

2012 (Fall), 2012;XXV.4:11

2020 (Fall), virtual, 2020;XXXIII.2:2

2020 (Summer), virtual, 2020;XXXIII.1:18

2021 (Spring), virtual, 2021;XXXIV.1:2

2022 (Spring), 2022;XXXIV.4:7

Board of Directors. See also honorary board members

on board rotation and permanent headquarters, 1992;VIII.4:15

bylaws on, 1986;III.2:2, 1993;IX.3:9

call for nominees to, 1995;XII.1:12, 1998;XIII.4:5

finances update, 2021;XXXIV.1:2

First, Officers and Directors of (listing), 2002;XVII.4:16

Magnolia editor as ex-officio member of, 1987;III.3:2

members rotating off, 1994;XI.2:11

new members welcomed, 1995;XI.4:12

nominating committee. see nominating committee, of SGHS Board

publications committee, 1986;III.1:1, 1988;V.1:1, 1990;VII.2:8, 1993;IX.3:16

Washington/Fayette Counties, TX annual meeting and, 1993;IX.4:9

Boasberg, Sarah S. “Sally”

in the news, 1994;X.3:11

Bobbink & Atkins, Rutherford, NJ

The Restored Eudora Welty Garden Ten Years On and, 2014;XXVII.4:1

bodark or bodart

as America’s living barbed wire, 2024;XXXVI.2:11

“The Uncommon Bodark” by C. A. Brown, 1986;III.1:7

Bodger, John

zinnia seeds from, 2023;XXXV.4:9

Bodleian Plate (ca. 1736-1740)

Evolution of the Lawn, 2005;XX.2:5

Boehm Studios

Porcelain and Decorative Arts Museum and, 2021;XXXIV.1:7

Boenker, Alexis

Cothran Scholarship for, 2018;XXXI.1:5

Boggess, Elizabeth MacNeil “Beth”

annual meeting, 2002;XVIII.1:14

elected to SGHS board of directors, 1996;XII.3:9

Fall Board meeting, 1997;XIII.1:12, 1998;XIII.4:5, 2001;XVII.2:7

Glenn Haltom (1930-2013), homage by, 2013;XXVI.3:9

Lost Landscapes, RSGL conference, 2007;XXI.3:6

Magnolia index and, 1998;XIV.2:6

Mount Vernon annual meeting, 2010;XXIII.3:6, 2021;XXXIII.3:1

Natchez annual meeting (20th Anniversary), 1998;XIV.3:10, 2002;XVII.4:5

Natchez gardens and, 2001;XVII.1:1, 2001;XVII.2:14

SGHS photos (1982–2002), 2002;XVII.4:9

Spring Board meeting, 1999;XV.1:14, 2001;XVI.4:13

as state editor for Magnolia, 1987;III.3:7

Boggs, Mrs. Thomas

Monticello Landscape restoration, 1923-1955 and, 2010;XXIII.1:1

bois d’arc

as America’s living barbed wire, 2024;XXXVI.2:11

Bok Tower Gardens, Lake Wales, FL

hurricanes hit, 2004;XIX.3:12

Tallahassee annual meeting tours, 1997;XIII.2:5

Bolivar plantation, TX

ha-ha with Rosa multiflora atop it for hedging at, 1991;VII.4:11

Bolton, Elaine

documenting vernacular landscapes, 2021;XXXIV.2:1

Bolton, Ellen and Herbert

on gardening to share, 1992;VIII.4:1

Bomarzo (Italian garden)

The Garden at Bomarzo: A Renaissance Riddle (Sheeler, review), 2007;XXI.2:15

Bonar Hall, Madison, GA

Athens annual meeting tours, 2008;XXII.1:8

Bonaventure Cemetery, Savannah, GA

Mary Catherine Rion and, 2001;XVII.2:10

Bond, Mrs. John J.

Charter Member, 2002;XVII.4:16

Le Bon Jardinier, Almanach Pour

Nouveau Jardinier de la Louisiane (Lelievre, 1838), 1999;XV.2:1

Bonnefons, Nicolas de

Iardinier Francois (1664 ed.), 1987;IV.1:9

Bonsal, W. R., garden

Camden annual meeting tours, 2009;XXII.4:8

The Book of Attributes (White)

review, 2009;XXII.4:15

The Book of English Trades and Library of the Useful Arts (London, 1824)

William Paca’s way of gardening and, 1988;IV.4:3

book reviews. See also exhibitions and catalogues

American Gardens, 1890–1930 (Watters, ed.), 2007;XXI.1:11

Andre Michaux in North America: Journals & Letters, 1785-1797 (Williams, Norman, and Taylor, eds.), 2020;XXXIII.2:10

Antique Roses for the South (Welch), 2004;XIX.4:15

Apples of North America: Exceptional Varieties for Gardeners, Growers, and Cooks (Burford), 2013;XXVI.4:8

Arthur A. Shurcliff – Design, Preservation, and the Creation of the Colonial Williamsburg Landscape (Cushing, review), 2015;XXVIII.1:9

Art of the Garden: The Garden in British Art, 1800 to the Present Day (Alfrey, Daniels, and Postle, eds.), 2004;XIX.4:12

Bartram’s Garden Catalogue of North American Plants, 1783 (J. D. Hunt, ed.), 1997;XIII.1:10

Beatrix Farrand: Private Gardens, Public Landscapes (Tankard), 2010;XXIII.2:12

Beatrix: The Gardening Life of Beatrix Jones Farrand, 1872-1959 (Brown), 1995;XI.3:14

Becoming Elizabeth Lawrence: Discovered Letters of a Southern Gardener (Wilson, ed.), 2010;XXIII.3:8

Black Landscapes Matter (Hood and Tada), 2021;XXXIII.3:10

The Book of Attributes (White), 2009;XXII.4:15

Borde Hill Garden: A Plant Hunter’s Paradise (Berridge and Glover), 2022;XXXV.1:9

British and American Gardens in the Eighteenth Century: Eighteen Illustrated Essays on Garden History (Martin, ed.), 1985;II.1:1

Cemeteries (Eggener), 2011;XXIV.3:8

Central Park, An American Masterpiece: A Comprehensive History of the Nation’s First Urban Park (Miller, 2003), 2003;XVIII.3:7

Charles Eliot, Landscape Architect (Eliot), 2000;XV.3:15

Charleston Gardens and the Landscape Legacy of Loutrel Briggs (Cothran), 2011;XXIV.2:9

The Chelsea Gardener: Philip Miller, 1691-1771 (Le Rougetel), 1990;VII.2:14

Churchill and Chartwell: The Untold Story of Churchill’s Houses and Gardens (Buczacki), 2008;XXI.4:10

A Confederate Lady Comes of Age: The Journal of Pauline DeCaradeuc Heyward, 1863-1888 (Robertson, ed.), 1998;XIII.4:7

Daffodils in Florida: A Field Guide to the Coastal South (Van Beck and Van Beck), 2004;XIX.3:14

Dream Gardener: Pioneer Nurseryman Bertrand H. Farr (Edmonds), 2008;XXII.2:1

Earth Patterns: Essays in Landscape Archaeology (Kelso & Most, eds.), 1991;VII.3:9

Ellen Shipman and the American Garden (Tankard), 2018;XXXI.4:12

English Pleasure Gardens (Nichols), 2003;XVIII.4:13

Field and Garden Vegetables of America (Burr), 1989;V.4:4

Furnishing the Old-Fashioned Garden: Three Centuries of American Summerhouses, Dovecotes, Pergolas, Privies, Fences & Birdhouses (Hill), 1999;XIV.4:9

The Garden at Bomarzo: A Renaissance Riddle (Sheeler), 2007;XXI.2:15

The Garden at Charleston: A Bloomsbury Garden through the Seasons (Snell), 2010;XXIII.4:10

The Garden at Hidcote (Whitsey), 2007;XXI.2:15

The Garden Diary of Martha Turnbull, Mistress of Rosedown Plantation (Turner, ed.), 2012;XXV.4:8

A Gardener’s Life (Salisbury), 2008;XXI.4:10

Gardens and Historic Plants of the Antebellum South (Cothran), 2004;XIX.1:14

Gardens for a Beautiful America, 1895-1935: Photographs by Frances Benjamin Johnston (Watters), 2013;XXVI.1:8

Garden Shrubs and Their Histories (Coats), 1993;IX.3:13

Gardens of Historic Charleston (Cothran), 1995;XII.1:10

The Gardens of Portugal (Attlee), 2008;XXI.4:10

The Gardens of Russell Page (Schinz and van Zuylen), 2008;XXI.4:10

Gardens of the Arts & Crafts Movement (Tankard), 2018;XXXI.4:12

Gardens of the Arts and Crafts Movement: Reality and Imagination (Tankard), 2004;XIX.4:12

The Garden Tourist 1993: A Guide to Garden Tours, Garden Days, Shows, and Special Events (Rosenfield), 1993;IX.3:13

Gertrude Jekyll and the Country House Garden, From the Archives of Country Life (Tankard), 2011;XXIV.4:8

The Golden Age of American Gardens (Griswold and Weller), 1991;VIII.2:9

Grandmother’s Garden: The Old-Fashioned American Garden 1865-1915 (Hill), 1996;XII.2:9

Great Gardens of America (Richardson), 2010;XXIII.4:10

The Hammonds of Redcliffe (Bleser, ed.), 1998;XIII.4:7

Herbarium: The Quest to Preserve & Classify the World’s Plants (Thiers), 2021;XXXIV.1:11

The Hermitage Landscape: Before and after the 1998 Tornado (Coke), 1999;XV.2:13

Historic Virginia Gardens: Preservation Work of the Garden Club of Virginia, 1975-2007 (Bemiss), 2010;XXIII.2:9

A History of Wine in America (Pinney), 1991;VII.3:10

Houston’s Silent Garden: Glenwood Cemetery, 1871–2009 (Turner and Wilson), 2011;XXIV.3:8

I’ll Build a Stairway to Paradise: A Life of Bunny Mellon (Griswold), 2023;XXXV.3:12

An Illustrated Glossary of Early Southern Architecture and Landscape (Lounsbury, ed.), 1994;XI.2:10

An Infinity of Graces: Cecil Ross Pinsent, An English Architect in the Italian Landscape (Clark), 2013;XXVI.3:7

Jansma as Magnolia editor for, 1993;X.1:11

Keeping Eden: A History of Gardening in America (Massachusetts Historical Society, Punch, ed.), 1993;IX.3:8

Ladies’ Southern Florist (Rion, facsimile edition), 2001;XVII.1:12

Landscaping with Antique Roses (Druitt and Shoup), 1992;IX.1:10

Laura Woodward: The Artist Behind the Innovator Who Developed Palm Beach (Pollack, 2011), 2011;XXIV.1:9

A Legacy in Bloom: Celebrating a Century of Gardens at the Cummer (Tankard), 2009;XXII.4:11

A Lesson in Art & Life: The Colourful World of Cedric Morris & Arthur Lett-Haines (St. Clair, 2020), 2019;XXXII.4:8

The Letterbook of Eliza Lucas Pinckney, 1739-1762, 1998;XIII.4:7

A Life Among the Texas Flora, Ferdinand Lindheimer’s Letters to George Englemann (Goyne translation) (review), 1992;IX.1:9

The Life and Art of Alfred Hutty: Woodstock to Charleston (Arnold and Hoffius, eds.), 2012;XXV.2:9

The Live Oak Trail (O’Bryan), 2000;XVI.2:15

Longue Vue House and Gardens: The Architecture, Interiors, and Gardens of New Orleans’ Most Celebrated Estate (Davey and Reese), 2015;XXVIII.4:14

On the Making of Gardens (Sitwell), 2003;XVIII.4:13

Mariana Griswold Van Rensselaer: A Landscape Critic in the Gilded Age (Major), 2014;XXVII.1:7

Money, Manure & Maintenance: Ingredients for Successful Gardens of Marian Coffin Pioneer Landscape Architect 1876-1957 (Fleming), 1995;XI.4:11

Montrose: Life in a Garden (Goodwin), 2005;XX.2:12

The Morville Hours (Swift), 2011;XXIV.2:10

The Naming of Names: The Search for Order in the World of Plants (Pavord), 2006;XX.3:12

A Natural History of English Gardening, 1650-1800 (Laird), 2015;XXVIII.3:8

Nature’s Palette: A Color Reference from the Natural World (Baty), 2021;XXXIV.2:14

No One Gardens Alone: A Life of Elizabeth Lawrence (Wilson), 2004;XIX.3:12

Norah Lindsay: The Life and Art of a Garden Designer (Hayward), 2007;XXI.3:10

The Northwest Gardens of Lord & Schryver (Libby), 2022;XXXIV.4:8

Nouveau Jardinier de la Louisiane (Lelievre, 1838), 2001;XVII.1:12

Old Time Gardens (Earle with Begg introduction), 2004;XIX.4:12

The Once & Future Gardener: Garden Writing from the Golden Age of Magazines, 1900-1940 (Clayton), 2000;XVI.2:10

Once Upon a TimeA Cemetery Story (White), 2009;XXII.4:15, 2010;XXIII.2:9

“The Only Unavoidable Subject of Regret” – George Washington, Slavery, and the Enslaved Community at Mount Vernon (Thompson), 2021;XXXIII.3:10

Our Days Are Like Full Years: A Memoir with Letters from Louis Kahn (Pattison), 2021;XXXIII.4:9

With Paintbrush & Shovel: Preserving Virginia’s Wildflowers (Kober and Ware), 2001;XVI.3:14

The Papers of Frederick Law Olmsted, Volume IX, The Last Great Projects (Schuyler, Kaliss, and Schlossberg, eds.), 2016;XXIX.3:10

Paradise of Exiles: The Anglo-American Gardens of Florence (Campbell), 2010;XXIII.1:12

Perennial Garden Color for Texas and the South (Welch), 1989;V.4:5

“Perfectly Delightful”: The Life and Gardens of Harvey Ladew (Weeks, review), 2000;XV.4:12

The Philadelphia Country House: Architecture and Landscape in Colonial America (Reinberger and McLean), 2016;XXIX.2:7

Public Parks, Private Gardens: Paris to Provence (Ives), 2018;XXXI.3:8

Public Spaces, Private Gardens: A History of Designed Landscapes in New Orleans (Douglas), 2012;XXV.1:9

A Rage for Rock Gardening: The Story of Reginald Ferrer, Gardener, Writer & Plant Collector (Shulman), 2005;XX.1:15

Restoring American Gardens: An Encyclopedia of Heirloom Ornamental Plants 1640-1940 (Adams), 2004;XIX.1:15

The Rose Rustlers (Grant and Welch), 2017;XXX.3:10

The Royal Horticultural Society: A History, 1804-2004 (Elliott), 2004;XIX.2:14

The Sakura Obsession: The Incredible Story of the Plant Hunter Who Saved Japan’s Cherry Blossoms (Abe), 2019;XXXII.4:7

Savannah: Secret & Public Gardens (Cox), 2000;XVI.2:10

Secret and Sacred: The Diaries of James Henry Hammond, a Southern Slaveholder (Bleser, ed.), 1998;XIII.4:7

Seeking Eden: A Collection of Georgia’s Historic Gardens (Catron and Eaddy), 2018;XXXI.1:11

Selected Letters of Anna Heyward Taylor: South Carolina Artist and World Traveler (Taylor and Moore, eds.), 2011;XXIV.4:8

Shades of Green: My Life As The National Trust’s Head of Gardens, Negotiating change – care, repair, renewal (Sales), 2019;XXXII.1:10

Sketches in North Carolina USA, 1872 to 1878: Vineyard Scenes (Heath), 2003;XVIII.3:9

The Southern Heirloom Garden (Welch and Grant), 1996;XII.2:10

Taking Root: The Nature Writing of William and Adam Summer of Pomaria (Kibler), 2017;XXX.2:10

Thomas Mawson: Life, Gardens and Landscapes (Waymark), 2009;XXII.4:11

Tudor Place: America’s Story Lives Here (Buhler, ed.), 2017;XXX.1:8

Two Gardeners – A Friendship in Letters, Katharine S. White and Elizabeth Lawrence (Wilson, ed.), 2002;XVII.4:18

The Unknown Gertrude Jekyll (Wood, ed.), 2006;XX.4:17

A Village Lost And Found (May and Vidal), 2010;XXIII.3:8

Vizcaya: An American Villa and its Makers (Rybczynski and Olin), 2007;XXI.1:11

Warren H. Manning: Landscape Architect and Environmental Planner (Karson, Brown, and Allaback, eds.), 2017;XXX.4:9

Washington at the Plow: The Founding Farmer and the Question of Slavery (Ragsdale), 2022;XXXIV.3:12

William Robinson: the Wild Gardener (Bisgrove), 2008;XXII.1:13

A Year In Our Gardens: Letters (Goodwin and Lacy), 2001;XVI.4:15

A Year in the Life of an English Meadow (Garnett and Devlin), 2007;XXI.2:15

Books: In Brief. See also In Print

Money, Manure & Maintenance: Ingredients for Successful Gardens of Marian Coffin Pioneer Landscape Architect 1876-1957 (Fleming), 1995;XI.4:11

Natures Melody: A Guide to Georgia Wildflowers (Benson), 1995;XI.3:13

Boone, Kofi

Black Landscapes Matter, RSGL conference, 2019;XXXII.2:12

Booth, Blair and Inza Watson

Wallace House, Wilmington, NC and, 2024;XXXVI.2:7

Booth, William

A Southern Plant List, 1999;XV.1:15

zinnia seeds listed by, 2023;XXXV.4:9

Borde Hill Garden: A Plant Hunter’s Paradise (Berridge and Glover)

review, 2022;XXXV.1:9

Bordley, John Beale

Essays and Notes on Husbandry and Rural Affairs (1799), 1988;V.2:4

Farmer Washington at Mount Vernon, 1759-1799, 2000;XV.3:1

Bore, Chevalier de

Evolution of the Lawn, 2005;XX.2:5

Borough Plantation at Stateburg, SC

Camden annual meeting tours, 2009;XXII.3:1, 2009;XXII.4:8

Bosher, Ann Herbert Hopkins

Musk Rose in America and, 2001;XVII.2:1

Bosher, James

Musk Rose in America and, 2001;XVII.2:1

Boston, MA

Daffodils in Cemeteries, 2003;XVIII.2:7

Boston Cemetery, GA

Daffodils in Georgia’s Landscape, 2008;XXI.4:1

botanical discoveries

Bartram and, 2024;XXXVI.2:1

botanical drawings

The Louisiana Work of Margaret Stones, 2019;XXXII.2:1

Native Flora of Louisiana: Watercolor Drawings by Margaret Stones (in print 2018), 2019;XXXII.2:1

Botanical Exploration of Southern Africa (Gunn and Codd, 1981)

The Sage & Rosemary Tree, 2000;XVI.1:10

Botanical Garden Foundation, Inc., NC

William Lanier Hunt and, 2002;XVII.4:13

The Botanical Register (Miller)

A Sultry Southern Heirloom, Japanese Macabre and, 2022;XXXV.1:1

Botanical Research Institute of Texas

Fort Worth annual meeting tours, 2005;XX.2:9, 2006;XX.3:7

Botanic Garden and Society, SC

1810 Catalogue of Plants in, 2012;XXV.3:6

Botanic Garden at Cambridge (Harvard)

Louis LeConte’s Bulb Garden, 1813-1838 and, 2014;XXVII.1:1

Botany for Ladies

Jane Welles Loudon: “First Professional Lady Gardener,” 2020;XXXIII.2:8

The Botany of the Shroud of Turin: A Floral Crime Scene Investigation

Delaware State University exhibit (in print), 2004;XIX.1:13

Botherum house, Lexington, KY

Lexington annual meeting tour, 2016;XXIX.3:7, 2017;XXX.2:6

Bott, John

Musk Rose in America and, 2001;XVII.2:1

Bott, Susan Catherine Spotswood

Musk Rose in America and, 2001;XVII.2:1

bottlebrush buckeye

as Bartram botanical discovery, 2024;XXXVI.2:1

Bottle Chapel, at Airlee Gardens, Wilmington, NC

annual meeting tours, 2024;XXXVI.2:7

Bottomley, William Lawrence

Stratford Hall grounds and gardens restoration and, 2004;XIX.1:1, 2004;XIX.4:1

The Work of William Lawrence Bottomley in Richmond (O’Neal and Weeks, in print ), 1985;II.2:4

Bouanchaud, Sarita, garden

Baton Rouge annual meeting tours, 2011;XXIV.3:5

The Bountiful Flower Garden: Growing and Sharing Cut Flowers in the South (Odenwald and Welch, 2000)

in print, 2000;XVI.1:15

Bourbon roses

Affleck on varieties best adapted to the South, 1991;VIII.1:7

Bowden, Robert

Tallahassee annual meeting speaker, 1997;XIII.2:5

Bowen, Jason

Southern Heritage Apple Orchard, North Carolina and, 2024;XXXVI.3:1

Bowen, Mark

Oktober Gartenfest in Winedale, Texas, 2000;XVI.2:8

Bowen, Mark and Mary

Lynn R. Lowrey, Plantsman, 1999;XV.1:1

Bowens, Richmond

Charleston annual meeting speaker, 1992;VIII.4:12

Bowles, E. A.

‘Musk Rose’ in England and, 1994;X.3:1

Bowles, John

The Sage & Rosemary Tree, 2000;XVI.1:10

bowling greens

Evolution of the Lawn and, 2005;XX.2:5

Box Hall Plantation, FL

Tallahassee annual meeting tours, 1997;XIII.2:5

Boxwell, Mrs. R. L.

Charter Member, 2002;XVII.4:16


blight, in historic American gardens, 2023;XXXV.3:9

blight, Lynchburg annual meeting on, 2013;XXVI.2:5

at Charles Carroll House, Annapolis, MD, 1993;IX.2:1

questions regarding boxwood for restorers of Southern gardens, 1986;II.4:8

The Boxwood Bulletin

“In Search of Boxwood in Central Virginia” (Frackelton), 1988;IV.4:2

Boyd (Darnall W. and Susan F.) Foundation

Robert Mills House, Columbia, SC and, 2022;XXXIV.3:1

Boykin, Alexander Hamilton and Sara Jones Desaussure, garden

Camden annual meeting tours, 2009;XXII.3:1, 2009;XXII.4:4

Brace, Charles Loring

Olmsted in the Antebellum South, 2006;XX.4:1

Bradberry, Charles

Summer Board meeting (virtual), 2020;XXXIII.1:18

Bradbury, A. Thomas

Edward L. Daugherty and, 2008;XXII.2:10

Bradbury, Joe

Lynn R. Lowrey, Plantsman, 1999;XV.1:1

Bradley, Martha

as state Magnolia editor for Tennessee, 1987;IV.2:11, 1989;V.4:7, 1990;VII.2:15

Bradley, Richard

New Improvement on Planting and Gardening (1719–20), 1993;IX.2:1

The Sage & Rosemary Tree, 2000;XVI.1:10

Bradlye, Martha W.

Charter Member, 2002;XVII.4:16

Brandl, Greg

Mount Vernon annual meeting tours, 2010;XXIII.3:6, 2021;XXXIII.3:1

Brandon plantation, VA

Magnolias, Do or Die, 2012;XXV.3:1

Brandywine Nurseries, Wilmington, Del.

Edward Tatnall’s, pre-1858 catalog of, 1992;VIII.3:4

The Brandywine Valley: An Introduction to its Cultural Treasures (Wamsley)

in print, 1993;IX.3:14

Braswel, Nicholas

Mobile annual meeting speaker, 1995;XI.4:1

Braswell, Bill and Patricia

Elliott-Brown House, Wilmington, NC and, 2024;XXXVI.2:7

Braund, Kathryn E. Holland

The Attention of a Traveller: Essays on William Bartram’s Travels and Legacy (in print), 2024;XXXVI.1:6

Fields of Vision: Essays on the Travels of William Bartram (with Porter), 2021;XXXIII.3:8

A New World, RSGL conference, 2011;XXIV.2:1, 2011;XXIV.4:6

on William Bartram, 2011;XXIV.2:7

William Bartram on Southeastern Indians (with Waselkov), 2021;XXXIII.3:8

Breaking Ground: Examining the Vision and Practice of Historic Landscape Restoration

RSGL conference, 1998;XIII.4:1

Breaking Ground: Examining the Vision and Practice of Historic Landscape Restoration (1997)

in print, 1999;XV.1:11, 1999;XV.2:12

published on SGHS website, 2021;XXXIV.1:1

as SGHS publication, 2002;XVII.4:7

Brechter, Bart

Bayou Bend - Maintaining a Garden’s Integrity, 2003;XVIII.4:9

on Houston azaleas and garden restoration, 2017;XXX.4:7, 2018;XXXI.1:1

on how the ‘George L. Taber’ azalea came to Bayou Bend, 2018;XXXI.4:9

Breck, Joseph

Daffodils in Georgia’s Landscape, 2008;XXI.4:1

Breckenridge, Curt

Understanding George Washington’s Upper Garden, 2010;XXIII.2:1

Breidenbach, Madeline and David

Baton Rouge annual meeting tours, 2011;XXIV.3:5

Breland, JoAnn

International Heritage Rose Conference, Charleston, 2001;XVII.2:8

Bremo Plantation, VA. See also Lower Bremo plantation, VA; Upper Bremo plantation, VA

Historic Landscape Institute and, 1998;XIV.2:14

Monticello, Charlottesville annual meeting tours, 1987;III.3:3, 1987;IV.2:1

musk rose, Richmond annual meeting, 2012;XXV.3:8

musk rose at, 1999;XIV.4:8

Bremo Recess, VA

The Garden Club of Virginia’s Research Fellowship Program, 2015;XXVIII.2:10

Musk Rose in America and, 2001;XVII.2:1

Brenham, TX. See also Rosedale Nurseries, Brenham, TX

Affleck’s ‘Glenblythe’ in, 1991;VIII.1:5

annual meeting. see Washington/Fayette Counties, TX

Brenner, Kelly

A Sultry Southern Heirloom, Japanese Macabre and, 2022;XXXV.1:1

Brewer, Debbie and Thomas O.

Camden annual meeting hosts, 2009;XXII.3:1, 2009;XXII.4:4

Brewton (Miles) house, Charleston, SC

Duncan on Colonial Revival and, 1994;XI.1:1

Briarwood, LA

Caroline Dormon and, 2004;XIX.2:1, 2022;XXXIV.3:7

Briarwood Nature Preserve

Natchitoches annual meeting tours, 2022;XXXV.1:2, 2023;XXXV.3:1

Brice (James) House, Annapolis, MD

annual meeting tour, 1985;I.3:2, 1986;II.3:4

Queen Henrietta Maria’s Festival of Roses and Mayflowers, 1987;III.3:7

brick hemp barns

in 19th century Kentucky, 2016;XXIX.4:1

Bridgeman, Charles

The Garden Mount in Early Carolina Landscape Design, 2000;XV.4:1

Bridgeman, Thomas

Daffodils in Georgia’s Landscape, 2008;XXI.4:1

Bridges, Edwin C.

Montgomery annual meeting speaker, 1985;II.1:2, 1986;II.4:9

Bridgman, Karen

Jefferson’s visit to Painshill (1786) and, 2010;XXIII.4:1

A briefe and true report of the new found land of Virginia (Harriot)

on early Virginia plant collecting, 1994;XI.2:1

Briggs, Loutrel Winslow

Anne Spencer’s garden restoration, 2005;XX.1:7

Charleston annual meeting on, 2016;XXIX.2:1

Charleston Gardens and the Landscape Legacy of Loutrel Briggs (Cothran, in print), 2010;XXIII.2:14

Mepkin Abbey Gardens—Native Plant Reclamation Project, 2010;XXIII.3:4

Mulberry gardens and, 2015;XXVIII.4:12

preserving Charleston’s landscape legacy, 2004;XIX.4:9

on Sword Gate House roses, 1988;IV.3:3

Briggs, Mrs. Duncan

Charter Member, 2002;XVII.4:16

Brinkley, M. Kent

Fredericksburg, VA annual meeting, 2005;XX.1:12

Garden History Seminar: 75 Years of Colonial Williamsburg’s Gardens, 2001;XVI.4:12

Garden History Seminar: The Evolution of the Williamsburg Landscape, 1999;XV.1:14

The Gardens of Colonial Williamsburg (with Chappell), 1997;XIII.2:9

Historic Landscape Institute speaker, 1998;XIV.2:14

in the news, 1997;XIII.1:12, 1997;XIII.2:11, 1998;XIV.2:15

on the professional gardener’s trade in the eighteenth century, 1997;XIII.3:1

RSGL conference speaker, 1987;III.3:4, 1996;XII.4:8, 1998;XIII.4:1

Tryon Palace gardens plan and, 1998;XIV.1:1

Tucker-Coleman garden in Williamsburg and, 1996;XII.2:1

Williamsburg annual meeting, 1994;X.4:1

on Williamsburg area gardens, RSGL conference, 1988;IV.3:15

Briskman, Holly

Mobile annual meeting and, 1995;XI.4:1

British and American Gardens in the Eighteenth Century: Eighteen Illustrated Essays on Garden History (Martin, ed.)

review, 1985;II.1:1

British Embassy gardens

Mount Vernon annual meeting tours, 2000;XV.4:10

British Empire

A Brief Landscape History of Baton Rouge and, 2011;XXIV.3:1

British Museum

Bartram’s botanical discoveries and, 2024;XXXVI.2:1

Britt, Margaret

on Julia Lester Dillon, 2001;XVI.3:1

Brizer, Melissa

annual business meeting, 2007;XXI.2:14

Brockway, Lucinda

in the news, 1999;XV.2:16

Broderson, Janet W. “Weej”

Certificate of Merit, 2010;XXIII.3:5, 2010;XXIII.4:10

death of, 2014;XXVII.1:11

in the news, 1998;XIII.4:11

SGHS photos (1982–2002), 2002;XVII.4:9

Tallahassee annual meeting chair, 1994;XI.2:9, 1996;XII.3:6, 1997;XIII.2:5

Brogan apples

from D’Von Brogan, in Knox County east Tennessee, 2024;XXXVI.3:1

Brompton Park Nursery

in England, 1997;XIII.3:1

Bron Cleveland Associates, Atlanta

LeConte-Woodmanston garden restoration and, 1986;III.1:3

Brookes, John

Southern Garden Symposium speaker, 1991;VIII.1:2

Brookgreen Gardens, Murrell’s Inlet, SC

Henry named president of, 1994;XI.1:15

Preserving 20th-century gardens of, 2007;XXI.2:1

Brooklyn Botanic Garden

Plants and Garden News, on SGHS, 1988;V.2:3

Brooks, Eric

Ashland Park, Lexington, 2017;XXX.2:6

Brooks, Kenneth

Lexington annual meeting speaker, 2017;XXX.2:6

Brookstown Inn, Winston Salem, NC

RSGL conference and, 2023;XXXV.2:1

Broom, Mack

archaeology at Boone House, Tuscaloosa by, 1988;IV.3:8

The Brother Gardeners: Botany, Empire and the Birth of an Obsession (Wulf)

in print, 2009;XXII.3:8

Brotherston, R. P.

The Sage & Rosemary Tree, 2000;XVI.1:10

Broughton, Thomas

Mulberry plantation, SC and, 1991;VIII.2:1

Brousse, Roxanne

The Public-Spirited Beatrix Farrand of Mount Desert Island (in print), 2016;XXIX.4:11

Brown, Alexander

Mondawmin, MD as home of, 1991;VIII.1:1

Brown, Andrew at Magnolia Vale (Natchez garden, 1864)

Heritage Rose Foundation meeting tour of, 1993;X.1:13

Nineteenth Century Gardens Lost and Found (exhibit) on, 1987;III.3:7

Brown, Bobby

on Julia Lester Dillon, 2001;XVI.3:1

Brown, C. Allan

annual meeting 1990 and, 2021;XXXIII.3:1

Antiques magazine article on Montpelier by, 2007;XXI.1:15

Charter Member, 2002;XVII.4:16

English gardens toured by T. Jefferson and J. Adams (1786) and, 1986;II.4:5

Garden Show of Paris and Western France speaker, 1994;X.3:11

Historic Preservation article on Poplar Forest and, 1992;IX.1:13

on Historic Tidewater Gardens at Sotheby’s, 2001;XVII.2:15

Landscape Architecture magazine article on, 2001;XVI.3:13

on landscape design at Jefferson’s Poplar Forest, 2012;XXV.4:1

on landscape restoration, RSGL conference, 1996;XII.4:8

Leonie Bell Noisette rose garden at Monticello and, 1999;XIV.4:8

Monticello annual meeting, 1987;III.3:3

Mount Vernon annual meeting, 1990;VII.1:4

Musk Rose in America and, 2001;XVII.2:1

“New Perspectives on Southern Gardens” (in print), 1996;XII.3:11

“New Perspectives on Southern Gardens” (ordering information), 1997;XIII.1:10

on Palladian Gardening in the South, 1730–1830, 1991;VIII.2:10

on Poplar Forest landscape design, 1998;XIII.4:1

researching Arkansas landscape and state’s cultural history, 1985;I.2:4

research on Jacob M. J. Smith’s Arkansas garden, 1990;VI.4:1

Roman hyacinth sightings, 1991;VII.4:5

Tryon Palace gardens plan and, 1998;XIV.1:1

“The Uncommon Bodark,” in Arkansas Times Magazine, 1986;III.1:7

Unearthing the Past, RSGL conference, 2005;XX.1:10, 2005;XX.2:10

Williamsburg’s Antiques Forum speaker, 2003;XVIII.4:12

Brown, George

Mondawmin, MD purchased (1850) by, 1991;VIII.1:1

Brown, Jane

Beatrix: The Gardening Life of Beatrix Jones Farrand, 1872-1959 (review), 1995;XI.3:14

Brown, Jane Roy

on Jackson, MS friends, 2024;XXXVI.1:1

Journal of the New England Garden History Society and, 2002;XVII.4:19

in the news, 2012;XXV.1:6

One Writer’s Garden: Eudora Welty’s Home Place (with Haltom, in print), 2011;XXIV.4:10

The Restored Eudora Welty Garden Ten Years On, 2014;XXVII.4:1

Brown, J. Carter

The George Mason Memorial Garden on the National Mall, 2001;XVI.3:10

Brown, Johanna

Learning from the Past, RSGL conference, 2015;XXVIII.2:7

Brown, Lancelot “Capability”

as English-trained gardener, 1997;XIII.3:1

Evolution of the Lawn, 2005;XX.2:5

naturalistic rural vistas by, 2011;XXIV.4:1

Brown, Marley

Garden History Seminar: 75 Years of Colonial Williamsburg’s Gardens, 2001;XVI.4:12

Brown, Mrs. John S.

Knoxville Garden Club and, 2019;XXXII.4:1

Brown, Richard H.

rare maps and images donated by, 2019;XXXII.4:12

Brown, Roy

Warren H. Manning: Landscape Architect and Environmental Planner (with Karson and Allaback, eds., review), 2017;XXX.4:9

Brown, Timothy David

Martha Berry, Robert Cridland, and the Gardens at Oak Hill, 2017;XXX.3:1

State Ambassadors Program and, 2017;XXX.3:10

Browne, D. J.

The Introduction of Princess Tree into North America, 2003;XVIII.3:11

Brown Illustrated Flora of the Northeastern United States and Adjacent Canada

on perennial pink wood sorrel, 1994;X.3:5

Brown’s Gardens (Natchez garden, 1864)

Nineteenth Century Gardens Lost and Found (exhibit) on, 1987;III.3:7

Bruguiere, John

Nelson County, Virginia orchard of, 2024;XXXVI.3:1

Bruin, Anne Barber

John Lee Pratt’s Chatham Manor, 2017;XXX.3:8

Brunswick, GA

Historic Squares of, 2014;XXVII.4:8

Brushy Mountain Limbertwig apples

southerners migrating west with, 2024;XXXVI.3:1

Bruton, John F.

Sarah P. Duke garden at Duke University and, 1993;IX.2:7

Bryan, Stephanie

Cultural Landscape Lab at Stratford Hall, 2012;XXV.2:1

documenting vernacular landscapes, 2021;XXXIV.2:1

Bryant, Jane

imported trees, shrubs and seeds for sale in S. Carolina by, 1992;VIII.3:6

Bryant, John

imported trees, shrubs and seeds for sale in S. Carolina by, 1992;VIII.3:6

Bryant, Robert

Ballard house and garden, near Palmetto, GA visit by, 1995;XI.4:6

Bryant, William Cullen

Hollywood Cemetery, Richmond, VA and, 2012;XXV.1:1

Bryson, Ann

Jarvis Van Buren: Georgia Horticulturist, Writer, Nurseryman, and Builder, 2000;XVI.1:1

Buchanan, Marian

Oktober Gartenfest in Winedale, Texas, 2000;XVI.2:8

Buckenham, Horatio Robert

Gardening in a Golden Age, RSGL conference, 2017;XXX.2:1

buckeye, bottlebrush

as Bartram botanical discovery, 2024;XXXVI.2:1

buckeye, painted

as Bartram botanical discovery, 2024;XXXVI.2:1

Buckler, James

on Garden Club of America’s gift of historic photographs to Smithsonian, 1987;III.3:5

Buczacki, Stefan

Churchill and Chartwell: The Untold Story of Churchill’s Houses and Gardens (review), 2008;XXI.4:10

Budding, Edwin

Evolution of the Lawn, 2005;XX.2:5

Buena Vista, New Castle Co., DE

Tucker on, 1992;VIII.3:4

Buford, Elizabeth F.

Ellen Biddle Shipman symposium speaker, 1998;XIV.1:12

RSGL conference planning by, 2023;XXXV.2:1

Buhler, Leslie L.

Tudor Place: America’s Story Lives Here (review), 2017;XXX.1:8

Buist, Robert

Daffodils in Georgia’s Landscape, 2008;XXI.4:1

Louisa Cunningham and, 1993;IX.3:1

Mary Riggs Collins and the Somerset Place Gardens, 2001;XVI.4:1

on Monticello’s Caracalla Bean, 2018;XXXI.3:11

Mrs. Balfour: An Antebellum Vicksburg Gardener, 2002;XVII.3:1

New Orleans Town Gardeners garden library and, 1987;IV.1:9

The Rose Manual (1844, reprint), 1990;VII.2:15

The Rose Manual (1844) at Cherokee Garden Library, 1991;VII.3:8

bulbs. See also daffodils; specific types

The Arcadian Gardener on, 2014;XXVII.4:11

at Bethlehem Lutheran Church cemetery, Roundtop, TX, 1993;IX.3:6

early Daffodils in the Elizabeth Lawrence Garden, 2017;XXX.1:10

false South Carolina Gazette advertisement for, 1992;VIII.3:6

gardening with bulbs at Mountain Shoals, SC, 1838 to the present, 2011;XXIV.1:1

at LeConte-Woodmanston garden, GA, 1986;III.1:5

Louis LeConte’s Bulb Garden, 1813-1838, 2014;XXVII.1:1

Oakland Cemetery’s Early Landscapes, 2018;XXXI.1:6

Oberwetter’s imports in Texas of, 1993;IX.4:10

The Restored Eudora Welty Garden Ten Years On and, 2014;XXVII.4:1

at Sabine Hall, 2011;XXIV.4:1

“Source List for Historic Seeds and Plants, November 1991” (Kunst and Thomforde), 1989;V.4:9, 1992;VIII.3:11

Bulkeley, Jonathan

Ellen Shipman Garden and, 2021;XXXIV.2:11

Bull, Frank Kellogg, garden

Camden annual meeting tours, 2009;XXII.3:1, 2009;XXII.4:4

Bullard, A. J.

gardens of Historic Columbia, SC and, 2022;XXXIV.3:1

Bulletin of American Garden History

“Elizabeth Lawrence’s Garden” (Lanier), 1986;III.2:3

Samuels’ announcement of launch, 1986;II.4:5

Bullitt, Alexander Scott

Oxmoor plantation, KY and, 2009;XXII.4:18, 2016;XXIX.4:7

Bullitt, Kay Stammers

Oxmoor plantation, KY and, 2009;XXII.4:18, 2016;XXIX.4:7

Bullitt, Nora Iasigi

Oxmoor plantation, KY and, 2009;XXII.4:18, 2016;XXIX.4:7

Bullitt, Priscilla Christian

Oxmoor plantation, KY and, 2016;XXIX.4:7

Bullitt, Thomas Walker

Oxmoor plantation, KY and, 2009;XXII.4:18, 2016;XXIX.4:7

Bullitt, William Christian

Oxmoor plantation, KY and, 2016;XXIX.4:7

Bullitt, William Marshall

Oxmoor plantation, KY and, 2009;XXII.4:18, 2016;XXIX.4:7

Preserving 20th-century gardens of, 2007;XXI.2:1

Bullock, William

information sought on, 1989;VI.2:11

Bumgardner, Dorothy Holden “Deedy”

in the news, 2017;XXX.2:11

Bundles of Bulbs, Maryland

blue, white and pink Roman hyacinths from, 1991;VII.3:5

hyacinths from, 1991;VII.4:5

Burchfield, Laura

American Home Landscapes: A Design Guide to Creating Period Styles (with Adams, in print), 2014;XXVII.2:7

Burford, Thomas Nelson “Tom”

annual meeting 1990 and, 2021;XXXIII.3:1

Apples of North America: Exceptional Varieties for Gardeners, Growers, and Cooks (in print), 2013;XXVI.3:10

Apples of North America: Exceptional Varieties for Gardeners, Growers, and Cooks (review), 2013;XXVI.4:8

Feeding the American South, RSGL conference, 2013;XXVI.2:10

Memorial Dedication, 2022;XXXV.1:19

Mount Vernon annual meeting, 2000;XV.4:10

in the news, 2013;XXVI.4:9

Unearthing the Past, RSGL conference, 2005;XX.2:10

Burford, Tom

on southern apples, 2024;XXXVI.3:1

Burger, Nash

Welty’s Night-Blooming Cereus Club and, 2024;XXXVI.1:1

Burgess, Sue

Returning to Our Roots, RSGL conference, 2009;XXII.4:1, 2010;XXIII.1:9

Burgwin-Wright House, Wilmington, NC

annual meeting and, 2024;XXXVI.2:6

Burkmeyer garden, Charleston, SC

Duncan on Colonial Revival and, 1994;XI.1:1

Burleson County Historical Society, TX

Miss Ella’s place: restoring the common landscape of Texas and, 1988;V.1:9

Burnbaum, Charles A.

Pioneers of American Landscape Design (with Crowder, eds.), 1994;X.2:11

Burnside, Hillsborough, NC

landscape gardening and the Camerons at, 1995;XI.3:1

Burpee Seed and Nursery Catalog Collection

in Smithsonian’s horticultural collections, 1987;III.3:5

Burr, Fearing, Jr.

Field and Garden Vegetables of America (review), 1989;V.4:4

Field and Garden Vegetables of America, 3rd ed. (in print), 1989;V.4:4

Burrell, Scott

Heritage Rose Foundation’s Richmond conference and, 1994;X.4:10

Burt, Armistead

Benjamin Johnson and garden of, 1989;VI.2:7

Foster Marshall’s 19th-century Abbeville (SC) garden and, 2014;XXVII.3:1

Burton, Elaine, garden

Mount Vernon annual meeting tours, 2010;XXIII.3:6

Burton, H. B.

Monticello Landscape restoration, 1923-1955 and, 2010;XXIII.1:1

Burwell, Abigail Smith

Musk Rose in America and, 2001;XVII.2:1

Burwell, Armistead (several descendants with same name)

Musk Rose in America and, 2001;XVII.2:1

Burwell, Christian Blair

Musk Rose in America and, 2001;XVII.2:1

Burwell, Dorothy Bedell

Musk Rose in America and, 2001;XVII.2:1

Burwell, Edward

Musk Rose in America and, 2001;XVII.2:1

Burwell, Ella Jenkins

Musk Rose in America and, 2001;XVII.2:1

Burwell, Helen Azile Rhyne

Musk Rose in America and, 2001;XVII.2:1

Burwell, Lewis (many descendants with same name)

Musk Rose in America and, 2001;XVII.2:1

Burwell, Lucy Higginson

Musk Rose in America and, 2001;XVII.2:1

Burwell, Margaret Anna Robertson

Musk Rose in America and, 2001;XVII.2:1

Burwell, Margaret Anna Spotswood

Musk Rose in America and, 2001;XVII.2:1

Burwell, Martha Lear

Musk Rose in America and, 2001;XVII.2:1

Burwell, Mary Cole Turnbull

Musk Rose in America and, 2001;XVII.2:1

Burwell, Nathaniel

The Garden Club of Virginia’s Research Fellowship Program, 2015;XXVIII.2:10

Burwell, Robert Armistead

Musk Rose in America and, 2001;XVII.2:1

Burwell family, North Carolina

‘Musk Rose’ search in America and, 1994;X.3:1

Burwell Female School, Hillsborough, NC

The early garden at Chatwood, NC and, 1989;V.3:2

spring tour, 1997;XIII.1:8

Bush, Allen W.

Charter Member, 2002;XVII.4:16

Bush, George W. and Laura

Texas White House setting and, 2002;XVII.3:10

business meetings. See annual business meetings

Butler, Henry R. and Selena Sloan

Oakland Cemetery’s Early Landscapes, 2018;XXXI.1:6

Butler, John and Marie

‘Musk Rose’ search in Virginia and, 1994;X.3:1

Butler, Marie

Discovering the Musk Rose in America, 2001;XVII.2:1

International Heritage Rose Conference, Charleston, 2001;XVII.2:8

musk rose at Bremo Plantation, VA and, 1999;XIV.4:8

‘Old Double Musk’ rose in Hollywood Cemetery and, 1989;V.3:2

Proceedings of the 9th International Heritage Rose Conference (in print), 2002;XVIII.1:15

Butler, Nic

Charleston annual meeting speaker, 2015;XXVIII.4:12, 2016;XXIX.2:1

Butler, R. F.

on Watson’s Brenham, TX home and nursery, 1997;XIII.1:1

Butrus, Camille

Birmingham annual meeting tours, 2019;XXXII.2:6

Bybee, Faith

Commemorative Issue 2002, page 3 photograph of, 2002;XVIII.1:13

Washington/Fayette Counties, TX annual meeting and, 1993;IX.4:9


changes to, 1986;III.2:2

minor change, Fall Board Meeting, 2007;XXI.3:14

minor change, Spring Board Meeting, 2008;XXI.4:14

on officer and director elections, 1994;X.4:6

proposed changes, 1993;IX.3:9

recommended revisions to, 2022;XXXIV.3:2

revisions discussed, 1992;VIII.4:15

Spring Board meeting, 2006;XX.3:4

summary of proposed changes to, 1987;III.3:2

Summer Board meeting (virtual) on, 2020;XXXIII.1:18

Bynum (Flora Ann) Award and Medal

to Bill Welch, 2016;XXIX.2:1, 2016;XXIX.2:10

to Davyd Foard Hood, 2018;XXXI.1:15

to Dean Norton, 2016;XXIX.2:1, 2016;XXIX.2:10

to Flora Ann Bynum, 2005;XX.1:14, 2005;XX.1:15

to Gail Griffin, 2014;XXVII.1:10

to Gordon Chappell, 2019;XXXII.2:10

to Jeff Lewis, 2024;XXXVI.2:15

to Ken McFarland, 2022;XXXIV.4:7, 2022;XXXIV.4:15

to Peggy Cornett, 2008;XXI.4:13, 2008;XXI.4:14

to Peter Hatch, 2012;XXV.3:8, 2012;XXV.3:11

Bynum (Flora Ann) Memorial Endowment

creation of, 2006;XX.3:4

to endow RSGL lectures, 2006;XX.4:11

Fall Board meeting, 2006;XX.4:15

fund update, 2012;XXV.3:10, 2021;XXXIV.1:2

questions regarding, 2019;XXXII.3:14

Texas State Ambassador’s present proceeds donated to, 2018;XXXI.4:11

Bynum, Flora Ann

ALHFAM annual conference report, 1990;VII.1:12

annual business meeting, 2003;XVIII.3:15, 2005;XX.1:15

on archaeological dig at Bethabara, 1988;V.1:2

on The Association for Living Historical Farms and Agricultural Museums, 1985;I.3:3

Biltmore annual meeting and, 1998;XIV.2:6

Catalog of Landscape Records in the United States symposium and, 1990;VII.2:11

on Catalpa differentiation, 2016;XXIX.4:9

Charter Member, 2002;XVII.4:16

Chatwood Garden opening and, 1999;XV.1:11

Classic Bulbs, Hidden Treasures for the Modern Garden (Whiteside) and, 1991;VIII.2:10

Conference for the American South and, 2015;XXVIII.4:10

Cultivating History, RSGL conference, 2001;XVI.4:11

on disaster striking Old Salem, 1989;VI.1:10

Duffy Award for Old Salem garden restoration to, 1987;IV.2:10, 1988;IV.3:13

on Eudora Welty’s garden reborn, 2001;XVI.4:13

Fall Board meeting, 1983;HTI.3:1, 1988;V.2:3, 1998;XIII.4:5, 1998;XIV.3:10, 2000;XVI.2:12, 2001;XVII.2:7, 2003;XVIII.4:2, 2004;XIX.3:11

as first Bynum Award and Medal recipient, 2005;XX.1:14

on First SGHS Board, 2002;XVII.4:16

400 Years of Southern Gardens and Landscapes, RSGL conference and, 1985;II.1:3

Gant’s role in the Landscape Conference and, 2016;XXIX.2:11

on greenhouse like the Battles’ in England, 1988;IV.3:8

on heirloom plant list for the South, 1996;XII.3:8

Learning from the Past, RSGL conference, 2015;XXVIII.2:7

on member publications list for new members, 1988;V.1:1

membership directory and, 2000;XVI.2:13

Mount Vernon annual meeting 1990 and, 2021;XXXIII.3:1

New England Garden History Society formation assistance, 1990;VI.3:1

New Orleans annual meeting, 2004;XIX.2:12

in the news, 1994;X.4:12, 1995;XI.3:16, 1997;XIII.3:11, 2002;XVIII.1:13, 2004;XIX.3:12

nominating committee and, 1997;XIII.1:12, 1998;XIII.4:5

North Carolina Preservation article on garden history and landscape restoration, 1987;III.3:8

Old Salem’s historic landscape restoration and, 2021;XXXIV.1:1

on perennial pink wood sorrel, 1994;X.3:5

pink Roman Hyacinth (Hyacinthus orientalis) and, 2008;XXII.2:16

The plant reporter: follow-up on pink Roman hyacinths, 1991;VII.4:5

The plant reporter: pink Roman hyacinths revisited, 1993;X.1:14

The plant reporter: searching for pink Roman hyacinths, 1990;VII.1:9

The plant reporter: searching for Roman hyacinths, 1991;VII.3:5

The plant reporter: the story of the Haywood crabapple in Raleigh, NC, 1991;VIII.2:8

The plant reporter: what is this flower? 1990;VI.3:8

The plant reporter: white pipes and silver bells ring in the spring, 1995;XI.3:12

publications committee and, 1986;III.1:1, 1993;IX.3:16

publications of, 1988;IV.3:14

recognized for tireless work for SGHS, 1996;XII.3:7

remembrance, 2006;XX.3:1

RSGL conference planning by, 2023;XXXV.2:1

RSGL conference speaker, 2021;XXXIV.1:1

SGHS: An Informal History, 2002;XVII.4:3

as SGHS founder, 1985;I.2:3, 1996;XII.4:5

as SGHS Heart and Soul, 2002;XVII.4:14

SGHS organizing meeting, 1983;HTI.1:1

as SGHS secretary-treasurer, 1992;VIII.4:15, 1996;XII.3:9, 1998;XIV.2:6, 2002;XVIII.1:14

Southern Plant Lists and, 1996;XII.4:12, 1998;XIV.2:6, 1999;XV.1:15

Spring Board meeting, 1991;VIII.1:9, 1994;X.4:6, 1997;XIII.2:12, 1999;XV.1:14, 2000;XV.4:9, 2001;XVI.4:13, 2003;XVIII.3:15, 2005;XX.1:15

on Sunset Hibiscus (Abelmoschus manihot), 2002;XVIII.1:15

on tea cultivation in America, 1993;IX.2:10, 1993;IX.3:14

on Virginia Hart retirement, 2019;XXXII.1:10

Wachovia botany and horticulture book planned by, 1984;I.1:5

What is this flower? “wallow” flower, 1989;VI.1:9

William Lanier Hunt remembrance by, 1996;XII.4:5, 2002;XVII.4:13

Winston-Salem Journal remembrance of, 2008;XXII.2:18

Zachary T. Bynum, Jr. obituary, 2002;XVII.3:2

Bynum, Lark

Learning from the Past, RSGL conference, 2015;XXVIII.4:5

Bynum, Lori

Learning from the Past, RSGL conference, 2015;XXVIII.4:5

Bynum, Zachary T., Jr. “Zack”

Fall Board meeting, 1983;HTI.3:1

Flora Ann Bynum and, 2002;XVII.4:14

Flora Ann Bynum remembrance, 2006;XX.3:1

obituary, 2002;XVII.3:2

RSGL conference and, 2023;XXXV.2:1

SGHS: An Informal History, 2002;XVII.4:3

Byrd, Betty

Ballard house and garden, near Palmetto, GA visit by, 1995;XI.4:6

Byrd, Dana

Landscape, Race, and Culture, RSGL conference, 2019;XXXII.2:12

Byrd, Dr. and Mrs. Daniel

Ballard house and garden, near Palmetto, GA and, 1995;XI.4:6

Byrd, Robert L.

on Duke Library interest in garden plans, plants lists, etc., 1986;II.3:6

Byrd, William

Biological Thought in Eighteenth-Century Agriculture, 2000;XVI.2:1

Byrd, William, I

plant collecting in colonial Virginia by, 1994;XI.2:1

Byrd, William, II

Catesby’s plant collecting in colonial Virginia and, 1994;XI.2:1

on falling gardens, 2011;XXIV.4:1

Byrne, Janice Priester

Charter Member, 2002;XVII.4:16

TOP | A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z


Cabell, Frances Grace

Musk Rose in America and, 2001;XVII.2:1

Cabot, Francis H.

Garden Conservancy conference and, 1999;XIV.4:7

on Garden Conservancy formation, 1989;V.4:3

Cabot, Francis Higginson

Alston Lecture Series speaker, 1995;XI.3:15

in the news, 1999;XV.2:16

obituary, 2012;XXV.1:7

Caddo Indians of Texas and Louisiana

Natchitoches, LA and, 2023;XXXV.2:8

Cades Cove Historic District farmsteads, TN

research on, 1988;IV.3:12

Cady, Paul

student scholarship, 2014;XXVII.1:11

Caldwell, James

Valley View, GA and, 1990;VII.2:8

Caldwell, Margaret Winston

Preserving 20th-century gardens and, 2007;XXI.2:1

Calhoun, Creighton Lee, Jr.

A history of southern apples, 1992;IX.1:1

Learning from the Past, RSGL conference, 2015;XXVIII.2:7, 2015;XXVIII.4:5

in the news, 1993;IX.4:16

Old Southern Apples (in print), 1996;XII.3:10

Calhoun, James E.

tea cultivation at Millwood Plantation by, 1993;IX.2:10

Calhoun, John C.

Mary Catherine Rion and, 2001;XVII.2:10

Calhoun, John V.

A New World, RSGL conference, 2011;XXIV.2:1, 2011;XXIV.4:6

Calhoun, Lee

on southern apple categories, 2024;XXXVI.3:1

Calhoun, Mrs. W. F.

Charter Member, 2002;XVII.4:16

Callaway (Fuller E.) Foundation

Hills & Dales Estate in LaGrange, GA, 2004;XIX.4:11

The Woven Landscapes of LaGrange, GA, 2008;XXII.1:1

Callaway (Ida Cason) Foundation

Cherokee Garden Library, Atlanta and, 2021;XXXIV.2:1

Callaway, Alice Hand

Hills & Dales Estate in LaGrange, GA, 2004;XIX.4:11

The Woven Landscapes of LaGrange, GA, 2008;XXII.1:1

Callaway, Cason

The Woven Landscapes of LaGrange, GA, 2008;XXII.1:1

Callaway, Fuller E., Jr.

Hills & Dales Estate in LaGrange, GA, 2004;XIX.4:11

The Woven Landscapes of LaGrange, GA, 2008;XXII.1:1

Callaway, Fuller E., Sr. See also Hills & Dales Estate, LaGrange, GA

as Draper landscape architecture client, 1986;III.1:6

on Ferrell’s boxwood gardens, 2004;XIX.4:11

The Woven Landscapes of LaGrange, GA, 2008;XXII.1:1

Callaway, Ida

Hills & Dales Estate in LaGrange, GA, 2004;XIX.4:11

Callaway, Mary Katherine

The Louisiana Work of Margaret Stones, 2019;XXXII.2:1

Callaway, Paul Faulkner “Chip”

Ayr Mount, Hillsborough, NC grounds restoration by, 1987;III.3:8

Duffy award to, 1989;V.3:4

Gardening in a Golden Age, RSGL conference, 2017;XXX.2:1

Mount Vernon annual meeting, 2022;XXXIV.4:1

in the news, 1991;VIII.1:10, 1991;VIII.2:10, 2000;XVI.2:13

RSGL conference speaker, 1987;III.3:4, 1988;IV.4:9

Stratford Hall Plantation gardens, 1989;VI.2:5

Callaway, Virginia Hand

garden library of, at Cherokee Garden Library, 2021;XXXIV.2:1

Callaway Gardens, GA

Caroline Dormon and, 2004;XIX.2:1

The rise and fall of kudzu (a chronology), 1989;VI.1:3

Callcott, Way and Steve

The Woodland Garden at Tregaron, 2010;XXIII.2:6

Callicott, P. Duncan

Atlanta annual meeting, 1983;HTI.2:1

on First SGHS Board, 2002;XVII.4:16

SGHS: An Informal History, 2002;XVII.4:3

SGHS organizing meeting and, 1983;HTI.1:1

Callicott, Virginia

SGHS organizing meeting and, 1983;HTI.1:1

Callister, Henry

thermometer for Sharpe’s Annapolis orangery and, 1996;XII.3:1

Callon, John

Melrose estate, Natchez, MS and, 1994;X.2:7

Calonectria henricotiae

boxwood blight due to, 2023;XXXV.3:9

Calonectria pseudonaviculata

boxwood blight due to, 2023;XXXV.3:9

Calvert, Charles Benedict

Olmsted in the Antebellum South, 2006;XX.4:1

Calycanthus floridus ‘Athens’

Jane Symmes and, 2021;XXXIV.1:18

Camak, Dr.

Jarvis Van Buren: Georgia Horticulturist, Writer, Nurseryman, and Builder, 2000;XVI.1:1

Cambridge Botanic Garden (England)

Louis LeConte’s Bulb Garden, 1813-1838, 2014;XXVII.1:1

Camden, SC

annual meeting, 2008;XXI.4:15, 2009;XXII.3:1, 2009;XXII.4:4

annual meeting planning, 2006;XX.3:4, 2006;XX.4:15, 2006;XX.4:16, 2007;XXI.1:3, 2007;XXI.2:14

Emma Holmes diary 1861–1866 on garden in, 1998;XIII.4:7


antebellum varieties in southern gardens, 1998;XIV.1:7

Arthur Solomon – Camellia Pioneer, 2013;XXVI.3:4

Country Place era in Houston and, 1993;IX.4:1

The Elizabethan Gardens, NC, 2016;XXIX.1:6

in the gardens of Historic Columbia, SC, 2022;XXXIV.3:1

How the ‘George L. Taber’ Azalea Came to Bayou Bend, 2018;XXXI.4:9

Magnolia Plantation, SC and, 2015;XXVIII.3:1

A Personal Plea for Preservation of, 2015;XXVIII.3:7

The Restored Eudora Welty Garden Ten Years On, 2014;XXVII.4:1

The Trials and Tribulations of a Collector (1930s), 2013;XXVI.3:5

Cameron, Louisa

The Private Gardens of Charleston (in print), 1992;IX.1:13

Cameron, Mark

African-American landscape symposium speaker, 1995;XI.4:5

Cameron, Paul and Anne

landscape gardening at Burnside, Hillsborough, NC, 1995;XI.3:1

Camp, Holley, garden

Birmingham annual meeting tours, 2019;XXXII.2:6

Campbell, Colin

Vitruvius Britannicus (The British Architect), 1993;IX.2:1

Campbell, Katie

Paradise of Exiles: The Anglo-American Gardens of Florence (review), 2010;XXIII.1:12

Campbell, Mrs. Richard A.

Charter Member, 2002;XVII.4:16

Campbell Center for Historic Preservation Studies

Preservation of Historic Landscapes course by, 1992;VIII.3:12

Candolle, Alphonsus de

Fort Worth botanist, 2006;XX.3:7

Cane River Creole National Heritage Park

Natchitoches annual meeting tours, 2022;XXXV.1:2

Cane River National Heritage Area

Natchitoches annual meeting tours, 2022;XXXV.1:2, 2023;XXXV.2:8, 2023;XXXV.3:1

Canfield, Tess

Edward L. Daugherty and, 2008;XXII.2:10

Cannon, Ruth

The Elizabethan Gardens, NC, 2016;XXIX.1:6

Cantor, Steven L.

Edward L. Daugherty and, 2008;XXII.2:10

Cape Fear, NC

The Southern Bartram connection, 1987;IV.1:7

Cape Fear Garden Club

Azalea Garden Tour and, 2024;XXXVI.2:6

Capps, Gene T.

Flora Ann Bynum remembrance, 2006;XX.3:1

on Flora Ann Bynum’s vision for Old Salem, 2015;XXVIII.4:10

RSGL conference planning by, 2023;XXXV.2:1

RSGL conference speaker, 1994;X.2:5, 2021;XXXIV.1:1

Captain Davis apples

as popular southern variety, 2024;XXXVI.3:1

Caracalla bean

Monticello’s Snail (Flower) or, 2018;XXXI.3:11

Carbo, Jeffrey

Natchitoches annual meeting speaker, 2023;XXXV.3:1

Cardasis, Dean

paper on James Rose available, 1994;XI.1:14

Carey, Moses, Jr.

Chatwood Garden in jeopardy and, 1989;V.3:4

Caribbean Gardens, FL

Nehrling’s development of, 1999;XIV.4:1

Caring for Your Local Cemetery

in print, 1990;VI.3:9

Carloftis, John

Botherum house, Lexington, KY, 2016;XXIX.3:7, 2017;XXX.2:6

Carl Sandburg Home National Historic Site, NC

boxwood blight surveyed at, 2023;XXXV.3:9

Carlson, Chad

Francis Porcher: Surgeon, Medical Botanist, Herbal Specialist, Author, 2004;XIX.1:7

Carlyle House, Alexandria, VA

landscape restoration, 1988;IV.3:6

Carmean, Frank

Old Mill, North Little Rock, AR and, 1987;III.3:6

Carmel Plantation, Worcester Co., MD

Forman on, 1992;VIII.3:4

Carmer, Carl

Birmingham annual meeting, 2019;XXXII.2:6

Carnton Plantation, Williamson County, TN

Nashville annual meeting tour, 2015;XXVIII.2:1

“Oh How Beautiful!,” 2015;XXVIII.1:1

Carolina Gardens (Shaffer, 1939)

Preserving 20th-century gardens and, 2007;XXI.2:1

publication anniversary (2009), 2006;XX.4:16

Carolina Hemlocks (Tsuga caroliniana)

historic rock garden renovation in Atlanta and, 2014;XXVII.3:8

Carolina laurelcherry (mock orange)

Montgomery annual meeting tours (1986), 1985;II.2:2

Carolina Red June apples

as early apple of choice for southerners, 2024;XXXVI.3:1

CARPA (computer-aided reverse perspective analysis)

Unearthing the Past, RSGL conference, 2005;XX.2:10

Carpenter Family

at Dunleith in Natchez, 1994;X.2:11

Carr (Anne Coppedge) Research and Director’s Endowment Fund

Cherokee Garden Library and, 2021;XXXIV.1:1

Carr, Alice

Cherokee Garden Library, Atlanta and, 2021;XXXIV.2:1

Carr, Anne Coppedge (Mrs. Julian S.)

annual meeting 1990 and, 2021;XXXIII.3:1

Atlanta annual meeting, 1983;HTI.1:1

Atlanta annual meeting (2003), 2003;XVIII.3:4, 2021;XXXIV.2:1

Charter Member, 2002;XVII.4:16

The Cherokee Garden Club of Atlanta: its garden library, as SGHS archives depository, 1990;VI.3:3

Cherokee Garden Library, Atlanta and, 2021;XXXIV.2:1

elected to SGHS board of directors, 1992;VIII.4:15

Elisabeth Woodburn Robertson tribute by, 1991;VII.3:8

Fall Board meeting, 1988;V.2:3, 1990;VII.2:8, 1994;XI.2:9

GCA Award for, 2001;XVI.4:13

in the news, 1992;VIII.4:14

obituary, 2005;XX.2:8

rotating off Board of Directors, 1994;XI.2:11

Spring Board meeting, 1994;X.4:6

Carr, Julian S.

Fall Board meeting and, 1990;VII.2:8

Carr, Mr. and Mrs. Julian Shakespeare

Atlanta annual meeting tours, 1983;HTI.2:1, 1983;HTI.3:1

Carroll (Charles) House, Annapolis, MD

Annapolis annual meeting tour, 2007;XXI.2:8

The gardens at the Charles Carroll House of Annapolis, 1993;IX.2:1

Carroll, Charles

garden design resources, 1993;IX.2:1

Miller’s Gardener’s Dictionary (1760) owned by, 1988;IV.4:3

carrot hoe

William Paca’s way of gardening and, 1988;IV.4:3

Carson, W. E.

Monticello Landscape restoration, 1923-1955 and, 2010;XXIII.1:1

Carter, Bessie

on Favretti and Garden Club of Virginia, 1998;XIV.3:7

Carter, Clay

Somerset Place garden restoration committee and, 1993;IX.2:14

Carter, Elizabeth

Oatlands Greenhouse and, 2001;XVI.3:11

Carter, Frances Tasker

Life in the Garden at Nomini Hall, 2019;XXXII.1:1

Carter, George

Mount Vernon annual meeting tours, 2010;XXIII.3:6

Oatlands Greenhouse and, 2001;XVI.3:11

Oatlands Plantation’s walled garden and brick dependencies and, 1992;VIII.3:3

A view of the garden at Oatlands Plantation, 1987;IV.1:12

Carter, Landon

Evolution of the Lawn, 2005;XX.2:5

Fredericksburg annual meeting on (2005), 2004;XIX.3:10

The Garden Club of Virginia’s Research Fellowship Program, 2015;XXVIII.2:10

Sabine Hall and, 2011;XXIV.4:1

Carter, Robert, III

Life in the Garden at Nomini Hall, 2019;XXXII.1:1

Carter, Robert “King”

The Garden Club of Virginia’s Research Fellowship Program, 2015;XXVIII.2:10

Oatlands Greenhouse and, 2001;XVI.3:11

Carter, Thomas

early Stratford Hall garden restoration revisited, 2020;XXXIII.1:1

Carter Hall, Millwood, VA

The Garden Club of Virginia’s Research Fellowship Program, 2015;XXVIII.2:10

Carter’s Grove, Williamsburg, VA

annual meeting tours, 1994;X.2:8, 1994;X.4:1

Carver, Ada Jack

artists’ colony at Melrose Plantation, LA and, 2023;XXXV.2:8

Caroline Dormon and, 2004;XIX.2:1

Carver, George Washington

David Williston: First Negro Landscape Architect, 2017;XXX.3:5

Cary, Robert

transatlantic plant trade and, 2007;XXI.1:4

Cashin, William

William Bartram and the American Revolution on the Southern Frontier, 2021;XXXIII.3:8

Castanea dentata

American chestnut return update, 2022;XXXV.1:14

Catalog of Landscape Records in the United States. See also Wave Hill, Bronx, NY

assistance sought for, 1986;III.2:5, 1988;IV.3:2, 1990;VII.1:4

first newsletter published, 1987;IV.1:3

Historic Texas Landscapes survey and, 1998;XIV.2:5

in print, 1989;V.4:3

SGHS members attend symposium by, 1990;VII.2:11

Wave Hill landscape preservation symposium and, 1998;XIV.3:10

Catalogue of New and Select Roses (Summer and Crammond)

Ravenscroft Plantation, SC and, 1993;X.1:8

“Catalogue of Plants, Fruits and Trees Native to Virginia” (Clayton)

manuscript of, 1994;XI.2:1


Painshill: Remaking Elysium on Time, 2010;XXIII.4:1

The Worm Tree: The Arcadian Gardener, 2016;XXIX.4:9

catalpa worms

The Worm Tree: The Arcadian Gardener, 2016;XXIX.4:9

Cater, Alleen

Birmingham annual meeting, 2019;XXXII.2:6, 2019;XXXII.2:11

Jemison Park, Mountain Brook, Alabama: Sketches of a Streamside Preserve, 2021;XXXIII.3:18

Snowflake’ Hydrangea and Aldridge Gardens, 2018;XXXI.4:7

Catesby, Mark

Charleston visit by, 1991;VIII.2:1

Gloucester hickory and, 2003;XVIII.2:12

Magnolia masthead and, 1984;I.1:1

Magnolia Plantation, SC and, 2015;XXVIII.3:1

The Natural History of Carolina, 1992;VIII.4:14

plant collecting in colonial Virginia by, 1994;XI.2:1

as plant collector, 2010;XXIII.4:1

plant seeds to Fairchild from, 1997;XIII.3:1

Porcelain and Decorative Arts Museum and, 2021;XXXIV.1:7

The Worm Tree: The Arcadian Gardener, 2016;XXIX.4:9

Cathcart, Mimi

International Heritage Rose Conference, Charleston, 2001;XVII.2:8

Cather, Willa

white pipes in Sapphira and the Slave Girl by, 1995;XI.4:10

Catherine II, Empress of Russia (Catherine the Great)

Flora Danica porcelain and, 2021;XXXIV.1:7

Cathey, Ann

RSGL conference planning by, 2023;XXXV.2:1

Cato, Carl Porter

The early garden at Chatwood, NC and, 1989;V.3:2

Lynchburg’s Old City Cemetery roses, 2005;XX.1:1

Musk Rose in America and, 2001;XVII.2:1

‘Musk Rose’ search in N. Carolina and, 1994;X.3:1

Virginia Historical Highway Marker honoring, 2022;XXXIV.4:8

Catron, Staci L.

Annapolis annual meeting review, 2007;XXI.2:8

annual business meeting, 2012;XXV.3:8

Athens, GA annual meeting review, 2008;XXII.1:8, 2021;XXXIV.1:18

Atlanta annual meeting, 2003;XVIII.3:4

Becomes New Director of the Cherokee Garden Library, 2000;XVI.2:13

on book in print, 2022;XXXIV.3:18

Camden annual meeting review, 2009;XXII.4:4

Catherine Howett Receives Award of Merit, 2015;XXVIII.3:6

on the Cherokee Garden Library, 2021;XXXIV.2:1

Edward L. Daugherty, A Southern Landscape Architect, 2008;XXII.2:10

elected to SGHS board of directors, 2007;XXI.2:14

Fall Board meeting, 2012;XXV.4:11

Flora Ann Bynum Award and Medal to Norton and, 2016;XXIX.2:10

Flora Ann Bynum Endowment Update, 2012;XXV.3:10

Garden Club of America Honors, 2014;XXVII.2:11

on garden history canon, 2021;XXXIII.3:8

Gardening in a Golden Age, RSGL conference, 2017;XXX.2:1

Jarvis Van Buren: Georgia Horticulturist, Writer, Nurseryman, and Builder, 2000;XVI.1:1

Lexington annual meeting, 2017;XXX.2:6

Lost Landscapes, RSGL conference review, 2007;XXI.3:6

Lynchburg annual meeting, 2013;XXVI.2:5

Magnolia articles review committee, 2003;XVIII.4:2

Mount Vernon annual meeting, 2022;XXXIV.4:1

Natchez annual meeting (20th Anniversary), 2002;XVII.4:5

in the news, 2013;XXVI.2:9, 2013;XXVI.4:9, 2017;XXX.1:11, 2018;XXXI.4:15

on Norton upon his retirement, 2024;XXXVI.3:15

Remembering Anne Coppedge Carr, 2005;XX.2:8

Remembering Ryan Gainey, 2016;XXIX.3:14

Returning to Mount Vernon (annual meeting) review, 2010;XXIII.3:6

Returning to Our Roots, RSGL conference review, 2010;XXIII.1:9

on Ridout retirement, 2019;XXXII.3:13

River Capitol (annual meeting) review, 2011;XXIV.3:5

Seeking Eden: A Collection of Georgia’s Historic Gardens (with Eaddy, review), 2018;XXXI.1:11

Spring Board meeting, 2008;XXI.4:15, 2010;XXIII.3:5

State Ambassadors Program and, 2017;XXX.3:10

Two Garden Memoranda in the Sale of the Alexander Hamilton Papers at Sotheby’s, 2017;XXX.1:6

Wild Spectacle: Seeking Wonders in a World Beyond Humans (Ray, in print), 2022;XXXV.1:18

Wilmington annual meeting and, 2024;XXXVI.2:15

The Causeway. See Tregaron Estate, Washington, DC

Cave Hill, KY

Lexington annual meeting tours, 2017;XXX.2:6

Cecil, William A. V.

Biltmore Estate and, 1994;XI.2:8

Cedar Grove, SC

The Garden Mount in Early Carolina Landscape Design, 2000;XV.4:1

Cedar Lane Farm, GA

John and Jane Symmes and, 1989;V.4:5, 2021;XXXIV.1:18

cedars, Deodar

in Foster Marshall’s 19th-century Abbeville, SC garden, 2014;XXVII.3:1

Celebrating Central Park, 1853-2003 (Hirschl & Adler Galleries)

exhibition, 2003;XVIII.3:7

cemeteries. See also Old City Cemetery, Lynchburg, VA

American Cemetery, Natchitoches, LA, 2023;XXXV.2:8

Blumen auf dem Grab (flowers on the grave) Round Top cemetery, 1993;IX.3:6

Carnton Plantation, TN, 2015;XXVIII.1:1

Daffodils in, 2003;XVIII.2:7

Daffodils in Georgia’s Landscape, 2008;XXI.4:1

Grave Landscapes: The Nineteenth-Century Rural Cemetery Movement (Cothran and Danylchak, in print), 2018;XXXI.1:14

Hollywood Cemetery, Richmond, VA, 2012;XXV.1:1

Jansma’s RSGL presentation on, 1987;III.3:4, 1988;IV.4:9

Lexington Cemetery, 2017;XXX.2:6

Lynchburg’s Old City Cemetery roses, 2005;XX.1:1

Mobile, annual meeting tours of, 1994;XI.2:8

Mount Auburn Cemetery, Cambridge (MA), 2003;XVIII.3:12

National Trust meeting on landscape preservation speaker, 1990;VII.2:9

Old Salem’s Hidden Town Project, 2019;XXXII.3:1

Preserving 20th-century gardens of, 2007;XXI.2:1

A Sultry Southern Heirloom, Japanese Macabre and, 2022;XXXV.1:1

Cemeteries (Eggener)

review, 2011;XXIV.3:8

Centennial Park, Nashville

Nashville annual meeting tour, 2015;XXVIII.2:1

Center for Historic Resources at Texas A&M University

Welch report on, 1988;IV.3:2

Center for the Study of Southern Garden History

Cherokee Garden Library, Atlanta, 2003;XVIII.3:6

Central Park, An American Masterpiece: A Comprehensive History of the Nation’s First Urban Park (Miller)

review, 2003;XVIII.3:7

Central Park: A Sesquicentennial Celebration (Metropolitan Museum)

exhibition, 2003;XVIII.3:7

Central Park in Blue (Museum of the City of New York)

exhibition, 2003;XVIII.3:7

Century (magazine)

Duncan on Charleston during Colonial Revival in, 1994;XI.1:1

Century Farm Orchards, North Carolina

old southern apples offered by, 2024;XXXVI.3:1

cereus (Epiphyllum oxypetalum)

at Eudora Welty House & Garden, 2024;XXXVI.1:1

photo credit correction, 2024;XXXVI.2:14

Certificate of Merit, SGHS

awards (2010), 2010;XXIII.3:5, 2010;XXIII.4:10

awards (2011), 2011;XXIV.3:5, 2011;XXIV.3:11

awards (2013), 2013;XXVI.2:9

awards (2014), 2014;XXVII.1:10

awards (2015), 2015;XXVIII.3:6

awards (2019), 2019;XXXII.2:11

awards (2022), 2022;XXXIV.4:2

awards (2023), 2023;XXXV.3:1

Chahaba Lily

as Bartram botanical discovery, 2024;XXXVI.2:1

Chalvin (John) & Co.

imported seeds for sale in S. Carolina by, 1992;VIII.3:6

Chambers, William

The “Awful Ailanthus” A Love-to-Hate Story, 2017;XXX.1:1

Chamblee, Mark

The Peggy Martin Rose Awards, 2011;XXIV.1:7

Chamblee, Paula

Fall Board meeting, 2004;XIX.3:11

membership directory, 2000;XV.4:13, 2000;XVI.2:13, 2001;XVI.3:9

as SGHS membership secretary, 2003;XVIII.3:14

Chamblee, Steven

Fort Worth annual meeting, 2006;XX.3:7

champion trees

at Coastal Georgia Botanical Gardens and Historic Bamboo Farm, 2021;XXXIII.4:1

Champneys, John

first recorded cross of roses in America by, 1992;IX.1:5

International Heritage Rose Conference, Charleston, 2001;XVI.4:10, 2001;XVII.2:8

Noisette roses and, 1998;XIV.2:8

Chandor (Douglas) garden (White Shadows)

Fort Worth annual meeting tours, 2005;XX.2:9, 2006;XX.3:7

The Changing Garden: Four Centuries of European and American Art (Fryberger)

exhibition catalogue, 2003;XVIII.4:14

Chant, Elizabeth

Wiley-Williams Cottage, Wilmington, NC and, 2024;XXXVI.2:7

Chapman, Mr. And Mrs. Clarence

Mulberry plantation and, 2015;XXVIII.4:12

preserving Charleston’s landscape legacy, 2004;XIX.4:9

Chappell, Edward

New Orleans annual meeting, 2004;XIX.2:12

RSGL conference speaker, 1991;VII.4:7

Chappell, Gordon W.

Annapolis annual meeting, 2007;XXI.2:8

annual business meeting, 2006;XX.3:4, 2018;XXXI.1:5

Colonial gardens: a Williamsburg perspective, 1994;X.4:3

elected to SGHS board of directors, 1997;XIII.2:12

Elizabeth Lawrence’s Charlotte, North Carolina Garden, 2003;XVIII.3:12

The Evolution of the Williamsburg Landscape, 1999;XV.1:14

Fall Board meeting, 1999;XV.2:14, 2001;XVII.2:7, 2004;XIX.3:11, 2006;XX.4:15, 2012;XXV.4:11

Flora Ann Bynum Award and Medal for, 2019;XXXII.2:10

Garden History Seminar: 75 Years of Colonial Williamsburg’s Gardens, 2001;XVI.4:12

The Gardens of Colonial Williamsburg (with Brinkley), 1997;XIII.2:9

Garden Symposium on heirloom gardening, 2004;XIX.2:9

as honorary SGHS board member, 2023;XXXV.3:1

Houston annual meeting, 1999;XV.1:12

in the news, 1997;XIII.2:11, 2000;XV.4:7, 2005;XX.2:4

on Norton upon his retirement, 2024;XXXVI.3:15

on Osage oranges in Williamsburg, VA, 2024;XXXVI.2:11

Plans and Plants of the Southern Landscape, RSGL conference, 1999;XV.1:10, 2000;XV.3:9

SGHS: An Informal History, 2002;XVII.4:3

as SGHS president, 2002;XVII.4:16, 2002;XVIII.1:14

Southern Plant Lists and, 1998;XIV.2:6, 1998;XIV.3:10, 1999;XV.1:15, 2000;XVI.2:13

Spring Board meeting, 1999;XV.1:14, 2000;XV.4:9, 2001;XVI.4:13

Tours of Gardens in Europe, 2004;XIX.1:11

Chappell, Sherrie

Annapolis annual meeting, 2007;XXI.2:8

Charles, John S.

Evolution of the Lawn, 2005;XX.2:5

Charleston, England

The Garden at Charleston: A Bloomsbury Garden through the Seasons (Snell), 2010;XXIII.4:10

Charleston, SC. See also Gibbes Museum of Art, Charleston, SC; Noisette, Philippe Stanislaus

1810 Catalogue of Plants in the Botanick Garden of South Carolina, 2012;XXV.3:6

annual meeting, 1990;VII.2:8, 1991;VIII.1:9, 1991;VIII.2:1, 1992;VIII.3:1, 1992;VIII.4:12

Award of Merit in South Carolina to Dargans for garden in, 1989;V.3:4

Charleston gardens: a turn of the century view, 1994;XI.1:1

The Charleston renaissance, 1999;XIV.4:10

early gardeners: plant hunters & builders of plantations, 1991;VIII.2:1

Francis Porcher as 19th-century physician in, 2004;XIX.1:7

International Heritage Rose Conference, 2001;XVI.4:10, 2001;XVII.2:1, 2001;XVII.2:8

The Life and Art of Alfred Hutty: Woodstock to Charleston (Arnold and Hoffius, eds., review), 2012;XXV.2:9

Mepkin Abbey Gardens—Native Plant Reclamation Project, 2010;XXIII.3:4

Noisette Rose Trail through, 1998;XIV.2:8

preserving landscape legacy of, 2004;XIX.4:9

The Private Gardens of Charleston (Cameron, in print), 1992;IX.1:13

Renaissance of cultural life in inter-war period in, 1999;XIV.4:10

SGHS photos (1982–2002), 2002;XVII.4:9

Sowing the Seeds of Horticulture, annual meeting (2016), 2015;XXVIII.4:12

Tenth Annual Meeting booklet and Garden Tour Booklet (available), 1992;VIII.4:15

Charleston, WV

The Craik-Patton house at, 1987;III.3:11

Charleston Courier

Chassereau advertises map making services in, 1991;VIII.2:1

seeds advertised for sale in S. Carolina in, 1992;VIII.3:6

Charleston Garden Club

preserving Charleston’s landscape legacy, 2004;XIX.4:9

Charleston Gardens (Briggs)

on Sword Gate House roses, 1988;IV.3:3

Charleston Gardens and the Landscape Legacy of Loutrel Briggs (Cothran)

in the news, 2011;XXIV.1:11

in print, 2010;XXIII.2:14

review, 2011;XXIV.2:9

Charleston Horticultural Society

Knopf Receives 1830 Award, 2004;XIX.4:8

McGee receives 1830 Award, 2012;XXV.3:7

preserving Charleston’s landscape legacy, 2004;XIX.4:9

Charleston Museum

historic Charleston homes and, 1992;VIII.3:1

The Charleston Renaissance (Stevens)

exhibition and book, 1999;XIV.4:10

Charleston Tea Plantation (now Garden)

American Classic Tea of, 1993;IX.2:10

Charleston Times

seeds advertised for sale in S. Carolina in, 1992;VIII.3:6

Charlotte, NC

Elizabeth Lawrence Garden preservation efforts, 2002;XVIII.1:14

National Register status for Elizabeth Lawrence House and Garden, 2006;XX.4:11

Charlotte Female Institute, NC

Musk Rose in America and, 2001;XVII.2:1

Charlottesville, VA. See also Monticello

annual meeting, 1986;II.4:5, 1987;IV.2:1

Charter Members

SGHS organizing meeting and, 1983;HTI.3:1

Charwat, Elaine

Nature’s Palette: A Color Reference from the Natural World (Baty) and, 2021;XXXIV.2:14

Chase, Wanda

Baton Rouge annual meeting speaker, 2011;XXIV.3:7

Chase-Lloyd House, Annapolis, MD

Annapolis annual meeting tour, 2007;XXI.2:8

Chassereau, Peter

advertises map making services in Charleston, 1991;VIII.2:1

Chatham, Hugh Gwyn

Ellen Biddle Shipman in Winston-Salem, NC and, 2018;XXXI.4:1

Chatham, Martha Thurmond

Ellen Biddle Shipman in Winston-Salem, NC and, 2018;XXXI.4:1

Chatham, Richard Thurmond

Ellen Biddle Shipman in Winston-Salem, NC and, 2018;XXXI.4:1

Chatham Manor, VA

Fredericksburg, VA annual meeting tours, 2005;XX.1:12

The Garden Club of Virginia’s Research Fellowship Program, 2015;XXVIII.2:10

John Lee Pratt’s, 2017;XXX.3:8

Lawliss Named Superintendent of the Fredericksburg and Spotsylvania National Military Park, 2013;XXVI.3:8

Chatto, Beth

Beth Chatto: A Life With Plants (Horwood) (2020 review), 2019;XXXII.4:11

Chatwood Garden, Hillsborough, NC

Chatwood Garden Opens, 1999;XV.1:11

The early garden at, 1989;V.3:2

in jeopardy, how to help, 1989;V.3:4

Musk Rose in America and, 2001;XVII.2:1

in the news, 2001;XVI.3:13, 2001;XVI.4:12

Chaumiere, KY

Lexington annual meeting tours, 2017;XXX.2:6

Cheatham, B. F.

Stratford Hall grounds and gardens restoration and, 2004;XIX.4:1

Cheek, Leslie and Mabel Wood

Preserving 20th-century gardens of, 2007;XXI.2:1

Cheek, Richard

Gardens and Landscapes of Virginia (with Favretti, in print), 1994;X.2:11

Cheekwood, TN

Nashville annual meeting tour, 1987;IV.2:2, 2015;XXVIII.2:1

The Chelsea Gardener: Philip Miller, 1691-1771 (Le Rougetel)

review, 1990;VII.2:14

Chelsea Physic Garden, London

The John Bartram Heritage Plant Collection and, 2006;XX.3:6

Louis LeConte’s Bulb Garden, 1813-1838, 2014;XXVII.1:1

orangery at, 1996;XII.3:1

Chene Vert, Baton Rouge

Baton Rouge annual meeting tours, 2011;XXIV.3:5

Chernow, Ron

Alexander Hamilton garden memoranda in Sotheby’s sale, 2017;XXX.1:6

Cherokee Garden Club of Atlanta

Cherokee Garden Library and, 2021;XXXIV.2:1

Cherokee Garden Library, Atlanta

accolades for, 1998;XIV.3:9

Anne Carr Receives GCA Award and, 2001;XVI.4:13

Atlanta annual meeting tours, 1983;HTI.2:1

Catron-Sullivan becomes new director, 2000;XVI.2:13

Center for the Study of Southern Garden History, 2003;XVIII.3:6

Cothran Collection received by, 2007;XXI.2:19

Edward L. Daugherty, A Southern Landscape Architect, 2008;XXII.1:15, 2008;XXII.2:10

Elizabeth Lawrence personal library at, 1992;VIII.4:11

Fall Board meeting and, 1990;VII.2:8

Georgia Chapter Launched, 2000;XV.3:16

history and holdings of, 2021;XXXIV.2:1

Magnolia bound copies available, 2000;XV.4:14

Plans and Plants of the Southern Landscape, RSGL conference, 2000;XV.3:9

Remembering Anne Coppedge Carr, 2005;XX.2:8

as SGHS archives depository, 1990;VI.3:3, 1992;VIII.3:1

tour offered to Roberto Burle Marx gardens in Brazil, 1992;VIII.4:15

The Wild Trees author to speak at (2008), 2007;XXI.3:15

Woodburn Collection on the Historical Development of American Horticulture, 1986;III.2:4, 1990;VI.3:3, 1991;VII.3:8

Cherokee grave sites

Daffodils for, 2003;XVIII.2:7

Cherokee Plantation, LA

Natchitoches annual meeting tours, 2023;XXXV.2:8, 2023;XXXV.3:1

Cherokee rose (Rosa laevigata)

Affleck on hedging with, 1991;VII.4:11

Affleck’s writing on, 1991;VIII.1:5

Cherry Sims Asian-American Garden, Atlanta

annual meeting tours, 2003;XVIII.3:4


early gardening in, 1997;XIII.3:5

“Eighteenth-Century Gardens of the Chesapeake” (Sarudy), 1990;VII.2:12, 1992;VIII.3:4

South Carolina seed and nursery trade compared with, 1992;VIII.3:6

Chesapeake falling gardens

Annapolis annual meeting on, 2007;XXI.2:8

The Eighteenth-Century Gardens of Annapolis, 2007;XXI.1:1

at Hampton, Baltimore Co., 1996;XII.3:1

Landon Carter’s Sabine Hall, 2011;XXIV.4:1

Mount Airy Garden, VA and, 2016;XXIX.1:1

at Mount Clare House, Baltimore, 1996;XII.3:1

Chesnut, James, II, garden

Camden annual meeting tours, 2009;XXII.3:1

Chesnut, Mary Boykin Miller

Camden annual meeting on, 2009;XXII.4:4

diary, Camden annual meeting, 2009;XXII.3:1

chestnut, American

Biltmore annual meeting on, 1998;XIV.2:1

return of, 2008;XXII.2:8

update on Virginia’s historic sites and reintroduction of, 2022;XXXV.1:14

chestnut rose

Landscape Restoration at Thomas Jefferson’s Poplar Forest, 2012;XXV.4:1

Chez Coteau, Louisiana

Baton Rouge annual meeting tours, 2011;XXIV.3:5

Chicopee, GA

as Draper landscape architecture client, 1986;III.1:6


disappearance of mules and, 1992;VIII.4:1

Childress family, Atlanta

Edward L. Daugherty and, 2008;XXII.2:10

Childs, John Lewis

Daffodils in Georgia’s Landscape, 2008;XXI.4:1


British plant collecting in mid-19th century, 2003;XVIII.4:1

A Sultry Southern Heirloom, Japanese Macabre and, 2022;XXXV.1:1

China and Gardens of Europe of the Eighteenth Century (Siren, 1950)

New Orleans Town Gardeners garden library and, 1987;IV.1:9

China Grove plantation, Brazoria County, TX

Cherokee rose hedging at, 1991;VIII.1:5

China roses

Affleck on varieties best adapted to the South, 1991;VIII.1:7

Welch on ‘Cramoisi Superieur’, 1994;X.4:7


Bartram’s botanical discoveries and, 2024;XXXVI.2:1

Chinese Honeysuckle (Azalea indica)

characteristics, 1992;IX.1:12

Chlorophyll in His Veins: J. C. Raulston, Horticultural Ambassador (Ward)

in print, 2010;XXIII.1:13

Choate, Jim

Edward L. Daugherty and, 2008;XXII.2:10

Chopin, Kate

Natchitoches annual meeting and, 2022;XXXV.1:2

Christian, Frances Archer

Homes and Gardens in Old Virginia (with Massie, 1931), 1992;VIII.3:4

The Christian Philosopher (Mather, 1721)

Biological Thought in Eighteenth-Century Agriculture, 2000;XVI.2:1

Christianson, C. Paul

The Riverside Gardens of Thomas More’s London (in print), 2006;XX.3:14

Christie’s of New York

Garden Conservancy benefit at, 1998;XIV.3:9

The Christmas Heritage of Old Salem

Bynum (1983), 1988;IV.3:14

Christmas trees

German immigrants to Texas and, 1993;IX.4:10

Christopher, Thomas

“On The Trail with Texas Rose Rustlers,” 1987;IV.1:3

Chunnenuggee Horticultural Society

Montgomery annual meeting tours (1986), 1985;II.2:2

Church, Gloria

Natchitoches annual meeting tours, 2023;XXXV.3:1

Church, Jason

Natchitoches annual meeting speaker, 2023;XXXV.3:1

Church, Thomas D.

Edward L. Daugherty and, 2008;XXII.2:10

Fort Worth annual meeting tours, 2005;XX.2:9, 2006;XX.3:7

Churchill and Chartwell: The Untold Story of Churchill’s Houses and Gardens (Buczacki)

review, 2008;XXI.4:10

Church of the Holy Cross, Stateburg, SC

Camden annual meeting tours, 2009;XXII.4:8

churchyards. See also cemeteries

Blumen auf dem Grab (flowers on the grave) Round Top cemetery, 1993;IX.3:6

The landscape at Trinity Episcopal Church, Abbeville, SC, 1989;VI.2:7


at Coastal Georgia Botanical Gardens and Historic Bamboo Farm, 2021;XXXIII.4:1

citrus canker (Xanthomonas axonopodis)

George Lindley Taber and the Orchid Azalea, 2017;XXX.4:1

City Gardener (Fairchild)

use in Virginia of, 1997;XIII.3:1

City Gazette

seeds advertised for sale in S. Carolina in, 1992;VIII.3:6

Civilian Conservation Corps

Monticello Landscape restoration, 1923-1955 and, 2010;XXIII.1:1

The Myth of the Colonial Herb Garden, 2005;XX.2:14

Civil War. See also Reconstruction

Carnton Plantation, TN and, 2015;XXVIII.1:1

The Civil War Diary of Catherine Ann Devereux Edmondston, 2013;XXVI.4:1

drug acquisition for Confederate forces during, 2004;XIX.1:7

Emma Holmes diary 1861–1866 on, 1998;XIII.4:7

McMurrans in Natchez and, 1994;X.2:7

Middleton Plantation, SC and, 2015;XXVIII.3:1

Mysteries of a Mid-19th-Century Garden in Abbeville, SC, 2014;XXVII.3:1

Pomaria Nurseries, SC and its customers and, 1993;X.1:1

Claiborne, Henry

Stratford Hall grounds and gardens restoration and, 2004;XIX.4:1

Claiborne, Herbert A.

early Stratford Hall garden restoration revisited, 2020;XXXIII.1:1

Claiborne, J. F. H.

Natchez gardens and, 2001;XVII.1:1

Clark, Ethne

An Infinity of Graces: Cecil Ross Pinsent, An English Architect in the Italian Landscape (review), 2013;XXVI.3:7

Clark, Julia E. (Oregon nursery)

The Restored Eudora Welty Garden Ten Years On, 2014;XXVII.4:1

Clark, Kath

Painshill: Remaking Elysium on Time, 2010;XXIII.4:1

Clark, Niles, Jr.

Rosemont Preservation Society and, 2007;XXI.3:1

Clark, Niles, Sr.

Rosemont Plantation and, 1993;IX.3:1, 2007;XXI.3:1

Clark, Thomas

on hemp and flax production history in Kentucky, 2016;XXIX.4:1

Clarke, Gilmore

Blue Ridge Parkway and, 2013;XXVI.2:1, 2013;XXVI.2:5

Clarke, Lewis

The Elizabethan Gardens, NC, 2016;XXIX.1:6

Clark Fund for Research in Landscape Design

early Stratford Hall garden restoration revisited, 2020;XXXIII.1:1

Stratford Hall grounds and gardens restoration and, 2004;XIX.4:1

Clarkson, Mr. and Mrs. Edwin

Charlotte Board meeting tour and, 1986;III.2:3

Clarkson, Rosetta E.

Green Enchantment (reissued with T. Martin foreward), 1991;VIII.1:12

Clark Southline Equipment Company, Texas

Lynn R. Lowrey, Plantsman, 1999;XV.1:1

Classic Bulbs, Hidden Treasures for the Modern Garden (Whiteside)

in print, 1991;VIII.2:10

class system

among English-trained and Scottish-trained gardeners, 1997;XIII.3:1

Clauser, John W., Jr.

Archaeological dig at Bethabara site of 1759 vegetable garden, 1988;V.1:2

The DeRosset Garden of Wilmington, NC, 1990;VI.3:5

RSGL conference speaker, 1989;V.3:2, 1989;VI.1:12, 1989;VI.2:2, 2023;XXXV.2:1

Tryon Palace gardens plan and, 1998;XIV.1:1

Clay (Clement Claiborne) papers

at Duke University, Battle-Friedman house garden research and, 1988;IV.3:8

Clay, Henry

Ashland Park, Lexington and, 2016;XXIX.3:7, 2017;XXX.2:6

Clay, James

Ashland Park, Lexington and, 2016;XXIX.3:7

Clayton, John

Gloucester hickory and, 2003;XVIII.2:12

plant collecting in colonial Virginia by, 1994;XI.2:1

Clayton, Virginia Tuttle

The Once & Future Gardener: Garden Writing from the Golden Age of Magazines, 1900-1940 (review), 2000;XVI.2:10

Clement, Ed

restoring John Steele House grounds, Salisbury, NC, 1987;III.3:8

Clemons, Charles L.

Charter Member, 2002;XVII.4:16

Clemson, Anna Maria Calhoun

Mary Catherine Rion and, 2001;XVII.2:10

Clemson, Thomas

Mary Catherine Rion and, 2001;XVII.2:10

Clemson University’s Landscape Architectural program

preserving Charleston’s landscape legacy, 2004;XIX.4:9

Cleveland, Mary Carolyn, garden

Birmingham annual meeting tours, 2019;XXXII.2:6

Clifton (mansion), Natchez, MS

Notes from another practitioner on historic garden research, 1988;IV.3:5

Climbing Roses Old and New (Thomas)

Musk Rose in America and, 2001;XVII.2:1

on ‘Musk Rose’ in England, 1994;X.3:1

Close, Leslie R.

Catalog of Landscape Records in America and, 1986;III.2:5

Clues to American Gardens (Weeks with Fogle and Mahan)

in print, 1987;III.3:4

Coade stone urns

Mount Airy Garden, Richmond County, VA, 2016;XXIX.1:1

Coalter, John

on Tucker’s Williamsburg garden, 1996;XII.2:1

Coastal Georgia Botanical Gardens and Historic Bamboo Farm (CGBG)

Arthur Solomon – Camellia Pioneer, 2013;XXVI.3:4

past is present at, 2021;XXXIII.4:1

Savannah annual meeting tours, 2014;XXVII.1:9

Stan Gray and iris paradise at, 2022;XXXIV.3:7

Coast redwood (Sequoia sempervirens)

Mysteries of a Mid-19th-Century Garden in Abbeville, SC, 2014;XXVII.3:1

Coates, Peggy

Bartram Trail Dedication in Louisiana, 2015;XXVIII.2:10

Coats, Alice M.

Garden Shrubs and Their Histories updated by J. Creech (in print), 1992;VIII.3:11

Garden Shrubs and Their Histories updated by J. Creech (review), 1993;IX.3:13

Cobb (Ella) Camp Garden, Murfreesboro, NC

Newsom’s master plan for landscape restoration and, 1989;V.3:6

Cobb (T. R. R.) House gardens

Athens, GA annual meeting tour, 2008;XXII.1:8

Cobb, James

Athens, GA annual meeting, 2007;XXI.3:5, 2008;XXII.1:8

Cochliasanthus caracalla

the Snail (Flower) or Caracalla Bean, 2018;XXXI.3:11

Cocke, John Hartwell

The Garden Club of Virginia’s Research Fellowship Program, 2015;XXVIII.2:10

musk rose at Bremo Plantation, VA and, 1999;XIV.4:8

Musk Rose in America and, 2001;XVII.2:1

Cockfield, SC

Charleston annual meeting tours, 2015;XXVIII.4:12, 2016;XXIX.2:1

Coffin, Marian Cruger

Lost Landscapes, RSGL conference, 2007;XXI.3:6

Oxmoor plantation, KY and, 2009;XXII.4:18, 2016;XXIX.4:7

Preserving 20th-century gardens of, 2007;XXI.2:1

Coggins, Lucy Dos Passos

Annapolis annual meeting, 1985;I.3:2

Mount Vernon annual meeting, 2000;XV.4:10, 2021;XXXIII.3:1

in the news, 1998;XIV.3:8

Cogswell, Amy

Monticello Landscape restoration, 1923-1955 and, 2010;XXIII.1:1

Coke, Fletch

Fall Board meeting, 2001;XVII.2:7

The Hermitage Landscape: Before and after the 1998 Tornado (1999 review), 1999;XV.2:13

Spring Board meeting, 2001;XVI.4:13

on tornado damage at The Hermitage, 1998;XIV.2:6

Coker, David R.

Coker’s Pedigreed Seed Co. and, 2021;XXXIV.2:1

Coker, William Chambers

UNC herbarium and, 2021;XXXIV.1:11

Cokesbury Female College, SC

Benjamin Johnson and garden of, 1989;VI.2:7

Colbert, Evelyn McGee

Hunt Award for Patti McGee and, 2023;XXXV.3:2

Colburn, Cherie Foster

Heirloom Bulbs for Today (with Wiesinger, in print 2011), 2011;XXIV.1:10

Cole, Fred C.

Affleck biography by, 1991;VIII.1:5

Cole, Karen

on Caroline Dormon, 2004;XIX.2:12

Caroline Dormon and the Gardens of Louisiana, 2004;XIX.2:1

Journal of the New England Garden History Society and, 2002;XVII.4:19

New Orleans annual meeting speaker (2004), 2003;XVIII.4:8

in the news, 2001;XVII.2:15

Cole, Les

on Hills & Dales Estate in LaGrange, GA, 2004;XIX.4:11

Coleman, Lindsay

History of Fruitland Nurseries and Berckmans Family and, 2002;XVIII.1:1

Coleman, Mr. and Mrs. George

Tucker’s Williamsburg garden and, 1996;XII.2:1

Coles, Frank

Lynchburg’s Old City Cemetery roses, 2005;XX.1:1

College of William and Mary, Virginia

professional gardeners and, 1997;XIII.3:1

Colleton, James

on avoiding chemicals on food plants, 1992;VIII.4:1

Collier, C. A.

History of Fruitland Nurseries and Berckmans Family and, 2002;XVIII.1:1

Collins, Alethea

Somerset Place Gardens and, 2001;XVI.4:1

Collins, Josiah

Somerset Place Gardens and, 2001;XVI.4:1

Collins, Mary Riggs

Mrs. Balfour: An Antebellum Vicksburg Gardener, 2002;XVII.3:1

Somerset Place Gardens and, 2001;XVI.4:1

on trees at Somerset Place, 1993;IX.4:14

Collinson, Peter

The “Awful Ailanthus” A Love-to-Hate Story, 2017;XXX.1:1

The Evolution of the Williamsburg Landscape, 1999;XV.1:14

Jefferson’s visit to Painshill (1786) and, 2010;XXIII.4:1

The John Bartram Heritage Plant Collection and, 2006;XX.3:6

John Custis correspondence with, 2007;XXI.1:4

Mount Vernon annual meeting on, 2010;XXIII.3:6

plant collectors in colonial America and, 1994;XI.2:1

Colonial Dames of America, Texas Chapter

The Bluebonnet and the Fair Ladies of Texas, 2016;XXIX.1:11

Colonial Families of the United States

Musk Rose in America and, 2001;XVII.2:1

Colonial Meets Revival

Fredericksburg annual meeting, 2003;XVIII.4:2, 2004;XIX.3:10

Colonial Revival period

Annapolis annual meeting, 2007;XXI.2:1

early Stratford Hall garden restoration revisited, 2020;XXXIII.1:1

Ellen Biddle Shipman in Winston-Salem, NC, 2018;XXXI.4:1

garden fever (1890s–late 1930s) and, 1994;XI.1:1

The Myth of the Colonial Herb Garden, 2005;XX.2:14

The Old-fashioned “Piony” in the South, 2020;XXXIII.1:14

Oxmoor Historic Landscape, 2009;XXII.4:18

Tryon Palace gardens plan and, 1998;XIV.1:1

Colonial Williamsburg Foundation. See also Williamsburg, VA

SGHS web site steps boldly into the 21st century, 2007;XXI.2:18

color in gardens

Landscape “Mythtakes” in Historic Preservation (Favretti brochure), 1987;III.3:13

Columbia, SC

Bergholz, Summer, and the Gardens of Antebellum Columbia, SC, 2000;XV.3:11

gardens of, 2022;XXXIV.3:1

Columbia nursery

antebellum camellia varieties and, 1998;XIV.1:7

Columbia South Carolinian

as Adam Summer’s newspaper, 1993;X.1:1

Columbus, GA

Columbus Museum research on Olmsted Associates garden design, 1988;IV.3:12

Columella, Lucius Junius Moderatus

Farmer Washington at Mount Vernon, 1759-1799, 2000;XV.3:1

Comal Springs Nursery, TX

Otto Locke (1859–1927) and the Oldest Nursery in Texas, 2000;XVI.1:14

Comer, Kathleen and Braxton, garden

Camden annual meeting tours, 2009;XXII.4:8

Commander, Allen

Washington/Fayette Counties, TX annual meeting and, 1993;IX.4:9

Commercial Garden Design. See Givhan, Edgar G., II

committees, SGHS

bylaws on, 1993;IX.3:9

community gardens

The Woven Landscapes of LaGrange, GA, 2008;XXII.1:1

A Complete Body of Husbandry (Hale, 1759)

Farmer Washington at Mount Vernon, 1759-1799, 2000;XV.3:1

The Complete Handbook of Garden Plants (Wright)

on Oxalis rubra and other species, 1994;X.3:5


William Paca’s way of gardening and, 1988;IV.4:3

Compton, Henry

plant collecting in colonial Virginia by, 1994;XI.2:1

Comstock family, Atlanta

Edward L. Daugherty and, 2008;XXII.2:10

Concord Nursery, Concord, Georgia

apple varieties offered (1930s) by, 2024;XXXVI.3:1

concrete sculptures

Rodriguez’ Arkansas works listed in National Register of Historic Places, 1987;III.3:6

Cone, Moses

as Draper landscape architecture client, 1986;III.1:6

Confederate Cemetery

Carnton Plantation, TN, 2015;XXVIII.1:1, 2015;XXVIII.2:1

A Confederate Lady Comes of Age: The Journal of Pauline DeCaradeuc Heyward, 1863-1888 (Robertson, ed.)

review, 1998;XIII.4:7

Confederate Pyramid

Hollywood Cemetery, Richmond, VA, 2012;XXV.1:1

Confederate States Medical and Surgical Journal

on Porcher’s Resources of the Southern Fields and Forests, 2004;XIX.1:7

Confederate States of America (Confederacy)

flower garden representing, 1996;XII.4:10

Conference on Restoring Southern Gardens and Landscapes. See Restoring Southern Gardens and Landscapes (RSGL) Conference

Conference on Southern Gardens and Landscapes. See Restoring Southern Gardens and Landscapes (RSGL) Conference

Confraternity of Christian Mothers

Natchitoches annual meeting tours and, 2023;XXXV.3:1

Confrey, Richard

Baton Rouge annual meeting speaker, 2011;XXIV.3:5

Conger, Inez

Caroline Dormon and, 2004;XIX.2:1

Connell, Arnall T.

Edward L. Daugherty and, 2008;XXII.2:10

Connoisseur of Malvern studio, England

Porcelain and Decorative Arts Museum and, 2021;XXXIV.1:7

Conrad, Julia Maud

The plant reporter: searching for pink Roman hyacinths, 1990;VII.1:9

Roman hyacinths and, 1993;X.1:14


at Cherokee Garden Library, Atlanta, 2021;XXXIV.2:1

containers for plants

in African-American yards of the rural South, 1992;VIII.4:1

Contemporary Arts Museum, Houston

Lynn R. Lowrey, Plantsman, 1999;XV.1:1

Continental Plant Company, Kittrell, NC

Preserving 20th-century gardens and, 2007;XXI.2:1

Conversations with a Southern Gardener (Ed and Peggy Givhan)

in print, 1999;XV.2:13

Cook, Jacob

hyper-local apples and, 2024;XXXVI.3:1

Cook, Moses

Brompton Park Nursery, England and, 1997;XIII.3:1

Cooke, John Hartwell

Bremo Plantation, VA and, 1987;III.3:3

Cook’s Red Winter apple (extinct)

Pomaria Nurseries, SC and, 2024;XXXVI.3:1

Cooleemee Plantation, NC

Lost Landscapes, RSGL conference tour, 2007;XXI.1:6, 2007;XXI.3:6

Coolidge, Ellen Wayles Randolph

The painted ladies: flower gardening at Monticello, 1987;IV.2:3

Cool Spring Place, Fayetteville, NC

The Southern Bartram connection, 1987;IV.1:7

Cooper, Bill and Martin Meek

bulbs at Mountain Shoals, SC and, 1838 to the present, 2011;XXIV.1:1

Cooper, Hope

Camden annual meeting committee, 2009;XXII.4:4

Cooper, James Fenimore

Ellen Shipman Garden and, 2021;XXXIV.2:11

Cope-Jaakkola house (1868)

Savannah annual meeting tour, 2013;XXVI.2:11, 2014;XXVII.1:9

Copeland, Linda L.

Legends in the Garden, Who in the World is Nellie Stevens? (in print), 2001;XVII.2:7

Coram, Thomas

The Poetry of Place: Landscapes of Thomas Coram & Charles Fraser (exhibition), 1998;XIV.2:10

Corbin, Francis

Edenton’s Cupola House Database (available), 2006;XX.4:14

Corbin, Joan

Camden annual meeting committee, 2009;XXII.4:4

cork oak, Spanish (Quercus suber)

as Plant Introduction, 2003;XVIII.2:14

Corley, James Weaver, Jr. “Jim”

in remembrance, 2017;XXX.1:11

Roman hyacinth sightings, 1991;VII.4:5

Cornell University Library

Ellen McGowan Biddle Shipman Papers Collection at, 2021;XXXIV.2:11

Cornett, Peggy L. See also Newcomb, Peggy Cornett

American chestnut return update and, 2022;XXXV.1:14

Annapolis annual meeting, 2007;XXI.2:8

Anne Spencer’s Garden Restoration Continues, 2018;XXXI.3:6

annual business meeting, 2009;XXII.4:8

Athens annual meeting, 2008;XXII.1:8

The “Awful Ailanthus” A Love-to-Hate Story, 2017;XXX.1:1

Biltmore annual meeting, 1998;XIV.2:1, 1998;XIV.2:6

on book in print, 2021;XXXIV.1:16

book reviews, 2004;XIX.1:15

Central Texas Gardener interview of, 2002;XVIII.1:13

Charleston annual meeting, 2016;XXIX.2:1

Cultural Landscape Lab at Stratford Hall, 2012;XXV.2:1

Fall Board meeting, 1998;XIV.3:10, 1999;XV.2:14, 2000;XVI.2:12, 2001;XVII.2:7, 2003;XVIII.4:2, 2010;XXIII.1:14, 2012;XXV.4:11

Favretti remembered by, 2023;XXXV.3:14

on Favretti retirement from Garden Club of Virginia, 1998;XIV.3:7

on Flora Ann Bynum, 2002;XVII.4:14

Flora Ann Bynum and the Conference for the American South, 2015;XXVIII.4:10

Flora Ann Bynum Award and Medal for, 2008;XXI.4:13, 2008;XXI.4:14

Flora Ann Bynum Award and Medal to Hood, 2018;XXXI.1:15

Flora Ann Bynum remembrance, 2006;XX.3:1

Fort Worth annual meeting, 2006;XX.3:7

Fredericksburg annual meeting, 2003;XVIII.4:2

Garden Club of Virginia Centennial activities and, 2019;XXXII.4:14

on garden history canon, 2021;XXXIII.3:8

Gardening in a Golden Age, RSGL conference, 2017;XXX.2:1

GCA recognition of, 2016;XXIX.3:15

Historic Landscape Institute and, 1998;XIV.2:14

Horticulture article on Hsu quoting, 2003;XVIII.4:12

on horticulture in Jefferson’s Day, 2004;XIX.2:10

Hortus: A Gardening Journal essay by, 2012;XXV.1:6

Houston annual meeting, 1999;XV.1:12

Jacksonville, FL annual meeting, 2018;XXXI.1:1

Jane Baber White — A Remembrance, 2024;XXXVI.3:8

Ken McFarland Receives Flora Ann Bynum Medal, 2022;XXXIV.4:15

Learning from the Past, RSGL conference, 2015;XXVIII.2:7, 2015;XXVIII.4:5

on Leonie Bell Noisette rose garden at Monticello, 1999;XIV.4:8

Lexington annual meeting, 2017;XXX.2:6

Lynchburg annual meeting, 2013;XXVI.2:5

Magnolia bound copies available, 2000;XV.4:14

Magnolia evolution and, 2002;XVII.4:5

Magnolia index and, 1998;XIV.2:6

Massachusetts Horticultural Society’ Thomas Roland Medal to, 2004;XIX.3:12

Monticello Farm & Garden Facebook posts by, 2019;XXXII.2:13

Mount Vernon annual meeting, 2000;XV.4:10, 2010;XXIII.3:6, 2019;XXXII.3:12, 2021;XXXIII.3:1, 2022;XXXIV.4:1

musk rose at Bremo Plantation, VA and, 1999;XIV.4:8

Musk Rose in America and, 2001;XVII.2:1

Nashville annual meeting, 2015;XXVIII.2:1

Natchitoches annual meeting, 2023;XXXV.3:1

New Bern, NC annual meeting, 2001;XVI.4:14

New Orleans annual meeting, 2004;XIX.2:12

in the news, 2022;XXXIV.3:2

NPR interview on musk rose, 2001;XVII.2:15

The Old-fashioned “Piony” in the South, 2020;XXXIII.1:14

Old House Journal article on, 2003;XVIII.2:15

Old Salem’s garden programs and, 2021;XXXIV.1:1

Plans and Plants of the Southern Landscape, RSGL conference, 1999;XV.1:10, 2000;XV.3:9

Popular Annuals of Eastern North America, 1865–1914, 2023;XXXV.4:9

Quill & Trowel Award from Garden Writers of American to, 2001;XVI.3:13

Returning to Our Roots, RSGL conference, 2009;XXII.4:1, 2010;XXIII.1:9

Richmond annual meeting, 2012;XXV.3:8

Rosemary Verey obituary, 2001;XVI.4:2

Rosemont Plantation history and the Cunningham Family, 2007;XXI.3:1

SGHS: An Informal History, 2002;XVII.4:3

on SGHS at 20 Years and Growing, 2002;XVII.4:1

SGHS photos (1982–2002), 2002;XVII.4:9

on the Snail (Flower): Monticello’s Caracalla Bean, 2018;XXXI.3:11

Southern Plant Lists steering committee and, 1998;XIV.2:6

on south Louisiana and St. Francisville annual meeting, 1991;VII.4:1

Spring Board meeting, 1999;XV.1:14, 2007;XXI.2:14, 2010;XXIII.3:5, 2022;XXXIV.4:7

Summer Board meeting (virtual), 2020;XXXIII.1:18

Wall Street Journal article quoting, 2016;XXIX.1:11

Cornwell, Marty Whaley Adams, garden

Charleston annual meeting tours, 2015;XXVIII.4:12


author’s name omitted, lead article XIX, No. 4, 2005;XX.1:14

cover photo for 2002 Commemorative Issue, 2002;XVIII.1:13

Hoe and Tell Vol. 1, No. 3 printed as No. 2, 1983;HTI.3:1

night-blooming cereus photo, 2024;XXXVI.2:14

Osage orange national champions, 2024;XXXVI.3:2

Roses of Natchez photograph credit, 1994;X.2:11

Volume IX, No. 2 printed as Vol. X, No. 1, 1993;IX.2:1

Volume IX, No. 3 printed as Vol. IX, No. 2, 1993;IX.3:1

Volume XIV, No. 1 printed as Vol. IX, No. 1, 1998;XIV.1:1

Vol. XXIII, No. 1, 2010;XXIII.2:15

Cothran (James R.) Graduate Fellowship

awards, 2022;XXXIV.4:7, 2024;XXXVI.2:10

Cothran (James R.) Scholarship

awards, 2018;XXXI.1:5

student, 2014;XXVII.1:11, 2019;XXXII.2:14, 2020;XXXIII.1:18

Cothran, James R. “Jim”

AHLP conference at Middleton Place speaker, 1994;X.4:9

Annapolis annual meeting, 2007;XXI.2:8

on Anne Carr receiving GCA Award, 2001;XVI.4:13

annual business meeting, 2008;XXI.4:14

Athens annual meeting, 2007;XXI.3:5, 2008;XXII.1:8

Atlanta annual meeting, 2002;XVIII.1:12, 2002;XVIII.1:14, 2021;XXXIV.2:1

awards honoring, 2004;XIX.2:10, 2004;XIX.4:8

Ballard house and garden, near Palmetto, GA visit by, 1995;XI.4:6

Camden annual meeting, 2009;XXII.4:8

Certificate of Merit, 2011;XXIV.3:5, 2011;XXIV.3:11

on Charleston and the Low Country horticultural heritage, 2015;XXVIII.4:12

Charleston Gardens and the Landscape Legacy of Loutrel Briggs (in print), 2010;XXIII.2:14

Charleston Gardens and the Landscape Legacy of Loutrel Briggs (review), 2011;XXIV.2:9

Cherokee Garden Library receives garden collection from, 2007;XXI.2:19

Cultivating History, RSGL conference, 2001;XVII.1:9

The Cultural Landscape Foundation featuring book by, 2011;XXIV.1:11

death of, 2012;XXV.1:1

elected Fellow in American Society of Landscape Architects, 2002;XVIII.1:13

elected to SGHS board of directors, 1998;XIV.2:6

Elizabeth Lawrence’s Charlotte, North Carolina Garden, 2003;XVIII.3:12

Fall Board meeting, 1998;XIV.3:10, 2000;XVI.2:12, 2001;XVII.2:7, 2003;XVIII.4:2, 2004;XIX.3:11

Flora Ann Bynum Receives SGHS Award, 2005;XX.1:14

Fort Worth annual meeting committee, 2005;XX.1:15

Garden Conservancy’s 10th Anniversary Conference speaker, 1999;XV.2:16

Gardens and Historic Plants of the Antebellum South (in print), 2003;XVIII.4:15

Gardens and Historic Plants of the Antebellum South (review), 2004;XIX.1:14

Gardens of Historic Charleston (in print), 1995;XI.3:13

Gardens of Historic Charleston (review), 1995;XII.1:10

Georgia Chapter Launched, 2000;XV.3:16

Georgia Historic Landscape Initiative and, 2013;XXVI.4:9

Grave Landscapes: The Nineteenth-Century Rural Cemetery Movement (with Danylchak, in print), 2018;XXXI.1:14

on Hollywood Cemetery, Richmond, VA, 2012;XXV.1:1

Houston annual meeting, 1999;XV.1:12

The Magazine Antiques article on, 2003;XVIII.3:13

In Memoriam, 2012;XXV.2:7

New Orleans Ol d Garden Rose Society speaker, 1997;XIII.2:11

Patti McGee and, 2023;XXXV.2:10

photos of Southern Antebellum gardens or landscapes sought by, 1996;XII.2:12

Plans and Plants of the Southern Landscape, RSGL conference, 1999;XV.1:10, 2000;XV.3:9

preserving Charleston’s landscape legacy, 2004;XIX.4:9

SGHS: An Informal History, 2002;XVII.4:3

as SGHS vice-president, 2002;XVII.4:16, 2002;XVIII.1:14

Southern Garden Heritage Conference speaker, 2000;XV.4:7

Spring Board meeting, 1999;XV.1:14, 2001;XVI.4:13, 2006;XX.3:4, 2007;XXI.2:14

Tours of Gardens in Europe, 2004;XIX.1:11

Virginia Hand Callaway Collection at Cherokee Garden Library and, 2021;XXXIV.2:1

The Cottage Garden of America… (Elder, 1850)

at Cherokee Garden Library, Atlanta, 1986;III.2:4

Cottage Residences (Downing)

Jarvis Van Buren: Georgia Horticulturist, Writer, Nurseryman, and Builder, 2000;XVI.1:1

cotton, cotton mills, and cotton gin

Camden, SC history and, 2009;XXII.4:4

High Cotton & Tall Columns, Athens annual meeting, 2008;XXII.1:8

Mrs. Balfour: An Antebellum Vicksburg Gardener, 2002;XVII.3:1

Old Salem’s Hidden Town Project, 2019;XXXII.3:1

postcard of employees’ greenhouse, LaGrange, GA, 2021;XXXIV.2:1

The Woven Landscapes of LaGrange, Georgia, 2008;XXII.1:1

Cotton, Harvey

on Affleck, at SGHS second annual meeting, 1984;I.1:6, 1996;XII.4:1

Nineteenth Century Gardens Lost and Found (exhibit) on, 1987;III.3:7

Cotton States International Exposition Company, Atlanta

History of Fruitland Nurseries and Berckmans Family and, 2002;XVIII.1:1

Coulter, Lynn

Gardening with Heirloom Seeds (in print), 2006;XX.3:14

Council on Botanical and Horticultural Libraries

Cherokee Garden Library, Atlanta and, 2021;XXXIV.2:1

Country Life in America

Duncan on Charleston during Colonial Revival in, 1994;XI.1:1

Country Place era

A Genius for Place: American Landscapes of the Country Place Era (Karson), 2007;XXI.3:12

in Houston, TX, 1993;IX.4:1

Oxmoor plantation, KY and, 2016;XXIX.4:7

covering plants for winter protection

William Paca’s way of gardening and, 1988;IV.4:3

Covid-19 pandemic

Hidden Town Project, Old Salem and, 2021;XXXIII.3:16

President’s Report to Our Members, 2020;XXXIII.2:2

SGHS bylaws revisions due to, 2022;XXXIV.3:2

Virtual Board Meeting Report, 2020;XXXIII.1:18

Cowles, Albert

on Tucker-Coleman garden in Williamsburg, 1996;XII.2:1

Cox, Hannah, garden, Alexandria, VA

Mount Vernon annual meeting tours, 2022;XXXIV.4:1

Cox, James A. D.

Savannah: Secret & Public Gardens (review), 2000;XVI.2:10

Cox, Paul

Lynn R. Lowrey, Plantsman, 1999;XV.1:1

Cox, Reid

Rosemont Preservation Society and, 2007;XXI.3:1

Cox, Robert “Rob”

on horticulture in Jefferson’s Day, 2004;XIX.2:10

Cox, Walter

containers for plants in yard of, Oglethorpe, GA, 1992;VIII.4:1

Coxe, Frankie

Cherokee Garden Library, Atlanta and, 2021;XXXIV.2:1

Coxe, William

The Taliaferro Cider Apple, 2018;XXXI.1:10

Coy, James T., III

Fall Board meeting, 2004;XIX.3:11

Coy, Ruth

Fall Board meeting, 2003;XVIII.4:2, 2004;XIX.3:11

Spring Board meeting, 2002;XVIII.1:14, 2005;XX.1:15

Coyle, Mary Kay

Edenton’s Cupola House Database (available), 2006;XX.4:14


The plant reporter: the story of the Haywood crabapple, 1991;VIII.2:8

Cragfont Plantation, TN

annual meeting tour, 1987;IV.2:2, 1988;IV.3:1

organizing meeting tours, 1983;HTI.1:1

Craig (S. Douglas and Ruth Hanes) Garden

Ellen Biddle Shipman in Winston-Salem, NC and, 2018;XXXI.4:1

Craig, Burlon

Preserving 20th-century gardens and, 2007;XXI.2:1

Craig, Jane Alice

Hills & Dales Estate in LaGrange, GA, 2004;XIX.4:11

Craighead house (1810)

Nashville annual meeting tour, 2015;XXVIII.2:1

Craighead-Jackson House, Knoxville, TN

Blount Mansion and, 2019;XXXII.4:1

Craik-Patton House, WV

at Charleston, 1987;III.3:11

Crammond, James

Bergholz, Summer, and the Gardens of Antebellum Columbia, SC, 2000;XV.3:11

on New and Special Trees of Mexico (1859), 2014;XXVII.3:1

Pomaria Nurseries, SC and, 1993;X.1:8

Crane, Elizabeth Bruce

The “Awful Ailanthus” A Love-to-Hate Story, 2017;XXX.1:1

crape myrtle

in Foster Marshall’s 19th-century Abbeville, SC garden, 2014;XXVII.3:1

Craver, Walter and Dorothy

Seeds with Stories: Old Salem Gathers Family Heirlooms, 2015;XXVIII.4:1

Crawford, Jane C.

Charter Member, 2002;XVII.4:16

as state Magnolia editor for Arkansas, 1987;III.3:2, 1987;IV.1:14, 1987;IV.2:11

Crawford, John A.

Bergholz, Summer, and the Gardens of Antebellum Columbia, SC, 2000;XV.3:11

Crease, Thomas

as professional gardener in Virginia, 1997;XIII.3:1

Creech, David

Lynn R. Lowrey, Plantsman, 1999;XV.1:1

Texas State Ambassador’s Present “300 Years of Plants on the Move,” 2018;XXXI.4:11

Creech, John

Garden Shrubs and Their Histories (Coats) updated by (in print), 1992;VIII.3:11

Garden Shrubs and Their Histories (Coats) updated by (review), 1993;IX.3:13

Creekmore, Frank Lyell Hubert

Welty’s Night-Blooming Cereus Club and, 2024;XXXVI.1:1

Creighton, Frank W.

Biltmore Estate landscape and, 1998;XIV.2:1

Crenshaw, Ann Abigail Crenshaw

Musk Rose in America and, 2001;XVII.2:1

Crenshaw, Lewis Dabney

Musk Rose in America and, 2001;XVII.2:1

Crenshaw, Spotswood Dabney

Musk Rose in America and, 2001;XVII.2:1

Crenshaw, Winifred Graves

Musk Rose in America and, 2001;XVII.2:1

Crenshaw family, Virginia

‘Musk Rose’ search in America and, 1994;X.3:1

Crepin, Francois

confusing ‘Himalayan Musk’ with ‘Musk Rose’, 1994;X.3:1

Cresson, Lisa and David

Lynchburg annual meeting, 2013;XXVI.2:5

Crews, C. Daniel

A New World, RSGL conference, 2011;XXIV.2:1

Cridland, Robert B.

Atlanta annual meeting, 2003;XVIII.3:4

historic rock garden in Atlanta, 2014;XXVII.3:8

Martha Berry and the Gardens at Oak Hill and, 2017;XXX.3:1

Crips, Ann

Australian Garden History Society and, 2001;XVI.3:9

Crocker, Mr. and Mrs. J. E.

Julia Lester Dillon and, 2001;XVI.3:1

crocodile prints

at Belmont, VA, 2016;XXIX.1:9


Louis LeConte’s Bulb Garden, 1813-1838, 2014;XXVII.1:1

Croom, Bryan

as Goodwood builder, 1996;XII.4:6

Croom, Frances Smith

Goodwood Plantation, Tallahassee and, 1996;XII.4:6

Croom, Hardy

as Goodwood builder, 1996;XII.4:6, 1997;XIII.2:5

Keeping Memory Green Symposium at Goodwood, 2001;XVII.1:8

A Southern Plant List, 1999;XV.1:15

crop rotation

Farmer Washington at Mount Vernon, 1759-1799, 2000;XV.3:1

Crouwels, Peter

in Philadelphia, roots or seeds for sale by, 1992;VIII.3:6

Crow, Bill

Plans and Plants of the Southern Landscape, RSGL conference, 2000;XV.3:9

Crow, Rebecca

Rosemont Preservation Society and, 2007;XXI.3:1

Crowder, Florence S.

A Personal Plea for Camellia Preservation, 2015;XXVIII.3:7

Crowder, Lisa E.

Pioneers of American Landscape Design (with Burnbaum, eds.), 1994;X.2:11

Crowe, Mary Catherine, garden

Birmingham annual meeting tours, 2019;XXXII.2:6

Crowell Gardens, GA

Daffodils in Georgia’s Landscape, 2008;XXI.4:1

Crowfield Plantation, SC

Charleston annual meeting tours, 1990;VII.2:8, 1991;VIII.2:1, 1992;VIII.4:12

funding for garden structure survey at, 1990;VII.2:9

The Garden Mount in Early Carolina Landscape Design, 2000;XV.4:1

Crown, Rick

Athens annual meeting, 2008;XXII.1:8

Jane Symmes and, 2021;XXXIV.1:18

Crowninshield, Louise du Pont

Oxmoor plantation, KY and, 2016;XXIX.4:7

Cruickshank’s Inc., Toronto, Canada

blue, white and pink Roman hyacinths from, 1991;VII.3:5

hyacinths from, 1991;VII.4:5

Crusel, Betsy

Annapolis annual meeting, 2007;XXI.2:8

annual business meeting, 2007;XXI.2:14

Fall Board meeting, 1994;XI.2:9, 1998;XIII.4:5, 2001;XVII.2:7, 2003;XVIII.4:2

Fort Worth annual meeting review, 2006;XX.3:7

New Orleans annual meeting co-chair, 2002;XVIII.1:14, 2003;XVIII.3:15, 2004;XIX.2:12

re-elected to SGHS Board, 1997;XIII.2:12

SGHS Board and, 1996;XII.3:9

SGHS photos (1982–2002), 2002;XVII.4:9

Spring Board meeting, 1994;X.4:6, 1999;XV.1:14, 2000;XV.4:9, 2001;XVI.4:13, 2007;XXI.2:14

St. Francisville, LA annual meeting coordinator, 1990;VII.1:16, 1991;VII.4:1

Crusel, Hap

Annapolis annual meeting, 2007;XXI.2:8


varieties grown by Pomaria Nurseries, 1993;X.1:1

cucumber, “Uncle Jim Schutt’s”

Seeds with Stories: Old Salem Gathers Family Heirlooms, 2015;XXVIII.4:1

cucumber magnolia (Magnolia acuminata)

demise, at Montrose Nursery, 1992;VIII.4:11

Culbertson, Dianne

Rosemont Preservation Society and, 2007;XXI.3:1

Cullison, William R., III

New Orleans Town Gardeners garden library (catalog), 1987;IV.1:9, 1988;IV.4:3

Cultivating History: Exploring Horticultural Practices of the Southern Gardener (2001)

published on SGHS website, 2021;XXXIV.1:1

Cultivating the Wild: The enduring legacy of William Bartram, America’s first environmentalist (documentary), 2024;XXXVI.1:2

The Cultural Landscape Foundation (TCLF)

Cherokee Garden Library, Atlanta and, 2021;XXXIV.2:1

Edward L. Daugherty, A Southern Landscape Architect, 2008;XXII.2:10

Ten-4-Ten Stewardship Excellence Award to McGee, 2008;XXI.4:13

Cummer Lumber Company

Jacksonville, FL annual meeting tour, 2017;XXX.4:7

Cummer Museum of Art and Gardens

Jacksonville, FL annual meeting tour, 2017;XXX.4:7, 2018;XXXI.1:1

Cunningham, Ann Pamela. See also Mount Vernon Ladies’ Association; Rosemont Plantation, SC

Mount Vernon annual meeting, 2000;XV.4:10

Mount Vernon Ladies’ Association and, 1990;VII.1:4

national historic preservation and, 2007;XXI.3:1

on Rosemont Plantation, SC, 1993;IX.3:1

as Southern gardener at Rosemont Plantation, SC, 1995;XII.1:1

Cunningham, Hugh Banks

Rosemont Plantation and, 1993;IX.3:1, 2007;XXI.3:1

Cunningham, Louisa Bird (Mrs. Robert)

Rosemont Plantation and, 1993;IX.3:1, 2007;XXI.3:1

as Southern gardener at Rosemont Plantation, SC, 1995;XII.1:1

Cunningham, Patrick

Rosemont Plantation and, 1993;IX.3:1, 2007;XXI.3:1

Cunningham, Robert

Rosemont Plantation and family of, 1993;IX.3:1, 2007;XXI.3:1

Cunninghamia (Cunninghamia lanceolata)

Mid-19th-Century Garden in Abbeville, SC, 2014;XXVII.3:1

Cupola House Association, NC

Edenton’s Cupola House Database (available), 2006;XX.4:14

Curated Experiences

Cherokee Garden Library, Atlanta, 2021;XXXIV.2:1

Currier, Dana Martin

as state Magnolia editor for Louisiana, 1987;IV.1:14, 1987;IV.2:11, 1988;V.1:11

Curtis, Jane A.

on Bayou Bend historic landscape preservation, 1998;XIV.3:1

Curtis, John Henry

Kirby’s Houston Italian garden and, 1993;IX.4:1

Curtis, Moses Ashley

as botanist, Camerons at Burnside, Hillsborough, NC and, 1995;XI.3:1

Curtis, William

Louis LeConte’s Bulb Garden, 1813-1838, 2014;XXVII.1:1

Cushing, Elizabeth Hope

Arthur A. Shurcliff – Design, Preservation, and the Creation of the Colonial Williamsburg Landscape (in print), 2014;XXVII.3:7

Arthur A. Shurcliff – Design, Preservation, and the Creation of the Colonial Williamsburg Landscape (review), 2015;XXVIII.1:9

Custis, John

early Williamsburg gardener, 1991;VIII.2:1

The Evolution of the Williamsburg Landscape, 1999;XV.1:14

Transatlantic Plant Trade and, 2007;XXI.1:4

Cuthburt, Edmund

Mepkin Abbey Gardens—Native Plant Reclamation Project, 2010;XXIII.3:4

Cyclopedia of American Horticulture (Bailey)

on ‘Musk Rose’ disappearance, 1994;X.3:1

on Oxalis rubra and other species, 1994;X.3:5

Cypress Hill (Victorian farmhouse), AL

Givhan on garden restoration at, 1985;I.2:2

TOP | A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z


Daffodil Garden Club of Washington

Daffodils in Georgia’s Landscape, 2008;XXI.4:1


The Arcadian Gardener on, 2014;XXVII.4:11, 2015;XXVIII.2:6

“Butter and Eggs” Daffodil is Likely ‘Derwydd’ not ‘Van Sion’, 2003;XVIII.2:10

in Cemeteries, 2003;XVIII.2:7

Daffodils in Florida: A Field Guide to the Coastal South (Van Beck and Van Beck, review), 2004;XIX.3:14

Daffodils in Georgia’s Landscape, 2008;XXI.4:1

early, in the Elizabeth Lawrence Garden, 2017;XXX.1:10

Louis LeConte’s Bulb Garden, 1813-1838, 2014;XXVII.1:1

at Mountain Shoals, SC, 1838 to the present, 2011;XXIV.1:1

Daffodils in American Gardens, 1733-1940 (Van Beck)

in print, 2014;XXVII.4:6

Daily Advertiser

seeds advertised for sale in S. Carolina in, 1992;VIII.3:6

dairy farming

Reynolda Dairy as model, 1912–30, 2013;XXVI.3:1

Dallas Area Historical Rose Group

The Yellow Rose published by, 1986;II.4:2

Dandridge, John (several descendants with same name)

Musk Rose in America and, 2001;XVII.2:1

Dandridge, Nathaniel W.

Musk Rose in America and, 2001;XVII.2:1

Dandridge, Sarah Rowzie

Musk Rose in America and, 2001;XVII.2:1

Dandridge, William

Musk Rose in America and, 2001;XVII.2:1

Danica porcelain. See Flora Danica porcelain collection

Daniel, Mrs. Robert (Linda)

Magnolias, Do or Die, 2012;XXV.3:1

Daniels, Josephus

on Raleigh’s old “he-crab-apple tree,” 1991;VIII.2:8

Daniels, Marty

Camden annual meeting speaker, 2009;XXII.3:1, 2009;XXII.4:4

Daniels, Stephen

Art of the Garden: The Garden in British Art, 1800 to the Present Day (with Alfrey and Postle, eds., review), 2004;XIX.4:12

Danylchak, Erica

Grave Landscapes: The Nineteenth-Century Rural Cemetery Movement (with Cothran, in print), 2018;XXXI.1:14

on Hollywood Cemetery, Richmond, VA, 2012;XXV.1:1

Danzenbaker, Jay

Cultivating History, RSGL conference, 2001;XVII.1:9

Danzer, John G.

MESDA garden seat in “Chinese taste” and, 1998;XIII.4:12

Darby Dan Farm, KY

Ashland Park, Lexington, 2017;XXX.2:6

Dare, Virginia

The Elizabethan Gardens, NC, 2016;XXIX.1:6

Dargan, Hugh and Mary Palmer (Dargan Landscape Architects)

AHLP conference at Middleton Place speakers, 1994;X.4:9

Atlanta annual meeting, 2003;XVIII.3:4

Award of Merit from ASLA in South Carolina, 1989;V.3:4, 1991;VII.4:9

call for archives and, 1990;VII.2:15, 1991;VIII.2:12

Carolina Gardener article on work of, 1993;IX.2:15, 1995;XI.3:16

Charleston annual meeting coordinators, 1990;VII.2:8, 1991;VIII.1:9, 1992;VIII.4:12

drawings and papers at Cherokee Garden Library, 2021;XXXIV.2:1

Historic Preservation on Charleston work of, 1990;VII.1:13, 1992;VIII.3:12

national news on private gardens designed by, 2010;XXIII.1:14

Post and Courier on donating documents on Charleston’s small gardens by, 2000;XV.4:7

on SGHS tenth anniversary photographic exhibit, 1990;VII.1:3

Southern Accents article on work of, 1992;IX.1:13

Timeless Landscape Design: The Four-Part Master Plan (in print), 2007;XXI.1:15, 2008;XXI.4:13

Views magazine on landscapes by, 2009;XXII.4:17

Dargan, Hugh G., Jr.

annual meeting 1990 and, 2021;XXXIII.3:1

Charter Member, 2002;XVII.4:16

elected to SGHS board of directors, 1992;VIII.4:15

Fall Board meeting, 1983;HTI.3:1, 1988;V.2:3

membership brochure prepared by, 1984;I.1:4

in the news, 2000;XV.4:7, 2001;XVI.4:12

Officers and Directors of the First SGHS Board, 2002;XVII.4:16

Portraying the Years, 2002;XVII.4:9

rotating off Board of Directors, 1994;XI.2:11

SGHS newsletter title and, 1983;HTI.2:2

SGHS organizing meeting, 1983;HTI.1:1

Spring Board meeting, 1994;X.4:6

Dargan, Mary Palmer

Atlanta annual meeting (2003), 2021;XXXIV.2:1

Dargan, Mary Palmer Kelley. See also Kelley, Mary Palmer

Early Charleston gardeners: botanists, plant hunters & builders of plantations, 1991;VIII.2:1

Fall Board meeting, 1988;V.2:3

on the first decade of SGHS, 1992;VIII.3:1

Jacksonville, FL annual meeting tours, 2018;XXXI.1:1

Natchez annual meeting (20th Anniversary), 2002;XVII.4:5

National Trust meeting on landscape preservation speaker, 1990;VII.2:9

in the news, 2001;XVI.4:12

as state Magnolia editor for S. Carolina, 1989;V.4:7, 1990;VII.2:15

D’Argenville, Antoine-Joseph Dezallier

on terraces (1728), 2011;XXIV.4:1

Darke, Rick

The Living Landscape: Designing for Beauty and Biodiversity in the Home Garden (with Tallamy, in print), 2014;XXVII.3:7

Darnton, Robert

Nouveau Jardinier de la Louisiane (Lelievre, 1838), 1999;XV.2:1

Darwin, Charles

Biological Thought in Eighteenth-Century Agriculture, 2000;XVI.2:1

Daschle, Tom

National Garden Breaks Ground, 2001;XVII.1:8

Daugherty, Edward L.

Atlanta annual meeting, 2003;XVIII.3:4

Cherokee Garden Library, Atlanta and, 2021;XXXIV.2:1

A Southern Landscape Architect (retrospective), 2008;XXII.1:15, 2008;XXII.2:10

Davey, Charles

Longue Vue House and Gardens: The Architecture, Interiors, and Gardens of New Orleans’ Most Celebrated Estate (with Reese, review), 2015;XXVIII.4:14

“David O. Dodd rose”

search for, 1986;II.3:2

Davidson, Peter

Nature’s Palette: A Color Reference from the Natural World (Baty) and, 2021;XXXIV.2:14

Davidson College

as Draper landscape architecture client, 1986;III.1:6

Davidson Horticultural Symposium

From Jungles to Freeways, 1989;V.3:2

Davidson Horticultural Symposium, Second

William Lanier Hunt as speaker, 1986;II.3:3

Davies, Joseph Edward

The Woodland Garden at Tregaron, 2010;XXIII.2:6

Davis, Bernese

Moonlight Garden at Edison & Ford Winter Estates, 2006;XX.4:13

Davis, Caroline Berckmans

History of Fruitland Nurseries and Berckmans Family and, 2002;XVIII.1:1

Davis, Eve

Refining the Garden symposium speaker, 1991;VIII.1:2

Davis, Franklin, Staunton, VA nursery

A history of southern apples, 1992;IX.1:1

Davis, Jefferson

Hollywood Cemetery, Richmond, VA, 2012;XXV.1:1

on LaGrange, Georgia in 1883, 2008;XXII.1:1

Davis, Mollie E. (Moore)

Adina de Zavala and, 2004;XIX.3:1

Davis, Mrs. Ovid R.

Charter Member, 2002;XVII.4:16

Davis, T. D.

New Education and Visitors Center for Welty House, 2007;XXI.2:13

Davis, Varina Anne

Hollywood Cemetery, Richmond, VA, 2012;XXV.1:1

Davy, Humphrey

Elements of Agricultural Chemistry (1813), 1988;V.2:4

Farmer Washington at Mount Vernon, 1759-1799, 2000;XV.3:1

Dawson, Nick

Wilmington annual meeting and, 2024;XXXVI.2:6

The Day the World Ended (LeConte)

Bergholz, Summer, and the Gardens of Antebellum Columbia, SC, 2000;XV.3:11

Dayton, S. B.

Coastal Georgia Botanical Gardens and Historic Bamboo Farm and, 2021;XXXIII.4:1

d’Crezences, Petris

Evolution of the Lawn, 2005;XX.2:5

Dean Hall, Eufaula, AL

Montgomery annual meeting tours (1986), 1985;II.2:3

death flower

A Sultry Southern Heirloom, Japanese Macabre and, 2022;XXXV.1:1

DeBaillon, Mary

as Irisiac, Caroline Dormon and, 2004;XIX.2:1

DeBow’s Review

Affleck on hedging in, 1991;VII.4:11

Mrs. Balfour: An Antebellum Vicksburg Gardener, 2002;XVII.3:1

DeCamp, Kimberly

Garden Club of Lexington, 2017;XXX.2:6

“Decorative Plants Around Historic Alabama Homes” (Orr)

reprint of, 1985;II.1:5, 1985;II.2:1, 1988;IV.4:3

de Feriet, Louis

Nouveau Jardinier de la Louisiane (Lelievre, 1838), 1999;XV.2:1

Defoe, Daniel

on Kew, the Royal Botanic Gardens, 1997;XIII.1:1

DeHines, William

Bergholz, Summer, and the Gardens of Antebellum Columbia, SC, 2000;XV.3:11

Pomaria Nurseries, SC and, 1993;X.1:8

Delaney, Ted

Lynchburg annual meeting speaker, 2013;XXVI.2:5

deLashmutt, Gayle

Returning to Our Roots, RSGL conference, 2009;XXII.4:1, 2010;XXIII.1:9

deLashmutt, Gayle and Tom

Mount Vernon annual meeting tours, 2010;XXIII.3:6


Delmarva: a wasteland or unexplored wilderness of horticulture? 1992;VIII.3:4

Osage orange as national champion in, 2024;XXXVI.2:11

Osage orange as national champion in, correction, 2024;XXXVI.3:2

Delaware State College, later University

Claude E. Phillips Herbarium at, 1992;VIII.3:4

Herbarium Exhibit Booklet (in print), 2004;XIX.1:13

Delgado, Alfonso

Lynn R. Lowrey, Plantsman, 1999;XV.1:1

Delisi, Dianne White

Texas White House setting and, 2002;XVII.3:10


as wasteland or unexplored wilderness? 1992;VIII.3:4

Delong-Sweet Foundation

Brunswick, Georgia squares and, 2014;XXVII.4:8

del Tredici, Peter

Mount Vernon annual meeting speaker, 2019;XXXII.3:12, 2022;XXXIV.4:1

DeMaine, Robert B.

Charter Member, 2002;XVII.4:16

Denke, C. F.

The Plant Reporter on Sunset Hibiscus, 2002;XVIII.1:15


Flora Danica prints and, 2021;XXXIV.1:7

Dent, Miriam

Daffodils in Georgia’s Landscape, 2008;XXI.4:1

Denton, Melinda

A Monograph of Oxalis, Section Ionoxalis (Oxalidaceae) in North America, 1994;X.3:5

De Re Rustica (Colmuella, 50 A.D.)

Farmer Washington at Mount Vernon, 1759-1799, 2000;XV.3:1

Derham, Erin

Garden Conservancy’s Continued Support of Fryar and Lawrence Gardens, 2012;XXV.1:7

DeRosset, Armand John, III

The DeRosset Garden of Wilmington, NC, 1990;VI.3:5

Wilmington, NC garden, 2023;XXXV.4:12

DeRosset, Catherine

Airlee (Wilmington, NC garden) and, 2023;XXXV.4:12

DeRosset, Eliza Jane

The DeRosset Garden of Wilmington, NC, 1990;VI.3:5

Wilmington, NC garden, 2023;XXXV.4:12

DeRosset, Gabrielle

Wilmington annual meeting and, 2024;XXXVI.2:6

DeRosset Garden, Wilmington, NC

The DeRosset Garden of Wilmington, NC, 1990;VI.3:5

Deroy, Paula

in the news, 2003;XVIII.2:15

Deshotels, Michele

Bartram Trail Dedication in Louisiana, 2015;XXVIII.2:10

designed historic landscapes. See garden design

Designs on Birmingham, a Landscape History of a Southern City and Its Suburbs (Morris and White, eds.)

in print, 1989;VI.1:2

Design with Culture: Claiming America’s Landscape Heritage (Birnbaum and Hughes)

in print, 2005;XX.2:9

d’Esrtehan, Nicholas Noel

Nouveau Jardinier de la Louisiane (Lelievre, 1838), 1999;XV.2:1

Devereux, Margaret Mordecai

The Civil War Diary of Catherine Ann Devereux Edmondston and, 2013;XXVI.4:1

Devereux, Thomas Pollock

The Civil War Diary of Catherine Ann Devereux Edmondston, 2013;XXVI.4:1

Devine apples

as family apple from Gadsden, Alabama, 2024;XXXVI.3:1

Devlin, Polly

A Year in the Life of an English Meadow (with Garnett, review), 2007;XXI.2:15

Devore, Daniel and Helen

John Lee Pratt’s Chatham Manor, 2017;XXX.3:8

de Waal, Mr. and Mrs. Christian

Cave Hill, KY, 2017;XXX.2:6

DeWitt Wallace Decorative Arts Gallery

annual meeting tours, 1994;X.2:8

Dewson, Edward

Country Place era in Houston and, 1993;IX.4:1

Dezallier d’Argenville, Antoine-Joseph

Life in the Garden at Nomini Hall, 2019;XXXII.1:1

The Theory and Practice of Gardening (18th century), 2020;XXXIII.1:1

de Zavala, Adina Emilia (later Foch or Fock, then Hand)

correction, 1986;III.1:1

on ‘Cramoisi Superieur’ rose, 1994;X.4:7

De Zavala Garden, 1835-1870, 1986;II.4:4

In Search of a Garden, 2004;XIX.3:1

de Zavala, Augustine

Adina de Zavala and, 2004;XIX.3:1

de Zavala, Emily West

China roses in Texas and, 1994;X.4:7

De Zavala Garden, 1835-1870, 1986;II.4:4

In Search of a Garden, 2004;XIX.3:1

de Zavala, Lorenzo

In Search of a Garden, 2004;XIX.3:1

de Zavala, Lorenzo, Jr.

Adina de Zavala and, 2004;XIX.3:1

De Zavala Garden, TX

correction, 1986;III.1:1

De Zavala Garden, 1835-1870, 1986;II.4:4

sketch of proposed restoration, 1986;II.4:3

Diamond Hill Historic District, Lynchburg, VA

Lynchburg annual meeting tour, 2013;XXVI.2:5

The Diary of William Faris: The Daily Life of an Annapolis Silversmith (Letezer and Russo, eds.) (2004)

in print, 2004;XIX.1:13

Dickey, Page

Gardens in the Spirit of Place (in print), 2005;XX.2:13

Dickie, James

hyper-local apples and, 2024;XXXVI.3:1

Dickie’s Favorite apples

as popular southern variety, 2024;XXXVI.3:1

Dickinson (John) Plantation, Kent Co., Del.

Tucker on, 1992;VIII.3:4

Dickinson, Todd

in the news, 1990;VII.1:13, 1991;VIII.2:10

Dicks, Roy

Green Grows the City (Nichols, reprint), 2006;XX.4:18

Dictionaire Pomologie (Leroy)

on Wm. Summer’s Hebe pear, 1993;X.1:1

Dictionary of Economic Plants (Uphof, 1968)

The Sage & Rosemary Tree, 2000;XVI.1:10

Diderot, Denis

on beekeeping, 1990;VII.2:4

Dill, Alonzo T.

Tryon Palace gardens plan and, 1998;XIV.1:1

Dillon, C. Douglas

The Elizabethan Gardens, NC, 2016;XXIX.1:6

Dillon, Julia Lester

Preserving 20th-century gardens and, 2007;XXI.2:1

short biography of, 2001;XVI.3:1

Dillon, William B.

Julia Lester Dillon and, 2001;XVI.3:1

d’Incarville, Pierre

The “Awful Ailanthus” A Love-to-Hate Story, 2017;XXX.1:1

dinosaur prints

at Belmont, VA, 2016;XXIX.1:9

Dionaea spp. (Venus flytrap)

Wilmington annual meeting and, 2024;XXXVI.2:6

Dirr, Michael

Refining the Garden symposium speaker, 1991;VIII.1:2

Divers, George

Jefferson’s pea-growing rivalry with, 1988;IV.4:10

Dixie Nursery, Thomasville

Daffodils in Georgia’s Landscape, 2008;XXI.4:1

Dixon, Kate

Lost Landscapes, RSGL conference, 2007;XXI.3:6


apple reproduction and, 2024;XXXVI.3:1

Dobbs, Sam

as Draper landscape architecture client, 1986;III.1:6


on Earle Sumner Draper, 1986;III.1:6

on Thomas Jefferson, 2005;XX.2:4

Dodd, Emmett

Lynn R. Lowrey, Plantsman, 1999;XV.1:1

Dodenhoffer, Donna C.

Journal of the New England Garden History Society and, 2002;XVII.4:19

School Gardening in Virginia, 1898-1948, Preliminary Research results, 2006;XX.3:10

Doerflinger, Frederic

The plant reporter: searching for pink Roman hyacinths, 1990;VII.1:9

Dokubana, or poisonous flower

A Sultry Southern Heirloom, Japanese Macabre and, 2022;XXXV.1:1

Dolder, Ced

Atlanta annual meeting, 2003;XVIII.3:4

Cherokee Garden Library’s collections representing African Americans and, 2021;XXXIV.2:1

Clermont Lee and, 2014;XXVII.2:1

Jacksonville, FL annual meeting, 2018;XXXI.1:1

Magnolia articles review committee, 2003;XVIII.4:2

on Savannah Clermont Lee-designed garden demolished, 2020;XXXIII.1:17

on State Ambassadors Program, 2021;XXXIV.1:2

State Ambassadors Program and, 2017;XXX.3:10

Summer Board meeting (virtual), 2020;XXXIII.1:18

Dominical Letter

Nouveau Jardinier de la Louisiane (Lelievre, 1838), 1999;XV.2:1

Donaldson, Robert

Mary Riggs Collins and the Somerset Place Gardens, 2001;XVI.4:1

Donaldson, Susan Gaston

Mary Riggs Collins and the Somerset Place Gardens, 2001;XVI.4:1

Dooley, James and Sallie. See also Maymont Estate, Richmond, VA

of Maymont estate, Richmond annual meeting, 2012;XXV.3:8

Dormon, Caroline

Caroline Dormon and the Gardens of Louisiana, 2004;XIX.2:1

Elizabeth Lawrence and, 2023;XXXV.3:1

Hurricane Katrina and Wild Garden of, 2018;XXXI.1:1

Hurricane Katrina’s impact on New Orleans gardens of, 2005;XX.2:1

iris cultivars and species at Briarwood and, 2022;XXXIV.3:7

Natchitoches annual meeting and, 2022;XXXV.1:2

New Orleans annual meeting session on, 2003;XVIII.4:8, 2004;XIX.2:12

The plant reporter: searching for pink Roman hyacinths, 1990;VII.1:9

Sprott on Elizabeth Lawrence’s friendship with, 2023;XXXV.4:1

William Lanier Hunt and, 2002;XVII.4:13

Dormon, Ruth

Caroline Dormon and the Gardens of Louisiana, 2004;XIX.2:1

Dormon, Virginia

Caroline Dormon and the Gardens of Louisiana, 2004;XIX.2:1

Doty, Gresdna

The Louisiana Work of Margaret Stones, 2019;XXXII.2:1

Doubleday, Frank Nelson

as Country Life in America publisher, 1994;XI.1:1

double digging

at William Paca’s garden (Annapolis), 1988;IV.4:3

Doucette, TX

photos as lumber town circa 1900, 1993;IX.4:12

Doughty, Dorothy

Porcelain and Decorative Arts Museum and, 2021;XXXIV.1:7

Douglas, William Lake

Journal of the New England Garden History Society and, 2002;XVII.4:19

Public Spaces, Private Gardens: A History of Designed Landscapes in New Orleans (review), 2012;XXV.1:9

RSGL conference speaker, 1994;X.2:5

as state Magnolia editor for Louisiana, 1989;VI.1:9, 1990;VII.2:15

Dove, James Anthony, Jr. “Tony”

Clark Botanical Garden, Long Island and, 1994;XI.1:16

as new Tyron Palace horticulturist, 1991;VIII.2:11

RSGL conference speaker, 1994;X.2:5

Dowling, Elizabeth

Atlanta annual meeting speaker, 2003;XVIII.3:4

Downer, Jay

Blue Ridge Parkway and, 2013;XXVI.2:1

Downing, Andrew Jackson

The “Awful Ailanthus” A Love-to-Hate Story, 2017;XXX.1:1

Evolution of the Lawn, 2005;XX.2:5

Gardening for Pleasure in the South, 1989;VI.2:2

George Kidd and, 2019;XXXII.3:7

History of Fruitland Nurseries and Berckmans Family and, 2002;XVIII.1:1

The Introduction of Princess Tree into North America, 2003;XVIII.3:11

Jarvis Van Buren: Georgia Horticulturist, Writer, Nurseryman, and Builder, 2000;XVI.1:1

Landscape Gardening and Rural Architecture, 1987;III.3:13

Lost Gardens of New England (exhibition), 2001;XVI.3:9

Mary Riggs Collins and the Somerset Place Gardens, 2001;XVI.4:1

Mrs. Balfour: An Antebellum Vicksburg Gardener, 2002;XVII.3:1

Olmsted in the Antebellum South, 2006;XX.4:1

Olmsted in the South, RSGL conference, 2003;XVIII.3:1

on Pomaria Nursery fruit, 1993;X.1:1

Woodrow Wilson Family Home garden, Columbia, SC and, 2022;XXXIV.3:1

Downing, James

History of Fruitland Nurseries and Berckmans Family and, 2002;XVIII.1:1

Down to Earth: Practical Thoughts for Passionate Gardeners (Rochester)

in print, 2009;XXII.3:10


The LeConte Botanic Garden, GA, 2016;XXIX.3:1

Draper, Earle Sumner

documentary on, 1986;III.1:6

Preserving 20th-century gardens of, 2007;XXI.2:1

The Woven Landscapes of LaGrange, Georgia, 2008;XXII.1:1

Draper, Jay

SGHS State Ambassadors tour garden of, 2024;XXXVI.3:9

Draper, Laura

Cherokee Garden Library, Atlanta and, 2021;XXXIV.2:1

Drayton, Ann Fox

Magnolia Plantation, SC and, 2015;XXVIII.3:1

Drayton, Charles

Drayton Hall and the Michaux Connection, 2003;XVIII.2:1

Drayton, Hester Middleton

Drayton Hall and the Michaux Connection, 2003;XVIII.2:1

Drayton, John

Drayton Hall and the Michaux Connection, 2003;XVIII.2:1

Drayton, John Grimke

azaleas and camellias ordered from Pomaria Nurseries by, 1998;XIV.1:7

Magnolia Plantation, SC and, 1994;XI.1:1, 2015;XXVIII.3:1

Wm. Summer and, 1993;X.1:1

Drayton, Julia Ewing

Magnolia Plantation, SC and, 2015;XXVIII.3:1

Drayton, Rebecca Perry

Drayton Hall and the Michaux Connection, 2003;XVIII.2:1

Drayton, Thomas

Magnolia Plantation, SC and, 2015;XXVIII.3:1

Drayton Hall, SC

Charleston annual meeting tours, 1990;VII.2:8, 1992;VIII.4:12

George McDaniel and, 2015;XXVIII.2:11

Michaux Connection to, 2003;XVIII.2:1

Unearthing the Past, RSGL conference, 2005;XX.2:10

Dream Gardener: Pioneer Nurseryman Bertrand H. Farr (Edmonds)

review, 2008;XXII.2:1

Dreer, Henry A.

Daffodils in Georgia’s Landscape, 2008;XXI.4:1

on Oxalis rosea and other species, 1994;X.3:5

zinnia seeds from, 2023;XXXV.4:9

drift planting

bulbs at Mountain Shoals, SC and, 1838 to the present, 2011;XXIV.1:1

Driggers, Bonnie S.

American Botanical Paintings: Native Plants of the Mid Atlantic (in print), 2014;XXVII.2:7

Dripping Springs, TX

Fort Worth annual meeting tours, 2006;XX.3:7


historic, references sought regarding, 1986;III.1:2

Druid Hills Civic Association, Atlanta

historic rock garden renovation in Atlanta and, 2014;XXVII.3:8

Druitt, Liz

annual meeting tours and, 1995;XI.4:1

Heritage Rose Foundation meeting speaker, 1993;X.1:13

Landscaping with Antique Roses (with Shoup, in print), 1992;VIII.4:15

Landscaping with Antique Roses (with Shoup, review), 1992;IX.1:10

in the news, 1992;VIII.4:14, 1997;XIII.2:11, 1999;XV.1:16

The Organic Rose Garden (in print), 1996;XII.3:10

Passing of, 2019;XXXII.1:10

Philippe S. Noisette biographical sketch, 1992;IX.1:5

rescue of the autumn-blooming ‘Musk Rose’, 1994;X.3:1

Drummond, Marion

annual business meeting, 2006;XX.3:4, 2007;XXI.2:14

Baton Rouge annual meeting coordinator, 2010;XXIII.4:8, 2011;XXIV.3:5

Certificate of Merit, 2013;XXVI.2:9

Fall Board meeting, 2006;XX.4:15, 2007;XXI.3:14, 2008;XXI.4:15

in the news, 2013;XXVI.1:11

obituary, 2013;XXVI.3:11

Richmond annual meeting tours, 2012;XXV.3:8

Spring Board meeting, 2007;XXI.2:14

Drummond, Thomas

Fort Worth botanist, 2006;XX.3:7

Druse, Ken

Refining the Garden symposium speaker, 1991;VIII.1:2

Du Bois, W. E. B.

Oakland Cemetery’s Early Landscapes, 2018;XXXI.1:6

Dudley, Paul

Biological Thought in Eighteenth-Century Agriculture, 2000;XVI.2:1

Dudley House and Farm, near Gainesville, FL

as vernacular garden, now a State Park, 1997;XIII.2:1

Dudly, Ed

History of Fruitland Nurseries and Berckmans Family and, 2002;XVIII.1:1

Duell, Charles

AHLP conference at Middleton Place speaker, 1994;X.4:9

Charleston annual meeting speaker, 1992;VIII.4:12

National Trust meeting on landscape preservation speaker, 1990;VII.2:9

RSGL conference speaker, 1991;VII.4:7

Duff, Robert Crews

Italian garden at Houston home of, 1993;IX.4:1

Duffields, Camden, SC

Camden annual meeting tours, 2009;XXII.3:1, 2009;XXII.4:4

Duffy (Minnette C.) Award

to Bellamy Mansion, Wilmington, NC, 1998;XIV.3:9

to Chip Callaway for 1988, 1989;V.3:4

first, to Bynum, 1987;IV.2:10, 1988;IV.3:13

to Mac Newsom, 1990;VI.3:9

to Nancy Goodwin, 1995;XI.3:11

Duhamel du Monceau, Henri-Louis

Farmer Washington at Mount Vernon, 1759-1799, 2000;XV.3:1

Nouveau Jardinier de la Louisiane (Lelievre, 1838), 1999;XV.2:1

Dukakis, Olympia

Steel Magnolias and, 2023;XXXV.2:8

Duke University

Battle-Friedman house garden research and, 1988;IV.3:8

as Draper landscape architecture client, 1986;III.1:6

Library interest in garden plans, plants lists, catalogs, and other documents, 1986;II.3:6

origins of the Sarah P. Duke Gardens at, 1993;IX.2:7

symposium celebrating Terraces at, 1997;XIII.3:12, 1998;XIV.1:12

Dulany, Mary

on Carroll garden completion, Annapolis, 1993;IX.2:1

Dumbarton Oaks, Washington, DC

annual meeting 1990 and, 2021;XXXIII.3:1

The “Awful Ailanthus” A Love-to-Hate Story, 2017;XXX.1:1

Don Smith’s retirement from, 1992;IX.1:13

Dumbarton Oaks Garden and Park: A Celebration, 2020;XXXIII.2:1

Mount Vernon annual meeting tours, 1989;VI.2:1, 1990;VII.1:4, 2000;XV.4:10

SGHS photos (1982–2002), 2002;XVII.4:9

softball game, Acorns challenge Mount Vernon Marauders in, 1992;IX.1:13

Dumbarton Oaks: Eighty Years of Change

Griffin at Second Annual Bellefield Design Lecture on, 2007;XXI.1:8

Dumbarton Oaks Park Conservancy

Dumbarton Oaks Garden and Park: A Celebration, 2020;XXXIII.2:2

Dunagan, Hubert Lee

Edward L. Daugherty and, 2008;XXII.2:10

Dunaway, Diane

on Monticello’s pea-growing contest, 1988;IV.4:10

Dunaway Gardens Restoration, Inc.

seeking restoration donations, 1983;HTI.2:2

Dunbar, George T.

Nouveau Jardinier de la Louisiane (Lelievre, 1838), 1999;XV.2:1

Dunbar, William

Natchez gardens and, 2001;XVII.1:1

Duncan, Frances

on Charleston area gardens at the turn of the century, 1994;XI.1:1

Duncan, Kathleen D.

St. George Tucker’s buried landscape, rediscovered, 1996;XII.2:1

Dungy, Camille

Anne Spencer’s garden restoration, 2005;XX.1:7

Dunleith (Natchez garden, 1864)

Nineteenth Century Gardens Lost and Found (exhibit) on, 1987;III.3:7

Dunn, Lee

annual business meeting, 2018;XXXI.1:5

Birmingham annual meeting, 2019;XXXII.2:6

Catherine Howett Receives Award of Merit, 2015;XXVIII.3:6

in the news, 2013;XXVI.4:9, 2015;XXVIII.4:15

State Ambassadors Program and, 2017;XXX.3:10

Summer Board meeting (virtual), 2020;XXXIII.1:18

Dunson, Joseph E.

The Woven Landscapes of LaGrange, Georgia, 2008;XXII.1:1

Dupont, Bill

Oatlands Greenhouse and, 2001;XVI.3:11

duPont, Eugene

Ellen Shipman Garden and, 2021;XXXIV.2:11

du Pont, Henry Francis

Dumbarton Oaks Garden and Park: A Celebration, 2020;XXXIII.2:2

Oxmoor plantation, KY and, 2016;XXIX.4:7

Du Pont, William

Preserving 20th-century gardens of, 2007;XXI.2:1

Dupriest, Ellen and Faye

The Peggy Martin Rose: as Katrina survivor, 2006;XX.3:5

Durand, Herbert

Lynn R. Lowrey, Plantsman, 1999;XV.1:1

Durden, Robert F.

origins of Sarah P. Duke Gardens at Duke University, 1993;IX.2:7

Durham, NC

Daffodils in Cemeteries in, 2003;XVIII.2:7

Durham Morning Herald (NC)

Hunt’s “The Southern Gardener” column in, 2021;XXXIV.1:1

Dutch Gardens, Inc., New Jersey

The plant reporter: searching for Roman hyacinths, 1991;VII.3:5

Dutch hoe

William Paca’s way of gardening and, 1988;IV.4:3

Dyer, Delce

on Cades Cove Historic District farmsteads, 1988;IV.3:12, 1989;VI.2:2

TOP | A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z


Eaddy, Mary Ann

Atlanta annual meeting (2003), 2021;XXXIV.2:1

Gardening in a Golden Age (RSGL conference speaker), 2017;XXX.2:1

in the news, 2013;XXVI.4:9, 2018;XXXI.4:15

Seeking Eden: A Collection of Georgia’s Historic Gardens (with Catron, review), 2018;XXXI.1:11

State Ambassadors Program and, 2017;XXX.3:10

Earle, Alice Morse

Old Time Gardens (review), 2004;XIX.4:12

Earle, A. Scott

Lewis and Clark’s Green World, the Expedition and its Plants (with Reveal, in print), 2004;XIX.1:13

Earley, Larry

New Bern, NC annual meeting, 2001;XVI.4:14

Early American Life (EAL)

“An 18th-Century Kitchen Garden” (Berckman) in Garden 1988 of, 1988;IV.4:2

McFarland on, 2016;XXIX.3:9

“Old Salem, North Carolina” (Mashburn) in, 1988;IV.4:2

“Old Salem’s Medicinal Garden” in Early American Life by, 1988;IV.4:2

Early Camellias in Louisiana (Stromeyer and James)

Natchitoches annual meeting on, 2023;XXXV.3:1

The Earth in Her Hands: 75 Extraordinary Women Working in the World of Plants (Jewell)

in print, 2020;XXXIII.1:15

Earth on Her Hands: The American Woman in Her Garden (Ockenga)

in print, 1999;XV.2:13

publication of, 1998;XIV.3:9

Earth Patterns: Essays in Landscape Archaeology (Kelso & Most, eds.)

in print, 1990;VII.1:15

review, 1991;VII.3:9

Eastern Shore, MD

annual meeting, 1994;X.2:10, 1994;X.4:6, 1994;XI.2:9, 1996;XII.2:12, 1996;XII.3:6, 1996;XII.3:7

old roses and furniture, 1992;VIII.3:4

East Texas Historical Journal

“Documents: The Gardening Sentiments of an Early Texas Pioneer” (Abt and Abt), 1991;VII.3:11

Eccleston family

The Garden Mount in Early Carolina Landscape Design, 2000;XV.4:1

Echols, Gordon

Center for Historic Resources at Texas A&M University and, 1988;IV.3:2

Washington/Fayette Counties, TX annual meeting speaker, 1993;IX.4:9

Edankrall. See Spencer (Anne) House and Garden

Eddison, Sydney

A Passion for Daylilies: The Flowers and the People (in print), 1993;IX.4:15

Eddleman, Edith

Charter Member, 2002;XVII.4:16

Classic Bulbs, Hidden Treasures for the Modern Garden (Whiteside) and, 1991;VIII.2:10

A Southern Garden (Lawrence, in print) and, 1992;VIII.4:11

symposium celebrating Elizabeth Lawrence and, 1993;IX.2:13


John Hill and authorship of, 1998;XIV.3:11

Edenton, NC

Cupola House Database, available, 2006;XX.4:14

New Bern, NC annual meeting tours, 2001;XVI.4:14

Edgar, Walter B.

Camden annual meeting speaker, 2009;XXII.3:1, 2009;XXII.4:4

Edge, Faye

Rosemont Preservation Society and, 2007;XXI.3:1

Edible Memory: the Lure of Heirloom Tomatoes and Other Forgotten Foods (Jordan)

in print, 2015;XXVIII.2:9

Edison, Mina Miller

Moonlight Garden at Edison & Ford Winter Estates, 2006;XX.4:13

Edison, Thomas A.

Moonlight Garden at Edison & Ford Winter Estates, 2006;XX.4:13

rubber extraction from goldenrod and chemurgic plants and, 2021;XXXIII.4:1

Edison & Ford Winter Estates, FL

Fort Myers annual meeting tour (2012), 2011;XXIV.1:10, 2011;XXIV.2:8

Moonlight Garden at, 2006;XX.4:13

Edmonds, George H.

Dream Gardener: Pioneer Nurseryman Bertrand H. Farr (review), 2008;XXII.2:1

Edmonds, Mary W.

on daffodils in cemeteries, 2003;XVIII.2:7

Edmondson, John

information sought on Hygeia (small town of retirement), Ludlow, KY, 1989;VI.2:11

Edmondston, Catherine Ann Devereux

The Civil War Diary of, 2013;XXVI.4:1

Feeding the American South, RSGL conference, 2013;XXVI.1:11, 2013;XXVI.2:10

as Southern gardener in N. Carolina, 1995;XII.1:1

Edmondston, Patrick

The Civil War Diary of Catherine Ann Devereux Edmondston, 2013;XXVI.4:1

Edmonston, Kate, diary of

Newsom’s master plan for Murfreesboro, NC landscape restoration and, 1987;IV.1:5

Edwards, Elliott

Bartram Trail Conference and, 1991;VIII.2:11

Edwards, Gina M.

on Tallahassee annual meeting, 1996;XII.4:6

Edwards, John D.

Edward L. Daugherty and, 2008;XXII.2:10

Edwards, Margo

index of Magnolia, Vols. I–XIV and, 1998;XIII.4:5, 2021;XXXIV.1:2

Eggener, Keith

Cemeteries (review), 2011;XXIV.3:8

Egmont (Lord) Amelia Island plantation, FL

Bartram visit (1766), 2017;XXX.4:7

Eichberg, Albert

Brunswick, Georgia squares and, 2014;XXVII.4:8

Eidt, Mrs. Edward D.

Charter Member, 2002;XVII.4:16

eighteenth century

Annapolis gardens, 2007;XXI.1:1

Archaeological dig at Bethabara site of 1759 vegetable garden, 1988;V.1:2

The “Awful Ailanthus” A Love-to-Hate Story, 2017;XXX.1:1

Bergholz, Summer, and the Gardens of Antebellum Columbia, SC, 2000;XV.3:11

Biological Thought in Eighteenth-Century Agriculture, 2000;XVI.2:1

Carlyle House landscape restoration, 1988;IV.3:6

Carnton Plantation, TN, 2015;XXVIII.1:1

Charles Carroll House of Annapolis gardens, 1993;IX.2:1

Colonial American garden exceptionalism, 1997;XIII.3:5

Colonial gardens: a Williamsburg perspective, 1994;X.4:3

Colonial Herb Garden, as myth, 2005;XX.2:14

Drayton Hall and the Michaux Connection, 2003;XVIII.2:1

Early Charleston gardeners: botanists, plant hunters & builders of plantations, 1991;VIII.2:1

Evolution of the Lawn, 2005;XX.2:5

Farmer Washington at Mount Vernon, 1759-1799, 2000;XV.3:1

flax production in Kentucky, 2016;XXIX.4:1

The Garden Mount in Early Carolina Landscape Design, 2000;XV.4:1

George Washington’s pleasure garden, rebirth of, 1987;IV.1:10

Honey in the hive: eighteenth century beekeeping in North Carolina, 1990;VII.2:4

John Custis and the Transatlantic Plant Trade, 2007;XXI.1:4

LaGrange, Georgia, woven landscapes of, 2008;XXII.1:1

Landscape “Mythtakes” in Historic Preservation (Favretti brochure), 1987;III.3:13

The Maryland orangeries, 1996;XII.3:1

Middleton Plantation, SC and, 2015;XXVIII.3:1

Natchez gardens, 2001;XVII.1:1

Nomini Hall, life in the garden at, 2019;XXXII.1:1

Painshill: Remaking Elysium on Time, 2010;XXIII.4:1

The professional gardener’s trade in, 1997;XIII.3:1

South Carolina seed merchants and nurserymen before 1820, 1992;VIII.3:6

St. George Tucker’s buried landscape, rediscovered, 1996;XII.2:1

Stratford Hall Plantation gardens, 1989;VI.2:5

tea cultivation in America, earliest records of, 1993;IX.2:10, 1993;IX.3:14

William Paca’s way of gardening in Annapolis, 1988;IV.4:3

Elder, Walter

The Cottage Garden of America… (1850), 1986;III.2:4

El Don, Hurst Creek, Dorchester, Co., MD

Forman on, 1992;VIII.3:4

election of 1846

Carnton Plantation, TN and, 2015;XXVIII.1:1

Elements of Agricultural Chemistry (Davy)

in Gov. Stone’s library, Hope Plantation, NC and, 1988;V.2:4

Elgin Botanic Garden

Louis LeConte’s Bulb Garden, 1813-1838, 2014;XXVII.1:1

Eliot, Charles

Charles Eliot, Landscape Architect (review), 2000;XV.3:15

Elizabeth and Her German Garden

garden fever (1890s–late 1930s) and, 1994;XI.1:1

Elizabethan Gardens, Manteo, NC

Hood on Raleigh/Roanoke Island voyage 400th anniversary, 1987;IV.1:5

Preserving 20th-century gardens of, 2007;XXI.2:1

Elizabeth II, Queen of England

The Elizabethan Gardens, NC, 2016;XXIX.1:6

Ellen Shipman and the American Garden (Tankard)

review, 2018;XXXI.4:12

Ellerslie, VA

Musk Rose in America and, 2001;XVII.2:1

Elliot, Stephen, Jr.

Evolution of the Lawn, 2005;XX.2:5

Elliott, Bishop

Jarvis Van Buren: Georgia Horticulturist, Writer, Nurseryman, and Builder, 2000;XVI.1:1

Elliott, Brent

RHS Bicentenary: The Year of Gardening, 2004;XIX.1:11

The Royal Horticultural Society: A History, 1804-2004 (review), 2004;XIX.2:14

Elliott, Stephen

The LeConte Botanic Garden, GA, 2016;XXIX.3:1

Elliott-Brown House, Wilmington, NC

annual meeting tours, 2024;XXXVI.2:7

Ellis, Ralph N., garden

Camden annual meeting tours, 2009;XXII.4:8

Ellis, Thomas Harding

Hollywood Cemetery, Richmond, VA, 2012;XXV.1:1

Ellis apple

in Georgia, Lawson on, 2024;XXXVI.3:1

Ellison, Thomas

as Shipman gardens photographer, 2021;XXXIV.2:11

Ellwanger and Barry (New York)

Daffodils in Georgia’s Landscape, 2008;XXI.4:1

Elmendorf Farm, KY

Lexington annual meeting tours, 2017;XXX.2:6

The Elms (Natchez garden, 1864)

Nineteenth Century Gardens Lost and Found (exhibition) on, 1987;III.3:7

Elms Court, Natchez, MS

Natchez annual meeting (20th Anniversary), 2002;XVII.4:5

a Natchez Garden, 2001;XVII.2:14

Elmwood Cemetery, Charlotte, NC

The early garden at Chatwood, NC and, 1989;V.3:2

Musk Rose in America and, 2001;XVII.2:1

‘Musk Rose’ search in N. Carolina and, 1994;X.3:1

Elmwood Hall Estate, Ludlow, KY

information sought on, 1989;VI.2:11

email discussion group

Heirloom Flowers E-Group, 2000;XVI.2:14

Emanis, Rebel Eloy and Georgia Marquette

The Arcadian Gardener on, 2014;XXVII.4:11, 2016;XXIX.4:9

Emerson, Jon

Bayou Bend garden management plan, 1998;XIV.3:1

The Louisiana Work of Margaret Stones, 2019;XXXII.2:1

Southern Garden Symposium speaker, 1991;VIII.1:2

Emerson and Associates, Baton Rouge, LA

Bayou Bend garden management plan, 1998;XIV.3:1

Emmet, Alan

Everything for the Garden (with Tankard, Nylander, and Begg, in print 2020), 2019;XXXII.4:13


Biological Thought in Eighteenth-Century Agriculture, 2000;XVI.2:1

An Encyclopaedia of Plants (Loudon, 1836)

The Sage & Rosemary Tree, 2000;XVI.1:10

Encyclopedia of Southern Culture

Hood as contributor to, 1994;XI.2:11

endangered plants

LeConte-Woodmanston garden and, 1986;III.1:5

endowment funds, SGHS. See also Bynum (Flora Ann) Memorial Endowment

how to establish, 2019;XXXII.3:14

Engel, Lehman

Welty’s Night-Blooming Cereus Club and, 2024;XXXVI.1:1


American native plants in, 1994;XI.2:1

Painshill: Remaking Elysium on Time, 2010;XXIII.4:1

Englemann, George

Lindheimer’s plant collecting in Texas and, 1993;IX.4:10

English, Anne Knapp

on Biltmore Estate’s Approach Road, 1988;IV.3:12

English Garden History Society

A Model for the Future, 2002;XVII.4:17

English gardens

early American garden history compared with, 1997;XIII.3:5

English Pleasure Gardens (Nichols)

in print, 2003;XVIII.2:15

review, 2003;XVIII.4:13

English-trained gardeners

in eighteenth century Virginia, 1997;XIII.3:1

English Tudor revival

The Myth of the Colonial Herb Garden, 2005;XX.2:14

Engstorm, Mary Clare

Musk Rose in America and, 2001;XVII.2:1


Tradescant’s Ark (plant collections) and, 1994;XI.2:1

Epic Tomatoes: How to Select and Grow the Best Varieties of all Time (LeHoullier)

in print, 2015;XXVIII.2:9

Epiphyllum hookeri (Hooker’s orchid)

at Eudora Welty House & Garden, 2024;XXXVI.1:1

Epiphyllum oxypetalum (cereus)

at Eudora Welty House & Garden, 2024;XXXVI.1:1

photo credit correction, 2024;XXXVI.2:14

Epstein, Susan McLeod

Catalogue of Plants in the Botanick Garden of South Carolina (1810), 2012;XXV.3:6

Charleston annual meeting, 2015;XXVIII.4:12, 2016;XXIX.2:1

Fall Board meeting, 2012;XXV.4:11

Mobile annual meeting, 2024;XXXVI.3:11

Patti McGee remembrance, 2023;XXXV.2:10

Spring Board meeting, 2022;XXXIV.4:7

Summer Board meeting (virtual), 2020;XXXIII.1:18

Erdeljac, Diane

Blossom Circle and Julia Lester Dillon, 2001;XVI.3:1

Ernst, Friederich

as father of German immigration in Texas, 1993;IX.4:10

Ernst Conservation Seeds, Penna.

Painshill: Remaking Elysium on Time, 2010;XXIII.4:1

Ervenberg, Louis

as German immigrant to Texas, 1993;IX.4:10

Ervendberg, Louis and Eleonore Reimaarz

Fort Worth botanists, 2006;XX.3:7

Erwin, William R., Jr.

Alabama horticultural research and, 1988;IV.3:8

Erwin Mills cemetery, Durham, NC

Daffodils in Cemeteries in, 2003;XVIII.2:7

Esquiline Hill Nursery, GA

1891–92 catalog at Duke Library, 1986;II.3:6

George Kidd and, 2019;XXXII.3:7

Essay on Calcarious Manures (Ruffin, 1832)

Biological Thought in Eighteenth-Century Agriculture, 2000;XVI.2:1

Essays and Notes on Husbandry and Rural Affairs (Bordley)

in Gov. Stone’s library, Hope Plantation, NC and, 1988;V.2:4

Eufaula, AL

Montgomery annual meeting tours (1986), 1985;II.2:3

“Ornamental Plantings in Eufaula” (Orr), 1985;II.1:5, 1985;II.2:1

Europa Nostra medal

The John Bartram Heritage Plant Collection and, 2006;XX.3:6


garden tours of, 2004;XIX.1:11

Eustis, Edith Morton (Mrs. William Corcoran)

Mount Vernon annual meeting tours, 2010;XXIII.3:6

Oatlands Greenhouse and, 2001;XVI.3:11

A view of the garden at Oatlands Plantation, 1987;IV.1:12

Eustis, William Corcoran

Preserving 20th-century gardens of, 2007;XXI.2:1

A view of the garden at Oatlands Plantation, 1987;IV.1:12

Evans, Augusta Jane

Mobile annual meeting speaker, 1995;XI.4:1

Evans, Gareth

on formal gardens of Bellamy Mansion Museum, 2024;XXXVI.1:9

Evans, Jo Nichols (Mrs. U. B.)

Caroline Dormon and the Gardens of Louisiana, 2004;XIX.2:1

Charter Member, 2002;XVII.4:16

The First Regional Chapter, 2000;XV.4:15

In Memoriam, 1991;VIII.1:10

My mother’s garden (essay), 1988;V.1:3

Evans, Minnie

Airlee Gardens, Wilmington, NC and, 2024;XXXVI.2:7

Evans, Mrs. James P., Jr.

Charter Member, 2002;XVII.4:16

Evans, Oliver

Farmer Washington at Mount Vernon, 1759-1799, 2000;XV.3:1

Evans, Richard Low

Magnolia masthead design, 1984;I.1:1, 1985;I.3:1

SGHS stationery design, 1985;I.3:1

Evans, Sally Kittredge

Nouveau Jardinier de la Louisiane translation by, 1995;XI.3:16

Evelyn, John

Evolution of the Lawn, 2005;XX.2:5

The Myth of the Colonial Herb Garden, 2005;XX.2:14

Royal Society and, 1994;XI.2:1

The Evening Garden (Loewer)

in print, 1993;X.1:16

evening primrose, large flower

as Bartram botanical discovery, 2024;XXXVI.2:1

Everett, John

tour offered to Roberto Burle Marx gardens in Brazil and, 1992;VIII.4:15

Evergreen Plantation, LA

New Orleans annual meeting tour, 2004;XIX.2:12

Everleigh, Samuel

seeds for sale in S. Carolina by, 1992;VIII.3:6

Evermay, Washington, DC

Mount Vernon annual meeting tours, 1990;VII.1:4

Everything for the Garden (Tankard, Nylander, Emmet and Begg)

in print, 2019;XXXII.4:13

evolutionary anachronism

Osage oranges and, 2024;XXXVI.2:11

Ewen, Charles

Tryon Palace gardens plan and, 1998;XIV.1:1

Ewing, Carrie

Carnton Plantation, TN and, 2015;XXVIII.1:1

Executive Committee, SGHS. See also officers, SGHS

bylaws on, 1993;IX.3:9

Page as immediate past-president appointed to, 1997;XIII.1:12

exhibitions and catalogues

The Art of Gardening: Maryland Landscapes and the American Garden Aesthetic, 1730–1930, 1985;II.1:4

Art of the Garden, Manchester, England, 2004;XIX.4:15

The Botany of the Shroud of Turin: A Floral Crime Scene Investigation (in print), 2004;XIX.1:13

From Botany to Bouquets: Flowers in Northern Art,” 1999;XIV.4:7

Celebrating Central Park, 1853-2003 (Hirschl & Adler Galleries), 2003;XVIII.3:7

Central Park: A Sesquicentennial Celebration (Metropolitan Museum), 2003;XVIII.3:7

Central Park in Blue (Museum of the City of New York), 2003;XVIII.3:7

The Changing Garden: Four Centuries of European and American Art (Fryberger), 2003;XVIII.4:14

The Charleston Renaissance (Greenville County, SC, Museum of Art), 1999;XIV.4:10

The Gardens at Hatfield House (Dowager Marchioness of Salisbury), 2004;XIX.4:15

The Garden Seed Inventory (Whealy, ed.), 1985;II.1:4

The Gardens of Ellen Biddle Shipman, 1997;XIII.3:12, 1998;XIV.1:12

George Inness and the Visionary Landscape (Bell), 2003;XVIII.4:14

Hudson River School Visions: The Landscapes of Sanford R. Gifford (Avery and Kelly, eds.), 2003;XVIII.4:14

Images of Nature, Creations of Man: Natural History and the Decorative Arts, 1992;VIII.4:14

International Arts and Crafts Exhibition, Victoria and Albert Museum, 2004;XIX.4:15

Lost Gardens of New England, 2001;XVI.3:9

materials sought for N. and S. Carolina pleasure, kitchen, and scientific gardens for, 1989;VI.2:11

Pathways to the Past: Highlights from the Cherokee Garden Library, 2003;XVIII.3:4

The Poetry of Place: Landscapes of Thomas Coram & Charles Fraser, 1998;XIV.2:10

Redoute to Warhol: Bunny Mellon’s Botanical Art (exhibition catalog), 2017;XXX.1:7

The Roman Remains: John Izard Middletons Visual Souvenirs, 1820–1823, 1998;XIV.2:10

Shaping the Landscape Image, 1865-1910: John Douglas Woodward, 1997;XIII.2:7

“Taking Root:” The Summer Brothers and the History of Pomaria Nursery, 2014;XXVII.2:8

Tenth Anniversary Display of SGHS Meeting Records, 1990;VII.2:16

The Writer in the Garden, British Library, 2004;XIX.4:15

Eyre, Thomas and Eyre Hall

The Garden Club of Virginia’s Research Fellowship Program, 2015;XXVIII.2:10

Eyres, Patrick

Painshill: Remaking Elysium on Time, 2010;XXIII.4:1

TOP | A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z


Fagan, Gwen

International Heritage Rose Conference, Charleston, 2001;XVII.2:8

Proceedings of the 9th International Heritage Rose Conference (in print), 2002;XVIII.1:15

Fairchild, David

awards Nehrling Meyer Medal from USDA (1929), 1999;XIV.4:1

plant explorer (1869-1954), 2021;XXXIII.4:1

Fairchild, Thomas

Hoxton, England nursery of, 1997;XIII.3:1

Fairchild Botanic Garden

Coastal Georgia Botanical Gardens and Historic Bamboo Farm and, 2021;XXXIII.4:1

Fairey, John (nurseryman)

Houston annual meeting tours, 1999;XV.1:13

Lynn R. Lowrey, Plantsman, 1999;XV.1:1

Fairntosh Plantation, NC

Camerons and, 1995;XI.3:1

Fairvue Plantation, TN

Nashville annual meeting tour, 1987;IV.2:2, 1988;IV.3:1

organizing meeting tours, 1983;HTI.1:1

Falconer, William

on Galveston gardens, TX in 1875, 2004;XIX.3:1

Kew Gardens training and subsequent career of, 1997;XIII.1:1

falling gardens, in the Chesapeake

Annapolis annual meeting on, 2007;XXI.2:8

The Eighteenth-Century Gardens of Annapolis, 2007;XXI.1:1

at Hampton, Baltimore Co., 1996;XII.3:1

Landon Carter’s Sabine Hall, 2011;XXIV.4:1

Mount Airy Garden, VA and, 2016;XXIX.1:1

at Mount Clare House, Baltimore, 1996;XII.3:1

Falmouth, VA

Roots House: Historic Workers’ Cottage and Landscape Saved, 2015;XXVIII.1:7

family apples

L. Calhoun’s description of, 2024;XXXVI.3:1

The Family Kitchen Gardener (Buist)

Mrs. Balfour: An Antebellum Vicksburg Gardener, 2002;XVII.3:1

Faria, Emilia

A Personal Plea for Camellia Preservation, 2015;XXVIII.3:7

Faris, William

Annapolis Garden of William Faris, 2006;XX.4:12

diary, Annapolis annual meeting on, 2007;XXI.2:8

The Diary of William Faris: The Daily Life of an Annapolis Silversmith (Letzer and Russo, eds.) (in print), 2004;XIX.1:13

The Eighteenth-Century Gardens of, 2007;XXI.1:1

The Myth of the Colonial Herb Garden, 2005;XX.2:14

Preserving 20th-century gardens, annual meeting, 2007;XXI.2:1

A Southern Plant List, 1999;XV.1:15

Farish, Hunter Dickinson

Life in the Garden at Nomini Hall, 2019;XXXII.1:1

Farley, Blanche

Cherokee Garden Library, 2000;XVI.2:13

index of Magnolia, Vols. I–XIV and, 1998;XIII.4:5, 2021;XXXIV.1:2

Farley, Catharine J.

The gardens of Stratford Hall Plantation, 1989;VI.2:5

Farmer, Jenks

Frances Parker and, 2023;XXXV.4:15

Farmer & Planter, 2022;XXXIV.3:1

Farmer and Gardener (Augusta GA)

Berckmans (PJA) and, 2002;XVIII.1:1

The Farmer and Planter

Adam Summer and Stokes as co-editors of, 1993;X.1:1

Bergholz, Summer, and the Gardens of Antebellum Columbia, SC, 2000;XV.3:11

Farmer’s Dictionary (Gardner, 2nd. ed., 1855)

New Orleans Town Gardeners garden library and, 1987;IV.1:9

Farmington (estate, now a country club), Charlottesville, VA

Jefferson’s pea-growing rivalry with Mr. Divers at, 1988;IV.4:10

Farm Security Administration photos

of African-American gardens and yards in the rural South, 1992;VIII.4:1

Farnsworth, Jean

Foster Marshall’s 19th-century Abbeville, SC, garden and, 2014;XXVII.3:1

Farquharson, John

as professional gardener in Virginia, 1997;XIII.3:1

Farr, Bertrand H.

as pioneer nurseryman, 2008;XXII.2:1

Farrand, Beatrix

Beatrix: The Gardening Life of Beatrix Jones Farrand, 1872-1959 (Brown), 1995;XI.3:14

Dumbarton Oaks Garden and Park: A Celebration, 2020;XXXIII.2:1

Green Spring Gardens, VA and, 2022;XXXIV.4:1

Jane Welles Loudon: “First Professional Lady Gardener,” 2020;XXXIII.2:8

landscape restoration at Green Spring Gardens, 2015;XXVIII.4:15

The Public-Spirited Beatrix Farrand of Mount Desert Island (Brousse, in print), 2016;XXIX.4:11

Second Annual Bellefield Design Lecture on, 2007;XXI.1:8

Fashion (Louisiana plantation)

Olmsted in the Antebellum South, 2006;XX.4:1

Father Abraham apple

as hyper-local Virginia variety, 2024;XXXVI.3:1

Faulkner, William

Caroline Dormon and, 2004;XIX.2:1

Faust, Inez

kitchen yard of (1939), 1992;VIII.4:1

Favretti, Joy

For Every House a Garden (with Favretti) (in print), 1990;VII.1:15

Landscapes and Gardens for Historic Buildings (with Favretti), 1998;XIV.3:7, 2021;XXXIV.1:1, 2023;XXXV.2:1

Landscapes and Gardens for Historic Buildings (with Favretti, in print), 1991;VIII.2:10

Favretti, Rudy J.

Archaeological excavation of the garden at Bacon’s Castle, Surry County, VA and, 1988;V.2:1

Arkansas Historic Preservation Program speaker, 1986;II.3:5

on Bacon’s Castle garden research, as RSGL conference speaker, 1988;IV.3:15

Bynum and RSGL conference and, 2021;XXXIV.1:1

Carlyle House, Alexandria, VA landscape restoration and, 1988;IV.3:6

concludes twenty-year association with Garden Club of Virginia, 1998;XIV.3:7

early Stratford Hall garden restoration revisited, 2020;XXXIII.1:1

For Every House a Garden (with Favretti) (in print), 1990;VII.1:15

The Garden Club of Virginia’s Research Fellowship Program, 2015;XXVIII.2:10

on gardening authors who influenced our pleasure grounds, RSGL conference, 1989;VI.1:12, 1989;VI.2:2, 1994;X.2:5

on garden layout at Cultivating History, RSGL conference, 2001;XVI.4:11, 2001;XVII.1:9

on garden restoration in Wilmington, NC, 1990;VI.3:7

Gardens and Landscapes of Virginia (with Cheek, in print), 1994;X.2:11

Historic Landscape Institute speaker, 1998;XIV.2:14

John Steele House grounds restoration, Salisbury, NC and, 1987;III.3:8

on landscape and restoration link, RSGL conference, 1998;XIII.4:1

Landscape “Mythtakes” in Historic Preservation (brochure), 1987;III.3:13

Landscapes and Gardens for Historic Buildings (with Favretti, in print), 1991;VIII.2:10

Monticello, Charlottesville annual meeting tours, 1987;IV.2:1

Monticello annual meeting speaker, 1987;III.3:3

Montpelier garden restoration and, 1990;VII.2:2

The Myth of the Colonial Herb Garden, 2005;XX.2:14

National Trust meeting on landscape preservation speaker, 1990;VII.2:9

in the news, 1990;VII.2:11, 1991;VII.3:11, 1992;VIII.3:12, 2000;XV.3:16

Oatlands restoration and, 1992;VIII.3:3

Old City Cemetery, Lynchburg and, 2013;XXVI.2:5

remembering, 2023;XXXV.3:14

RSGL conference “how-to” sessions and, 1988;IV.4:9, 1993;IX.3:16

RSGL conference speaker, 1989;V.3:2, 1996;XII.4:8, 2023;XXXV.2:1

on trees, RSGL conference, 1991;VII.4:7

on University of Virginia gardens and ground, RSGL conference, 1987;III.3:4

“What’s New in Old Landscapes” at RSGL conference, 1988;IV.4:9

Fayetteville, Arkansas

A Southern Plant List, 1999;XV.1:15

Fayetteville, NC

The Southern Bartram connection, 1987;IV.1:7

Fayetteville Garden Club, NC

The Southern Bartram connection, 1987;IV.1:7

Fearnbach, Heather

Gardening in a Golden Age (RSGL conference tours), 2017;XXX.2:1

Fechner, Cynthia L.

Charter Member, 2002;XVII.4:16

Federal period

Recreating a Federal period garden in eastern NC, 1988;V.2:4

Rosemont Plantation, 2007;XXI.3:1

Feliciana, LA

St. Francisville, LA annual meeting tours, 1991;VII.3:1

Felstone Company, at Biltmore

Preserving 20th-century gardens and, 2007;XXI.2:1

Felts, Shirley

A Southern Garden (Lawrence, in print) and, 1992;VIII.4:11

Feltus, Mrs. Charles C.

Charter Member, 2002;XVII.4:16


Old Salem properties and, 1994;X.2:1

Source list for historic seeds and plants, 1989;V.4:9

Fendall Hall (Young-Dent home) Eufaula, AL

Montgomery annual meeting tours, 1985;II.2:3

Fenstermaker, Bebe and Mary

Adina Emilia de Zavala and, 2004;XIX.3:1

Fenyvesi, Charles

on Middleton Place, SC, history and garden restoration, 1986;II.4:6

Ferdinand apple

Pomaria Nurseries, SC and, 2024;XXXVI.3:1

Ferguson, Edna W.

Charter Member, 2002;XVII.4:16

Ferguson, Susan K.

Honey in the hive: eighteenth century beekeeping in North Carolina, 1990;VII.2:4

ferme ornee (ornamental farm)

Drayton Hall and the Michaux Connection, 2003;XVIII.2:1

Ferrell, Blount

The Woven Landscapes of LaGrange, Georgia, 2008;XXII.1:1

Ferrell, Sarah Coleman, gardens, LaGrange, GA

Atlanta annual meeting tours, 2003;XVIII.3:4

Callaway on, 2004;XIX.4:11

The Woven Landscapes of LaGrange, Georgia, 2008;XXII.1:1

Festival Hill Institute, Round Top, TX

annual meeting tours, 1993;IX.2:14


as Bartram botanical discovery, 2024;XXXVI.2:1

Few, William F.

Sarah P. Duke garden at Duke University and, 1993;IX.2:7

Field, John

Brompton Park Nursery, England and, 1997;XIII.3:1

Field, Rachel

artists’ colony at Melrose Plantation, LA and, 2023;XXXV.2:8

Field, Sally

Steel Magnolias and, 2023;XXXV.2:8

Field and Garden Vegetables of America (Burr)

3rd ed. (in print), 1989;V.4:4

review, 1989;V.4:4

Fields, Lisco

alarm at pesticide use on gardens by, 1992;VIII.4:1

Fields of Vision: Essays on the Travels of William Bartram (Braud and Porter)

Catron on garden history canon and, 2021;XXXIII.3:8

Filoli Center

AABGA NetGuide update, 2004;XIX.2:11

AABGA Networking Guide to Historic Landscape Resources, 2003;XVIII.4:9

Filson Historical Society

Oxmoor plantation, KY and, 2016;XXIX.4:7

Finch, Bill

annual meeting tours and, 1995;XI.4:1

in the news, 2003;XVIII.2:15

Findlay brothers, Baltimore

painted furniture with urban and rural landscapes by, 1989;VI.2:2

Fine, Doug

Mount Vernon annual meeting speaker, 2022;XXXIV.4:1

fire flower

A Sultry Southern Heirloom, Japanese Macabre and, 2022;XXXV.1:1

Firestone, Harvey

rubber extraction from goldenrod and chemurgic plants and, 2021;XXXIII.4:1

First Presbyterian Church, Wilmington, NC

annual meeting tours, 2024;XXXVI.2:7

Firth, Ian

on AHLP conference at Middleton Place, 1994;X.4:9

Atlanta annual meeting, 2002;XVIII.1:12

Blue Ridge Parkway and, 2013;XXVI.2:1

Georgia Chapter Launched, 2000;XV.3:16

Fisher, Dale

Botherum house, Lexington, KY, 2016;XXIX.3:7, 2017;XXX.2:6

Fisk College

as Draper landscape architecture client, 1986;III.1:6

Fithian, Philip Vickers

Life in the Garden at Nomini Hall, 2019;XXXII.1:1

Mount Airy Garden, VA and, 2016;XXIX.1:1

FitzGerald, John and Frederick

Mary Riggs Collins and the Somerset Place Gardens, 2001;XVI.4:1

Fitzgerald, Oscar

Mount Vernon annual meeting tours, 2022;XXXIV.4:1

Fitzhugh, William

apples planted (1670) by, 2024;XXXVI.3:1

Fitzpatrick, Benjamin and Mary

annual meeting tours, 1986;II.4:9

Jasmine Hill Gardens, Montgomery, AL and, 1985;I.2:2

Fitzpatrick, John T. See also Thomas Jefferson Center for Historic Plants

American Nurseryman article on perennials and biennials and, 1991;VIII.1:10

Antique Flowers, a Guide to Using Old Fashioned Species in Contemporary Gardens (Whiteside) and, 1988;V.2:3

Back in Thyme on Historic Plants Symposium and, 1998;XIII.4:11

book review, 1990;VII.2:14, 1997;XIII.1:10

on bulbs and perennials, RSGL conference, 1987;III.3:4

Classic Bulbs, Hidden Treasures for the Modern Garden (Whiteside) and, 1991;VIII.2:10

Ellen Biddle Shipman symposium speaker, 1997;XIII.3:12, 1998;XIV.1:12

Green Scene on Center for Historic Plants and, 1992;VIII.3:12

on hyacinths from White Flower Farm, 1991;VII.4:5

International Heritage Rose Conference, Charleston, 2001;XVII.2:8

joins Garden Conservancy as Projects Manager, 1994;X.2:10

Mid-Atlantic Country on historic preservation and, 1994;X.4:12

New York Times on TJCHP and, 1990;VII.2:11

Noisette rose study garden in Charleston and, 1998;XIV.2:8

notes on Jacob Smith’s plant list, 1844–1859 in Arkansas, 1990;VI.4:3

Pacific Horticulture on Thomas Jefferson Center for Historic Plants and, 1992;IX.1:13

The plant reporter: searching for pink Roman hyacinths, 1990;VII.1:9

on primary sources and garden restorers, RSGL conference, 1988;IV.4:9

research on Jacob M. J. Smith’s Arkansas garden, 1990;VI.4:1

Roman hyacinth research by, 1991;VII.3:5

A Southern Plant List, 1999;XV.1:15

on The Thomas Jefferson Center for Historic Plants, 1987;IV.2:7

Flagler, Henry

Florida in 19th century and, 2017;XXX.4:7, 2018;XXXI.1:1

Flanders, Annette Hoyt

Preserving 20th-century gardens of, 2007;XXI.2:1

flax (Linum usitatissimum)

Kentucky production history, 2016;XXIX.4:1

Fleming, Bryant

Lipton Tea Company and, 1993;IX.2:10

Page’s annual meeting paper on, 1988;V.1:1

Preserving 20th-century gardens of, 2007;XXI.2:1

Fleming, C. C. “Pat”

Bayou Bend garden maintenance, 2003;XVIII.4:9

Bayou Bend’s Diana Garden design and, 1998;XIV.3:1

Country Place era in Houston and, 1993;IX.4:1

Fleming, Fox and Juanita

plants in yard of, 1992;VIII.4:1

Fleming, Nancy

Money, Manure & Maintenance: Ingredients for Successful Gardens of Marian Coffin, Pioneer Landscape Architect, 1876-1957 (in print), 1995;XI.3:13

Money, Manure & Maintenance: Ingredients for Successful Gardens of Marian Coffin Pioneer Landscape Architect 1876-1957 (review), 1995;XI.4:11

Fleming, Sarah

on tea cultivation in America, 1993;IX.2:10

Fleming, Sheldon

Cultivating History, RSGL conference, 2001;XVII.1:9

Fleming, Walter

on hemp and flax production history in Kentucky, 2016;XXIX.4:1

Fletcher, Inglis

The Elizabethan Gardens, NC, 2016;XXIX.1:6

Flippin, Perkins Massie Morton

Pharsalia: Former Virginia Plantation, 2013;XXVI.1:1

The Flora and Fauna of Boston Cemetery Old Part (Potts)

on daffodils in cemeteries, 2003;XVIII.2:7

Flora Boreali-Americana (Michaux)

Bartram’s botanical discoveries and, 2024;XXXVI.2:1

Flora Brasiliae Meridionalis (Saint-Hilaire, 1824–1833)

on Oxalis rubra, 1994;X.3:5

Flora Caroliniana (Walter)

as first American botany work during eighteenth century, 1991;VIII.2:1

Francis Porcher: Surgeon, Medical Botanist, Herbal Specialist, Author, 2004;XIX.1:7

Flora Caroliniana Award

for Bill Hunt, 1996;XII.4:5

Flora Danica porcelain collection

in Porcelain and Decorative Arts Museum, Athens, GA, 2021;XXXIV.1:7

Flora Danica prints

Flora Danica porcelain and, 2021;XXXIV.1:7

Florae lugduano-batavae flores (Herrmann), 1690

The Sage & Rosemary Tree, 2000;XVI.1:10

Flora Illustrata: Great Works from the LuEsther T. Mertz Library of The New York Botanical Garden (Fraser and Sellers eds.)

in print, 2014;XXVII.4:6

Floral Hall, KY

Lexington annual meeting tour, 2016;XXIX.3:7, 2017;XXX.2:6

Flora Virginica (Gronovius)

Clayton and publication of, 1994;XI.2:1

Flore francaise (Lamarck, 1778)

Biological Thought in Eighteenth-Century Agriculture, 2000;XVI.2:1

Florence, Mrs. I. J.

Charter Member, 2002;XVII.4:16

Florence, Mrs. Thomas

Charter Member, 2002;XVII.4:16

Flores, Richard

Adina Emilia de Zavala and, 2004;XIX.3:1

Florida. See also Fort Myers, FL; Jacksonville, FL

Daffodils in Cemeteries in, 2003;XVIII.2:7

Daffodils in Florida: A Field Guide to the Coastal South (Van Beck and Van Beck, review), 2004;XIX.3:14

Dr. Henry Nehrling–plant pioneer of, 1999;XIV.4:1

First Coast annual meeting (2018), 2017;XXX.4:7

George Lindley Taber and the Orchid Azalea, 2017;XXX.4:1

Hurricanes Hit Southern Gardens, 2004;XIX.3:12

Moonlight Garden at Edison & Ford Winter Estates, 2006;XX.4:13

rural, vernacular gardens of, 1997;XIII.2:1

state Magnolia editor for, 1987;IV.1:14, 1987;IV.2:11, 1989;V.4:7, 1990;VII.2:15

Florida Explored: The Philadelphia Connection in Bartram’s Tracks (Bennett)

in print, 2020;XXXIII.1:15

Flower and Herb Exchange

in print, 1990;VII.1:15

The Flower-Garden Display’d

The Sage & Rosemary Tree, 2000;XVI.1:10

The Flower Grower

Julia Lester Dillon and, 2001;XVI.3:1

flowerpot, cobalt-decorated redware

Bixler’s (ca. 1850) sold at auction, 2023;XXXV.2:2

Flowers, Albert

Flowery Dale Plantation, NC and, 1986;II.3:8

Flowers, Henry

Antique Rose Emporium business expansion and, 1994;X.3:12

Flowers, John B., III

additional Board term for, 1988;V.1:7

Atlanta annual meeting, 1983;HTI.2:1

Board meeting at Charlotte and, 1986;III.2:3

brief biography, 1985;I.2:3

Charter Member, 2002;XVII.4:16

Edenton’s Cupola House Database (available), 2006;XX.4:14

essay, in British and American Gardens in the Eighteenth Century, 1985;II.1:1

Fall Board meeting, 1985;II.2:3

on First SGHS Board, 2002;XVII.4:16

on Flowery Dale Plantation garden, eastern North Carolina, 1835-1878, 1986;II.3:8

as Hoe and Tell editor, 2021;XXXIV.1:2

as Magnolia Essays editor, 1987;IV.1:2

publications committee and, 1986;III.1:1

Recreating a Federal period garden in eastern NC, 1988;V.2:4

RSGL conference planning by, 2023;XXXV.2:1

SGHS: An Informal History, 2002;XVII.4:3

as SGHS founder, 1985;I.2:3, 1996;XII.4:5

as SGHS newsletter editor, 1983;HTI.2:2

SGHS organizing meeting, 1983;HTI.1:1

SGHS photos (1982–2002), 2002;XVII.4:9

as Stagville’s research historian, 2021;XXXIV.1:1

William Lanier Hunt and, 2002;XVII.4:13

Flowers, Judith C.

elected to SGHS board of directors, 1992;VIII.4:15

publications committee and, 1993;IX.3:16

rotating off Board of Directors, 1994;XI.2:11

Spring Board meeting, 1994;X.4:6

Flowers, Margaret Kornegay

Flowery Dale Plantation, NC and, 1986;II.3:8

Flowers, Mrs. Graydon, Jr.

Charter Member, 2002;XVII.4:16

Flowers, Mrs. Graydon, Sr.

Charter Member, 2002;XVII.4:16

Roman hyacinth sightings, 1991;VII.4:5

Flowers, Robert L.

Sarah P. Duke garden at Duke University and, 1993;IX.2:7

Flowers, Sarah and Elizabeth

Flowery Dale Plantation, NC and, 1986;II.3:8

Flowers, Sarah Martin

Flowery Dale Plantation, NC and, 1986;II.3:8

Flowery Dale Plantation, NC

flower garden, vegetable garden, and orchard plans, 1986;II.3:7

The garden at Flowery Dale Plantation, eastern North Carolina, 1835-1878, 1986;II.3:8

Floyd, David

St. Francisville, LA annual meeting speaker, 1991;VII.4:1

Floyd, John

Montgomery annual meeting speaker, 1985;II.1:2, 1986;II.4:9

Flynt, Diane

Granny Neighbors, Mary Reid, Captain Davis, and Dickie’s Favorite, 2024;XXXVI.3:1

Wild, Tamed, Lost, Revived: The Surprising Story of Apples in the South (in print), 2024;XXXVI.1:7

Flynt, Drake

Gardening in a Golden Age (RSGL conference tours), 2017;XXX.2:1

Foch, Henry (or Fock)

Adina de Zavala and, 2004;XIX.3:1

Fogle, David P.

Clues to American Gardens (with Weeks and Mahan, in print), 1987;III.3:4

Folan, Ragan

Learning from the Past (RSGL conference speaker), 2015;XXVIII.4:5

Foley, Roger

Williamsburgs Glorious Gardens (in print), 1997;XIII.2:9

Folk Art Center, Blue Ridge Parkway

Biltmore annual meeting and, 1998;XIV.2:1

Folklore & Nature: The Death Flower (Brenner)

A Sultry Southern Heirloom, Japanese Macabre and, 2022;XXXV.1:1

Folse , John

Baton Rouge annual meeting speaker, 2011;XXIV.3:5

Fonde (Henry) house, Mobile, AL, 1995;XI.4:1

Fonvielle, Chris, Jr.

Wilmington annual meeting and, 2024;XXXVI.2:6

food preservation and cooking

Feeding the American South, RSGL conference, 2013;XXVI.1:11

Foote, Leonard E.

Native Shrubs & Woody Vines of the Southeast (with Jones), 1989;VI.1:2

Forbes, Janet

on Marion Drummond, 1930-2013, 2013;XXVI.3:11

Ford, Clara

Moonlight Garden at Edison & Ford Winter Estates, 2006;XX.4:13

Ford, Henry. See also Edison & Ford Winter Estates, FL

Moonlight Garden at Edison & Ford Winter Estates, 2006;XX.4:13

rubber extraction from goldenrod and chemurgic plants and, 2021;XXXIII.4:1

Ford, Melanie J.

on Coastal Georgia Botanical Gardens and Historic Bamboo Farm, 2021;XXXIII.4:1

The Forest (Dunbar’s plantation)

Natchez gardens and, 2001;XVII.1:1

For Every House a Garden (Favretti and Favretti)

in print, 1990;VII.1:15

The Formal Garden: The Tradition of Art and Nature (Laird)

in print, 1993;IX.3:14

Forman, Henry Chandlee

Tidewater Maryland Architecture and Gardens, 1992;VIII.3:4

Forsyth, William

A Treatise on the Culture and Management of Fruit Trees (1802), 1988;V.2:4, 1996;XII.2:1

Fort Fisher, NC

annual meeting (2024), 2023;XXXV.4:12

Forti, John

Cultivating History, RSGL conference, 2001;XVI.4:11

The Heirloom Gardener: Traditional Plants & Skills for the Modern World (in print), 2021;XXXIV.1:16

Fort Myers, FL

annual meeting (2012), 2011;XXIV.1:10, 2011;XXIV.2:8

Fort Stewart Army Engineers

LeConte-Woodmanston garden and, 1986;III.1:5

Fort St. Jean Baptiste

in Natchitoches, LA, 2023;XXXV.2:8

Fortune, Robert

as mid-19th century plant collector in China, 2003;XVIII.4:1

Oktober Gartenfest in Winedale, Texas, 2000;XVI.2:8

Fort Worth, TX

From Prairies to Gardens annual meeting, 2005;XX.1:15, 2005;XX.2:9, 2006;XX.3:7

Fort Worth Botanic Garden

Fort Worth annual meeting tours, 2005;XX.2:9, 2006;XX.3:7

Forward Streaked apple

in Georgia, Lawson on, 2024;XXXVI.3:1

Fosson, Sue

Lexington annual meeting steering committee, 2017;XXX.2:6

Foster, Carla

on State Ambassadors Program, 2021;XXXIV.1:2

Summer Board meeting (virtual), 2020;XXXIII.1:18

Fothergill, John, 2024;XXXVI.1:2, 2024;XXXVI.2:1


proposed Magnolia article on, 2024;XXXVI.1:2

Foulds, H. Eliot

John Lee Pratt’s Chatham Manor, 2017;XXX.3:8

foundation plantings

Landscape “Mythtakes” in Historic Preservation (Favretti brochure), 1987;III.3:13

Founders Memorial Garden, Athens, GA

boxwood blight surveyed at, 2023;XXXV.3:9

Founding Gardeners (Wulf)

in print, 2011;XXIV.2:7

fountains, cast-iron

Brunswick, Georgia squares and, 2014;XXVII.4:8

in Foster Marshall’s 19th-century Abbeville, SC garden, 2014;XXVII.3:1

Fowler, Charles

Foster Marshall’s 19th-century Abbeville (SC) garden and, 2014;XXVII.3:1

Fox, Stephen

Magnolia Plantation, SC and, 2015;XXVIII.3:1

Foy’s (John) Seed Store

seeds advertised for sale in S. Carolina by, 1992;VIII.3:6

Frackelton, Carter

Fredericksburg annual meeting (2005) planning, 2003;XVIII.4:2

Frackelton, Decca Gilmer (Mrs. Robert)

Fredericksburg annual meeting (2005) planning, 2003;XVIII.4:2

obituary, 2004;XIX.4:8

“In Search of Boxwood in Central Virginia” in The Boxwood Bulletin by, 1988;IV.4:2

SGHS information for Garden Club of Virginia by, 1986;III.2:4


The plant reporter: searching for Roman hyacinths, 1991;VII.3:5

Frank, Marie

Historic Landscape Institute speaker, 1998;XIV.2:14

Franklin, Benjamin

W. Bartram and, 2024;XXXVI.1:2

plant introductions and, 2021;XXXIII.4:1

S. Carolina wine production and, 1992;VIII.3:6

Franklin, Daniel Berry

in the news, 2000;XV.4:7, 2010;XXIII.1:14

obituary, 2004;XIX.1:9

Franklin, TN

Osage oranges and Battle of, 2024;XXXVI.2:11

Franklinia alatamaha

as Bartram botanical discovery, 2024;XXXVI.2:1

census, to commemorate Bartram 300 celebration, 1998;XIV.2:7

proposed Magnolia article on, 2024;XXXVI.1:2

Fraser, Charles

The Poetry of Place: Landscapes of Thomas Coram & Charles Fraser (exhibition), 1998;XIV.2:10

Fraser, Frederick

The Poetry of Place: Landscapes of Thomas Coram & Charles Fraser (exhibition) and, 1998;XIV.2:10

Fraser, James

The Poetry of Place: Landscapes of Thomas Coram & Charles Fraser (exhibition) and, 1998;XIV.2:10

Fraser, John

Drayton Hall and the Michaux Connection, 2003;XVIII.2:1

Walter’s Flora Caroliniana (1788) and, 2004;XIX.1:7

Fraser, Susan M.

Flora Illustrata: Great Works from the LuEsther T. Mertz Library of The New York Botanical Garden (with Sellers eds., in print), 2014;XXVII.4:6

Redoute to Warhol: Bunny Mellon’s Botanical Art (exhibition catalog in print), 2017;XXX.1:7

Fraulinghuysen, J. S.

preserving Charleston’s landscape legacy, 2004;XIX.4:9

Freas, Dan

RSGL conference “how-to” sessions and, 1988;IV.4:9

The Southern Vernacular Landscape, RSGL conference, 1991;VII.4:7

Frederick Law Olmsted: Plans and Views of Public Parks (Beveridge, Meier, and Mills, eds.)

in print, 2015;XXVIII.2:8

Fredericksburg, VA

annual meeting, 2002;XVIII.1:14, 2004;XIX.3:10, 2004;XIX.4:1, 2005;XX.1:12

John Lee Pratt’s Chatham Manor, 2017;XXX.3:8

Fredericksburg and Spotsylvania National Military Park

Lawliss named superintendent, 2013;XXVI.3:8

Frederick V, king of Denmark

Flora Danica prints and, 2021;XXXIV.1:7

Freeman, Ellen B. H.

monthly Magnolia magazine (1840s) and, 1984;I.1:1

Freer, Ruskin

Anne Spencer’s Garden Restoration Continues, 2018;XXXI.3:6

French, Catherine

Camden annual meeting committee, 2009;XXII.4:4

French Botanical Garden, SC

Drayton Hall and the Michaux Connection, 2003;XVIII.2:1

French explorers or settlers

A Brief Landscape History of Baton Rouge, 2011;XXIV.3:1

Natchez gardens and, 2001;XVII.1:1

“Frenchman’s Map”

of Williamsburg in 1782, 1994;X.4:3

French Quarter, New Orleans

annual meeting tour, 2004;XIX.2:12

Frett, Susan Bliss

Charter Member, 2002;XVII.4:16

Friends of the Coastal Garden (FoCG)

Coastal Georgia Botanical Gardens and Historic Bamboo Farm and, 2021;XXXIII.4:1

Fries, Adelaide L.

What is this flower? 1989;VI.1:9

Frincke, W. C.

Blount Mansion, Knoxville and, 2019;XXXII.4:1

Frischkorn, Rebecca T.

Anne Spencer’s garden, 2005;XX.1:7

From Botany to Bouquets: Flowers in Northern Art

(exhibition), 1999;XIV.4:7

From Generation to Generation: A History of St. Luke’s Episcopal Parish, Salisbury, North Carolina (Hood)

in print, 2007;XXI.1:15

From Prairies to Gardens (2006)

Fort Worth annual meeting, 2005;XX.1:15, 2005;XX.2:9, 2006;XX.3:7

From the First to the 21st

Atlanta annual meeting, 2003;XVIII.3:4

Fruitland Nurseries, Augusta, GA

antebellum azalea and camellia varieties in Southern gardens and, 1998;XIV.1:7

Athens annual meeting on influence of, 2008;XXII.1:8

Berckmans Family history and, 2002;XVIII.1:1

Daffodils in Georgia’s Landscape, 2008;XXI.4:1

1858 catalog at Duke Library, 1986;II.3:6

Julia Lester Dillon and, 2001;XVI.3:1

Plant Introductions – Chinese Wisteria and Spanish Cork Oak, 2003;XVIII.2:14

Pomaria Nurseries compared with, 1993;X.1:8, 1993;X.1:9

Preserving 20th-century gardens and, 2007;XXI.2:1

The Restored Eudora Welty Garden Ten Years On, 2014;XXVII.4:1

seed catalogs, at Cherokee Garden Library, 1990;VI.3:3

southern apples history and, 1992;IX.1:1

The Woven Landscapes of LaGrange, Georgia, 2008;XXII.1:1

Fruits and Fruit-Trees of America (Downing)

Pomaria Nurseries, SC fruits in, 1993;X.1:1

The Fruits and Fruit Trees of Monticello: Thomas Jefferson and the Origins of American Horticulture (Hatch)

in the news, 1999;XV.2:16

in print, 1998;XIV.1:10

Fry, Joel T.

Jacksonville, FL annual meeting speaker, 2017;XXX.4:7, 2018;XXXI.1:1

on John and William Bartram, 2011;XXIV.2:7

on John Bartram as plant collector, 2010;XXIII.4:1

The John Bartram Heritage Plant Collection and, 2006;XX.3:6

The LeConte Botanic Garden, GA, 2016;XXIX.3:1

In Memoriam, 2023;XXXV.3:2

A New World, RSGL conference, 2011;XXIV.2:1, 2011;XXIV.4:6

Fry, Joshua Jefferson

Hollywood Cemetery, Richmond, VA, 2012;XXV.1:1

Fryar’s (Pearl) Topiary Garden, Bishopville, SC

Camden annual meeting tours, 2008;XXII.2:15, 2009;XXII.3:1, 2009;XXII.4:8

Garden Conservancy Awards Preservation Project Status to, 2007;XXI.3:14

Garden Conservancy’s Continued Support of, 2012;XXV.1:7

Fryberger, Betsy G.

The Changing Garden: Four Centuries of European and American Art, 2003;XVIII.4:14

Frye, Larry and Lulu Navarre

in the news, 2009;XXII.4:17

Frye, Randall

Rosemont Preservation Society and, 2007;XXI.3:1

Fuccello, Joanne

Cherokee Garden Library accolades from, 1998;XIV.3:9

Fulk, Robert and Monica garden

Wilmington annual meeting and, 2024;XXXVI.2:7

Fulton Nursery, Atlanta

George Kidd and, 2019;XXXII.3:7

Fuqua, Dustin

Natchitoches annual meeting speaker, 2023;XXXV.3:1

Furber, Robert

Painshill: Remaking Elysium on Time, 2010;XXIII.4:1

The Sage & Rosemary Tree, 2000;XVI.1:10

The Thomas Jefferson Center for Historic Plants, 1987;IV.2:7

Furber, William

The Sage & Rosemary Tree, 2000;XVI.1:10

Furcron, Mary Lou

plants in yard of, 1992;VIII.4:1

Furnishing the Old-Fashioned Garden: Three Centuries of American Summerhouses, Dovecotes, Pergolas, Privies, Fences & Birdhouses (Hill)

publication of, 1998;XIV.3:9

review, 1999;XIV.4:9

TOP | A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z


Gaines, Coles, & Co., Mobile, AL

1877 catalog at Duke Library, 1986;II.3:6

Gaines, Evia

on color in African-American gardens, 1992;VIII.4:1

Gainesway farm, KY

Lexington annual meeting tour, 2017;XXX.2:6

Gainey, Ryan

Atlanta annual meeting, 2003;XVIII.3:4

in the news, 1990;VII.2:11, 2001;XVI.3:13

New Voices in American Garden Writing Series and, 1991;VII.3:11

remembering, 2016;XXIX.3:14

The Well-placed Weed: the Bountiful Garden of Ryan Gainey (Ross and Schilling, in print), 1994;X.3:9

Galbraith, Jean

Kindred Spirits, 2000;XV.4:14

Galle, Fred

Virginia Hand Callaway Collection at Cherokee Garden Library and, 2021;XXXIV.2:1

Galloway, Patricia

Natchez gardens and, 2001;XVII.1:1

Galpine, John Kingston, catalog (1782)

The Sage & Rosemary Tree, 2000;XVI.1:10

Galvin, Roger

Annapolis annual meeting speaker, 2007;XXI.2:8

Gandy, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas H.

Nineteenth Century Gardens Lost and Found (exhibit) on, 1987;III.3:7

Gandy, Mrs. Thomas H.

Charter Member, 2002;XVII.4:16

Gant, Sally

Flora Ann Bynum Fund to endow RSGL Lectures, 2006;XX.4:11

A New World (RSGL conference co-chair), 2011;XXIV.4:6

retirement, 2016;XXIX.2:11

Returning to Our Roots, RSGL conference, 2010;XXIII.1:9

RSGL conference history and, 2021;XXXIV.1:1

RSGL conference planning by, 2023;XXXV.2:1

Garbo, William

Elms Court, Natchez Garden, 2001;XVII.2:14

Nineteenth Century Gardens Lost and Found (exhibit) on, 1987;III.3:7

Notes from another practitioner on historic garden research, 1988;IV.3:5

Garden, Alexander

Charleston garden of, 1991;VIII.2:1

Garden and Royal Museum of Natural History at Paris

Noisette’s herbarium and, 1992;IX.1:5

The Garden at Bomarzo: A Renaissance Riddle (Sheeler)

review, 2007;XXI.2:15

The Garden at Charleston: A Bloomsbury Garden through the Seasons (Snell)

review, 2010;XXIII.4:10

The Garden at Hidcote (Whitsey)

review, 2007;XXI.2:15

Garden at Holborn (Gerard)

American native plants in, 1994;XI.2:1

Garden Book (Jefferson)

on Gloucester hickory, 2003;XVIII.2:12

on Jefferson’s pea-growing rivalry with friends, 1988;IV.4:10

Garden Bulbs for the South (Ogden)

on Daffodils in Cemeteries, 2003;XVIII.2:7

Garden Calendar

published 1827 by Squibb (Charleston, SC nurseryman), 1988;IV.3:8

Garden Citings (newsletter), Cherokee Garden Library, Atlanta, 2021;XXXIV.2:1

garden club movement

Hood at RSGL conference speaker on, 1995;XII.1:1

Garden Club of America (GCA)

Alexander Hamilton garden memoranda in Sotheby’s sale, 2017;XXX.1:6

Anne Carr Receives GCA Award, 2001;XVI.4:13

Archives of American Gardens and, 1994;XI.2:12

Catron named Honorary Member, 2014;XXVII.2:11

Cherokee Garden Library, Atlanta and, 2021;XXXIV.2:1

Cornett named honorary member, 2022;XXXIV.3:2

Distinguished Service Medal to Welch, 2008;XXI.4:13

Elizabeth Craig Weaver Proctor Medal to Norton, 2020;XXXIII.1:19

Gardens of Colony and State (1931), 2021;XXXIII.4:11

historic photograph collection given to Smithsonian by, 1987;III.3:5

Historic Preservation Medal to Garden Conservancy, 2012;XXV.3:7

Historic Preservation medal to Hatch, 2011;XXIV.3:11

McGee named Honorary Member, 2012;XXV.3:7

Monticello Landscape restoration, 1923-1955 and, 2010;XXIII.1:1

restoration grants, 2018;XXXI.1:1

Scholarship in Garden History and Design, 2022;XXXV.1:17

Slide Library of Notable Parks and Gardens at Smithsonian, 1988;IV.4:2, 2022;XXXV.1:17

Tankard named honorary member, 2022;XXXIV.3:2

Weesie Smith: Alabama Gardener and Champion of its Flora, 2018;XXXI.3:1

Garden Club of Charleston

garden tourism begins in mid-30s by, 1992;VIII.3:1

Garden Club of Georgia, Inc.

Athens annual meeting tours, 2008;XXII.1:8

Atlanta annual meeting and, 2002;XVIII.1:12

Cherokee Garden Library, Atlanta and, 2021;XXXIV.2:1

LeConte-Woodmanston garden and, 1986;III.1:3, 1986;III.1:4

Louis LeConte’s Bulb Garden, 1813-1838, 2014;XXVII.1:1

Martha Berry, Robert Cridland, and the Gardens at Oak Hill, 2017;XXX.3:1

state headquarters, Athens annual meeting tours, 2007;XXI.3:5

Garden Club of Houston

The Peggy Martin Rose Awards, 2011;XXIV.1:7

Garden Club of Jacksonville

Jacksonville annual meeting, 2017;XXX.4:7, 2018;XXXI.1:1

Garden Club of Lexington, KY

Lexington annual meeting, 2017;XXX.2:6

Garden Club of North Carolina

The Elizabethan Gardens, 2016;XXIX.1:6

Preserving 20th-century gardens and, 2007;XXI.2:1

Garden Club of Virginia (GCV). See also Historic Garden Week, VA

Archaeological excavation of the garden at Bacon’s Castle, Surry County, 1988;V.2:1

Beatrix Farrand Landscape restoration at Green Spring Gardens and, 2015;XXVIII.4:15

Belmont, the Gari Melchers Estate and Memorial Gallery, 2000;XVI.1:12

Carlyle House, Alexandria, VA landscape restoration, 1988;IV.3:6

Centennial activities, 2019;XXXII.4:14

Cultural Landscape Lab at Stratford Hall, 2012;XXV.2:1

early Stratford Hall garden restoration revisited, 2020;XXXIII.1:1

Favretti concludes association with, 1998;XIV.3:7

Fredericksburg annual meeting on (2005), 2004;XIX.3:10

Gardening in a Golden Age, RSGL conference and, 2017;XXX.2:1

Lynchburg’s Old City Cemetery roses, 2005;XX.1:1

Maymont estate, Richmond and, 2012;XXV.3:8

Monticello Landscape restoration, 1923-1955 and, 2010;XXIII.1:1

Montpelier garden restoration and, 1990;VII.2:2

in the news, 2013;XXVI.4:9

Oatlands restoration funded by, 1992;VIII.3:3

Preserving 20th-century gardens and, 2007;XXI.2:1

Research Fellowship Program, 2015;XXVIII.2:10

Second Anne Spencer Garden Restoration, 2010;XXIII.1:11

Stratford Hall grounds and gardens restoration and, 1989;VI.2:5, 2004;XIX.1:1, 2004;XIX.4:1

Unearthing the Past, RSGL conference and, 2005;XX.1:10

Garden Conservancy

Cabot on formation of, 1989;V.4:3

Cherokee Garden Library, Atlanta and, 2021;XXXIV.2:1

Christie’s of New York benefit for, 1998;XIV.3:9

conference (1993) proceedings available, 1994;XI.1:14

Continued Support of Fryar and Lawrence Gardens, 2012;XXV.1:7

Elizabeth Lawrence Garden preservation efforts, 2002;XVIII.1:14

Elizabeth Lawrence’s Charlotte, North Carolina Garden, 2003;XVIII.3:12

Francis Higginson Cabot Jr. legacy with, 2012;XXV.1:7

Fryar Topiary Garden and, 2008;XXII.2:15, 2009;XXII.4:8

GCA’s Medal for Historic Preservation for, 2012;XXV.3:7

“The Hermitage: A Case Study of Restoration Potential” proceedings available, 1993;IX.4:15

Historic Texas Landscapes survey and, 1998;XIV.2:5

Jacksonville, FL annual meeting, 2018;XXXI.1:1

Marco Polo Stufano Fellowship Opportunity, 2009;XXII.3:7

in the news, 2010;XXIII.1:14, 2012;XXV.1:6

Open Days Directory, 2004;XIX.1:11

Open Days Program, 2003;XVIII.2:15

Preservation Project Status to New Orleans’ Longue Vue House & Gardens, 2007;XXI.1:10

Preservation Project Status to Pearl Fryar’s Topiary Garden, 2007;XXI.3:14

Second Anne Spencer Garden Restoration, 2010;XXIII.1:11

tenth anniversary conference, 1999;XIV.4:7

garden design

Affleck’s writing on, 1991;VIII.1:5

The gardens at the Charles Carroll House of Annapolis, 1993;IX.2:1

of historic landscapes, National Register Bulletin on, 1987;IV.1:4

study course announced, 1993;IX.2:16

The Garden Diary of Martha Turnbull, Mistress of Rosedown Plantation (Turner, ed.)

in print, 2012;XXV.2:11

review, 2012;XXV.4:8

Gardener, Jo Ann

The Heirloom Garden: Selecting and Growing Over 300 Old-Fashioned Ornamentals (in print), 1992;VIII.4:15

Gardener, William

on Fortune as plant collector in mid-19th century China, 2003;XVIII.4:1

The Gardener’s Calendar for South Carolina, Georgia, and North Carolina (Squibb, 1787)

in Woodburn collection at Cherokee Garden Library, 1990;VI.3:3

The Gardener’s Dictionary (Johnson, 1886)

The Sage & Rosemary Tree, 2000;XVI.1:10

The Gardener’s Dictionary (Miller, 1731)

Annie Isabella Iredell’s gardening and, 1992;IX.1:7

use in Virginia of, 1997;XIII.3:1

The Gardener’s Kalendar (Logan, 1779)

in Woodburn collection at Cherokee Garden Library, 1990;VI.3:3, 1991;VII.3:8

A Gardener’s Life (Dowager Marchioness of Salisbury)

review, 2008;XXI.4:10

The Gardener’s Magazine

Jane Welles Loudon: “First Professional Lady Gardener,” 2020;XXXIII.2:8

The Gardener’s Pocket-Book

attributed to John Hill, reprinted, 1998;XIV.3:11

garden fever (1890s–late 1930s)

as American phenomenon, 1994;XI.1:1

garden furnishings

Source list for historic seeds and plants and, 1989;V.4:9

garden history canon. See also American landscape history

Magnolia editors on, 2021;XXXIII.3:8

Tankard on, 2021;XXXIII.4:11

Garden History of Georgia

Preserving 20th-century gardens and, 2007;XXI.2:1

Garden History Seminars at Colonial Williamsburg

The Evolution of the Landscape, 1999;XV.1:14

75 Years of Gardens, 2001;XVI.4:12

Garden History Society, Britain

as model for the future, 2002;XVII.4:17

The Garden History Society of Williamsburg

purpose for and launch of, 1993;IX.3:15

The Gardening Book of James L. Hunter, A Southern Planter (Howett)

review, 1996;XII.3:10

Gardening by Mail (Barton)

in print, 1994;X.3:9

Gardening by the Book: Celebrating 100 Years of the Garden Club of America (Warren)

in print, 2013;XXVI.3:10

Gardening for Ladies (Loudon)

Adam Summer’s notes in his copy of, 1993;X.1:1

Jane Welles Loudon: “First Professional Lady Gardener,” 2020;XXXIII.2:8

Mrs. Balfour: An Antebellum Vicksburg Gardener, 2002;XVII.3:1

Gardening for Love (Lawrence)

to be published, 1986;III.2:3

Lacy as editor for, 1993;IX.2:13

Gardening for the South (White, 1868)

Jarvis Van Buren: Georgia Horticulturist, Writer, Nurseryman, and Builder, 2000;XVI.1:1

Gardening with Heirloom Seeds (Coulter)

in print, 2006;XX.3:14

The Garden in the Wilderness (Rion)

Mary Catherine Rion and, 2001;XVII.2:10

Garden Literature: An Index to Periodical Article and Book Reviews

publishing information, 1992;VIII.4:14

garden mount

The Garden Mount in Early Carolina Landscape Design, 2000;XV.4:1

A Garden of Pleasant Flowers: Paradisi in Sole Paradisus Terrestris (Parkinson)

in print, 1991;VIII.1:12

Garden Perennials for the Coastal South (Sullivan)

publication of, 2024;XXXVI.2:6

Gardens and Gardening in the Chesapeake, 1700-1805 (Sarudy)

in print, 1998;XIV.2:11

as resource, 2007;XXI.2:1

Gardens and Historic Plants of the Antebellum South (Cothran)

in print, 2003;XVIII.4:15

review, 2004;XIX.1:14

Gardens and Landscapes of Virginia (Favretti and Cheek)

in print, 1994;X.2:11

The Gardens at Hatfield (Dowager Marchioness of Salisbury)

(exhibition catalogue), 2004;XIX.4:15

The Garden Seed Inventory (Whealy, ed.)

ordering information, 1985;II.1:4

Gardens for a Beautiful America, 1895-1935: Photographs by Frances Benjamin Johnston (Watters)

review, 2013;XXVI.1:8

Gardens for Peace, Atlanta

annual meeting tours, 2003;XVIII.3:4

Garden Shrubs and Their Histories (Coats)

in print, 1992;VIII.3:11

review, 1993;IX.3:13

Gardens in my Life (Lennox-Boyd)

in print, 2021;XXXIV.2:18

Gardens in the Spirit of Place (Dickey)

in print, 2005;XX.2:13

Gardens in Winter (Lawrence)

in print, 1990;VII.1:15

on Roman hyacinths, 1991;VII.3:5, 1993;X.1:14

The Gardens of Bunny Mellon (Holden)

in print, 2018;XXXI.4:15

Gardens of China (Siren, 1949)

New Orleans Town Gardeners garden library and, 1987;IV.1:9

The Gardens of Colonial Williamsburg (Brinkley and Chappell)

in print, 1997;XIII.2:9

Gardens of Colony and State (Lockwood, 1931-1934)

on Delmarva, 1992;VIII.3:4

Hulinsky’s summer AAG virtual internship and, 2022;XXXV.1:17

Tankard on garden history canon and, 2021;XXXIII.4:11

The Gardens of Ellen Biddle Shipman (Tankard)

publication of, 1997;XIII.3:12

Gardens of Historic Charleston (Cothran)

in print, 1995;XI.3:13

review, 1995;XII.1:10

The Gardens of Louisiana: Places of Work and Wonder (Turner)

in print, 1997;XIII.3:11

The Gardens of Natchez: A Rich Heritage. See also Natchez, MS

annual meeting, 2001;XVII.1:1

The Gardens of Portugal (Attlee)

review, 2008;XXI.4:10

The Gardens of Russell Page (Schinz and van Zuylen)

review, 2008;XXI.4:10

The Gardens of Salem, The Landscape History of a Moravian Town in North Carolina (Spencer)

ordering information, 1997;XIII.1:10

Gardens of the Arts and Crafts Movement: Reality and Imagination (Tankard)

review, 2004;XIX.4:12

revised, review, 2018;XXXI.4:12

GardenStory (PBS television series)

on Anne Spencer’s garden restoration, 2005;XX.1:7

The Garden Tourist 1993: A Guide to Garden Tours, Garden Days, Shows, and Special Events (Rosenfield)

review, 1993;IX.3:13

Gardin, John E.

on Foster Marshall’s 19th-century Abbeville, SC garden, 2014;XXVII.3:1

Gardiner, John

Oatlands Greenhouse and, 2001;XVI.3:11

Gardner, Daniel Periera

Farmer’s Dictionary (2nd. ed., 1855), 1987;IV.1:9

Garig, William and Garig House

A Brief Landscape History of Baton Rouge, 2011;XXIV.3:1

Garner, H. Hal

Charter Member, 2002;XVII.4:16

Garner, James M. “Jim”

in the news, 2008;XXII.1:15

obituary, 2014;XXVII.2:11

as plant propagator, 2023;XXXV.4:15

Garner, John Nance

on Texas state flower, 2016;XXIX.1:11

Garnett, Andy

A Year in the Life of an English Meadow (with Devlin, review), 2007;XXI.2:15

Garrett, Mrs. Rufus N.

Stratford Hall grounds and gardens restoration and, 2004;XIX.4:1

Garrison residence (1942)

Nashville annual meeting tour, 2015;XXVIII.2:1

Gary, Jack

Landscape Restoration at Thomas Jefferson’s Poplar Forest, 2012;XXV.4:1

Lynchburg annual meeting speaker, 2012;XXV.4:6, 2013;XXVI.2:5

Mount Vernon annual meeting speaker, 2019;XXXII.3:12, 2022;XXXIV.4:1

Gate City Nursery, GA

George Kidd and, 2019;XXXII.3:7

Gatenby, Richard

Rosemary Verey’s Barnsley House and Cotswolds Garden, 2003;XVIII.3:15

Gates, Thomas

apples and pear trees in Jamestown and, 2024;XXXVI.3:1

Gay, Patricia H.

in the news, 1990;VII.1:13

Gee, Thomas W.

Olmsted in the Antebellum South, 2006;XX.4:1

Geiser, Samuel

on Baker Brothers Nursery, Fort Worth, TX, 1997;XIII.1:1

Geiser, S. W.

Fort Worth botanist, 2006;XX.3:7

The General Historie of Virginia, New England, and the Summer Isles (Capt. John Smith)

publication (1634), 1994;XI.2:1

The General in the Garden: George Washington’s landscape at Mount Vernon (Schoelwer, ed.)

in print, 2015;XXVIII.2:8

A Genius for Place: American Landscapes of the Country Place Era (Karson)

in print, 2007;XXI.3:12

Genius in the Garden: Charles F. Gillette and Landscape Architecture in Virginia (Longest)

in print, 1993;IX.3:14

Gennerick, J. F.

seeds advertised for sale in S. Carolina by, 1992;VIII.3:6

Gentle Conquest (Reveal)

in print, 1993;X.1:15

The Gentleman’s, Traveller’s, Husbandman’s and Gardener’s Pocket-Companion

attributed to John Hill, reprinted, 1998;XIV.3:11

The Gentlemen Farmer: Being an Attempt to Improve Agriculture, by Subjecting It to the Test of Rational Principles (Home, 1779)

Farmer Washington at Mount Vernon, 1759-1799 and, 2000;XV.3:1

George III, king of England

Farmer Washington at Mount Vernon, 1759-1799, 2000;XV.3:1

land grant, Pomaria Nurseries, SC and, 1993;X.1:1

George Inness and the Visionary Landscape (Bell)

exhibition catalogue, 2003;XVIII.4:14

‘George L. Taber’ azalea

at Bayou Bend, 2018;XXXI.4:9

The George Mason Memorial: A Historic Garden on the National Mall, 2001;XVI.3:10

George Washington Masonic Temple

Mount Vernon annual meeting tours, 2000;XV.4:10

Georgia. See also Athens, Georgia; Atlanta; Savannah, GA

Blossom Circle: The Life of Julia Lester Dillon, 2001;XVI.3:1

The Cherokee Garden Club of Atlanta: its garden library, as SGHS archives depository, 1990;VI.3:3

Civil War reconstruction era garden near Palmetto, 1995;XI.4:6

Daffodils in Georgia’s Landscape, 2008;XXI.4:1

An English Gardener in Georgia: The Landscapes of George Kidd, 2019;XXXII.3:7

The gardens and yards of African-Americans in the rural South, 1992;VIII.4:1

Jarvis Van Buren: Georgia Horticulturist, Writer, Nurseryman, and Builder, 2000;XVI.1:1

Lawliss on landscape history research in, 1988;IV.3:12

The LeConte Botanic Garden, GA, 2016;XXIX.3:1

LeConte-Woodmanston garden restoration, Col. Black and, 1986;III.1:4

Louis LeConte’s Bulb Garden, 1813-1838, 2014;XXVII.1:1

Olmsted in the Antebellum South, 2006;XX.4:1

Plant Introductions – Chinese Wisteria and Spanish Cork Oak, 2003;XVIII.2:14

state Magnolia editor for, 1987;IV.2:11, 1989;V.4:7, 1990;VII.2:15

Georgia bark

as Bartram botanical discovery, 2024;XXXVI.2:1

Georgia Board of Regents (GBoR)

Coastal Georgia Botanical Gardens and Historic Bamboo Farm and, 2021;XXXIII.4:1

Georgia Chapter, SGHS

The First Regional Chapter, 2000;XV.4:15

Georgia Chapter of SGHS Launched (2000), 2000;XV.3:16

Georgia Daffodil Society

on Daffodils in Cemeteries, 2003;XVIII.2:7

Georgia Heritage Apple Orchard, Blairsville, Georgia

as preservation orchard, 2024;XXXVI.3:1

Georgia Historical Society

Clermont Lee, (1914-2006) and, 2014;XXVII.2:1

Georgia Historic Landscape Initiative (GHLI)

Cherokee Garden Library, Atlanta and, 2021;XXXIV.2:1

Georgia Marble Company

Daffodils in Georgia’s Landscape, 2008;XXI.4:1

Georgia Perennial Plant Association

Cherokee Garden Library, Atlanta and, 2021;XXXIV.2:1

Refining the Garden: The Trowels and Pleasures of Gardening symposium and, 1991;VIII.1:2

Georgia School of Classicism

Hills & Dales Estate in LaGrange, Georgia, 2004;XIX.4:11

Georgia Seed Company, Macon

Daffodils in Georgia’s Landscape, 2008;XXI.4:1

Georgia State Horticultural Society

History of Fruitland Nurseries and Berckmans Family and, 2002;XVIII.1:1

geothermal heating and cooling

installation at Stratford, 2007;XXI.1:9

Gerarde (or Gerard), John

“Butter and Eggs” Daffodil is Likely ‘Derwydd’ not ‘Van Sion’, 2003;XVIII.2:10

Musk Rose in America and, 2001;XVII.2:1

The Myth of the Colonial Herb Garden, 2005;XX.2:14

The plant reporter: searching for pink Roman hyacinths, 1990;VII.1:9

Virginia Hand Callaway Collection at Cherokee Garden Library and, 2021;XXXIV.2:1

Gerard’s Herbal

American native plants in, 1994;XI.2:1

on daffodils, 1995;XI.3:12

The early garden at Chatwood, NC and, 1989;V.3:2

on Rosa muschata or ‘Musk Rose’, 1994;X.3:1

The Sage & Rosemary Tree, 2000;XVI.1:10

Gerbing, Gustav George and Azilda

George Lindley Taber and the Orchid Azalea, 2017;XXX.4:1

The Restored Eudora Welty Garden Ten Years On, 2014;XXVII.4:1

Gergel, Belinda

annual business meeting, 2006;XX.3:4

Fall Board meeting, 2006;XX.4:15


Blumen auf dem Grab (flowers on the grave) Round Top cemetery, 1993;IX.3:6

Texas landscape and, 1993;IX.4:10

Gertrude Jekyll and the Country House Garden, From the Archives of Country Life (Tankard)

review, 2011;XXIV.4:8

Gertrude Jekyll’s Lost Garden (Wallinger)

International Heritage Rose Conference, Charleston, 2001;XVII.2:8

Gesneriaceae (Nautilocalyx pemphidius L. Skog)

Mount Vernon annual meeting on, 2010;XXIII.3:6

Getty’s Fund for New Orleans

St. Louis Cathedral Garden To Be Restored, 2008;XXI.4:15

Ghoshroy, Kajal

“Taking Root:” The Summer Brothers and the History of Pomaria Nursery (exhibition), 2014;XXVII.2:8

Giant Japanese timber bamboo (Phyllostachys bambusoides)

at Coastal Georgia Botanical Gardens and Historic Bamboo Farm, 2021;XXXIII.4:1

Gibbes (William) House, Charleston, SC

Charleston annual meeting tours (2016), 2015;XXVIII.4:12

Gibbes Museum of Art, Charleston, SC

The Poetry of Place: Landscapes of Thomas Coram & Charles Fraser, 1998;XIV.2:10

The Roman Remains: John Izard Middletons Visual Souvenirs, 1820–1823, 1998;XIV.2:10

Gibboney, Stuart

Monticello Landscape restoration, 1923-1955 and, 2010;XXIII.1:1

Gibbs, Patricia

on slave gardens at Cultivating History, RSGL conference, 2001;XVI.4:11, 2001;XVII.1:9

Gibbs, Richard

Harelson and, 2024;XXXVI.2:2

in the news, 2012;XXV.3:11

Randy Harelson Scholarship Fund and, 2024;XXXVI.3:2

Wilmington annual meeting and, 2024;XXXVI.2:6

zinnias in garden of, 2023;XXXV.4:9

Gibson, William

Foster Marshall’s 19th-century Abbeville, SC garden and, 2014;XXVII.3:1

Gifford, Sanford Robinson

Hudson River School Visions: The Landscapes of Sanford R. Gifford (exhibition), 2003;XVIII.4:14

Gilbert, Alma M.

A Place of Beauty: Artists and Gardens of the Cornish Colony (with Tankard, in print), 2000;XV.4:13

Gilbert, Gail and Parker

Mulberry plantation and, 2015;XXVIII.4:12

Gilbert, Travis

Wilmington annual meeting and, 2024;XXXVI.2:6

Gilder, Richard Watson

as Century magazine publisher, 1994;XI.1:1

Gilles, John Wallace

as Shipman gardens photographer, 2021;XXXIV.2:11

Gillette, Charles Freeman

John Lee Pratt’s Chatham Manor, 2017;XXX.3:8

Monticello Landscape restoration, 1923-1955 and, 2010;XXIII.1:1

Oakwood Place, (Rivermont suburb of Lynchburg), 2013;XXVI.2:5

Orton plantation, NC and, 2024;XXXVI.2:6

Preserving 20th-century gardens of, 2007;XXI.2:1

Richmond, VA landscape architecture practice of, 1994;X.4:10

Virginia Executive Mansion gardens and, 2012;XXV.3:8

Gilliam, Martha Anne and Statham

Lynchburg annual meeting tour, 2013;XXVI.2:5

Gilliard Farms, Brunswick, GA

Learning from the Past, RSGL conference, 2015;XXVIII.4:5

The Gilliflower Times

North American Dianthus Society, 2001;XVI.3:9

Gilmer Pippin apples

as family apple from Clay County, Alabama, 2024;XXXVI.3:1

Gilpin, William

The Poetry of Place: Landscapes of Thomas Coram & Charles Fraser (exhibition), 1998;XIV.2:10

ginseng, American (Panax quinquefolius)

sculpture, Porcelain and Decorative Arts Museum and, 2021;XXXIV.1:7

Ginter (Lewis) Botanical Garden

annual meeting tours, 1994;X.2:8

Awarded Top Museum Honor, 2012;XXV.1:10

Richmond annual meeting tours, 2012;XXV.1:8, 2012;XXV.3:8

Girard, Jeffery

Natchitoches annual meeting speaker, 2023;XXXV.3:1

Girl Scouts USA

Savannah Clermont Lee-designed garden demolished, 2020;XXXIII.1:17

Gisquare Technologies B.V.

The Sage & Rosemary Tree, 2000;XVI.1:10

Givhan, Edgar G., II

on Alabama garden restoration projects, 1985;I.2:2

call for archives and, 1990;VII.2:16

Charter Member, 2002;XVII.4:16

Conversations with a Southern Gardener, with Peggy Givhan (in print), 1999;XV.2:13

elected Honorary Board Member, 2002;XVIII.1:14

elected to SGHS board of directors, 1992;VIII.4:15, 1996;XII.3:9

as ex officio board member, 1990;VII.1:3

Fall Board meeting, 1988;V.2:3, 1997;XIII.1:12, 1998;XIII.4:5, 2000;XVI.2:12, 2001;XVII.2:7, 2002;XVIII.1:14

Heritage Gardens (in print), 1993;IX.3:14

Magnolia evolution and, 2002;XVII.4:5

Mobile annual meeting chair, 1992;VIII.4:2, 1994;X.2:10, 1994;X.4:6, 1994;XI.2:9, 1995;XI.4:1

Montgomery annual meeting, 1986;II.3:4

Mount Vernon annual meeting, 1990;VII.1:4

in the news, 1990;VII.1:13

obituary, 2004;XIX.4:8

The plant reporter: searching for pink Roman hyacinths, 1990;VII.1:9

The plant reporter: what is this flower? 1990;VI.3:8

rotating off Board of Directors, 1994;XI.2:11

SGHS: An Informal History, 2002;XVII.4:3

as SGHS past president, 2002;XVII.4:16

SGHS photos (1982–2002), 2002;XVII.4:9

Spring Board meeting, 1994;X.4:6, 1999;XV.1:14, 2002;XVIII.1:14

Givhan, Peggy

Conversations with a Southern Gardener, with Ed Givhan (in print), 1999;XV.2:13

Fall Board meeting, 2002;XVIII.1:14

Montgomery annual meeting and, 1986;II.4:9

in the news, 1990;VII.1:13


The LeConte Botanic Garden, GA, 2016;XXIX.3:1

Louis LeConte’s Bulb Garden, 1813-1838, 2014;XXVII.1:1

Gladiolus communis byzantinus

at Mountain Shoals, SC, 1838 to the present, 2011;XXIV.1:1

Gladney, Mrs. Frank

Charter Member, 2002;XVII.4:16

Glasgow, Ellen

The “Awful Ailanthus” A Love-to-Hate Story, 2017;XXX.1:1

Biological Thought in Eighteenth-Century Agriculture, 2000;XVI.2:1

on dairy farming in 1925, 2013;XXVI.3:1

Gleason, H. A.

The New Britton on perennial pink wood sorrel, 1994;X.3:5

Gleaves, Chuck

in the news, 2003;XVIII.2:15

Glenblythe Plantation, Brenham, TX. See also Affleck, Thomas

description, 1991;VIII.1:5

Glen Leven Farm

Nashville annual meeting tour, 2015;XXVIII.2:1

Glen Saint Mary Nurseries, FL

George Lindley Taber and the Orchid Azalea, 2017;XXX.4:1

How the ‘George L. Taber’ Azalea Came to Bayou Bend, 2018;XXXI.4:9

Jacksonville, FL annual meeting tour, 2017;XXX.4:7, 2018;XXXI.1:1

Glenstone (Maryland museum)

Mount Vernon annual meeting tour, 2010;XXIII.3:6

Glick, Barry

American Council for Plant Preservation and, 1992;VIII.3:11

Glidden, Linda

Oatlands Greenhouse and, 2001;XVI.3:11

Gloaming Nursery, Clarkesville, GA

Jarvis Van Buren: Georgia Horticulturist, Writer, Nurseryman, and Builder, 2000;XVI.1:1

The Glory of Gardens: 2,000 Years of Writings on Garden Design (Tilden, ed.)

in print, 2006;XX.3:14

Glover, Charles, plantation, SC

The Poetry of Place: Landscapes of Thomas Coram & Charles Fraser (exhibition) and, 1998;XIV.2:10

Glover, John

Borde Hill Garden: A Plant Hunter’s Paradise (review), 2022;XXXV.1:9

Godfrey, Richard

Middleton Plantation, SC and, 2015;XXVIII.3:1

Godfrey, Rose

Natchez annual meeting (20th Anniversary), 2002;XVII.4:5

Godsey, Rie and Eddie

Lynchburg annual meeting tour, 2013;XXVI.2:5

Godshall, Nancy

The Peggy Martin Rose: as Katrina survivor, 2006;XX.3:5

The Peggy Martin Rose Awards, 2011;XXIV.1:7

Goetcheus, Cari

Cultural Landscape Lab at Stratford Hall, 2012;XXV.2:1

documenting vernacular landscapes, 2021;XXXIV.2:1

Progress on the Historic American Landscapes Survey (HALS), 2004;XIX.3:15

Goetz, Ellin

Moonlight Garden at Edison & Ford Winter Estates, 2006;XX.4:13

Goizueta Gardens, Atlanta History Center’s

Cherokee Garden Library and, 2021;XXXIV.1:1

The Golden Age of American Gardens: Proud Owners, Private Estates, 1890–1940 (Griswold and Weller)

Eastern Shore, MD annual meeting and, 1996;XII.3:7

McFarland on garden history canon and, 2021;XXXIII.3:8

in print, 1991;VIII.2:10

review, 1991;VIII.2:9

Tankard on garden history canon and, 2021;XXXIII.4:11

Golden Grove Plantation, Greenville, SC

tea cultivation at, 1993;IX.2:10

Golden Number

Nouveau Jardinier de la Louisiane (Lelievre, 1838), 1999;XV.2:1

goldenrod (Solidago)

at Coastal Georgia Botanical Gardens and Historic Bamboo Farm, 2021;XXXIII.4:1

Gonzalez-Alvarez House

Jacksonville, FL annual meeting tours, 2018;XXXI.1:1

Goodloe, Daniel

Olmsted in the Antebellum South, 2006;XX.4:1

Goodrich, Chauncey

Pharsalia: Former Virginia Plantation, 2013;XXVI.1:1

Goodrum, Mrs. J.

Preserving 20th-century gardens of, 2007;XXI.2:1

Goodson, Martia

on Porcher’s Resources of the Southern Fields and Forests, 2004;XIX.1:7

Goodwin, Craufurd and Nancy

Montrose Nursery, Hillsborough, NC and, 1992;VIII.4:11

Goodwin, Nancy

Classic Bulbs, Hidden Treasures for the Modern Garden (Whiteside) and, 1991;VIII.2:10

Duffy award to, 1995;XI.3:11

Montrose: Life in a Garden (review), 2005;XX.2:12

A Year In Our Gardens: Letters (with Lacy, review), 2001;XVI.4:15

Goodwin, William Archer Rutherford

The Myth of the Colonial Herb Garden, 2005;XX.2:14

on Williamsburg’s eighteenth century appearance, 1994;X.4:3

Goodwood Museum & Garden, Tallahassee, FL

Keeping Memory Green Symposium, 2001;XVII.1:8

in the news, 1998;XIII.4:11

A Southern Plant List, 1999;XV.1:15

Tallahassee annual meeting and, 1994;XI.2:9, 1996;XII.3:6, 1997;XIII.2:5

Gordon, Alexander

The LeConte Botanic Garden, GA, 2016;XXIX.3:1

Louis LeConte’s Bulb Garden, 1813-1838, 2014;XXVII.1:1

Gordon, John B.

George Kidd and, 2019;XXXII.3:7


Franklinias and, 2024;XXXVI.2:1

Gordon-Reed, Annette

The Taliaferro Cider Apple, 2018;XXXI.1:10

Gore, Michael

National Trust meeting on landscape preservation speaker, 1990;VII.2:9

The Southern Vernacular Landscape, RSGL conference, 1991;VII.4:7

Goshen Gentry

Flowery Dale Plantation, NC and, 1986;II.3:8

Gosse, Philip Henry

A New World, RSGL conference, 2011;XXIV.4:6

Philip Henry Gosse (Mullen and Littleton, in print), 2011;XXIV.2:7

Gould, John C.

Edward L. Daugherty and, 2008;XXII.2:10


loofah as, 2021;XXXIV.1:17

Goyne, Minetta Altgelt

A Life Among the Texas Flora, Ferdinand Lindheimer’s Letters to George Englemann (translation) (review), 1992;IX.1:9

Grace Episcopal Church, Clarkesville, GA

Jarvis Van Buren: Georgia Horticulturist, Writer, Nurseryman, and Builder, 2000;XVI.1:1

Grace Episcopal Church and cemetery, St. Francisville, LA

St. Francisville, LA annual meeting tours, 1991;VII.4:1

Graddy, Peggy and Joe

Homestead, Lexington, KY, 2017;XXX.2:6

Graham, Amy

on Longue Vue House and Gardens restoration, 2017;XXX.4:7, 2018;XXXI.1:1

Graham, Jeffrey R.

Camden annual meeting speaker, 2009;XXII.4:4

Graham, William A.

Camerons landscape gardening at Burnside, Hillsborough, NC and, 1995;XI.3:1

Montrose Nursery, Hillsborough, NC and, 1992;VIII.4:11

graining technique

Mosca on analysis of, 1990;VII.1:4

Grandison, Ian

African-American landscape symposium speaker, 1995;XI.4:5

Grandmother’s Garden: The Old-Fashioned American Garden 1865-1915 (Hill)

review, 1996;XII.2:9

“The Grange” in Alresford, Hampshire, England

Battle-Friedman house garden research and, 1988;IV.3:8

Granny Neighbors apples

as family apple from Clay County, Alabama, 2024;XXXVI.3:1

“Granny’s Old Blush” rose

Flowery Dale Plantation, NC and, 1986;II.3:8

Grant, Ann Elizabeth Crenshaw

Musk Rose in America and, 2001;XVII.2:1

Grant, Bernice Echols

Brunswick, Georgia squares and, 2014;XXVII.4:8

Grant, Charles Spotswood

Musk Rose in America and, 2001;XVII.2:1

Grant, Cynthia E.

Charter Member, 2002;XVII.4:16

Grant, D. Greg

The Arcadian Gardener, 2014;XXVII.4:11, 2015;XXVIII.2:6, 2016;XXIX.2:6

Blumen auf dem Grab (flowers on the grave) Round Top cemetery, 1993;IX.3:6

on ‘Cramoisi Superieur’ rose, 1994;X.4:7

on Diane Thames Welch, 2007;XXI.1:14

Eudora Welty House Garden Opens to Public, 2004;XIX.1:10

Fall Board meeting, 2012;XXV.4:11

on Flora Ann Bynum Award and Medal to Welch, 2016;XXIX.2:10

on Fortune’s plant introductions in Texas, 2003;XVIII.4:1

The German influence on the Texas landscape, 1993;IX.4:10

In Greg’s Garden: A Pineywoods Perspective on Gardening, Nature and Family (in print), 2013;XXVI.1:7

Heirloom Gardening in the South: Yesterday’s Plants for Today’s Gardens (with Welch, in print), 2011;XXIV.4:10

International Heritage Rose Conference, Charleston, 2001;XVII.2:8

Lynn R. Lowrey, Plantsman, 1999;XV.1:1

Mount Vernon annual meeting, 2022;XXXIV.4:1

on Narcissus x intermedius, 1991;VII.4:5

Natchitoches annual meeting tours, 2023;XXXV.3:1

New Orleans annual meeting, 2004;XIX.2:12

in the news, 1999;XV.1:16, 2012;XXV.3:11, 2017;XXX.2:11, 2018;XXXI.1:15, 2019;XXXII.2:13

Oktober Gartenfest in Winedale, Texas, 2000;XVI.2:8

Oktober Gartenfest Texas Style, 2007;XXI.1:13

Otto Locke (1859–1927) and the Oldest Nursery in Texas, 2000;XVI.1:14

pink Roman Hyacinth (Hyacinthus orientalis) and, 2008;XXII.2:16

Proceedings of the 9th International Heritage Rose Conference (in print), 2002;XVIII.1:15

Roman hyacinth sightings, 1991;VII.4:5

The Rose Rustlers (with Welch, review), 2017;XXX.3:10

RSGL conference speaker, 1993;IX.3:16, 1994;X.2:5, 1995;XII.1:1

The Southern Heirloom Garden (with Welch, in print), 1995;XI.3:13

The Southern Heirloom Garden (with Welch, review), 1996;XII.2:10

Spring Board meeting, 2011;XXIV.3:11

Texas Fruit & Vegetable Gardening (in print), 2012;XXV.2:11

Texas Gardening… Adventures In Success (Oktober Gartenfest), 2001;XVI.4:12

Texas State Ambassador’s Present “300 Years of Plants on the Move,” 2018;XXXI.4:11

on Weeping March flowers, 1995;XI.3:12

The Worm Tree: The Arcadian Gardener, 2016;XXIX.4:9

Grant, Jackie

New Orleans annual meeting, 2004;XIX.2:12

Grant, James H.

Musk Rose in America and, 2001;XVII.2:1

Grant, John Thomas house and garden

Athens, GA annual meeting, 2008;XXII.1:8


The Civil War Diary of Catherine Ann Devereux Edmondston, 2013;XXVI.4:1

Herbemont or Warren, gardens of Historic Columbia and, 2022;XXXIV.3:1

vines imported to S. Carolina, 1992;VIII.3:6

Gratz Park Historic District, Lexington, KY

Lexington annual meeting tour, 2017;XXX.2:6

Grave Landscapes: The Nineteenth-Century Rural Cemetery Movement (Cothran and Danylchak)

in print, 2018;XXXI.1:14

Graves, Mrs. Robert W.

Charter Member, 2002;XVII.4:16

Gray, Asa

Lindheimer’s plant collecting in Texas and, 1993;IX.4:10

Gray, Margie and Sam

Birmingham annual meeting tours, 2019;XXXII.2:6

Gray, Sandy

iris paradise at Coastal Georgia Botanical Gardens and, 2022;XXXIV.3:7

Gray, Stan

iris paradise at Coastal Georgia Botanical Gardens and, 2022;XXXIV.3:7

Gray, William Fairfax

on de Zavala family near Houston, TX, 2004;XIX.3:1

Graylyn estate, Winston-Salem, NC

Gardening in a Golden Age, RSGL conference tours, 2017;XXX.2:1

Great Gardens of America (Richardson)

in print, 2010;XXIII.1:13

review, 2010;XXIII.4:10

Great Smoky Mountains National Park

Dyer on Cades Cove Historic District farmsteads and, 1989;VI.2:2

Green, Bobby

Eudora Welty House Garden Opens to Public, 2004;XIX.1:10

Green, Mrs. John T.

Charter Member, 2002;XVII.4:16

Green, Roland

Daffodils in Georgia’s Landscape, 2008;XXI.4:1

Greene, Thomas M.

Charter Member, 2002;XVII.4:16

Greene, Wesley

“Butter and Eggs” Daffodil is Likely ‘Derwydd’ not ‘Van Sion’, 2003;XVIII.2:12

Colonial Williamsburg’s Garden Symposium on heirloom gardening, 2004;XIX.2:9

Evolution of the Lawn, 2005;XX.2:5

The Evolution of the Williamsburg Landscape, 1999;XV.1:14

Feeding the American South, RSGL conference, 2013;XXVI.1:11, 2013;XXVI.2:10

Garden History Seminar: 75 Years of Colonial Williamsburg’s Gardens, 2001;XVI.4:12

John Custis and the Transatlantic Plant Trade, 2007;XXI.1:4

in the news, 2003;XVIII.2:15

as professional gardener in Williamsburg, 1997;XIII.3:1

Richmond annual meeting speaker, 2012;XXV.3:8

A Southern Plant List, 1999;XV.1:15

Vegetable Gardening the Colonial Williamsburg Way (in print), 2012;XXV.1:11

Williamsburg annual meeting speaker, 1994;X.4:1

Green Enchantment (Clarkson with T. Martin foreward)

reissued, 1991;VIII.1:12

The Greener Side of Texas

annual meeting, 1999;XV.1:12

Greenfield Park, Wilmington, NC

annual meeting, 2023;XXXV.4:12

Green Grows the City (Nichols)

reprint, 2006;XX.4:18


The Maryland orangeries, 1996;XII.3:1

at Mondawmin, MD, inventory at sale of, 1991;VIII.1:1

Green Immigrants: The Plants That Transformed America (Haughton)

on tea cultivation in America, 1993;IX.3:14

Green-Meldrim mansion, Savannah, GA

Clermont Lee, (1914-2006) and, 2014;XXVII.2:1

Greensboro, Henry Watson

The “Awful Ailanthus” A Love-to-Hate Story, 2017;XXX.1:1

Green Spring Gardens, Fairfax County, VA

Beatrix Farrand Landscape restoration at, 2015;XXVIII.4:15

Mount Vernon annual meeting, 2022;XXXIV.4:1

Greenville County (SC) Museum of Art

The Charleston Renaissance (exhibition), 1999;XIV.4:10

Gregor, Sharon

in the news, 1998;XIV.3:8

Gregory, James

Life in the Garden at Nomini Hall, 2019;XXXII.1:1

Grelen Nursery

early Stratford Hall garden restoration revisited, 2020;XXXIII.1:1

Grenville, Richard

The Elizabethan Gardens, NC, 2016;XXIX.1:6

The Grid and the River: Philadelphia’s Green Places, 1682–1876 (Milroy)

in print, 2016;XXIX.3:13

Griffin, Florence Phillips

annual business meeting, 2009;XXII.4:8

Atlanta annual meeting (1983), 1983;HTI.1:1, 1983;HTI.2:1, 2003;XVIII.3:4

call for archives and, 1990;VII.2:16

Charter Member, 2002;XVII.4:16

Cherokee Garden Library, Atlanta and, 2021;XXXIV.2:1

comments on Magnolia as SGHS newsletter name, 1984;I.1:1

elected Honorary Board Member, 2002;XVIII.1:14

elected SGHS president, 1992;VIII.4:15

Fall Board meeting, 1983;HTI.3:1, 1985;II.2:3, 1988;V.2:3

on First SGHS Board, 2002;XVII.4:16

on Georgia garden of the Civil War Reconstruction Era, 1995;XI.4:6

index of Magnolia, Vols. I–XIV and, 1998;XIII.4:5

Jane Symmes and, 2021;XXXIV.1:18

Magnolia bound copies available and, 2000;XV.4:14

Magnolia Essays and, 1993;IX.3:16

Magnolia evolution and, 2002;XVII.4:5

Magnolia index and, 2021;XXXIV.1:2

Mount Vernon annual meeting, 1990;VII.1:4, 2000;XV.4:10

in the news, 1995;XI.3:16

The plant reporter: what is this flower? 1990;VI.3:8

publications committee and, 1986;III.1:1, 1991;VIII.1:9

re-elected to SGHS board of directors, 1997;XIII.2:12

in remembrance, 2008;XXII.1:15, 2008;XXII.2:16

Roman hyacinth research by, 1991;VII.3:5

Roman hyacinths and, 1993;X.1:14

Roman hyacinth sightings, 1991;VII.4:5

SGHS: An Informal History, 2002;XVII.4:3

SGHS organizing meeting, 1983;HTI.1:1

Spring Board meeting, 1983;HTI.2:1, 1994;X.4:6, 2000;XV.4:9

Washington/Fayette Counties, TX annual meeting and, 1993;IX.4:9

Williamsburg annual meeting, 1994;X.4:1

William W. Griffin obituary, 2002;XVII.3:2

Griffin, Gail Collmann

Annapolis annual meeting, 2007;XXI.2:8

annual business meeting, 2005;XX.1:15, 2007;XXI.2:14

annual meeting 2000 and, 2021;XXXIII.3:1

The “Awful Ailanthus” A Love-to-Hate Story, 2017;XXX.1:1

Biltmore annual meeting and, 1998;XIV.2:6

as Birmingham Botanical Gardens speaker, 1997;XIII.1:8

on book in print, 2020;XXXIII.2:15

Certificate of Merit, 2023;XXXV.3:1

elected to SGHS board of directors, 1998;XIV.2:6

Fall Board meeting, 1998;XIV.3:10, 2000;XVI.2:12, 2001;XVII.2:7, 2004;XIX.3:11, 2006;XX.4:15, 2007;XXI.3:14, 2010;XXIII.1:14, 2012;XXV.4:11

Flora Ann Bynum Award and Medal for, 2014;XXVII.1:10

Fredericksburg annual meeting (2005) planning, 2003;XVIII.4:2

Jacksonville, FL annual meeting tours, 2018;XXXI.1:1

In Memory of Jane Campbell Symmes, 2021;XXXIV.1:18

Mount Vernon annual meeting coordinator, 2010;XXIII.3:6, 2019;XXXII.3:12, 2022;XXXIV.4:1

in the news, 2017;XXX.4:11

Second Annual Bellefield Design Lecture, Hyde Park, NY, 2007;XXI.1:8

SGHS: An Informal History, 2002;XVII.4:3

on SGHS financial support of RSGL conference, 2021;XXXIV.1:2

SGHS photos (1982–2002), 2002;XVII.4:9

SGHS policies and procedures manual and, 2022;XXXIV.4:2

on Smith Farm restoration, Atlanta, 2021;XXXIV.1:1

Spring Board meeting, 1999;XV.1:14, 2001;XVI.4:13, 2006;XX.3:4, 2007;XXI.2:14, 2008;XXI.4:15, 2010;XXIII.3:5, 2021;XXXIV.1:2, 2022;XXXIV.4:7

Summer Board meeting (virtual), 2020;XXXIII.1:18

on Virginia Hart retirement, 2019;XXXII.1:10

Wilmington annual meeting and, 2024;XXXVI.2:15

Griffin, William W. “Bill”

Cherokee Garden Library, Atlanta and, 2021;XXXIV.2:1

obituary, 2002;XVII.3:2

Spring Board meeting, 1983;HTI.2:1

Tallahassee annual meeting and, 1997;XIII.2:5

Washington/Fayette Counties, TX annual meeting and, 1993;IX.4:9

Williamsburg annual meeting, 1994;X.4:1

Griffith, Helen C.

Charter Member, 2002;XVII.4:16

Griffith, Lawrence D. “Larry”

Colonial Williamsburg’s Garden Symposium on heirloom gardening, 2004;XIX.2:9

Fall Board meeting, 1999;XV.2:14

Flowers and Herbs of Early America (in print), 2008;XXII.2:19

A Southern Plant List, 1999;XV.1:15

Grigg, Milton

Monticello Landscape restoration, 1923-1955 and, 2010;XXIII.1:1

Grigsby, Jan Jones

in the news, 1995;XI.3:16

Griswold, Mac K.

Catalog of Landscape Records in America and, 1988;IV.3:2

Ellen Biddle Shipman symposium speaker, 1997;XIII.3:12, 1998;XIV.1:12

The Golden Age of American Gardens (with Weller), 2021;XXXIII.4:11

The Golden Age of American Gardens (with Weller, in press), 1988;IV.4:2

The Golden Age of American Gardens (with Weller, in print), 1991;VIII.2:10

The Golden Age of American Gardens (with Weller, review), 1991;VIII.2:9

I’ll Build a Stairway to Paradise: A Life of Bunny Mellon (reviewed), 2023;XXXV.3:12

Groce, Todd

Georgia Chapter Launched, 2000;XV.3:16

Gronovius, John Frederick

Clayton’s plant collecting in colonial Virginia and, 1994;XI.2:1

Grote, JoAnn

RSGL conference, 1983;HTI.3:1

Grounds for Pleasure: Four Centuries of the American Garden (Otis)

in print, 2003;XVIII.3:14

Grundy, Felix

Carnton Plantation, TN and, 2015;XXVIII.1:1

Guggenheim, Solomon

Charleston Renaissance in inter-war period and, 1999;XIV.4:10

Guichard Soers Nurseries, France

Arthur Solomon’s camellias from, 2013;XXVI.3:5

A Guide to the Wildflowers of South Carolina (Porcher and Rayner)

in print, 2002;XVII.4:7

Guide to William Bartram’s Travels: Following the Trail of America’s First Great Naturalist (Sanders), 2024;XXXVI.1:2

Catron on garden history canon and, 2021;XXXIII.3:8

Guignard, J. S.

Mrs. Balfour: An Antebellum Vicksburg Gardener, 2002;XVII.3:1

Guillot, Nolan

Lynn R. Lowrey, Plantsman, 1999;XV.1:1

Gullah Geechee Culture

Wilmington, NC, 2024;XXXVI.2:6

Gulley, Larry

on hyacinths from White Flower Farm, 1991;VII.4:5

The plant reporter: searching for Roman hyacinths, 1991;VII.3:5

on tea cultivation in America, 1993;IX.3:14

Gundaker, Grey

School Gardening in Virginia, 1898-1948, Preliminary Research results, 2006;XX.3:10

Gunn (Louise Staton) Conservation Endowment Fund

Cherokee Garden Library, Atlanta and, 2021;XXXIV.2:1

Gunn, Louise Staton

Annapolis annual meeting, 2007;XXI.2:8

Cherokee Garden Library, Atlanta and, 2021;XXXIV.2:1

Fall Board meeting, 1994;XI.2:9

Houston annual meeting, 1999;XV.1:12

investigating indexing of Magnolia, 1994;XI.2:9

re-elected to SGHS board of directors, 1997;XIII.2:12

SGHS Board and, 1996;XII.3:9

Spring Board meeting, 1994;X.4:6, 2000;XV.4:9

Gunston Hall, VA

The George Mason Memorial Garden on the National Mall, 2001;XVI.3:10

Mount Vernon annual meeting, 1989;VI.1:11, 1989;VI.2:1, 1990;VII.1:4, 2022;XXXIV.4:1

Stratford Hall grounds and gardens restoration and, 2004;XIX.4:1

G. W. Vanderbilt’s Biltmore Estate: The Most Distinguished Private Place (R. M. Hunt)

publication of, 1994;XI.2:8

TOP | A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z


Habas, Mrs. Saul

Charter Member, 2002;XVII.4:16

Habel, Suzanne

Biltmore Estate forestry and, 1998;XIV.2:1

Hackman, Donna

Mount Vernon annual meeting host, 2010;XXIII.3:6

Hackworth apples

as Alabama variety, 2024;XXXVI.3:1

Hadfield, Miles

on Sir John Hill, 1998;XIV.3:11

Hadley, Craig

Unearthing the Past (RSGL conference speaker), 2005;XX.2:10

Haggin, James Ben Ali

Lexington annual meeting tours, 2017;XXX.2:6

Hagood, Mary Beth

New Orleans annual meeting, 2004;XIX.2:12

Hagood, Mr. and Mrs. James

preserving Charleston’s landscape legacy, 2004;XIX.4:9

Hairston, Peter and Columbia Stuart

Cooleemee Plantation, NC, RSGL conference tour, 2007;XXI.1:6

Haldeman, Ann Bruce

Craik-Patton House, WV restoration and, 1987;III.3:11

Hale, Thomas

Farmer Washington at Mount Vernon, 1759-1799, 2000;XV.3:1

Half My World, The Anne Spencer House and Garden, A History and Guide (Frischkorn and Rainey, 2005)

The Garden of Anne Spencer, 2005;XX.1:7

Hall (Ainsley) House, Columbia, SC

Historic Columbia’s management of, 2022;XXXIV.3:1

Hall, Bill

as state Magnolia co-editor for Arkansas, 1987;IV.1:14

on Trapnall Hall landscape restoration funding, 1988;IV.3:7

The trees at Somerset Place: living artifacts, 1993;IX.4:14

Hall, Carol

on garden hats and bonnets at RSGL conference, 1995;XII.1:1

RSGL conference “how-to” sessions and, 1988;IV.4:9

Hall, George

Old Salem’s Hidden Town Project, 2019;XXXII.3:1

Hall, James B.

Jacksonville, FL annual meeting, 2018;XXXI.1:1

Hall, William

Lipton Tea Company and, 1993;IX.2:10

Hallock, Thomas

on William Bartram, 2010;XXIII.4:1

William Bartram, The Search for Nature’s Design (with Hoffmann, eds., in print), 2011;XXIV.2:7

Haltom, (Eleanor) Glenn Lamb

annual meeting 1990 and, 2021;XXXIII.3:1

call for archives and, 1990;VII.2:16

Charter Member, 2002;XVII.4:16

elected to SGHS board of directors, 1992;VIII.4:15

The Founding and Early Beginnings Of the SGHS, 2002;XVII.4:3

Homage to a Founding Board Member (1930-2013), 2013;XXVI.3:9

Natchez annual meeting, 1983;HTI.2:2, 1983;HTI.3:1

Officers and Directors of the First SGHS Board, 2002;XVII.4:16

Return to the River: A Gala 20th Anniversary Event, 2002;XVII.4:5

rotating off Board of Directors, 1996;XII.3:9

SGHS organizing meeting, 1983;HTI.1:1

SGHS Revisited - The First Regional Chapter (2000), 2000;XV.4:15

Spring Board meeting, 1994;X.4:6

as state Magnolia editor for Mississippi, 1987;IV.1:14, 1987;IV.2:11, 1989;V.4:7, 1990;VII.2:15

walking map of roses in Natchez by, 1993;X.1:13

Haltom, Kay

Florence Griffin remembrance, 2008;XXII.2:16

Haltom, Susan

annual business meeting, 2005;XX.1:15, 2007;XXI.2:14, 2008;XXI.4:14, 2018;XXXI.1:5

book review, 2017;XXX.3:10

Certificate of Merit, 2022;XXXIV.4:2, 2022;XXXIV.4:7

Cherokee Garden Library, Atlanta and, 2021;XXXIV.2:1

Eudora Welty House Garden Opens to Public, 2004;XIX.1:10

Eudora Welty’s Garden Reborn, 2001;XVI.4:13

Fall Board meeting, 2004;XIX.3:11, 2012;XXV.4:11

Flora Ann Bynum Award and Medal to Welch, 2016;XXIX.2:10

on Heritage Rose Foundation meeting in Natchez, 1993;X.1:13

as honorary SGHS board member, 2023;XXXV.3:1

on Jackson, MS friends, 2024;XXXVI.1:1

Jacksonville, FL annual meeting, 2018;XXXI.1:1

Lexington annual meeting welcome, 2017;XXX.2:6

Magnolia articles review committee, 2003;XVIII.4:2

Mobile annual meeting, 2024;XXXVI.3:11

in the news, 2005;XX.2:4, 2012;XXV.1:6, 2016;XXIX.1:11

One Writer’s Garden: Eudora Welty’s Home Place (with Brown, in print), 2011;XXIV.4:10

The Restored Eudora Welty Garden Ten Years On, 2014;XXVII.4:1

SGHS policies and procedures manual, 2020;XXXIII.1:18

Spring Board meeting, 2002;XVIII.1:14, 2006;XX.3:4, 2007;XXI.2:14

as state Magnolia editor for Mississippi, 1987;III.3:2

on Welty as gardener at RSGL conference, 1995;XII.1:1

Halton (D. F.) Foundation

Wing Haven to purchase Elizabeth Lawrence House and Garden and, 2007;XXI.3:15

Ham House Kitchen Garden, London

Jordan’s visit to, 1990;VII.2:10

Hamilton, Alexander

garden memoranda in Sotheby’s sale of papers of, 2017;XXX.1:6

Hamilton, Charles

John Bartram Heritage Plant Collection for Painshill and, 2006;XX.3:6

Painshill in Surrey, England and (1738), 2010;XXIII.4:1

Hamilton, William

The “Awful Ailanthus” A Love-to-Hate Story, 2017;XXX.1:1

Osage oranges and, 2024;XXXVI.2:11

Hammond-Harwood House, Annapolis, MD

annual meeting tour, 1985;I.3:2, 2007;XXI.2:8

The Hammonds of Redcliffe (Bleser, ed.)

review, 1998;XIII.4:7

Hamor, Ralph

on early southern apple orchards, 2024;XXXVI.3:1

Hampton, Baltimore Co., MD

orangery at, 1996;XII.3:1

Hampton Institute, VA

Oakland Cemetery’s Early Landscapes, 2018;XXXI.1:6

Hampton Park, SC

International Heritage Rose Conference, Charleston, 2001;XVII.2:8

Hampton-Preston Mansion, Columbia, SC

Historic Columbia’s management of, 2022;XXXIV.3:1

Hampton-Preston Mansion, SC

Bergholz, Summer, and the Gardens of Antebellum Columbia, SC, 2000;XV.3:11

Hampton University

School Gardening in Virginia, 1898-1948, Preliminary Research results, 2006;XX.3:10

Hancock, Carol S.

Charter Member, 2002;XVII.4:16

Hand, E. D.

Adina de Zavala and, 2004;XIX.3:1

Handbook of African Medicinal Plants (Iwu, 1993)

The Sage & Rosemary Tree, 2000;XVI.1:10

H.A.N.D.S. (Home and Neighborhood Development Sponsors)

Haywood Hall gardens restoration, Raleigh, and, 1987;IV.1:6

Hanes (James G. and Molly Ruffin) Garden

Ellen Biddle Shipman in Winston-Salem, NC and, 2018;XXXI.4:1

Hanes (James G.) estate, Winston-Salem, NC

Gardening in a Golden Age, RSGL conference tours, 2017;XXX.2:1

Hanes (Robert M. and Mildred Borden) Garden

Ellen Biddle Shipman in Winston-Salem, NC and, 2018;XXXI.4:1

Hanes, Frederick M.

Sarah P. Duke garden at Duke University and, 1993;IX.2:7

Hanes, Judith

RSGL conference speaker, 1989;VI.2:2

Hanes, P. Huber, Sr. and Evelyn Hazen

Ellen Biddle Shipman in Winston-Salem, NC and, 2018;XXXI.4:1

Hanes, Ralph and DeWitt Chatham

Ellen Biddle Shipman in Winston-Salem, NC and, 2018;XXXI.4:1

Gardening in a Golden Age, RSGL conference, 2017;XXX.2:1

Hanna, Beaty

Our Woodland Oasis in Birmingham, 2019;XXXII.1:8

Hanna, Jennifer

Friends of Elizabeth Lawrence, 2004;XIX.3:12

Hannah, Daryl

Steel Magnolias and, 2023;XXXV.2:8

Hanson, Alexander Contee

Annapolis Garden of William Faris and, 2006;XX.4:12

Hanson, Beth

The Best Apples to Buy and Grow (in print), 2006;XX.3:14

Hanszen, Harry

Country Place era in Houston and, 1993;IX.4:1

Haphazard Plantation, Ala.

Jo Evans’ enthusiasm for gardening at, 1991;VIII.1:10

My mother’s garden (Evans essay), 1988;V.1:3

Happy Hill, Salem, NC

Hidden Town Project and, 2019;XXXII.3:1, 2021;XXXIII.3:16

Mel White’s study of, 1998;XIII.4:1

Harbison, Thomas Grant

UNC herbarium and, 2021;XXXIV.1:11

Hardcastle, Anne

The Garden History Society of Great Britain, 2002;XVII.4:17

Harden, Jane

Louis LeConte’s Bulb Garden, 1813-1838, 2014;XXVII.1:1

Harden, Matilda

Louis LeConte’s Bulb Garden, 1813-1838, 2014;XXVII.1:1

Harelson (Randy) Scholarship Fund

creation of, 2024;XXXVI.3:2

Harelson, Jack Randolph “Randy”

annual meeting (2023) announcement, 2022;XXXV.1:2

Bartram’s Travels 250th Anniversary, 2024;XXXVI.1:2

Bartram Trail Dedication in Louisiana, 2015;XXVIII.2:10

Baton Rouge annual meeting speaker, 2011;XXIV.3:5

Loofah! Loofah! 2021;XXXIV.1:17

The Louisiana Work of Margaret Stones, 2019;XXXII.2:1

Mount Vernon annual meeting, 2022;XXXIV.4:1

Natchitoches annual meeting, 2023;XXXV.3:1, 2023;XXXV.4:14

on Natchitoches history and cultural landscape highlights, 2023;XXXV.2:8

in the news, 2012;XXV.3:11

night-blooming cereus of, 2024;XXXVI.1:1

obituary, 2024;XXXVI.2:2

remembering Genevieve Trimble, 2023;XXXV.4:11

Spring Board meeting, 2021;XXXIV.1:2, 2022;XXXIV.4:7

on State Ambassadors Program, 2021;XXXIV.1:2

State Ambassadors Program and, 2017;XXX.3:10

Summer Board meeting (virtual), 2020;XXXIII.1:18

Susan Haltom Awarded Certificate of Merit and, 2022;XXXIV.4:2

Texas State Ambassador’s Present “300 Years of Plants on the Move,” 2018;XXXI.4:11

on zinnia on ceiling of Walter Anderson’s cottage in Ocean Springs, Mississippi, 2023;XXXV.4:10

zinnias in garden of, 2023;XXXV.4:9

Hargrave, Carolyn

The Louisiana Work of Margaret Stones, 2019;XXXII.2:1

Hargrett, Frances Spratlin

Cherokee Garden Library, Atlanta and, 2021;XXXIV.2:1

Hargrett, Mrs. Haines

Charter Member, 2002;XVII.4:16

Hargrett, Pat

Cherokee Garden Library, Atlanta and, 2021;XXXIV.2:1

Harleigh, Easton, MD

Eastern Shore, MD annual meeting tours, 1996;XII.3:7

Harling, Robert

as Steel Magnolias author, 2023;XXXV.2:8

Harman, Helen, garden

Camden annual meeting tours, 2009;XXII.3:1, 2009;XXII.4:4

Harmon, Douglas

Fort Worth history, annual meeting, 2006;XX.3:7

Harmony, Hills, and History

Nashville annual meeting, 2015;XXVIII.2:1

Harper, Frances

The Travels of William Bartram: Naturalist Edition, 2021;XXXIII.3:8

Harper, Pamela

Alston Lecture Series speaker, 1995;XI.3:15

The plant reporter: what is this flower? 1990;VI.3:8

symposium celebrating Elizabeth Lawrence and, 1993;IX.2:13

Harper, Reuben, garden

New Orleans annual meeting tour, 2004;XIX.2:12

Harper, Terry M.

on Somerset Place, NC, trees as living artifacts, 1993;IX.4:14

Harper’s Monthly

on Carlyle House, Alexandria, VA, 1988;IV.3:6

Harrell, June

Athens annual meeting tours, 2008;XXII.1:8

Harrington, Caroline

In Memoriam, 2016;XXIX.1:10

Harriot, Thomas

plant collecting in colonial Virginia by, 1994;XI.2:1

Harris (William) Homestead, GA

documenting vernacular landscape at, 2021;XXXIV.2:1

Harris, Ernest

George Lindley Taber and the Orchid Azalea, 2017;XXX.4:1

Harris, Iverson L.

Jarvis Van Buren: Georgia Horticulturist, Writer, Nurseryman, and Builder, 2000;XVI.1:1

Harris, Jessica B.

on African American foodways at Cultivating History, RSGL conference, 2001;XVI.4:11

Harris, Mary

The Southern Bartram connection, 1987;IV.1:7

Harrison, Hetty Cary (Mrs. Fairfax)

early Stratford Hall garden restoration revisited, 2020;XXXIII.1:1

Stratford Hall grounds and gardens restoration and, 2004;XIX.4:1

Harrison, Louisa Collins

Mary Riggs Collins and the Somerset Place Gardens, 2001;XVI.4:1

Mrs. Balfour: An Antebellum Vicksburg Gardener, 2002;XVII.3:1

Harrison, Peter J.

Plans and Plants of the Southern Landscape, RSGL conference, 1999;XV.1:10, 2000;XV.3:9

Harrison, Thomas A.

Mrs. Balfour: An Antebellum Vicksburg Gardener, 2002;XVII.3:1

Harry, Cheryl

Learning from the Past, RSGL conference, 2015;XXVIII.4:5

Hart, Virginia “Gina”

Fall Board meeting, 2007;XXI.3:14

retirement, 2019;XXXII.1:10

SGHS policies and procedures manual and, 2022;XXXIV.4:2

as SGHS Webmaster, 2003;XVIII.3:15

SGHS web site steps boldly into the 21st century, 2007;XXI.2:18

Spring Board meeting, 2007;XXI.2:14, 2010;XXIII.3:5

website redesign, 2015;XXVIII.4:11

Hartlage, Richard

Ellen Biddle Shipman symposium speaker, 1998;XIV.1:12

Hartley, Martha B.

Feeding the American South, RSGL conference, 2013;XXVI.2:10

Gardening in a Golden Age, RSGL conference chair, 2017;XXX.2:1

Hidden Town Project, Old Salem update, 2021;XXXIII.3:16

Landscape, Race, and Culture, RSGL conference, 2019;XXXII.2:12

Learning from the Past, RSGL conference, 2015;XXVIII.2:7

Lost Landscapes, RSGL conference, 2007;XXI.3:6

A New World, RSGL conference, 2011;XXIV.2:1, 2011;XXIV.4:6

Old Salem’s Hidden Town Project, 2019;XXXII.3:1

RSGL conference history and, 2021;XXXIV.1:1

Sally Gant and RSGL conference, 2016;XXIX.2:11

Seeds with Stories: Old Salem Gathers Family Heirlooms, 2015;XXVIII.4:1

Hartley, Michael O.

Lost Landscapes, RSGL conference, 2007;XXI.1:6, 2007;XXI.3:6

Seeds with Stories: Old Salem Gathers Family Heirlooms, 2015;XXVIII.4:1

Hartrampf, Pat Crawford (Mrs. Carl, Jr.)

Atlanta annual meeting, 1983;HTI.1:1

Charter Member, 2002;XVII.4:16

Landscape and Gardening Tradition in Georgia (1733–1983) and, 1983;HTI.2:1

Harvard University

Dumbarton Oaks Garden and Park: A Celebration, 2020;XXXIII.2:2

Harvey, John

The Sage & Rosemary Tree, 2000;XVI.1:10

Harvey, Norman

Richmond annual meeting tours, 2012;XXV.3:8

Harwell, Faye

The George Mason Memorial Garden on the National Mall, 2001;XVI.3:10

Hascosea Plantation, NC

The Civil War Diary of Catherine Ann Devereux Edmondston on, 2013;XXVI.4:1

Haskell, Joan

Jacksonville, FL annual meeting, 2018;XXXI.1:1

Haskell, Joan and Preston, garden

Jacksonville, FL annual meeting tours, 2018;XXXI.1:1

Haslam, Crissy, garden

Nashville annual meeting tour, 2015;XXVIII.2:1

Hastert, Dennis

National Garden Breaks Ground, 2001;XVII.1:8

Hastie, Drayton

on Magnolia Plantation, SC, 2015;XXVIII.3:1

Hastings, Chris

Atlanta annual meeting (2003), 2021;XXXIV.2:1

Hastings’ & Co., Atlanta

Daffodils in Georgia’s Landscape, 2008;XXI.4:1

Hastings of Interlachen, Florida nursery

bulbs at Mountain Shoals, SC and, 1838 to the present, 2011;XXIV.1:1

catalogs, in Cherokee Garden Library, Atlanta, 2021;XXXIV.2:1

Hatch, Laurence C.

“A Sourcebook of Cultivar Names” (with Tucker, Kunst, and Vrugtman), 1995;XI.3:13

Hatch, Lou

Tom Burford Memorial Dedication, 2022;XXXV.1:19

Hatch, Mary C.

Mrs. Balfour: An Antebellum Vicksburg Gardener, 2002;XVII.3:1

Hatch, Peter J.

Anne Spencer’s Garden Restoration Continues, 2018;XXXI.3:6

annual business meeting, 2008;XXI.4:14

annual meeting 1990 and, 2021;XXXIII.3:1

Atlantic Monthly profile of, 1996;XII.3:12

book review, 1991;VII.3:10

book reviews, 2012;XXV.4:8

call for archives and, 1990;VII.2:16

Cherokee Garden Library, Atlanta and, 2021;XXXIV.2:1

The Cultivated Life: Thomas Jefferson and Wine (documentary), 2005;XX.2:4

elected SGHS president, 1998;XIV.2:6

elected SGHS vice-president, 1996;XII.3:9

elected to SGHS board of directors, 1992;VIII.4:15

Fall Board meeting, 1988;V.2:3, 1998;XIII.4:5, 1998;XIV.3:10, 2001;XVII.2:7, 2012;XXV.4:11

Favretti remembered by, 2023;XXXV.3:14

Feeding the American South, RSGL conference, 2013;XXVI.1:11, 2013;XXVI.2:10

Fine Gardening article on Monticello by, 1992;IX.1:13

Flora Ann Bynum and, 2015;XXVIII.4:10

Flora Ann Bynum Award and Medal for, 2012;XXV.3:8, 2012;XXV.3:11

The Fruits and Fruit Trees of Monticello: Thomas Jefferson and the Origins of American Horticulture (in print), 1998;XIV.1:10

on garden pests at Cultivating History, RSGL conference, 2001;XVII.1:9

Garden Writers Association Silver Award of Achievement to, 2013;XXVI.3:6

GCA Historic Preservation medal, 2011;XXIV.3:11

on Gloucester hickory, 2003;XVIII.2:12

Green Scene on Center for Historic Plants and, 1992;VIII.3:12

on heirloom plant list for the South, 1996;XII.3:8

Historic Landscape Institute speaker, 1998;XIV.2:14

on historic plants at Monticello, 1998;XIII.4:1

on horticulture in Jefferson’s Day, 2004;XIX.2:10

Horticulture review of The Fruits and Trees of Monticello by, 1999;XV.2:16

journal article reviews, 1990;VII.2:12

Massachusetts Horticultural Society awards to, 2004;XIX.3:12, 2016;XXIX.3:15

Mid-Atlantic Country on historic preservation and, 1994;X.4:12

Monticello, Charlottesville annual meeting host, 1987;III.3:3, 1987;IV.2:1

Mount Vernon annual meeting and, 1990;VII.1:4

Musk Rose in America and, 2001;XVII.2:1

A New World, RSGL conference, 2011;XXIV.2:1, 2011;XXIV.4:6

nominating committee and, 1997;XIII.1:12, 1998;XIII.4:5

on NPR’s “What Do Ya Know?,” 1998;XIV.3:8

as Old Salem horticulturalist, 2021;XXXIV.1:1

on Osage oranges, 2024;XXXVI.2:11

The painted ladies: flower gardening at Monticello, 1987;IV.2:3

Peckerwood Garden Conservation Foundation speaker, 2018;XXXI.4:15

Restoring the Monticello Landscape, 1923-1955, 2010;XXIII.1:1

Returning to Our Roots, RSGL conference, 2009;XXII.4:1, 2010;XXIII.1:9

Richmond annual meeting speaker, 2012;XXV.3:8

“A Rich Spot of Earth”: Thomas Jefferson’s Revolutionary Garden at Monticello (in print), 2012;XXV.2:11

Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh by, 2004;XIX.1:12

Second Anne Spencer Garden Restoration, 2010;XXIII.1:11

SGHS: An Informal History, 2002;XVII.4:3

as SGHS past president, 2002;XVII.4:16

SGHS photos (1982–2002), 2002;XVII.4:9

softball games, Mount Vernon–Monticello and, 1988;V.1:12, 1991;VIII.1:12

Southern Accents article on work of, 1997;XIII.3:11

on Southern garden pests at Cultivating History, RSGL conference, 2001;XVI.4:11

on Southern Plant Lists, 1996;XII.4:12, 1997;XIII.2:12, 1999;XV.1:15

Southern Plant Lists steering committee and, 1998;XIV.2:6

Spring Board meeting, 1994;X.4:6, 1999;XV.1:14, 2000;XV.4:9, 2008;XXI.4:15

on summer departures at Monticello, 1992;IX.1:14

The Taliaferro Cider Apple, 2018;XXXI.1:10

Thomas Jefferson Parkway funding and, 1994;X.2:10

Tom Burford Memorial Dedication, 2022;XXXV.1:19

Wild, Tamed, Lost, Revived: The Surprising Story of Apples in the South (Flynt, in print), 2024;XXXVI.1:7

Hatch’s Nursery, Vicksburg, MS

Mrs. Balfour: An Antebellum Vicksburg Gardener, 2002;XVII.3:1

Haughton, Claire Shaver

on tea cultivation in America, 1993;IX.3:14

Hauser, Johnnie and Jarvis

Seeds with Stories: Old Salem Gathers Family Heirlooms, 2015;XXVIII.4:1

Havey, Ruth

Dumbarton Oaks Garden and Park: A Celebration, 2020;XXXIII.2:2

Hawkins, Julia

The Louisiana Work of Margaret Stones, 2019;XXXII.2:1

Hawks, John

Tryon Palace description (1783) by, 1992;VIII.4:8

Tryon Palace gardens plan and, 1998;XIV.1:1

Hawley, W. O.

Coastal Georgia Botanical Gardens and Historic Bamboo Farm and, 2021;XXXIII.4:1

Hawthorne, Jason

as Thompson Lumber Co. employees, Willard, TX, circa 1900, 1993;IX.4:12

Haxall, William Henry

Hollywood Cemetery, Richmond, VA, 2012;XXV.1:1

Haydon, Stephen

Fort Worth annual meeting tours, 2006;XX.3:7

Hayes Plantation, NC

New Bern, NC annual meeting tours, 2001;XVI.4:14

Haynie, Will

Lost Landscapes, RSGL conference, 2007;XXI.1:6, 2007;XXI.3:6

Hays, Helen Ashe

Preserving 20th-century gardens and, 2007;XXI.2:8

Hays Plantation, Edenton, NC

Recreating a Federal period garden in eastern NC and, 1988;V.2:4

Hayward, Allyson M.

Journal of the New England Garden History Society and, 2002;XVII.4:19

Norah Lindsay: The Life and Art of a Garden Designer (review), 2007;XXI.3:10

Haywood, Burke

on Porcher’s recommendations for small pox treatment, 2004;XIX.1:7

Haywood, Eleanor Howard Hawkins

The plant reporter: the story of the Haywood crabapple, 1991;VIII.2:8

Haywood, Eliza (Mrs. John)

Haywood Hall gardens and, 1987;IV.1:6

Haywood, Mrs. Marshall DeLancey, Jr.

The plant reporter: the story of the Haywood crabapple, 1991;VIII.2:8

Haywood, Nancy F.

annual business meeting, 2005;XX.1:15, 2008;XXI.4:14

elected to SGHS board of directors, 1998;XIV.2:6

Fall Board meeting, 1998;XIII.4:5, 2003;XVIII.4:2

Fort Worth annual meeting, 2005;XX.1:15

Fredericksburg, VA annual meeting tours, 2005;XX.1:12

Houston annual meeting chair, 1997;XIII.1:12, 1997;XIII.2:12, 1998;XIII.4:5, 1998;XIV.3:10, 1999;XV.1:12

SGHS: An Informal History, 2002;XVII.4:3

SGHS Board and, 1995;XI.4:12, 1996;XII.3:9

SGHS photos (1982–2002), 2002;XVII.4:9

Spring Board meeting, 1999;XV.1:14, 2001;XVI.4:13, 2002;XVIII.1:14

Haywood, Richard Bennehan

The plant reporter: the story of the Haywood crabapple, 1991;VIII.2:8

Haywood, Sherwood

The plant reporter: the story of the Haywood crabapple, 1991;VIII.2:8

Haywood, Ted

Houston annual meeting, 1999;XV.1:12

Haywood Hall, Raleigh, NC

garden reconstruction, 1987;IV.1:6

Hazard, Ebenezer

Evolution of the Lawn, 2005;XX.2:5

Hazzard, Thomas

Daffodils in Georgia’s Landscape, 2008;XXI.4:1

Heade, Martin

Porcelain and Decorative Arts Museum and, 2021;XXXIV.1:7

Heade, Martin Johnson

paintings at National Gallery of Art, 2000;XV.3:14

Healy, Harry G.

as Shipman gardens photographer, 2021;XXXIV.2:11

Hearnes, David

Blount Mansion: An Urban Oasis in Knoxville, 2019;XXXII.4:1

Heath, Barbara

Historic Landscape Institute speaker, 1998;XIV.2:14

Heath, Brent

annual meeting 1990 and, 2021;XXXIII.3:1

on bulbs in Tucker-Coleman garden in Williamsburg, 1996;XII.2:1

Narcissus pseudonarcissus moschatus and, 1995;XI.3:12, 1995;XI.4:10

Refining the Garden symposium speaker, 1991;VIII.1:2

RSGL conference speaker, 2023;XXXV.2:1

Heath, Brent and Becky

Mount Vernon annual meeting speakers, 1990;VII.1:4

in the news, 2001;XVI.4:12

on old narcissus, 1991;VII.4:5

Heath, Mortimer O.

Sketches in North Carolina USA, 1872 to 1878: Vineyard Scenes (review), 2003;XVIII.3:9

heather bell

Tillman on, 1984;I.1:6

Heavner, Penelope F.

Annapolis annual meeting, 2007;XXI.2:8

The Garden Club of Virginia’s Research Fellowship Program, 2015;XXVIII.2:10

The Woodland Garden at Tregaron, 2010;XXIII.2:6

Hebron, John

Mrs. Balfour: An Antebellum Vicksburg Gardener, 2002;XVII.3:1

Heckel, Guerric

Mepkin Abbey Gardens—Native Plant Reclamation Project, 2010;XXIII.3:4

hedges and hedging

Affleck on, 1991;VII.4:11

Hedrick, U. P.

A History of Horticulture in America to 1860 (in print), 1989;V.3:5

Hehir, Sara A.

historic rock garden renovation in Atlanta and, 2014;XXVII.3:8

Heiges, Bertha

USDA documentation of American fruits and nuts by, 2024;XXXVI.3:1

Heinsohn, Peggy

on the Noisette farm, Charleston, SC, 1992;IX.1:5

Heinz, Teresa

National Garden Breaks Ground, 2001;XVII.1:8

Heirloom Bulbs for Today (Wiesinger and Colburn)

in print 2011, 2011;XXIV.1:10

Heirloom Flowers forum (email discussion group)

announcement of, 2000;XVI.2:14

Flora Ann Bynum and, 2002;XVII.4:14

The Heirloom Gardener: Traditional Plants & Skills for the Modern World (Forti)

in print, 2021;XXXIV.1:16

Heirloom Gardening in the South: Yesterday’s Plants for Today’s Gardens (Welch and Grant)

in print, 2011;XXIV.4:10

The Heirloom Garden: Selecting and Growing Over 300 Old-Fashioned Ornamentals (Gardner)

in print, 1992;VIII.4:15

heirloom plants. See also historic plants

Feeding the American South, RSGL conference, 2013;XXVI.2:10

gardens of Historic Columbia, SC and, 2022;XXXIV.3:1

Learning from the Past, RSGL conference, 2015;XXVIII.2:7, 2015;XXVIII.4:5

Seeds with Stories: Old Salem Gathers Family Heirlooms, 2015;XXVIII.4:1

Heirloom Vegetable Gardening (Weaver)

in print, 1997;XIII.3:11

Heller, J. Roderick

Carnton Plantation, TN and, 2015;XXVIII.1:1

Hemingbough (Audubon Lakes)

St. Francisville, LA annual meeting tours, 1990;VII.2:8

hemp (Cannabis sativa)

Kentucky production history, 2016;XXIX.4:1

Lexington annual meeting, 2017;XXX.2:6

Mount Vernon annual meeting, 2022;XXXIV.4:1

in the news, 2018;XXXI.3:14

Henderson, Al

Atlanta annual meeting, 2002;XVIII.1:12

Henderson, D L

Cherokee Garden Library’s collections representing African Americans and, 2021;XXXIV.2:1

Henderson, Edith

Craighead-Jackson House, Knoxville and, 2019;XXXII.4:1

Henderson, Peter

‘Cramoisi Superieur’ rose and, 1994;X.4:7

Daffodils in Georgia’s Landscape, 2008;XXI.4:1

on Monticello’s Caracalla Bean, 2018;XXXI.3:11

Henderson, William

as professional gardener in Virginia, 1997;XIII.3:1

Hendricks, Kathy

Cultural Landscape Lab at Stratford Hall, 2012;XXV.2:1

Hendry, Helen

Moonlight Garden at Edison & Ford Winter Estates, 2006;XX.4:13

Henkel Square, Round Top, TX

annual meeting tours, 1993;IX.2:14

Henlein, Paul

on flax production in Kentucky, 2016;XXIX.4:1

Hennessy, John

Dinosaurs in the Garden at Belmont, 2016;XXIX.1:9

Fredericksburg, VA annual meeting, 2005;XX.1:12

Henrey, Blanche

on Hill as anonymous author of gardening books, 1998;XIV.3:11

Henrietta Maria, Queen

orangery at Wimbledon of, 1996;XII.3:1

Henry, Cammie Garrett and John

Caroline Dormon in Louisiana and, 2004;XIX.2:1

Melrose Plantation, LA and, 2023;XXXV.2:8, 2023;XXXV.3:1

Natchitoches annual meeting and, 2022;XXXV.1:2

Henry, Lawrence

Fall Board meeting, 1994;XI.2:9, 1997;XIII.1:12

named Brookgreen Gardens president, 1994;XI.1:15

in the news, 1996;XII.2:11

SGHS Board and, 1996;XII.3:9, 1997;XIII.2:12

Spring Board meeting, 1994;X.4:6

Williamsburg annual meeting and, 1992;VIII.4:2, 1994;X.2:10, 1994;X.4:1

Henson, Elaine

Wilmington annual meeting and, 2024;XXXVI.2:6

Henson, Margaret

on de Zavala, 2004;XIX.3:1

Hepburn, David

Oatlands Greenhouse and, 2001;XVI.3:11

The Herbal (Gerarde, 1597)

American native plants in, 1994;XI.2:1

on daffodils, 1995;XI.3:12

The early garden at Chatwood, NC and, 1989;V.3:2

on Rosa muschata or ‘Musk Rose’, 1994;X.3:1

The Sage & Rosemary Tree, 2000;XVI.1:10

Herbarium: The Quest to Preserve & Classify the World’s Plants (Thiers)

review, 2021;XXXIV.1:11

Herbemont, Nicholas

gardens of Historic Columbia, SC and, 2022;XXXIV.3:1

Herbert, William

A Sultry Southern Heirloom, Japanese Macabre and, 2022;XXXV.1:1

herb gardens

Landscape “Mythtakes” in Historic Preservation (Favretti brochure), 1987;III.3:13

The Myth of the Colonial Herb Garden, 2005;XX.2:14

Herbmont, N.

Mrs. Balfour: An Antebellum Vicksburg Gardener, 2002;XVII.3:1

Herb Society of America

The wood sorrel(s) of Southern dooryard gardens and, 1994;X.3:5

heritage breeds

Feeding the American South, RSGL conference, 2013;XXVI.2:10

Heritage Gardens (Givhan)

in print, 1993;IX.3:14

Heritage Rose Foundation. See also International Heritage Rose Conference

Haltom on Natchez meeting of, 1993;X.1:13

invitation to join, 1987;III.3:9

Heritage Roses Group. See also International Heritage Rose Conference

Lynchburg’s Old City Cemetery roses, 2005;XX.1:1

quarterly newsletter subscription information, 1987;III.3:9

Heritage Rose Trail, Charleston, SC

International Heritage Rose Conference, Charleston, 2001;XVII.2:8

L’heritier de Brutelle, Charles Louis

Bartram’s botanical discoveries and, 2024;XXXVI.2:1

Herman, Bernard

National Trust meeting on landscape preservation speaker, 1990;VII.2:9

Hermann, Johann

International Heritage Rose Conference, Charleston, 2001;XVII.2:8

Hermann, Paul

The Sage & Rosemary Tree, 2000;XVI.1:10

Hermann-Grima House, New Orleans

A New Orleans Courtyard 1830-1860: The Hermann-Grima House (Manard), 1997;XIII.2:9

Turner’s “Faithful to the Text” on, 1988;IV.3:10

The Hermitage, Nashville, TN

after tornado destruction, 1998;XIV.2:6, 1998;XIV.2:9, 2007;XXI.3:6

annual meeting tour, 1987;IV.2:2, 1988;IV.3:1, 2015;XXVIII.2:1

Carnton Plantation TN compared with, 2015;XXVIII.1:1

The Hermitage Landscape: Before and after the 1998 Tornado (Coke, 1999), 1999;XV.2:13

Herrada, Mario

The Garden Club of Virginia’s Research Fellowship Program, 2015;XXVIII.2:10

Herring, Jack

on Captain Davis apple in Mississippi, 2024;XXXVI.3:1

Herrmann, Johann

on Rosa muschata or ‘Musk Rose’, 1994;X.3:1

Hertford, NC

Perquimans Weekly on SGHS, 1988;V.2:3

Herty Foundation

Coastal Georgia Botanical Gardens and Historic Bamboo Farm and, 2021;XXXIII.4:1

Hester, Shaun Spencer

Anne Spencer’s Garden Restoration Continues, 2018;XXXI.3:6

Lynchburg annual meeting speaker, 2013;XXVI.2:5

Hewitt, Mattie Edwards

as Shipman gardens photographer, 2021;XXXIV.2:11

Heyward, DuBose

on Charleston in Porgy, 1999;XIV.4:10

on South Carolina Gardens, 2015;XXVIII.3:1

Heyward, Elizabeth Middleton “Lily”

Duncan on Middleton Place, SC gardens and, 1994;XI.1:1

Heyward, Nathaniel

White Hall Plantation, SC and, 2015;XXVIII.4:12

Heywood Washington House, Charleston, SC

annual meeting tours, 1992;VIII.4:12

Garden Club of Charleston and, 1992;VIII.3:1

Hibbard, Shirley

Daffodils in Georgia’s Landscape, 2008;XXI.4:1


The Plant Reporter on Sunset Hibiscus, 2002;XVIII.1:15

Hickman, Janet and Bob

Lynchburg annual meeting tour, 2013;XXVI.2:5


Gloucester Hickory, 2003;XVIII.2:12

Hicks, Ann and David, garden

Jacksonville, FL annual meeting tours, 2018;XXXI.1:1

Hicks, Robert

Carnton Plantation, TN and, 2015;XXVIII.1:1

Charleston annual meeting tours, 2016;XXIX.2:1

Nashville annual meeting speaker, 2015;XXVIII.2:1

in remembrance, 2022;XXXIV.3:19

Summer Board meeting (virtual), 2020;XXXIII.1:18

Hidcote (English garden)

The Garden at Hidcote (Whitsey, review), 2007;XXI.2:15

Hidden Town, Old Salem, NC

Project description, 2019;XXXII.3:1

update on, 2021;XXXIII.3:16


A Sultry Southern Heirloom, Japanese Macabre and, 2022;XXXV.1:1

Higginbotham, Jay

Mobile annual meeting speaker, 1995;XI.4:1

High Cotton & Tall Columns

Athens, GA annual meeting, 2007;XXI.3:5, 2008;XXII.1:8

Highland Cemetery, Baton Rouge

annual meeting tours, 2010;XXIII.4:8, 2011;XXIV.3:5

Highland Spring, VA

Mount Vernon annual meeting tours, 2010;XXIII.3:6

Highview Nursery, Brenham, TX

Yates and, 1997;XIII.1:1

Hildebrand, Friedrich H. G.

Die Lebensverhaltnisse der Oxalisarten, 1994;X.3:5

Hill, Benjamin Harvey

The Woven Landscapes of LaGrange, Georgia, 2008;XXII.1:1

Hill, James Laurens

gardening with bulbs at Mountain Shoals, SC, 1838 to the present, 2011;XXIV.1:1

Hill, Jane Austin

Daffodils in Georgia’s Landscape, 2008;XXI.4:1

Hill, John (1714–1775)

anonymous gardening books reprinted and, 1998;XIV.3:11

Hill, Madalene

Charter Member, 2002;XVII.4:16

in the news, 2006;XX.3:11

Hill, May Brawley

On Foreign Soil: American Gardeners Abroad (in print), 2005;XX.2:13

Furnishing the Old-Fashioned Garden: Three Centuries of American Summerhouses, Dovecotes, Pergolas, Privies, Fences & Birdhouses (review), 1999;XIV.4:9

Grandmother’s Garden: The Old-Fashioned American Garden 1865-1915 (review), 1996;XII.2:9

Journal of the New England Garden History Society and, 2002;XVII.4:19

Lynchburg annual meeting speaker, 2013;XXVI.2:5

in the news, 1997;XIII.2:11, 2012;XXV.1:6

on women and Southern gardens, 1995;XII.1:1

Hill Plantation, GA

Daffodils in Georgia’s Landscape, 2008;XXI.4:1

Hills & Dales Estate, LaGrange, GA

Atlanta annual meeting tours, 2003;XVIII.3:4

boxwood blight surveyed at, 2023;XXXV.3:9

future annual meeting and, 2021;XXXIV.1:2

Reid’s design (review), 2004;XIX.4:11

The Woven Landscapes of LaGrange, Georgia, 2008;XXII.1:1

Hillsborough, NC

spring tour, 1997;XIII.1:8

Hillsborough Garden Club, NC

The early garden at Chatwood, NC and, 1989;V.3:2

Hillsborough Historical Society, Horticultural Committee of

The early garden at Chatwood, NC, 1989;V.3:2

‘Musk Rose’ search in N. Carolina and, 1994;X.3:1

Hillsborough School for Girls, NC

Musk Rose in America and, 2001;XVII.2:1

Hillside Garden Club, VA

Anne Spencer’s garden restoration and, 1994;X.3:9

Anne Spencer’s Garden Restoration Continues, 2018;XXXI.3:6

in the news, 2013;XXVI.1:11, 2014;XXVII.1:11

Second Anne Spencer Garden Restoration, 2010;XXIII.1:11

Hilltop Arboretum, Louisiana State University

Bartram Trail Dedication in Louisiana, 2015;XXVIII.2:10

Hillwood Museum, Washington, DC

annual meeting 2000 tours, 2021;XXXIII.3:1

Mount Vernon annual meeting tours, 2000;XV.4:10

Hinds, E. Clovis

Dionicio Rodriguez sculptures and, 1987;III.3:6

Hinesville, GA

LeConte-Woodmanston garden and, 1986;III.1:5

Hingston, Nicholas

as professional gardener in Virginia, 1997;XIII.3:1

Hippeastrum x johnsonii

Louis LeConte’s Bulb Garden, 1813-1838, 2014;XXVII.1:1


Biological Thought in Eighteenth-Century Agriculture, 2000;XVI.2:1

Hirschl & Adler Galleries

Celebrating Central Park, 1853-2003, 2003;XVIII.3:7

Historia Plantarurn (Ray)

taxonomy publication (1686–1704), 1994;XI.2:1

historical apples

L. Calhoun’s description of, 2024;XXXVI.3:1

The Historical Gardener: Plants and Garden Practices of the Past newsletter

publishing information, 1992;VIII.4:14

subscription information, 1993;X.1:11

Historic American Buildings Survey

Dinosaurs in the Garden at Belmont, 2016;XXIX.1:9

Historic American Landscapes Survey (HALS)

preserving Charleston’s landscape legacy, 2004;XIX.4:9

Progress on, 2004;XIX.3:15

Historic Annapolis, Inc.

Annapolis annual meeting and, 1985;I.2:1, 1985;II.2:4

historic preservation in Annapolis and, 1986;II.4:6

Queen Henrietta Maria’s Festival of Roses and Mayflowers, 1987;III.3:7

William Paca’s way of gardening, 1988;IV.4:3

Historic Bartram’s Garden, Philadelphia

Franklinia alatamaha census and, 1998;XIV.2:7

Historic Charleston Foundation (HCF)

home and garden tours by, 1992;VIII.3:1

preserving Charleston’s landscape legacy, 2004;XIX.4:9

Historic Columbia (SC)

mission and work of, 2022;XXXIV.3:1

Historic Gardens of Virginia (Sale, 1923)

Preserving 20th-century gardens and, 2007;XXI.2:1

Historic Garden Week, VA

Garden Club of Virginia and, 2004;XIX.4:1

John Lee Pratt’s Chatham Manor, 2017;XXX.3:8

Montpelier garden restoration and, 1990;VII.2:2

Preserving 20th-century gardens and, 2007;XXI.2:1

Rachel Lambert Mellon residences and, 2023;XXXV.3:12

Historic Iris Preservation Society (HIPS)

Eudora Welty House Garden Opens to Public, 2004;XIX.1:10

Eudora Welty’s Garden Reborn, 2001;XVI.4:13

member benefits, 1990;VII.1:3

Historic Landscape Directory: A Source Book of Agencies, Organizations, and Institutions Providing Information on Historic Landscape Preservation (Meier, ed.)

in print, 1992;VIII.3:11

historic landscapes

AABGA NetGuide update, 2004;XIX.2:11

AABGA Networking Guide to Resources, 2003;XVIII.4:9

Historic Landscapes Institute

Preserving Jefferson’s Landscape and Gardens, 1996;XII.4:9

Historic London Town, MD

Annapolis annual meeting tour, 2006;XX.4:15

Historic Oakland Foundation (HOF), Atlanta

Oakland rebirth after tornado and, 2010;XXIII.4:7

historic plants. See also heirloom plants

gardens of Historic Columbia, SC and, 2022;XXXIV.3:1

Source list for historic seeds and plants, 1989;V.4:1, 1989;V.4:9, 1990;VII.1:12, 1992;VIII.3:11, 1993;IX.4:15

The Thomas Jefferson Center for Historic Plants, 1987;IV.2:7

historic preservation. See also restoration, landscape

Adina Emilia de Zavala and, 2004;XIX.3:1

Historic Preservation (National Trust for Historic Preservation)

on historic preservation in Annapolis, 1986;II.4:6

on John Steele House landscape restoration, 1987;III.3:8

on Middleton Place, SC, history and garden restoration, 1986;II.4:6

Historic Preservation Division (Georgia Department of Community Affairs)

Cherokee Garden Library, Atlanta and, 2021;XXXIV.2:1

Historic Preservation Foundation of North Carolina

Duffy award to Chip Callaway (1988), 1989;V.3:4

Duffy award to Mac Newsom, 1990;VI.3:9

Duffy award to Nancy Goodwin, 1995;XI.3:11

first Duffy award to Flora Ann Bynum, 1987;IV.2:10, 1988;IV.3:13

Historic Salisbury Foundation, Inc.

The Architecture of Rowan County - A Catalogue and History of Surveying 18th, 19th and early 20th Century Structures (Hood), 2000;XVI.2:14

historic sites

balancing the images of the past with the needs of the present at, 1994;X.2:1

Historic Stagville, NC. See also Stagville Preservation Center, NC

Cultivating History, RSGL conference, 2001;XVI.4:11

Osage oranges at, 2024;XXXVI.2:11

RSGL conference legacy and, 2021;XXXIV.1:1

Historic Texas Landscapes

survey planned, 1998;XIV.2:5

Historic Virginia Gardens (Williams)

Musk Rose in America and, 2001;XVII.2:1

Tucker on, 1992;VIII.3:4

Historic Virginia Gardens: Preservation Work of the Garden Club of Virginia, 1975-2007 (Bemiss)

in print, 2009;XXII.3:8

review, 2010;XXIII.2:9

Historic Wilmington Foundation, NC

annual meeting and, 2024;XXXVI.2:6

The DeRosset Garden of Wilmington, NC, 1990;VI.3:5

History of Homes and Gardens of Tennessee

Preserving 20th-century gardens and, 2007;XXI.2:1

A History of Horticulture in America to 1860 (Hedrick)

in print, 1989;V.3:5

on roses in Natchez, 1993;X.1:13

Woodburn Robertson addendum to, 1991;VII.3:8

A History of the Catawba Soil and Water Conservation District (Hood)

publication (1992), 1994;XI.2:11

A History of Wine in America from the Beginnings to Prohibition (Pinney)

review, 1991;VII.3:10

Hitch, Lucy

Savannah annual meeting coordinator, 2011;XXIV.1:10, 2011;XXIV.2:8, 2013;XXVI.2:11, 2014;XXVII.1:9

Hitchcock, Susan L.

Annapolis annual meeting, 2007;XXI.2:8

annual business meeting, 2008;XXI.4:14, 2018;XXXI.1:5

Atlanta annual meeting (2003), 2021;XXXIV.2:1

book review, 2011;XXIV.2:9

Catherine Howett Receives Award of Merit, 2015;XXVIII.3:6

Cherokee Garden Library, Atlanta and, 2021;XXXIV.2:1

Cultivating History, RSGL conference, 2001;XVII.1:9

Fall Board meeting, 2012;XXV.4:11

Francis Higginson Cabot Jr. (1925-2011), 2012;XXV.1:7

James M. Garner (1950-2014),